Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 32: hostage? Broken arm? under

After a seemingly simple inquiry, there was no more talk about Cinica, sitting in his chair, carrying his own flower tea, looking at Ye Qi in a leisurely manner - for the prey in front of him, he was When I took over, I had already done a very detailed study. The strong knife and the variety of abilities, coupled with the discretion that is not consistent with age, can be said to be a very difficult prey.

However, anyone has shortcomings, and this difficult prey is no exception. The other person who follows the tradition of the demon hunter is really a good news for him; the kind of sluggish, rigid, family, The tradition of friend-first is really a rare weakness; as long as you grasp it well, you want to design a deadly game for the other party. It is really simple.

Moreover, his former 'assistant' gave him even more good news - his right arm was seriously injured in his prey, although it was treated in time, but it could not be completely in a short time. Healing; for this news, Cinica is simply overjoyed; he has studied the details of the other party, but he is very clear, how powerful the other's knife is, in the same level, basically invincible.

This is the fact that his colleagues exchanged for the price of life. Cinica naturally does not ignore it. Even, he can't wait for the injury of the other arm to be heavier, even if it takes a few more lives, it is completely acceptable. After all, such an 'assistant', in Cinica's opinion, is how much there is in the Inquisition.

However, in order to make sure that this is not the other side's suspicion, Cinica naturally made a careful observation, and in fact, if not his discretion. He was almost cheated by the other party; however, it was the other party’s desire to make him more sure that the other’s right arm was absolutely injured and more serious than he thought; otherwise, the other party did not It is possible to make a cover in this way.

The injury to the right arm of the opponent has been confirmed, but Cinica will not have any meaning for the other party because of this; after all, the arm injury is only limited by the knife, but the ability of the other party still exists - the talent of multiple abilities It is precisely because the other party is once again taken seriously by the various forces of Lorante; and such attention is enough to explain the power of the other party's ability; after all. When the opponent's knife has not yet revealed the edge. The other side has always been active among the demon hunters with various abilities.

Therefore, in order to add one more insurance to his plan, Cinica in accordance with the original plan, invites an important person to be the 'insurance chip' for the other party - of course, compared to the importance The female cavalry chief was the right candidate; however, the female cavalry commander was summoned back to the Central Castle after the end of the duty; for such an abnormal move. Cinica didn't have any surprises, but it was a little bit of joy. After all, only in this case can it be said that everything that happened before is true.

Moreover, they are not empty-handed. At the very least, they will return to another hand in the Ranger camp alone. Thanks to the news of the Dark Son, the weight of this chip cannot be compared with the female cavalry commander. . But it is also extremely important; at the very least, for the other party, this is a bargaining chip that can't be easily abandoned.

And after doing all this. He is ready to appreciate the performances on his own stage – he has spent a lot of hardships. If he doesn't appreciate it, how can he be prepared for this time?

Even if the original mission was originally intended, this is not the case -

When he first received the order of the adult, his task was only to determine the realm that the other party is now reaching; although for the order of the investigation issued by the grown-up, Cinica did not have any violations and did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. However, when looking at the contents of the task book. He still thinks that it is impossible - although the excellence of the other side is beyond doubt, but its level of excellence can never reach such an exaggerated point, above the sun? What kind of realm is that there is no clearer than him; after all, for the strong who really understands Lorante, that realm is the first place that is desirable; only when that realm is reached Really separated from the beginning of the mortal body.

Therefore, Cinica does not think that the other party can reach that realm at the age of twenty-five years old? I am afraid that it will only exist when the gods still stand in the clouds; after all, the Lorante at that time is not as barren as it is now; not only is there many races, but even God will drop the projection to travel the entire Lorraine. special!

In fact, as he guessed, the file was observed by the special test method of the adult; when the other party could not detect it, everything was more obvious - although the other party may already be guessing that someone was watching him. But after all, I can't find the existence of myself and my men. It is enough to show that the other party has not reached the top of the sun. After all, apart from the knife and multiple abilities, the other is famous for its keen perception. Now, even they even The existence of the inability cannot be distinguished, and the facts are naturally self-evident.

However, this does not prevent him from giving a rather impressive assessment of the other side - the peak of the day.

The other person who is aware of it, but unable to distinguish it, is enough to make it worthy of this evaluation. After such evaluation, Cinica is very glad that he has prepared a chip; otherwise, the final result will be It made him feel embarrassed - he did not have the confidence to face the peak of the day, even if the other side has a wound.

Of course, the situation is different now - the other party is not only injured, but also has a chip that makes it difficult for the other party to ignore. It can be said that everything is in his grasp; and if he likes his favorite words, That is to say, 'One person's achievement is not to see what he has done, but what he has done for the other party!'

Is there anything more interesting than playing an opponent who is more powerful than himself?

"Oh, right!"

As if thinking of it, the chief executive of the Inquisition, gently patted his forehead and said: "The Rangers who sent you a message will have some troubles. The message you are sending will be delayed for a long time. Time; however, please rest assured; to a certain extent, I am a lawful person; therefore, they are not in danger of life, at most some skin trauma, plus coma!"

"So, I want to remind you that if you want to delay the waiting for reinforcements, this plan will not work!" The chief executive of the Inquisition took a sip of the tea in the cup. Then, the action was elegantly picked up by the teapot, and the tea was again filled with tea.

"Think about it, I don't need much; just another arm of yours! Is it not a very cost-effective thing to exchange one arm for a life?" Saying this paradox, the Inquisition The chief executive, gently picked up the tulip on a round table, placed it under the tip of the nose, and sniffed it. "I know why I like tulips,"

"Because it is golden! White holiness, golden majesty, put together, isn't it just right?"

Asked the self-answering eagle hook nose man, put the tulip into the vase, and the detonator appeared again between the palms. He played straight between the fingers. He once again looked at Ye Qi and said with a smile. : "Hello of Shaker. How are you considering?"

The finger placed on the button of the detonator is full of threats; obviously, after Ye Qi’s long-term ‘silent thinking’. The chief executive of the Inquisition believes that it is time for him to arrange the play, and it is time to come to the end - of course, the high tide before the end of the game, he naturally will not let go; therefore, this The chief executive of the Inquisition, eyes staring at Ye Qi in front of him, did not want to let go of any painful expression on the other side of the face because of the choice.

but. Destined, he was disappointed -

"not so good!"

Ye Qi, sitting in the chair, replied in this way.

"What?! Are you ready to give up this lady?"

The eagle-hooked man made a subconscious exclamation, then pointed to Lancelot, who was under the blatant support of two black deacons, and heard such a counter-question, first violently struggling; obviously Refuted by his own preciousness to life instinct; however, the next moment, Lancelot completely calmed down.

Undoubtedly, for Lancelot, Ye Qi is an 'enemy' - although it is not as bad as the people of the Holy See, but the definition of the enemy will not change; the imagination of the place, if it is tied at the moment Ye Qi, the other party asked her to take an arm to change, what would she do? What's more, these wolves of the Holy See are obviously not satisfied by an arm. The sinister intentions are obviously from the beginning to seek life!

Under such empathy, Lancelot was relieved from the bottom of her heart—and therefore, she was surprised when she felt a warm liquid with **** smell on her face.

Two black spikes were drilled from the shadow of a black deacon next to her, and they passed straight through the chest without any discovery; and, two black spikes, not only two The black-handed deacon who held her was killed, and even the cockroaches that had locked her hands were broken into two pieces in one of the black spikes.

[Shadow of Shadow: After blending into the owner of the contract or the shadow around it, you can command it to release 1D10 shadow spikes with negative energy to attack the enemy; the more the number, the smaller the power of the shadow spike. 】

This is the talent of the shadow servant. As long as there is a shadow, the ability of the raid is horrifying; even if it is just the ordinary [shadow of the shadow], it does not carry out [shadow], deal with two black clothes. Deacons are enough.

This is blood...

Looking at the blood sprayed from the chest of the two black clothes, Lancelot immediately responded after a slight glimpse; now, he began to solve the bomb on his body - as a qualified tour Cavalry, not only does it require fairly systematic training on cold weapons, but the same is true for gunpowder weapons; especially after the T3 becomes the mainstream weapon, the faster rate of fire and the extremely low jam rate, except for daily maintenance. A little bit troublesome, it is almost loved by all the Rangers.

In the gunpowder weapon, a large-scale anti-weapon weapon such as a bomb or a mine is naturally familiar to the Ranger, and is even quite familiar; plus the bomb that was hung on the body before. Instinctively made a careful observation, this time Lancelot, naturally understand where to start.

Seeing the action of Lancelot, the man with the hook-and-hook nose is naturally impossible without any reaction. In fact, after the appearance of the two shadow thorns, the chief executive of the Inquisition has already acted. If you don’t want to, you don’t want to press the button on the detonator; however, the five “lightning balls” flashing with blazing light make the CEO of the Inquisition have to slow down –


Five 'lightning balls' shimmering with blazing white light. Although the speed of flight is not very fast. However, in such a face-to-face situation, it is absolutely not easy to dodge. In addition, there is a tiger that looks like a shark. He must do the dodge while leaving no gaps; otherwise, any gap will be caught by the other party. Give him a fatal blow.

In fact, just as the chief executive of the Inquisition judged, when he turned a whole flip and threw the chair under his arm to stop the magic missile, Ye Qi moved - blessing [cursive surgery] Ye Qi. The whole body was turned into a phantom, appearing in the air of the chief executive of the Inquisition, with a slight movement of the left arm. The detonator that was previously held tightly in the hands of the Inquisition’s chief executive has already appeared. In the hands of Ye Qi.

Although it is also the existence of the Japanese glory, but at this moment with temporary agility +8, the agile attribute has reached 30 degrees overall, comparable to the legendary Ye Qi, but it is not enough to see -


Get the moment of the detonator. Ye Qi made a shot that was like a shot in a football game. The right leg was backwards, and even the whole body showed a slight curvature. Like a long bow of power; then, the spine trembled fiercely; suddenly the right leg with a '啪' sound led to the crisp sound of the air, the right foot slammed in the inquisition of the Inquisition Face.

Although Ye Qi’s right foot is pumping the face of the chief executive of the Inquisition, but the huge impact, but with the other’s head and body, played like a football--the whole person was volleyed. Kicked off, and, before, the magic missile has its own tracking ability. It also made these five force fields missiles, and they abandoned the other side.


Almost at the moment when the opponent’s head was struck into the ground with the impact of the head, the five force-field missiles slammed into each other indiscriminately; the big part was buried in the soil. The body, a burst of shaking; then, after a while, the other party recovered to calm - but, obviously, the head's heavy blows have already made the other party lose consciousness; and, if, not Ye Qi deliberately converged part of the strength The other's skull has long been like a watermelon that has been run by a truck, and it has been torn apart.

The coma of the chief executive of the Inquisition does not mean the end of the battle. In the original Ye Qi’s [blind bucket perception], there are many obvious fluctuations with the Holy See hidden around; After the perceptual +8 blessing in [Corrosion], the range of [blind bucket perception] suddenly doubled, and the fineness is also doubled.

Please help me fight!

Ye Qi, who communicated with [Nature's Aid], under the precise positioning of [Blind Practicing], immediately, those plants that grew wildly found their own goals - in a burst of '咔吧,咔吧' In the general distortion of the bones, all the black deacons who were hidden around did not escape, and the plants were bundled into scorpions.

Of course, these black deacons are not without resistance; only the more they resist the seemingly harmless plants on weekdays, the more violent, even the grass that can be trampled on a weekday is also at this time. Existence like catching a beast - although it does not engulf flesh and blood, but these crazy growing grasses do not mind breaking off the entangled creatures.

And that's why the ‘咔吧,咔吧’ bones are distorted.

If only the arms or legs are entangled, will only be at most broken bones, but if the unlucky neck is entangled, it is absolutely fatal - in Ye Qi's [blind In the bucket perception, there are already a number of fluctuations that belong to the black deacon. Obviously, the other party is such a bad luck; and Ye Qi will not have any guilt, after all, this is a sin!

What's more, [Nature's Aid] is easier to use than before, but I want to make the plant accurate and understand the meaning of each sentence. Ye Qi still can't do it; even those who are 'Nature' in the camp of Rui

The children couldn’t do it either – it was the girl in the Druid camp who admitted it.

After giving thanks to the surrounding plants in the bottom of his heart, Ye Qi walked to the head of the Inquisition, whose half-body was still in the soil, and straightened his foot and stepped on the other’s spine—just in Ye Qi’s When the foot is still quite far from the spine, the former chief executive of the infamous innocence, like a quick leopard, jumped up and escaped the attack.

Ps first ~~~Timed~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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