Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 43: On the opening of the 'Sorcerer's Road'

"Finger? Hello! I am Jacob, this time to hunt the demon and take the team!"

Facing the coming Ye Qi, Jacob greeted the usual way of meeting the demon hunters, and in places where others could not notice, Jacob quietly gestured a gesture that only two people knew. - When he left Shaq before, Ye Qi had already communicated with Jacob about the way he recognized himself the next time he met; and told Jacob that he might use several identities, and that has The identity of 'Finger', and a detailed description of the appearance of 'Finger' to Jacob.

"His Lord Jacob, hello!"

After nodding his acknowledgment of his identity as "Finger", Ye Qi also quietly gestured to Jacob. Then, as a hunter, he talked to the leader and said hello to Jacob. Retired to the crowd of the demon hunter--although the two have a real personal relationship, and even have a special relationship, but at this moment Ye Qi is in the name of Finge; Finge and Jacob have no relationship, At most, it is only a relationship between the demon hunter and the leader who has temporarily joined the team.

Therefore, this slightly chilling way is the most appropriate expression; not only Jacob, including his good friend Dallan, but also the female disciple Rijks. Today, the devil does not cry, the only person who comes to the bar is Darlan. And the Rhines; as for, his other disciple sings, did not appear in the team of the demon slayer, nor did it appear in the team of the Northder family; apparently because of concerns about the family’s position and The relationship between the master and the apprentice finally chose to give up the opening of this 'Witches' Road.

For his own male disciple's practice, Ye Qi smiled a little at the bottom of his heart—although the real contact time was not long, but Ye Qi could guess the character and character of his man. A young man who is born in a family but has the true style of a demon hunter; for the glory of his family. Although I remember it in my heart, I have no attachment to that power.

Therefore, Ye Qi is sure that his male disciple must have been asked to be a hunter, but he was given a donkey by the master of the Northed family, and even said that he is not allowed to It has been banned from the estate of the Northstead family; even if his male disciple will certainly sneak, but he will never dare to throw the opening of the 'Witches' Road, but will hide back. His bar - for the father of the Northder family. His male disciple is quite afraid; this fear is not simply the fear of the top of the food chain. It is a kind of fear that contains awe; whether it is the practice of the year or the support of the Northder family, this father is worthy of his male disciples.

In the crowd of the Demon Hunter, Ye Qi passed the [blind bucket perception] and obviously felt the repressed excitement of his friend Dallan and the female disciple Rijks - but with his special instructions and himself After the suppression, this excitement did not appear on the face; although 'Finger' had a shallow relationship with the Juggernaut, but after he deliberately discussed with the president of the Chima, the relationship was not It’s public, it’s only spread among a small group of people.

Therefore, most of the demon hunters have not heard of the name Finger. Only the demon hunters who have been in the Qiangqu area will hear it a little bit; these demon hunters are still very good hunting hunters with the president of Qianguma, and this has only been heard; the rest is completely unheard of. However, for Finger himself, he still nodded with a smile and watched Finger return to his original position.

"Mr. Finger!"

Returning to the original position of Ye Qi, Xiao Doug and Kesol immediately led up; under the guidance of Ye Qi, the three men moved backwards again, and Ye Qi asked again this time: "Little Doug , Korsor, how come you will come to Langburg, and still here?"

"We want to join the demon hunter, although the Stoic is promised, but it has set a few tests for us; only after completing these tests. We are the real hunters!" Xiaodao heard Ye Qi After the question, he immediately asked: "The first one is to arrive in Xia Lin District within the prescribed time, to find the president of the Xia Lin District, Mr. Spedo; the second is to accept the test of the president of Spedo. !"

Speaking of this small Doug suddenly became proud: "However, the Stoic is really too small to see me; although I have no way in the Thousand Marsh area, but left the Thousand Marsh area, as long as there is Kimpton in his regulations It’s no problem to arrive in Xia Lin District in the time; just when we bought the supplies through Randy Fort, I heard someone in the bar talking about the things here. So, I showed my uncle to the uncle. The Devil's Code, after asking him, he will bring us!"

Xiao Doug said that he was pointing to the big man standing in the first row. When he saw the big man's back, Ye Qi didn't have to ask and knew the bar. It must be that his demon didn't cry. For Stodo agreed to two. Ye Qi is not surprised by the practice of young people joining the demon hunter. The president of the Qiangqu District hopes that anyone who has a future or potential will join the demon hunter; even For the president of the Thousand Marsh Division, the 'arrangement' of the two young people is also well known.

The so-called stipulated time to find the president of the Xia Lin division, Spedo, and accept the test of the other side, is undoubtedly a rhetoric - otherwise, with the discretion of the president of the mill, how can not find the small Doug 'Advantage'; if it is really a test, then it will definitely add the 'no money to use' section; to put it bluntly, Stowe is nothing more than sending two young people to their cousins ​​to accept better, More complete training for the demon hunter.

As for why two young people choose to become a hunter?

Ye Qi, who attended the funeral of that day, is naturally well-known - hate can definitely become synonymous with toughness at certain times; people with hatred, in order to revenge, he will carry out his own in a way that ordinary people can't imagine. Plan, and in this process, no matter what difficulties or pains you encounter. Will endure silently; for example, the person who chose to subvert the entire Holy See for revenge, and to mix in it.

However, although there is no lack of hatred in the demon hunters, they absolutely do not want others to bear hatred; because they know very well what the end result of hatred will be, and the revenge after the revenge is only a moment, more It is empty. The emptiness that is enough to swallow yourself - therefore. A lot of hate-hunting demon hunters, when they finally get a big hatred, are also the time when their self-life ends; this is the final ending of countless hatred-hunting hunters; therefore, knowing that there will be hidden dangers in life. The president of the Thousand Marsh Division will let the young people of Little Doug and Korsor go to the Xia Lin District instead of staying in the Qiangqu District.

Standing in the place where relatives and friends die every day, hatred will only take root and then thrive; only changing the environment and touching new things can make them forget – forgetting hatred, in some people's eyes, coward way of doing. But this is not the case among the older hunters; they prefer to bear the hatred themselves and bear the consequences of hatred, and are not willing to let their younger generations join them, especially like Doug and Korsor. This is especially true for young people with promising futures.

Their complete outlook on life is enough to make them not distorted by hatred and rational choice on the road of revenge; and their younger generations only need to grow constantly, arm themselves with more knowledge and skills; wait until they are completely down When. Appear as a successor, and take care of their younger generations like them - this is the most basic and traditional heritage between the demon hunters.

The president of the Qianguma Division, who does not have any sons and disciples, apparently chose this path - for this. Ye Qi’s heart was clear, except for the approval of the president of the Thousand Marsh Division, and the two young people who changed their original trajectories because of hatred; after all, in Ye Qi’s original idea, the trail Such a person with a sense of justice is more suitable to become an honest businessman, like a businesswoman, to help more people with his own ability; not like them. Become a demon hunter walking on the edge.

"Those things on that day, please mourn! But some things, for the time being, you are not allowed to participate, just give it to us!" The sigh in Ye Qi’s heart made him completely stand in the perspective of the elders. Said to the two young people; however, in this case, Xiao Doug and Kesol were stunned; the young man born in the Qianguma area looked at the middle-aged man who was not very familiar with him. Lord Ge, how do you say this, too, Uncle Stoic said..."

"Maybe, we are all hunting devils!"

After hearing the words of the young people in the Qianguma area, I immediately realized that I was too over-the-top, and immediately made up for it. Fortunately, the two young people did not have any resistance and suspicion to the acquaintance in front of them. Smooth and thorough.

"The hatred of friends and relatives, I will report it! Damn black dog!"

Kosor once again bowed his head, but his mouth was low and shouted - although the voice was not high, but for the presence of these people far beyond the realm of ordinary people, it is clear; now, standing The Holy See people on the side of the demon hunter came to the glare of the young people in the Qiangqu area. Even some of them looked at the clergymen from the Inquisition. They looked at the young people in the Qiangqu area and were full of gaze. A strong killing.

For the people of the Holy See, it is natural not to know how the outsiders call them, especially those in black. They have the responsibility of listening to the news and analyzing the clues. Therefore, the outside world is black. The name of the dog, the person of the Inquisition, is clear and clear - black, representing the heart of the black hand; the dog, representing the humble knees of the so-called 'God', giving up dignity.

Even in addition to the disrespect for the god, the whole word of the black dog is full of contempt for them. Therefore, anyone who is born in an inquisition will not be willing to hear the word; No matter who comes from the mouth.

However, in the face of this anger and killing eyes, the young man in the Qianguma District did not have the slightest concession. He held the hunting knife at his waist and widened his eyes to the cleric of the opposite church. They looked at it; and this practice undoubtedly made the people of the Holy See feel that their dignity was trampled on, and the majesty of God was provoked; immediately, there were several black robes in black robes who came out of the Holy See, sneer toward The young man in the Qiangqu area came.

"Hey, the people of the Holy See are getting more and more shameless. Even the children are bullying!"

After a taunting voice, after hearing the low drink of Korsor, he kept paying attention to the demon hunter of the movement of the Holy See, and immediately the hunters who were led by Ferribe and Brace were blocked. In front of a black deacon; in particular, Ferribe, who has no righteous demon in the weekdays, has put that talent to the limit - a Frisbee in a housekeeping suit, holding his head up and facing his nose A few black deacons. Deliberately shaking his head and shaking his head. Loudly said: "How good the forest, suddenly there are so few dogs! Or a few strange black dogs, really no taste of people will raise such a hybrid... Hey, Brace, how should the word be accurate? What about the statement?"


Knowing what his friends are going to say, Brace immediately looked at the black deacons in front of him and laughed at him - not mentioning the original hatred of the Holy See, just the actions of the Holy See before the Order. After staying in Blakes for nearly three years in the Thousand Marsh area, I would like to secretly find a few black clothes deacons to start. To solve the hate; after all, there are several young people who have a good relationship among the dead people; when they think about each other, when they send food to themselves, they are entangled in the story of their own story, but now they are always separated, Brace The anger can't be suppressed and wants to break out.


Brace, who was originally a normal figure, took a step forward in the shape of muscles and muscles and the shape of Ted.


In the sound of silence, this character is a bold hunter. After the hands of ‘嘎嘣,嘎嘣’ were pinched together, they lowered their heads and looked down at the black deacons in front of them; and Ferribe on the side. Immediately know the combination: "Yes, yes, it is a hybrid; if you bring a big variety, it is a dog hybrid!"

"Damn slut!"

In such cynicism, far beyond the sly voice, how can these black deacons endure; now they each took out the cross sword and rushed toward Ferribe and Bres; and the long-awaited Brace, After laughing a few times, he waved his fist and greeted him without retreating.

PS second more ~~~ Completing some of Ye Qi's carry-on items, etc. ~~~ Finished a little. Sorry for the first time~~~

Coins and items are roughly as follows:

Money: A thousand Kimpton or so, a number of banknotes.

Magic Crystal: High: 10; Medium: 60; Low: 30. (Two hundred Kimpton = one lower crystal; one hundred lower = higher; one higher = 40,000 Kimpton)

Car (car or locomotive): Renovating Impala67 (a car produced 220 years ago in the Freedom Year; although it has been more than 30 years old, the wide interior and large trunk and very leathery features are still subject to certain travel The love of the people; and Ye Qi's Impala67 was transformed after the chameleon hired several well-known mechanical reformers; not only the qualitative changes in defense, but also the internal endowed a considerable number of weapons; especially In the transformation of the engine, the fuel blended with gasoline and diesel fuel has made it far more sustainable than ordinary cars.)

Item: Book: Furyka's spell book - the eye of Mao Mo.

Samikina's drive (Sun Yat-Sen?

Firearms: Azure Blue Rose (from the original large revolver M500, modified by Colt; need special matching bullets to be able to exert maximum power.)

Cold Weapon: The Devil's Knife (The short knife given by the old John was broken and forged by the sacred tower tower, Blanc.)

Costume: A gold-trimmed apostle windbreaker, similar to the magical outfit of the apostle trench coat.

Jewelry: One silver jug ​​(given by Old John), a broken belt (given by a profiteer)

Holy device: 阎魔(knife, star photo), green leaf (ornament, star photo) pale blue star mark (right glove, moonlight), wind wing (leather boots, moonlight)

Special items: [high dimensional bag], [secondary bag] (storage war horn

Other items: Electromagnetic detector EMS (detects the location of the victim when the victim is killed, if the signal is strong, it is likely to have a ghost or detect strong negative energy.)

Holy Water (purchased from the profiteer Ward, it is rumored that Ward got some from the Holy See! Although the price is not very cheap, it is really effective for dark creatures.)

Spiritual powder (Draw a circle of spiritual circles, construct enchantment, can prevent the attack of ordinary evil spirits or virtual dark creatures! The main constituent materials are more than a hundred years of tomb...)

Special Crystal (Dust of Life): When you are slightly injured, if you hold it hard and put it on the wound, your wound will heal immediately; when you are seriously injured, you can swallow it directly and immediately stabilize the injury! Rest assured, this is definitely not the set of the Holy See that motivates the potential of life (Herther made use of his own ability)

Thank you for the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the starting price of the June snow IV200, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100, the reward of the starting currency of the x100, and the reward of the starting point of the 100-starting currency~~~ Thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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