Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 49: Near the end of the accident

Pointing at the tip of the little Doug's nose with a hint of trembling, it is enough to show the anger of Philsa at the moment, and as Philsa, of course, she also has her own reason for anger, not only the peer of the youngest peer. Sha, or this 'Witch Path' opened, the youngest wizard in the middle of the trial; has long been crowned with the title of 'genius', coupled with the study of supernatural animals and plants, but she has 'learning' The name, but she is such a woman, actually said to be a vase!

If you still don't remember the instructions of the instructor, at this moment, Filsa will definitely use a fire-breathing technique to let the guy on the opposite side wake up and reflect on how big the mistakes he made. Unfortunately, it is a pity. Such an idea can only be turned around in her mind; after all, except for her mentor’s instructions, the deterrent power of the Final Armistice Agreement is unquestionable, and the people who have questioned, whether they are wizards or One of the highest government, the Holy See, or the demon hunter paid an absolute price for it.

And Filza definitely didn't want to be the next one; but the anger in her heart made it difficult for her to wave her hand, so she used other, more sensible methods.

"Here is the 'Witches' Road," according to the "Final Armistice Agreement", it is not allowed to fight here, or it will be severely punished!" Felsa said that the small Doug said word by word, even to force the small Doug to agree It also gave a radical approach: "So, after leaving here, let's have a fair fight, how? See who is the vase at that time!"

After talking, seeing more and more sight around, Filsa couldn't help but look at the strength of the small Doug for the small Doug. Although she only has a rough assessment. But this rough assessment is enough for Filsa to confirm that she is not her opponent.

I must be in the duel. Hey, let you lose your face...

Such an idea rose in the mind of the youngest witch in the group, and quickly expanded to a considerable extent, even causing her to laugh involuntarily.

"If it is not a fair duel, you have already died many times!"

A low voice came from behind and interrupted the illusion of the youngest witch in the group. She seemed to be a frightened rabbit and jumped up. After a quick pre-rush, I turned around and saw the young Qiangzu people staring at her with a blank expression.

"you you……"

The young witches looked at the young Qianguma people who appeared behind them. They were all unfavorable when they spoke. However, unlike the anger that faced the small Doug, this time was entirely from After the bone marrow, is he afraid of when he came behind me? I just sat there still!

If, just now, he did not speak out, but instead used a dagger as an answer...

At the thought of this scene, the young witch was involuntarily chilled; not only the young witch. Her remaining three companions are also a shocked appearance, obviously. They also thought of the same thing. Although the wizard is not afraid of melee, this melee definitely does not include the dagger from the shadow; not to mention the wizard, even a strong warrior, the dagger from the shadow, It is also helpless; after all, this is no longer a matter of the way of warfare and strength, but has risen to another level.

‘A warrior who is not careful will be killed by children! ’

This sentence is not to talk about it. In history, those heroes who have suddenly retired are not lacking such examples.

well done!

In the quiet atmosphere, Ye Qi’s gaze to Korsor’s eyes could not help but admire the small Doug. Although the young witches were countered because of their family history, this does not mean that In the next fair fight that may occur, the small Doug can still be so lucky to launch a counterattack.

After all, for a small Doug that only accepts two or three months of fighting training, even if the small Doug is a gift, but wants to fight with a formal wizard, and to win the victory, in addition to the miracle, Ye Qi Still can't think of any other possibilities.

Obviously, Kosor also thought of the process. Otherwise, the young people in the Qiangqu area could not make such an "excessive thing" to the ancestral training of the people in the Qianguma area. There are two things to provoke 'and 'manage your own things'; the superiority of Exor, such an ancestral training will naturally not be forgotten.

However, in the face of difficulties that may arise from friends, it is undoubted that the young people in the Chima area are also following the traditional friends of the people in the Chima area. It is our support; anyone who gives up their support will eventually sink. In the mud of the Thousand Marsh area.

Apparently, the young people in the keen marsh area discovered the undisguised appreciation in Ye Qi’s eyes. After the slightest nod to Ye Qi, the young man in the Qiangqu area returned his eyes to the front four. The same young, even a little young wizard; and in the face of such a gaze, four young wizards, instinctive feelings as enemies.

The young man in the Thousand Marsh area was very clever, mixed with the power that suddenly appeared in the other side. His eyes swept over the four people and then returned. There was no stop in the middle. The young wizards caused the other party to stare at their own illusion, and cooperate with the murderousness caused by the hunting all the year round. It is the four young wizards who are nervous and feel that they are actually swept by the blade.

Even if I know that there is a "Final Armistice Agreement", the other party does not dare to really do it, but the inner tension can not be less, or even because of the existence of the premise that the other party does not dare to do it, these four young The wizard, involuntarily, wants to go to the assumption that 'if we don’t have it, we are already...' and the more we think, the more the four young wizards can’t face the full The hunters who grew up in the forest!

Sure enough, they are all young people!

Looking at the performance of the wizard and the young people in the Thousand Marsh area, Ye Qi shook his head and swayed four young wizards. Its strength naturally exceeds that of Korsor. Even adding a small Doug is not enough to see; however. The four people hesitated because they were not shocked by the ghosts of Korsor, and even their confidence was shaken. This is obviously a shortage of young experience. If you switch to a real wizard, this time is definitely a series of trials. Come out or just run away.

Compared with the four young wizards, Kosol’s performance is naturally good; however, there are still deficiencies, such as this has been deterring the other side, seemingly oppressive, in fact, far less than a touch Good collection. The other party is frightened, not familiar, habited, or even seen in the stalemate; and the reason why Korsor has been doing this is obviously to conceal his bluff; Ye Qi is naturally clear.

However, according to Ye Qi's own opinion, if you change a place at the moment and change to a more hot person, you can completely eliminate one or two of them. Let the rest of the people not fight and collapse, there is no need for such oppressive oppression.

Of course. This is just the view of Ye Qi, who has reached the legendary situation at the moment. If it is at the same age, Ye Qi does not think that he will do better than any of the young people in front of him.

"Vabang, Felsa..."

The shouts from the distance broke the stalemate atmosphere; Ye Qi felt keenly that the four young wizards and the young people in the Qiangqu area, and even the small Doug, couldn't help themselves.

"Master Weston!"

The four young wizards greeted the old wizards who came with them, and Ye Qi’s eyes were placed on the old wizard who had a relationship with his true identity. Although the other party is still a gray wizard’s robe today, But when he met him last time, he had to be more decent, and when he spoke, it was a bit more wise and wise.

"His Lord Finge, I hope these children have not caused you trouble!"

The old wizard smiled apologetically, and for the old wizard to directly call out his 'name', Ye Qi did not have any surprise when the four young wizards came here, including the demon hunter himself and the Holy See. People, including the highest government, began to whisper; the most frequently asked and answered questions were the names of him and two young people.

Although the old wizard in front of him seems to be retiring according to the highest government system, he enjoys the age of the last life of life, and such an old man will naturally be accompanied by geriatric or unconscious children, but as a wizard. It is said that such a thing does not exist at all, even if the old wizard is actually a lot more than the appearance of the face, even if it has been hundreds of years, as long as the old wizard did not have an accident. In that case, he will maintain his current state of mind.

Aside from the differences in the way swallowing and cultivation of various secret drugs, in the dark world, the group of wizards is the longest-lived wave of people, especially those who are strong in nature. This is only human. Words, if you count dark creatures, a bloodline with a slightly pure blood family is enough to make many master wizards feel ashamed, not to mention some of the more exotic souls that exist in the dark areas; if you can When you get there, it is not too difficult to find a soul that once lived in a wild age.

"There is nothing, just the contact between young people. We also came from that time, aren't we?"

Ye Qi shrugged at the old wizard in a way unique to ‘Finger’.

"Of course, that era is the time I often remember!" The old wizard smiled and nodded. Then, he looked at the young people of Little Doug and Korsor: "The most learned people are always the most Popular; people who can stand up for friends are worthy of respect!"

"This is a meeting for two young people with a promising future!"

Then he put a pair of glasses and a ring in front of the small Doug and Korsor and looked at the gift in front of him. Even Korsor felt the extraordinary, not to mention the path of the family. Ge Ge; however, the two did not receive, but turned their attention to Ye Qi.

Obviously, the two young people gave the decision to Ye Qi for the small Doug, saved his life, and taught him the fighting skills of Finger. It is the most important elder who goes out to father and mother. Ask Fergu at this time. Nature is understandable; but in the words of Korsor, although he does not have such a relationship with Finger, he is willing to make choices with his friends.

"This is Master Weston. For the meeting of the younger generation, accept it!" Ye Qi faced the eyes of two young people, and nodded slightly, then looked at the old wizard: "If Weston If the master doesn't mind, please explain to us the two young people the purpose of these magic items!"

Ye Qi, who has [blind bucket perception], naturally finds the essence of his magic props when the old wizard takes out these two things; and, for the reason why the old wizard did this, it is also a well-informed expression. It’s a joke, and it ends with a gift from one side; although it has been modified, it does not change the nature of the face-lifting face; at most, the old wizard is more sophisticated.

Ye Qi believes that if he is alone, the old wizard will not care about this. The character that the other party showed when he met last time is enough to prove. The other party is not a person who cares too much about the face; as for the magical props, I am afraid that it will happen; after all, with the strength of the other party, and the unintentional disclosure in the last speech, the other party must have considerable in the wizard's castle. Identity, therefore, giving two magical items that are not too high-order, giving two younger generations, obviously for the other party

"This is a pair of glasses that can adjust the length of the line of sight. Although there is no other function, at least you can avoid the telescope and the magnifying glass!" The old wizard put the pair of magic glasses in the hands of the small Doug. And pick up the ring and continue to say: "This ring can erase the sound, of course, only a small range; if you wear it on your finger, it will almost erase your footsteps!"

"Thank you, Master Weston!"

After the young man in the Thousand Marsh area took over the ring, Xiao Dao immediately pulled his friend and thanked the old wizard in front of him.

"This is a reward for a good boy who is obedient!" The old wizard blinked and smiled, then pointed to the four young wizards behind him: "Of course, for bad boys, I hope you can bring them. Become a good boy and be friends!"

Faced with this request, Xiao Doug and Kesol looked at each other and hesitated a little. Although, for a simple young person, the last second was unfriendly and became the next second of friendliness. Not very difficult things; but there are some embarrassing things that belong to young people.

"I think they will return! But this will take time! And we will have enough time next time!" Ye Qi looked at the two young people, immediately said to the old wizard, and the latter Nodded and smiled: "That is of course!"

The young wizards came to Lorante through the 'Witches' Way, and there is no such time limit. As long as they don’t leave, no one will force them to leave; however, most young wizards will choose to After visiting the Rand, returning to the Wizarding Fort in Hailin, the process must be long-lasting, especially for the wizards who used to walk and wagon, it is not unusual to spend three to five years; and this is the kind of horse. If you want to really follow the footsteps of Lorante, at least for ten years, you must have enough luck.

After all, the Hailin District, where the wizards live, the unexplored areas in the Qiangyu District and the Huangsha District are definitely not open to every 'Witch Path' that has the guts to pass, and some of the wizards will disappear in these two. In some places, even the last traces will become the targets discovered by future generations, while others simply have no bones.

After the old wizard came forward, the conversation with the young people was over. Looking at the few people who had returned to the wizarding side, Ye Qi took back his eyes and looked at the two young people who were playing with the first magical props in their lives. Not only gently patted the palm of his hand, attracting the attention of two young people

"Lord Finger, is there anything?"

Xiao Doge and Kesol both retracted their eyes on the magic props and looked at Ye Qi with a slight embarrassment.

"When I got the magic item for the first time, it was the same as you!"

Ye Qi put his hands on to dispel the dissatisfaction of the two young people, then he said: "How, do you want to learn some extra practical skills?"

Although not his own disciple, the appreciation of the two young people is enough to make Ye Qi point to the other side when he is free.


Xiao Doug immediately nodded without hesitation; but Kosor was slightly hesitant. Apparently, in this young man of the Thousand Marsh area, 'Finger' is undoubtedly a respectable person, but this respect is established. In terms of morality, not strength; however, under the pull of the small Doug, the young people in this marsh area nodded.

But when the two young people just finished the end, in the distance, the area where the Holy See was inspected, the white light suddenly lit up.

Ps second more ~~~ Today is sunny...but it’s hot...

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, and the reward of the starting point of the 100-starting currency. ~~~~ I am sorry to thank all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~~

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