Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 51: Near the end of the accident

"Do you want to win the heart?"

Hearing the question of Xiao Doug, Ye Qi explained with a discourse that the other party can understand and understand at this time: "It is an extremely evil existence, compared with the dark humanoid creatures of their neighbors. It must be brutal; at the very least, the latter will fight for murder and will enslave others; but it will never **** the human brain!"

"Sucking the human brain?"

Not only is the small Doug, but even Solsol is surprised.

"It's not the whole thing to suck, but to seek a certain part of the brain... Hey, the heart-wrenching devouring the brain, more for the consciousness in the gray matter than the nutrients needed!" Ye Qi looked at some confused two Young people, immediately speaking in a simpler language: "For the devil, the supernatural power of the spiritual essence is far more nutritious than the edible creatures; they use the most active part of the brain to release the spiritual essence. In order to promote their metabolism! It is like eating tofu, then after sucking, chewing, entering your stomach bag, and then, entering the intestines!"

"Hey, I think I definitely don't want to go back and touch something like tofu in the next few months!"

In the face of such a metaphor, Xiao Doug immediately had some nausea protests.

"This is a must-have for the demon hunter! Even if you are in a hundred-year-old grave, you can still sleep well with the deceased; otherwise, the spirit of not enough will make you unable to cope with the dangers that may arise at any time. "Looking at the slightly pale face of Xiao Daoge, Ye Qi used the words that his teacher once said to him, and comforted toward the other side. Of course, the example at the time was not the devil, which was basically extinct in Lorante. It can only be found in the dark areas. And want to understand these dark creatures. Only through the secret libraries of some powerful forces can we find the corresponding materials.

"The demon hunter is a career full of dangers, not a simple work in your eyes to pay for work," said Ye Qiyi, the 'sorcerer who was covered by countless bullets and flames. ', said: "It is like this devil in front of you; although a healthy enchantment only needs one brain per month to meet the nutritional needs; but, as a hunter, you can't pray that it just After eating, after all, in order to be able to replenish the consumed supplies in time, the Devil will sometimes eat a lot of brains in a month! Moreover, in the state of full food, they do not mind to order desserts or change flavors. some type of!"

In the words of Ye Qi, the little Doug and Korsor, who are stunned, are obviously two young people. The cognition of the demon hunter does not reach the situation that Ye Qi said; for two young people. In fact, it is the original purpose to become a demon hunter, to undergo training, and then to revenge the capital of the Holy See.

And obviously. Ye Qi saw the thoughts of two young people at a glance. He jumped off the rock and looked at the two dumb young people. He said with a serious look: "There will be rewards for paying; and the corresponding devil's famous saying in this sentence is, there is a title, inevitably If you want to be a hunter, then the darkness will follow you, and the creatures that are legendary to ordinary people will become your opponents, prey, or Companion; and with this is endless danger, the existence of the bones is the most authentic portrayal for the demon hunter! After all..."

After glanced at the two young people who had returned to God, Ye Qi continued: "Most of those dark creatures are good appetites!"

"I feel that I will even reject the meat!" After hearing the last sentence, the little Doug, who had returned to God, immediately smiled. He jumped off the rock and rubbed his nose. He looked at Ye Qi and asked: "But I think that compared to an antique collector, I am more suitable to be a hunter! Although the antique collector is the father’s expectation of me, but I..."

Speaking of this small Doug, suddenly took a deep breath and yelled

"But I still want to be a demon hunter; after all, this is the only dream I have ever made since I became a master!"

Dream, the devil? !

Ye Qi looked at the young man who had swollen his face and neck in front of him because of his loud voice. Then, his heart sighed silently. The dream of young people was always so fierce, unpredictable, they sought Stimulating and thrilling, ignoring the preciousness of life; this way the demon hunters are definitely suitable for them; but after experiencing the real life and death, do you know if you can still speak out like the present?

"I hope you can remember today's dream!"

Ye Qi looked at the little Doug with a smile, and then turned his eyes to the young man in the Qiangqu District.

"If you want to get the necessary expenses and get the skills, you must complete the corresponding tasks!"

Compared with his good friends, the young man in the Qianguma District said that it is much simpler; and such an answer makes Ye Qi secretly shake his head, although it seems to be the other party’s words, there is nothing wrong with it, but the kind is still employed and The relationship of being hired looks at the life of the demon hunter. I am afraid it will be troublesome. It is even more so far than the so-called 'dream' of Xiao Doug. After all, the starting point of the two people is the same, but they must be pursued in different ways. Embarked on a path that was destined to be rough.

Stofei, you really found two troubles for your cousin!

I hope that Spedo will still be comfortable in the days to come!

Ye Qi took such a sigh and removed the thoughts of his heart and put his eyes on the two young people again.

"Since I have the idea of ​​becoming a demon hunter, then I will temporarily replace your future teachers and teach you how to face such a monster as a demon hunter!"

"What is the weakness of this monster?"

Xiaodao can't wait to ask, and Kesol is quietly waiting for Ye Qi's answer. Obviously, the two young people prefer this topic at the moment compared to the previous topic.

"Before you understand each other's weaknesses, you must understand what the other's strengths are! After all, no matter what the situation is, it must be smooth sailing. You must have the preparation to avoid the most critical moments before you can counterattack with each other's weaknesses. "With a normal view of the demon hunter, Ye Qi slowly said; then, once again put his gaze into the battle that is about to come to an end, continue to say

"The devil is a hermaphrodite monster. They monosexually produce eggs and then hatch into creatures that resemble cockroaches. In these two periods, the sorcerer has no threat to the outside world. A child also has It is easy to change the heart-breaking demon of this period; and after this period of degeneration and adulthood, it is the moment when the devil shows his own face!"

"In the period of transmutation, the adult demon will put a fully developed scorpion-like demon into the ears of a helpless humanoid; and when this process begins, it is regarded as the existence of the host, It’s already finished; these armored demons will quickly eat their gray matter in a few minutes and replace it with their filthy body tissue. Under its influence, the scorpion will not be eaten with the victim’s lower brain. Dry integration, obliterate all the residual personality and soul. When these things completely disappear from it, the enchanting konjac will use it as their own body, until the completion and creation of a process of adulthood!"

"This process will last for a week or so. After that, the demon will enter adulthood and have powerful spiritual abilities; not just the wide-ranging shocks. They can also control each other's thoughts. You are completely helpless; and because of the deliberate physical condition, they are extremely resistant to all kinds of energy damage; however, the devil is a warm-blooded creature that will be extremely hot, extremely cold and other. Harsh environment!"

"Of course, many of the devils can use mental power to reduce or completely avoid the effects of such uncomfortable or fatal harsh environments; however, this requires considerable consumption; and the way of replenishing the devil is only the consumption of people. Biological brains; once there is no suitable 'food', they will quickly fall into debilitation and even death after consumption!"

"It's like the enchanting demon in the face of metamorphosis to adulthood. After using the mind to explode, it began to instinctively search for the target to prey and restore its own consumption. However, the adult devil has Quite high, not weaker than human wisdom; when fighting with them, it is best to distinguish what is really weak, what is the trap that it is exposed to you!"

"I think that in the face of such a monster, don't talk to it, kill it directly!"

After the small road Ge Mo thought about it, he gave such a conclusion, and the young people in the Qianmuma District agreed to nod. Ye Qi shrugged and did not express his opinion; and in the bottom of his heart, Ye Qi is also very much agree with the practice of two young people, the best enemy, naturally the enemy of death.

“Can you take care of these two young people for me?”

Ye Qi took a care of the people of the Northed family who were still in the earthquake. They smiled and asked the people of the Northder family. In this sudden battle, they played the role of 'porter'; When the heart-wrenching spirits were shocked, it was not only the six disciplinary knights who were shocked, but there were still many people in the hammer-shaped range of nearly 30 feet behind them.

It is precisely because of the approximate scope of this soul shock that Ye Qi can be sure that this devil is only a period from metamorphosis to adulthood; after all, the adult devil can not hide his octopus-like head. And the psychic explosion that it exerts will become within the cone of 60 feet, and there will be no limit on the number of times and time. As long as the consumption keeps up, it will basically exist.

'You never know, when you face a demon with a group of slaves, it will be a terrible scene; you can only watch it and then shock you, then touch the tentacles deep into your In the skull, I feel the pain of brains being sucked! ’

This is when Ye Qi once read the book about the introduction of "The Dark Area. The strange creature", the author of the book added a note, although I don't know whether the author really understands the feeling, but the other person's description is Very in place; let Ye Qi have to doubt whether the other side really went deep into the dark area, this place outside of Lorante; even though the passage of the legendary dark area has long been blocked.

However, the devil who appeared today said that the so-called 'blocked'. Of course, there are quite a lot of water or loopholes. This is just a guess. And even if there is such a channel, Ye Qi will not go because of curiosity; after all, the examples in the "Dark Areas. Peculiar Creatures" have already shown that for the humans of Lloret, A complete forbidden place, where any creature there has only two concepts for the humans of Lloret: food, and food reserves.

"Mr. Of course no problem!"

The care of the Northder family is a man of about thirty years old, similar to the dress of his head, Regus, with a long sword and a revolver placed in the holster at the waist; After Ye Qi’s request, he immediately agreed to settle down on this occasion. Every Northder family was obviously warned by his patriarch, how to get along with any party; otherwise, the Nosted family usually A kind of faint arrogance, even if you will agree that Ye Qi’s 'Finge' dress at this moment is an ordinary demon hunter, it will not be so polite.

"Lord Finger..."

"Don't ask to follow! I will be honestly beside this gentleman, otherwise. I will contact you in advance with Mr. Stoic!" Ye Qi interrupted and said that after Xiao Dao said it; I saw the little Doug and Kosor nodded together. This smiled and touched the heads of two people and said: "After all, I just went to watch the war, it is difficult to take care of you!"

"Stay here, wait for me to come back!"

After another encounter, Ye Qi went straight to the end of the battle that had already come to an end, and the battle that was about to end was gone. For the strange evil creatures that beat the heart, Ye Qi naturally had a certain curiosity; if it was to let him go deeper If you study in the dark area, Ye Qi, who has no potential for scholars, certainly will not spend that time, but if he just observes by the way, Ye Qi is still very happy.

Oh, very violent fluctuations, the scope of influence far exceeds that of ordinary people, basically reaching the level of the moonlight level...

After reaching the effective range of [blind bucket perception], Ye Qi perceives a very strange set of fluctuations, far more intense than the same level of human beings, and associates with the other party's own racial and spiritual abilities. After that, Ye Qi couldn't help but secretly nod and only have the same volatility in the same class as human beings, so that he could produce such spiritual abilities. However, according to the moment, this is also the extent of the demon-minded demon from the metamorphosis to the maturity. Ye Qi can be sure that once this enchantment has completely entered the maturity stage, it will naturally enter the Japanese glory.

And as the years go by, it may not be necessary to enter the legendary world of the devil; Ye Qi is so speculative.

After all, according to the depiction of the "Dark Area. Peculiar Creatures", the Devil enters the adult stage, and it can live for 115 to 135 years in any environment; and during this time its spiritual strength will continue to grow; of course, During this period, you must plan to conquer all other races, gather countless slaves, and swallow their brains.

Huh? !

Just when Ye Qi secretly guessed, the fluctuations that suddenly belonged to the demon spirit began a drastic change, more and more fierce and violent. Such fluctuations made Ye Qi secretly surprised when he moved a little. Through the flames of that layer, you can see what kind of change has happened to this enchanted demon.

Damn surface slaves!

I failed, I failed...

However, just after Ye Qicai moved a few steps, a message appeared in his mind!

Is this transmitting information?

still is……


At the time of Ye Qi’s guess, the enchanted demon trapped in the magical technique once again released the mind to the Holy See; although it had the occlusion of the magical blessing shield, the penetrating power of the soul burst Obviously very strange; [Blessing Shield] still exists, but the two main sacrifices and the bishop Vallejo, who controls the [Evil Judgment], are affected by it; the two main sacrifices can not even be connected to the gods [Blessing Shield] Maintained, while the bishop Vallejo was a lot stronger, but in the moment when the [Blessing Shield] disappeared, it was affected by the sudden increase in the soul.

The sacred glory of the [Evil Trial] converges slightly, even if it is restored to normal under the auspices of Vallejo in the next moment, but it is enough for the devil to do something.


The head of the parasitic wizard broke up at this moment, like a rotten watermelon crushed by a truck, and at this moment a red blood is like a half cut body The octopus-like creature flies out of it and ejects straight in the direction of Ye Qi.

Undoubtedly, this looks like a purple octopus-like creature, the one that is in the middle of the metamorphosis and maturity.


After flying to the effective distance, this semi-mature sorcerer once again sent out a mental shock, so that most of the people who were chasing Ye Qi's side to prepare for the siege, entered the earthquake.

"Be careful!"

Looking at the semi-mature heart-wrenching way, he gave up other people, but rushed to Ye Qi, the far-informed, worried big man, Ronkes and Jacob shouted loudly, while others The demon hunter is also instinctively reminding the existence of the same camp as himself.

Ps second more ~~~ 颓 满 满 打 求 求 求 ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks for the reward of the June 4th starting price of June 4th, the starting point of the 200nd starting bag of the sea, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the starting point of the 100-starting currency~~~ decadent thanks to all the support for decadence Brothers and sisters~~~

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