Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 53: Hi, curious, stranger

In the next inspection, whether it is the demon hunter, the Holy See, or even the highest government who has always been the finishing touch, the subconsciously severely scored a few points, and the sorcerer also met with the appearance of the demon. It is enough to make several people more vigilant; although méu deliberately listened to the explanation of the old wizard to the demon hunter, the Holy See and the supreme government, but from the situation that the wizards were asked by the old wizard, this time The appearance of the devil will not be ended because of its death.

However, in the rigorous inspection, there is also a finished u. When the sun ng falls completely, the opening of the entire 'Witch Path' is one and a half hours later than expected, and it is finally over; sent by the Northder family. Before the arrival of the team, the slayers who completed the inspection, greeted the "Finger" played by Ye Qi, of course, not because of the sudden increase in the charm of 'Finger', although according to the aesthetics of women, ' The appearance of Finger's has quite a charm, but what really attracts these wizards is that he has the fastest update of the novel's brain and eyes in the "Dimensional Bag".

However, for these materials ng have their own use of Ye Qi, of course, not kěnéng in dealing with these wizards, with the smile of euphemism, these wizards have been disappointed to leave, but despite the disappointment, these wizards still maintain Demeanor; moreover, they have another goal.

Undoubtedly, in their eyes, compared with 'Finger', the hunting demon named Herman, a weak and weak, is obviously better to deal with. However, this weak hunting demon obviously has The plan; after selling some of the scars of the devil. For the four tentacles that the wizards value. It is placed in the way of things and things; and this 'thing' is not an ordinary item. It is a solitary book or a magic book that is popular among méu on the market.

For this exchange proposal, the wizards are undoubtedly hesitant; ng, for the wizards who pursue knowledge, they are also very cherished for any books, not to mention those magic books, magic books, not every A wizard diary is called a magic book. Only the diary left by a famous wizard in history or a book named after a mythical character is called a magic book; for example: the wizard's diary of the wizarding emperor in Ye Qi [Dimensional Bag] And the "Eye of Mao Mo" that was unexpectedly obtained at the beginning, only the existence of this level, only néu called the magic book.

Therefore, after a little discussion, these wizards have retreated; and Ye Qi can see that the weak demon hunter and méu feel guilty, and the sorcerer M密shàng is about to open. Two weeks of **** is enough to make him change to what he wants; not to mention. His original purpose was to exchange a certain amount of Kimpton at the expense of this, in exchange for the permission to read certain books; therefore. Whether it is the last addition to his acquaintance in exchange for the desired books, magic books, or just the equivalent of Kimpton, for this weak hunter, it is ok.

As for where he went to exchange for access to certain books?

From the point of view of the other néu people who have collected the specimens of the demon corpse, the other party must have corresponding channels; however, the price paid is definitely the price that makes people scream; 'knowledge is priceless', although this sentence often Being hung on the mouth, but the real experience is undoubtedly more memorable. Just like the diary of the wizard emperor in his [Dimensional Bag], if Ye Qi came out, I am afraid that all the wizards are willing to come up with all the property. And in the dark ages, it is enough to exchange for a hereditary aristocratic title, taking the territory of a whole city.

"Finger, are we néu going together?"

After the weak demon hunters got rid of the entanglements of the wizards, they walked straight to Ye Qi and the two young people.

"Of course, we are just three people! A car is enough to sit down all of us!"

Ye Qi nodded, then gestured to the other side to sit down and re-elected the bonfire in front of him. Under the illumination of the orange-red fire, the weak-faced hunter’s face finally showed a **** Nosted family. The team ng is on the road; however, it still needs to be raped to arrive at néu; and, because the sorcerers are the guests, they will naturally not be the first to be picked up; therefore, the hunters are mostly sitting on the ground. Pointing up a pile of bonfires; although the climate in the Bay Area is not too cold, but the temperature at night is not high, coupled with the ability to dispel the darkness, the appearance of the bonfire is a natural chapter.

People, or natural, like the light.

"this is?"

Just sitting down, Ye Qi saw a purse handed over by the other party, and raised his head without any surprise. Although méu had been staring at the other party before, Ye Qi could estimate that this was almost the entire income of the other party.

"The value of the material on the body of the demon is far beyond my imagination! Just the four tentacles can be changed to everything I want!" With a subtle smile, the weak demon hunter will The money bag was placed in front of Ye Qi, gently pushed the glasses, and continued: "néu in such an accident, I got the goal that I had to accumulate for one to two years to complete, for me ng is Fortunate enough; if you are greedy, I feel that good luck will leave me!"

“Yes, your introspection brings you another fortune!”

Ye Qi smiled and nodded, and threw the purse back. By weight alone, this bag of Kimpton ng reached a hundred, almost the number of Kimpton, one tenth of his body; however, For Ye Qi, it is far from the appreciation of a person. The identity of the important apostle is unquestionable, but he is dressed in a safari, and the rucksack of weapons and sundries on his body is clean, although it looks clean. It is also difficult to hide the fact that the style is very old; obviously, the other party is not rich, not only méu enough money to exchange for an apostle windbreaker, but even the equipment that is carried is also in the maintenance of the kěnéng.

This phenomenon is common among hunters, but even if it is poor. An apostle trench coat is also needed; ng. The awesome windbreaker has excellent defense. It is still a very good choice for the demon hunter who is qualified to wear; but now the other party has chosen hunting, and in this case, the other party has néu nearly 100 Kimpton handed to Ye Qi without hesitation. Sufficient to explain some problems.

At the very least, this is not an insatiable person, and very familiar with the Entu newspaper, and two people, as a friend. Obviously it is very good.

"Don't look at me like this. I used to have a farm on the outskirts of Dude. Although ng was sold by me, the money I got was enough for me to live happily!" Yaki was named "Finger" Having a good faith lie, according to the information given by the chameleon, the 'Finger' sale of the farm's money is very objective, but most of the money left to the 'ex-wife' and the farm's employees, he just left a small part However, this is obviously not the weaker demon person nédào in front of him.

Looking at some hesitant confrontation, Ye Qi continued to say: "And I am also very interested in books such as orphans. I have spent some of it on it; so, these are my investments! You saw me an interesting anecdote. Tell me completely!"

"Finger, are you interested in strange things?"

When I heard Ye Qi said something of interest, the weak demon hunter immediately brightened his eyes; however, this time, Méu and other Ye Qi replied, sitting on the side of the small Doug ng opened the words: "Of course, Lord Finge is I told the so-called devotee before, telling us in great detail!"

Speaking, but also worried that it is not enough to gain the trust of the other party, Xiao Doug will tell Ye Qi about the narrative of the devil again; and the weaker demon hunter who sits there listening silently is more excited. After the small Doug was completely finished, the weak hunter ng couldn’t wait to ask Ye Qi: "Finger, are you looking at me?"

""Dark Area. Peculiar Creatures", a book that introduces all kinds of strange creatures in the dark area, supplemented by geographical features!" Ye Qi méu replied concealedly.

“Is the author of this book a pseudonym of tk.y as a pen name?”

The tone of the Weak Hunter is a bit eager.

"I méu remember the wrong words, it should be! How, you and the author?"

After Ye Qi's slight meditation thought about it, he nodded; then he looked at some excited deal and couldn't help but ask.

"He was my great-grandfather, a very famous adventurer at the time; however, when he later explored the end of the dead desert, he disappeared! Although my great-grandfather was very famous, he relied on borrowing every time he ventured. Fortunately, every time he néu brought back enough spoils in exchange for Kimpton, paying off the loan and maintaining the family! But..."

Speaking of this, the weak hunter can't help but smile: "With the disappearance of my great-grandfather, those borrowings had to be used. At that time, the property in Dude was used as a mortgage to repay the loan; and my grandfather repaid the loan. I took over my great-grandfather’s career, then my father, then me! However, compared with my great-grandfather, my grandfather and father were unsuccessful; I lived in winter now. The forest area can be seen from néu!"

Compared with Dude in Xialin District, Donglin District is undoubtedly synonymous with backcountry. Even the winter castle in the winter forest area is a synonym for the suburbs in Xialin District. The price of the property is naturally It’s a hundred times more exaggerated, but dozens of times it’s a méu problem.

Ye Qi from méu thinks that the slightly narcissistic author of the "Dark Area. Peculiar Creatures" that he has seen is actually the great-grandfather of the weak-hunted demon in front of him. Therefore, the other person tells u, a pair Very surprised; while looking at Ye Qi’s astonished appearance, the wicked demon hunter shrugged: “The glory of my great-grandfather was what we always wanted to retrieve, but unfortunately, except for some deeds, we actually There is no way; especially those who have great-grandfather's 'relics', I méu think of such a valuable value; if my grandfather learns that his father's book can be worth so much, I am afraid it will not be used as a debt-offer!"

"Businessmen's blackmail is always unpredictable. They always buy at low prices and sell at high prices. Whether or not they use more mean and shameless means!" Xiao Doug once again interjected. The face is deep and shameless. Born in the upper class of the upper class in Xia Lin District. The reason why he is not willing to attend those banquets is his own reason.

The words of the little Doug are naturally deeply touched by the weak demon hunter; he said loudly: "Yes! So, I swear I want to build a library of singular things, including the whole of Lorante and Luo. A variety of exotic things outside of Rand, and free to anyone who wants to know the knowledge!"

"This is a very huge project!"

Ye Qi appreciates such an idea and uses the action generated by this idea, but the difficulty. He is also very at least the most hu, Ye Qi fans ngbái with the collection of the Tower of Wisdom, for the real anecdotes are also missing a considerable part, and only these collections are enough to have thousands of volumes, plus Some reel books made in an ancient way, the number of nàme must be at least five hundred.

There is no need to discuss the complexity of collecting g. Just the Kimpton needed is not necessary to refill the wizard tower that he has been hiding in the Thousand Marsh area.

"I was fascinated by ngbái, so I need to work harder!" Nodded the weak hunter. In this u, he showed masculinity that was extremely inconsistent with his appearance. His eyes were firm and said: "And my children will inherit my will. Just like we inherited the will of my great-grandfather, I will show the truest è People who want dào!"

"Maybe, I can help!"

This young man is undoubtedly very infected. In the voice of the weak hunter, he volunteered to move his body and sat next to each other; however, this action made the weak hunter respond. When he came over, he immediately looked a little embarrassed and then looked at the little Doug and asked: "Really?"

"Hey, it's not necessarily right now! However, when I return to Dude, I can give you an accurate answer!"

After thinking about it, Xiao Dao gave an uncertain answer. Obviously, several times of experience ng let the young man know that me is called thinking completely; and Ye Qi smiled and nodded. The young man in the Thousand Marsh area said: "Ksor, help the little Doug to recall the skills I just taught; ng, the actual battle is the best memory, and after the full activity, néu has a good appetite!"

"Okay, Lord Finge!"

The young man in the Qianguma area immediately stood up and threw a branch to his friend. Then, he set up the posture. Although the thing that was taught by the 'Finge' before, the young man in the Qiangqu area reported it to the ether. Big hope; however, when he listened to a few sentences, he became more and more concentrated; because he found that the skills of the other professor were very incisive, even if some foundations were yàng.

Was the opponent really an ordinary farmer?

The heart of the young people in the Thousand Marsh area inevitably produced such doubts; however, in the speeches taught by the other side, this question was left behind and listened attentively; even if it was the weak hunter The arrival of the devil, nor néu, made his attention divergent.

Therefore, after listening to Ye Qi’s words, the young people in the Qianguma area who had long wanted to practice actually jumped to the open space in front of the campfire; and some boring little dougs sitting on the branches It was also a look of excitement and stood up; after a little stroke to the friend, he shouted: "The old rules, the loser washes the socks for the winners for a week!"

"Of course, I still let you three times!"

With the start of Ye Qi, the two young people immediately started a unique contest with the branches. Undoubtedly, the young people in the Qianguma area who had exercised from an early age had an absolute advantage, even if the talented small Doug wanted to catch up. It is not done within the trait of néu; therefore, there will be a saying of 'Let you three times' in the mouth of Korsor.

In this regard, although Xiao Dao was still dissatisfied at the beginning, with the successive losses, this became one of the old rules for the winners to wash their socks for the winner.

"They are very good!"

The weak demon hunter looked at the contest between the two young people, and said so; and the screams of the demon hunters from uwéi can be seen, this is not a polite word, for these hunters Said, boring waiting, far less interesting than watching a junior's confrontation; the presence of the removal of the Rhines each of the demon hunters are younger than the small Doug and Korsor A lot bigger, calling the two for the younger generation is naturally méuguā.

And riding this u, the big man and the Rhines went to the front of Ye Qi, in the name of the Devil's Branch of the Bay Area, and after he welcomed him, he was fascinated by ngbái and His female disciple is paying attention to me again, and he can be sure that this is the attention that his female disciple has come up with; otherwise, with the honesty of his friends, there will never be such an idea.

"It's nice to meet you, Darlan, Leyx!"

However, after the reaction, Ye Qi was smiling and held out his hand and his friend.

Ps second more ~~~ it rains again... It seems that there is heavy rain all over the country, decadence reminds everyone to pay attention to go out with rain gear; there must be safety in driving. ~~~ Be careful not to make a big mistake, ng, life One ~~~

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the 100 starting currency, the reward of the x100 starting currency, the reward of the starting point of the yyajy2304100, and the reward of the starting point of the _ 夕 100 starting point~~~ All the brothers and sisters who support decadence ~~~ are not to be continued.

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