Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 57: Wizards in the city

The sorcerer's city, placed on the lawn in front of the Northstead family manor, is a 'mountain shape'. After Yech bypasses the middle of Kimpton and the magic crystal exchange tent, he arrives at the third row of the wizard city. - Compared to the first two rows of people, there is nothing inferior here, or even more crowded.

Unlike the loose stalls in the first two rows, in the third row, it is obvious that the waves are all friends of the wizard. They jointly opened the booth and divided the entire third row into several areas; compared to the first two rows. The loose way of stalling is undoubtedly more easy to pick, and naturally attracts more people. After all, the energy you need to pick a favorite item among the dazzling array of products is not to be underestimated. Unless there is some shopping hobbies, otherwise, after the comparison, people will choose to go to the third row to pick the items they want.

However, after Ye Qi turned two steps in the third row, he suddenly found out why there was such a situation in the third row that the joints were sorted together - whether it was a potion or a magical prop, it was better than the first two. The row has dropped one or several grades; for example, the most obvious potion, here the concentration of the potion booth, the highest level of healing potion that Ye Qi sees, is the intermediate damage treatment potion, and the number is not much, only Twenty or so; compared with the former wizard who is good at refining medicine, both quality and quantity are a lot worse.

After all, the wizard who is good at refining medicine, the intermediate damage treatment syrup, just look at the test tube racks placed, you can see that it is placed in units of ten, and the number is not less than fifty; let alone It is a high-grade therapeutic potion and a potion with special functions. Basically, there is nothing here.

Although the powerful people have their own strength and position, they have the right place and benefits!

However, relying on the management of alliances and divisions, the weak can also gain their own benefits!

After Ye Qi took back his own eyes, he silently thought - Ye Qi has no objections to the union of the weak; if he is weak and strong, if he does not know how to unite the same weak, then he really wants to die without a place of burial; According to the young witch's retelling, the wizards are not as harmonious as they are at the moment. At the very least, there is still considerable competition in the wizard's fort; and once there is competition, there will naturally be corresponding hostility and The enemy

It is very likely that the initial gap is only because of the disagreement in some topics, and as time goes by, the friction increases. This simple disagreement will become hostile in an unimaginable development way, and both sides become enemies—although the wizard Their aim is to pursue wisdom, but they do not lack the emotions that human beings should have; especially the negative emotions such as jealousy and hatred are even more vivid; otherwise, there will be no so-called dark wizards.

I once again glanced at the apparently younger ages who were almost 30 years old. For the strength between the wizards, Ye Qi once again realized that the wizard is not necessarily powerful, but The old wizards must be strong; those who are led by the gray robes, at least each have the strength of the day, and this is not their talent, it is the strength brought by the years; After all, from every aspect, it can become a wizard, and there is a unique talent.

By the accumulation of time, perhaps the dark wizards of that year had to die because of the death of the older generation.

With such a sigh, Ye Qi’s footsteps stayed in front of a magical props—the sorcerer who was still in his prime, only a little older than the young man, was performing a magic ring in his hand to the people around him. effect.

It should be [the hand of the Master]!

Looking at the wizard using the ring as a control point, let a goblet filled with wine float in his own hands, Ye Qi thinks so - [Mage of the Master]: can move long distance The most important non-magic unowned item; it is a kind of trick, and the natural ring is the so-called juggling item in magic items.

For the magical items at the juggling level, Ye Qi naturally does not have much interest. After all, in Ye Qi’s view, such a juggling-level item can be removed at the banquet to make everyone laugh and laugh, basically nothing The big role; therefore, Ye Qi once again lifted his foot and was ready to leave; however, before Ye Qi moved his footsteps, the young wizard once again took the ring and performed.

Under the control of the other party's fingers, five empty goblets floated to the table in front of each other and swayed; then, a casks floated like that, for five empty feet. The cup is filled with wine -

this is?

Ye Qi saw such a scene, but it was indeed [the hand of the Master] that there was nothing wrong with it, but this [Mage of the Master] clearly showed a slight change; not only in quantity, but also on the weight. Change - a spell will not be constant, whenever there is a genius, it will always make some amazing changes; this is a sentence in Ye Qi's familiar wizard world, however, It’s not the same thing to hear and see with your own eyes; at the very least, Ye Qi is the first to see a character who can change the limits of the spell, even if it’s just a zero-level trick, it’s enough to explain each other’s talent.

After seeing each other's appearance in the eyes, Ye Qi did not go up and ask for the mystery. After all, this embarrassing thing can be called a hidden item for any existence; I am afraid that I will not get what I want to know, but it is counterproductive and causes resentment and hostility.

After the completion of the business, using the ‘famousness gained, you should be able to get to know each other very smoothly!

Ye Qi looked at the shaman's slightly shabby thing, thinking so much - the talent is very high, but there is no corresponding resources, not rare in the wizard's world; the situation is also various There are some, some are innate, and some are caused by the day after tomorrow; for example, the young witch, the high talent but because of the sudden death of the parents can not get the corresponding resources, if not self-improvement, I am afraid already It’s awkward.

In the face of such a high talent, Ye Qi is very confident to deal with the other party - to talk to a smart person, just need to put out what the other party wants, then the other party will naturally understand how to choose.

Ye Qi, who still has the intention in his heart, regains his footsteps and walks toward the second half of the third row. Here, unlike other places, potions, magic items, equipment, etc. are dominated by wizards. The presence of the people of other identities is scattered here. Most of these people are dark mercenaries. They are also mixed with a small number of hunters and some of the special squad of the highest government. It can be said that Except for the Holy See, the people here cover almost every level of the dark world.

And here, it is also the most special place in the wizarding city!

I don't know which period of the wizarding city, a dark mercenary began to set up his booth next to the wizard's booth; although for such behavior, the wizards frowned, but did not expel each other - Among them are the pride of the wizard himself, and there is a sympathy for the same illness.

Every wizard with a sufficient age, they are very clear that they and the status of the dark mercenaries in Lorante, in fact, is not much different - nothing more than a permit, and the other is hidden in the dark And once something happens, it’s all embarrassing.

After all, the owners of Lorante have long been not them.

It was this situation that made the dark mercenary safely spend the entire time of the sorcerer's secret market and in the following days, because of the Kimpton traded in the sorcerer's market, it was quite moist; therefore In the next time the wizard was in the city, people suddenly discovered that among the people who set up the stalls, apart from the wizards, there were some other people - not only the dark mercenaries, some of them had special abilities, but they did not belong to any forces. People have also joined it.

The wizards still chose the default, and the highest government, the Holy See, and the demon hunter, after a brief discussion, also tacitly succumbed to this situation. For the highest government, as long as these people do not cause trouble, then they are all happy. For the demon hunter, as long as it is not a sinful evil, it can become a companion; as for the Holy See? Although they do not like such things very much, in the Treaty of Final Armistice Agreement, everything in the witch secret market is dominated by wizards, who have no reason to participate and raise objections.

Of course, the reason why the three parties are so easy to compromise is that there are more important reasons - talent!

Even the highest government, the Holy See, and the Demon Hunter have tried their best to search for people with special talents, but there is still a legacy in the whole of Lorante; these existed later and became a lone ranger, and some joined In some relatively weak organizations, another very special force on Lorant was formed.

Each of them can't be compared with any of the highest government, the Holy See, and the Demon Hunter. Even if any of the three parties is dissatisfied, they will suffer the catastrophe; but they have quite a negligible The quantity, although unable to unite, has to be noticed - it has been proposed to unite these loose forces against the three giants on Lord, but in the face of hundreds of small organizations, forces, and The intricate relationship between each other, even those who are determined again, will feel a headache; not to mention, neither the highest government nor the Holy See, such things are allowed to happen. Once there is such a sign, then in Qiulin A scene of the district will happen.

Of course, unlike the families in the Qiulin District, these are outside the various forces, or simply small forces for the highest government, the Holy See and the Demon Hunter are able to draw together - without the family **** Everyone is basically a free body; perhaps lack of the corresponding resources and systematic training, those who are outside the big forces, the strength shown is not too high, but it is not their ultimate achievement, As long as they have the corresponding resources, these people will grow up very quickly; therefore, for these people and organizations, most of the time, the three forces are showing kindness, especially those who are truly talented, Will not blame your own money.

But usually I want to look for these existences, especially when the other side is deliberately dodging, even the most powerful three-party forces of Lorraine are very headaches - even if a certain force truly unifies Lorante, in Lloret There is still a place where you can hide; otherwise, when the Holy See was in the sacred age, all the opposition forces were uprooted and completely destroyed.

Therefore, when the three parties unintentionally discovered that these people would come to participate in the wizarding city, the high-level leaders of the three parties had their own calculations after a slight glimpse of God, and in those who had a good harvest, they belonged to the highest. The government; after all, most of these people were born in the era of freedom. They were also educated by the highest government before, and they instinctively agreed with the highest government. Plus the benefits of the highest government, these people Heartbeat.

It is possible to give the family members some conveniences within the corresponding scope, and to clear the original mistakes of the entrants - it can be said that except for those who are truly guilty, they will be tempted by this condition; those who travel outside the forces of the three parties Most of the people and small organizations inadvertently made some mistakes at the time, or simply caused some damage after the moment of awakening, which was not allowed to enter the dark world. They began their escape career; if they were given Many people understand what they should do to re-select opportunities.

Especially when the job doesn't seem so dangerous, it's even more so – don't underestimate the importance of life in people in the dark world; just because they often come into contact with death, they know more about the preciousness of life; Of course, there are also lost in the pleasure of plundering others' lives, and such people are generally cleared by the fastest speed.

Having a harvest means having the need to exist -

The demon hunter who has always maintained a neutral attitude in such matters is very cooperative with the practice of the highest government. Under the cooperation of both parties, special booths have been set up for these special existences not only in the sorcerer’s secret market, but even the recruitment has changed. To be more 'clear, get up, and later some of the demon hunters and special members of the highest government also joined the secret market to seek a profit for themselves.

At the very least, from now until now, Ye Qi has seen the leader of the highest government smashing between several booths - obviously, those are the goals that have already been set in the heart, and the other side’s performance A warm attitude is not beyond Ye Qi’s expectation; after all, this is one of the sources of the most important members of the highest government. In addition, in recent years, because of the actions of the highest government several times, the Secret Service team members After some have to choose from the military, the highest government is even more urgent for the needs of special talents.

For the actions of the highest government, Ye Qi naturally would not make an evaluation; the position outside the office and not listening to the other party made him unable to objectively evaluate the right and wrong of this practice; therefore, Ye Qi was very natural and after saying hello to his view of Moretti, he was ready to continue doing his own thing - different from the wizards' own refining and making, placed on the booth here. Everything is varied, and the origins are also varied, and even a lot of them are simply stolen goods.

However, as long as it is not the kind of stolen goods that has been resounding in a certain area, after coming here, everyone will stick to the rules and one eye will close one eye; and the appearance of such a situation means that there is no such thing. Good things that are rarely overlooked, as long as the price is right, fishing is not a dream - but don't expect everyone to have a pair of eyes, it requires not only considerable experience, but also a huge amount of knowledge to support, especially The two need to cooperate to be able to have a more accurate judgment, which is even more difficult; therefore, even if there is a systematic blessing, Ye Qi is also focused on the 'commodities here.

Although the system can have a more accurate assessment of each item, this assessment is not derived from the air, but is related to some of his skills - from [rumor] [valuation] to [mystery knowledge] [mechanical transformation 】All have a very close relationship with this assessment; for example, an ordinary magic item is based on [mysterious knowledge], [rumor] [estimation] as an aid, and then the system will make a judgment.

Of course, with the skill level of Ye Qi [rumor: 2] and [valuation: 5], the evaluation of the system is more about the item itself, and cannot make an extension and correct valuation; If the grade of the item itself is beyond the scope covered by [mysterious knowledge], then the system is unable to make an accurate assessment, giving at most one final result—for example, those liquids that are drunk under the guidance of the Millennium Spirit; Is the Holy Grail itself or the liquid in the Holy Grail, the system does not have an accurate assessment and description; and according to Ye Qi's understanding, unless [mysterious knowledge] reaches the master level or higher, otherwise he encounters these things, he still has nothing. know.

Therefore, Ye Qi, who came here, is more focused on knowledge.

However, when Ye Qi browsed through all the booths, after a rough evaluation in his heart, when he was ready to find a young witch, an untimely voice came to his ears.

"It’s a low-lying existence, and I dare to grab what I see!"

Ps second more ~~~

Thank you for the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the starting point of the 200-starting currency, the reward of the starting point of the sul00~~~ decadence. Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~

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