Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 63: Suggested

"Anything is not absolute! Therefore, survival and power are also subject to the situation!"

After watching Ye Qi said that he continued to talk about it, the young witch said after a little thought, he said with a very serious expression: "If you are already facing life and death in one place, and the existing situation will not enhance your strength." It may break through the difficulties at hand, so survival is undoubtedly the first choice, even if it is a price to pay; after all, the current loss does not represent the facts of the future!"

"And if the situation is not the urgent need, then it is necessary to strengthen the strength; perhaps when the crisis comes, you will suddenly discover that the crisis you are facing will not have enhanced. You are in trouble after the strength, not necessarily!"

"Of course, if you can survive and be strong, it is the perfect situation!"

In a smooth and organized voice, the young witch gave her opinion, and the Rhines on the side looked at her teacher nervously after she finished speaking. She whispered, "You met. What trouble?".

"The real trouble, it is still not! I just faced a choice that must be made!" Ye Qi waved his hand to his female disciple, and then whispered a bit: "And obviously, this is difficult The choice of choice is an exception for me!"

When Ye Qi looked at the young witch who was puzzled, he continued: "The situation I am facing is very special. Although there is no crisis in the short term, there will definitely be a big deal in the long run. The crisis is coming; if the choice is strong, it is possible to directly break the crisis. But it may be directly overturned; if you choose to survive, I may pass the final crisis, but the road ahead will be It's hard to go!"

“Is it possible? Not sure?”

"Who can be sure in the future?"

The Rhines asked, when she saw her teacher shrugging, she did not have to respond in a hurry like the previous instinct; but after thinking very seriously, this said: "Old... Lord Finge, My teacher once said that before any plan starts, we have to assume the worst results!"

"A very wise choice!"

Hearing his own female disciple saying what he believed, Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders calmly - he wouldn't be embarrassed. As a teacher, he could hear his disciples admonish himself with his own words. Your disciple's understanding of this sentence; and facing a disciple who can learn and can understand, why should you be embarrassed as a teacher?

Of course, he is also clear about what his female disciple wants to say; however, he did not interrupt his female disciple and still let the other party. Just said it straight down -

"Assume that you have chosen to survive, but in the end it has failed! Then. The result is powerful and the choice is ultimately defeated. There is basically no change? Many words" looked at his teacher and smiled and nodded. Ye Qi continued: "So, the premise of failure is the same, I think it is better to choose strong, at least there is a glimmer of hope; not like survival, not only the process needs to face various dangers, Finally, I have to bet on luck; it is too passive!"

"For the fate, we have to be in our own hands! This is also the teacher you... Oh, my teacher said!" When it came to the last Rhines, he waved his fist again, and then looked at his eyes. Ye Qi, asked: "What is the big crisis you are coming to?"

"Nothing, just a metaphor!"

Ye Qi replied with a cover--some things, obviously not that they can be said now, especially if the strength of his female disciple is insufficient, and it can only make Ye Qi tight-lipped.

Metaphor? !

Looking at his teacher's cover-up face, the Rhines did not see more things, but this does not mean that the young Huntress will choose to believe in their own teacher - although for their own teacher, young women The demon hunters are unconditionally believed, but the same young hunter devil still knows what is called a 'good faith lie'!

A big danger in the future?

Does it mean the Holy See? !

The reason why the Rhines guessed, as a disciple of Ye Qi, was destined that the Rhines could know more than others, and through these things, it was not stupid, and she also remembered Ye Qi’s remarks, but After some thinking, you can see some clues - for example: the war of the demon and the Holy See!

There have been several wars in the past 100 years. Although ordinary people don’t know anything, the demon hunters will not forget. After all, every battle will make them lose their loved ones and friends. For the demon hunter, it is enough to remember it for the rest of his life, and never forget it - and through the conversation between the teacher and the teacher, after the chat, some official letters from the demon hunter headquarters, some movements for the demon hunter branch The Rhines found the unusual things.

However, at that time, the Rhines did not think much, but today her teacher suddenly raised the question of 'survival and power', but her instinctive memories of those unusual things; and got a The corresponding conclusion - after all, in the eyes of the Rhines, her teacher is powerful, almost omnipotent; and can trouble his teacher, except for the war, she really can't think of anything.

What's more, the choice of 'survival and powerful' is too appropriate for war!

I have to say that as a disciple, for the understanding of his teacher, the Rhines sat at the extreme - almost, she guessed it all; if more useful information is given, then the truth of the facts is guessed. It doesn't seem to be too difficult.

And if Ye Qi knows the speculation of his female disciple, she will certainly be more surprised when she expresses her appreciation. For such a smart disciple, it is a matter of course to be surprised; but, very quickly. In the next moment, the young witch attracted Ye Qi’s attention to the past. He did not see that his female disciple had already guessed a clue.

"This situation. Although it has the initiative, but the risk is not too big?" The young witch did not directly refute the advice of friends, but also insisted on his own opinion: "We should follow the actual situation Arrangement and distribution; after all, isn’t Mr. Finger’s saying that the danger is coming out sometime in the future, not now?”

"But if you don't plan for the rain, when things come, will you be caught off guard?!"

Rhines looked at his good friend and couldn't help but ask.

"As long as the arrangements are properly made, how can there be a situation that is unprepared?"

In the face of a friend's question, the young witch asked the same question.

"What if? I mean, in case! Is it possible to get things 100% sure?"

In this way, in the way of hypothesis failure, it is clear that the Rhines is learning from Yitch.

"We can specify the corresponding plan to put an end to this!"

The way the young witch is pre-released is also the same as Ye Qi.

"But you never know..."

"We can..."

The two girls unwittingly began to debate their own opinions from the two options of 'survival and strongness', and such arguments were controlled by a very rational one. However, it still inevitably attracted the attention of others; after feeling the strange eyes of the people around him, Ye Qi could not help but interrupt the debate between the two.

"This question. I think we can discuss it privately later!"

Ye Qi ended up with such a statement, and the topic that started from him - obviously, Ye Qi has now read it very clearly. His female disciple and the young witch are both in common with him. One view convinces another situation; it is like the advantages of the two sides, he naturally considered it, and the shortcomings, he also considered; and it is because of such considerations that it will make him more difficult to choose .

Always have a lucky heart!

I really are not the so-called natural strong!

Ye Qi’s heart involuntarily issued such a sigh, and his mouth also brought out a self-deprecating smile – if it is the so-called born strong, it will definitely go forward, just like a sharp knife, regardless of the blade Bad, plugged into the enemy's heart; then, it will be very smooth to get the final victory, and the blade that is contaminated with blood is sharper and sharper.

"Fin, Lord Finger, are you angry?"

The Rhines and the young witch, the two looked at Ye Qi slightly.

"Of course not! Instead, I have brought you such problems to both of you. I have to apologize for it!"

Ye Qi immediately shook his head and looked at the two with a smiling look, calming the uneasiness of the two; after a while, after the two people's minds were again settled again, Ye Qi asked again: "Merlin, Do you have the masters of refining potions, magic items, and equipment that you recognize or know about this time?

"This time the master of the team, Steinden is also a well-known master of alchemy in the Fort of the Wizards, and has a considerable research on potions; and the same master of Weston in the masters of the team, this master is very He is good at potions, and his good friend, Master Luz, is a potions master recognized by the Wizarding Fort! However, compared with Weston Masters, Luz Master is eccentric, except for a few friends and a few No one outside of the apprentices can be close, and Master Luz has not joined the team that opened this 'Witch Path'!"

"As for other people, there may be some alchemy and potions, but compared with the previous three masters, it is completely apprenticeable; if you want to find someone to make equipment and potions, then At this moment, Master Steinden and Weston Masters at the Northder Family Estate will be a good choice!"

Although Ye Qi did not reveal any thoughts before, but as a sorcerer, Merlin, but instinctively will make a detailed exploration of the wizards who came here this time - after all, in the Fortress of the Wizards, some possibilities Become a leader or a person who participates in the wizard's secret city, but she has absolutely no desire to see it, and it is also a existence that cannot be seen at the moment; if one of these people appears in it, even if she wants to come to the wizard The purchase of some materials and utensils in the secret market will definitely restrain yourself from taking a step in the wizarding market.

The host is already very troublesome to the owner. If you bring more trouble to the owner. That is really too bad!

This sentence was what her mother once said. The young witch is undoubtedly remembered; therefore, after the opening of the wizarding road, the young witch got the masters of the wizarding road through her friends, and the wizards who participated in the wizarding city. Name - By temporarily acting as the big man in charge of the Randenberg Hunter Club, it is not difficult for the Rhines to know these things; in fact, the simplicity is far beyond her imagination. A list of the names of all the wizards who opened the wizarding road and the name of the wizard in the secret city of James was handed over to the big man by Jacob, and the big man habitually gave the list to Ronke. Sis.

In the days when friends are not there. Anything that is smeared with words and numbers, the big man has long been accustomed to the disciples of his friends, and the black market businessman has discussed it - as for the bartender? If you are responsible for the action, the other party will definitely help, but if you process or record the file, it will be bigger than him.

"Master Standen and Master Weston? How are the two of them usually in the sorcerer's castle?"

Ye Qi first nodded and then asked - although he had several contacts with the Weston Master, this short contact did not make Ye Qi feel relieved of his own judgment; for an old age The wizard, if you want to hide it, is absolutely comparable to the existence of a professional actor; therefore. He wants to know more about Merlin, who is also a sorcerer; not to mention, compared with the Weston Masters. The master of Steinden, he knows nothing.

"Standon Master and Weston Master are both very kind and kind, especially Master Steinden, who helped me once and let me through the first and most important difficulty in life; they both If you are a bit, you can rest assured!” The young witch who knew Ye Qi worried about it immediately said his point of view, and Mao said: “I can take you directly to find the master of Steinden; As a master of the introduction, Master Weston has nothing to do with it!"

"This introduction, I am very grateful to you! So, the rest is still my own!"

Ye Qi expressed his gratitude, and got up and said goodbye to his disciples and his disciples' friends. In the identity of Finge, Ye Qi believes that even with the introduction of young witches, there will be no significant effect; even in the other side. The mouth of Standen and Weston are very kind, but that is only for the wizard himself!

For outsiders?

Ye Qi is sure that if he does not have the brain and eyes of the demon in his body at this moment, after entering the estate of the Northed family, the Weston Master will never come to him again; after all, Such a very ordinary demon hunter, according to common sense, can not be favored by a wizard master. If it is one of the demon hunters, it is possible.

What's more, even with the introduction of the young witch, the two wizard masters saw him, but for those who are very precious materials for now, how should he explain to an ordinary hunter? It is very likely that there is another trouble, and Ye Qi naturally will not lead these troubles to his own 'identity' - therefore, 'Finger' is definitely not suitable for seeing the two masters of wizards. And with enough identity, only his own identity.

And just happened, he needed to go back to the hotel in Randyburg and pass on the news to his allies; therefore, where he would restore his true features, then disguise himself and return to the Northder family estate to become Ye Qi. The choice - as long as the knives are hidden, and then cover their own colors, then even if the Holy See sends people to monitor, you can not easily find me!

After seeing the intensive crowds of the wizards and the various dark mercenaries, Ye Qi is very confident about this - unlike the demon hunters walking on the edge in the darkness of darkness The mercenaries, even if they came to participate in the wizarding city, were very careful and cautious; most chose to cover the original appearance and hidden weapons, and even some simply put themselves in a large cloak with a hood. In the middle, people are not even clear about men and women.

After having such a foundation, it is quite common for one more Ye Qi, who is similarly dressed.


The Chameleon’s stronghold in the hotel, which was set up by the hotel, was not far from the corner of Yeqi’s devil, which was about two and a half off the street, and it’s natural for Ye Qi to leave. After the Northstead family's manor, after opening a few groups of followers, Ye Qi appeared in front of the hotel.

For those who follow him, Ye Qi naturally has some guesses.

After all, the ‘Hunter Family’ has a very bad reputation at any time, and the biggest reason for such a reputation is that it has a narrow-minded one – it must be reported, almost considered to be the way of the ‘hunter family.’

However, Ye Qi, who has more important things now, will naturally ignore these things for the time being -


Pushing a slightly old, but very clean door, Ye Qi looked at the empty front desk and slammed the bell on the desk at the front desk.

叮, 叮, 叮...

PS second more ~~~

Thanks to the 200 yuan of the prodigal son wandering around the sea, the reward of the June snow IV200 coin, the reward of the sn100 coin, the reward of the easy__100 coins~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~ ~

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