Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 75: hunter? prey! under

"A good strategy, now we have to stalk people, more than ten times more!"

Standing on a clock tower of the Northder family, with the strength of Superman, Ye Qi took all the things that happened in the wizarding city below, and shrugged at the moment, although it seems that the cause is that The stall began, and then the 'eyes' began to tell everything that was known about the bright, but whoever néu guarantee that the stall owner is not a '傀儡' who is obeying the task, is covering the real 'connector' What?

"Our people are enough to cope with this situation!"

Jacob, who found the same situation, is still full of confidence. "The novel chapter is the fastest update.

"Of course, for us, I am confident; but the problem is that our people are only responsible for the Nosd family estate, except for the manor to be handed over to the Holy See, and when entering Langenburg It is the responsibility of the highest government. With such a three-stage order, I am worried that the people behind will make a mistake!"

Ye Qi’s gaze looked at the 'performance' that continued below, but the tone of the speech, apparently his attention was not really there. For Ye Qi, both the Holy See and the highest government were Lack of trust, the former is because of the position, the latter is because of the ability; perhaps in such an event that affects the reputation of the three parties, they will do their best, but this does not mean that they will be willing, the heart will have a conflict; and such Contradictions, it becomes a leak; and in the face of such a cautious and embarrassing opponent, as long as there is a leak, it will definitely be noticed and used by the other party.

“The Demon Hunter is responsible for the safety of the Northder family estate, the black deacon of the Holy See and the priest with the knife are responsible for the safety of the roads. The highest government is responsible for the safety in the city of Randin. The Northder family and the wizards work together as a reserve team. This is the result of the discussion last night. Overall, it is still 'adapted to local conditions'; ng, like the highest government military police, has an advantage in Randenberg!"

"And, you don't always let the people of the Holy See come to guard the estate of the Northder family? Not only the people of the Northder family will not agree, even those who come to participate in the wizard city, see a group of the Holy See. People who are here, I am afraid I will not enter?"

Jacob has a helpless smile. Looked at Ye Qi.

"These of course I am fascinated by ngbái, but this way of working with the Holy See and the highest government always makes me uncomfortable!" Facing Jacob, Ye Qi and méu cover up, but truthfully said the most Appreciate feelings.

"I don't like the cooperation with the Holy See and the Supreme Government, but we must learn to endure it!" Long breath, Jacob's words are full of sighs: "Loland's current peace is built on such helplessness." Above the containment, but it is precisely because of such a containment that the final development; the power of any party is a disaster for other forces. This is the truth that history tells us!"

"Even if we are hunting hunters, yàng!"

The last sentence. Jacob’s tone was full of meaning; and in this regard, Ye Qi nodded silently, acknowledging that the other’s point of view was sung by the ruler, always the first group of people, and when their descendants appeared The u on that wè will only bring blame and insult to the final demise; I know that the change of Ye Qi will naturally not oppose Jacob's statement.

"Get used to this way of cooperation! ng, it was because of this cooperation that néu repelled those dark creatures!"

"As long as they don't make a ghost or a hind leg behind the back, I naturally don't mind!"

Ye Qi shrugged and no longer entangled on this topic, glanced at the crowd because of the 'end of performance', the crowd that uwéi dispersed. He smiled and said: "It seems that I am the 'bait' debut, but also have For a while!"

"The protagonist, always have to play last!"

Jacob pointed to the crowd below, and said with ease: "In any case, the stage ng is set up, do you still worry that your supporting role does not appear?"


In a remote hotel in Langburg, the owner of the hotel is wiping the table in the hall. This is a small hotel, welcoming guests to the bar, the hall for the dining hall and the meeting. In a large room, especially the owner of the hotel, in order to appear neat, made several partitions, so that the people who entered it became more and more aware of the narrowness.

In a hotel like this, there are not many sayings in Randenburg, and there are a lot of sayings; relying on the blessings of one of the tourist towns of Langingburg itself, whenever Lorante enters the winter, there will always be a group of people to choose. When you come to Landingburg to spend the long winter season compared to the high level of Shak, it is undoubtedly more popular with ordinary people, especially such a small hotel, but also because of the relatively low price, received the room in advance. Booking.

However, in the usual u, except for the real unprosperous people, the average person will not enter such a hotel; therefore, during the year, the owner of the hotel will only devote himself to the hotel in the winter. During the operation, the remaining traitors will work in the restaurant to work as a chef.

But this year, there are some guài. Just after the Midsummer Festival, a large number of guests came to Langingborg, making these hotel owners unprepared. Although they are family members, they will cooperate in some u; for example: in a tourist season , join hands to raise the price.

Of course, this is only for some strangers; for true customers, it is not because these regular customers who come every year, live for two months or even longer, this long **** It is enough to make these hotel owners dào how to choose; the principle of long-term flow, everyone is ngbái.

"Gentlemen, your lunch is good, do you need me to give it to you?"

After cleaning the table and putting a number of unknown, but open, colorful flowers that had just been removed from his backyard flower pond, the owner of the hotel shouted on the stairs. It wasn't that he didn't want to go up, but the instructions of the three guests tèé; although the practice of three guests covering the entire second floor and five rooms. And such a command. The hotel owner felt guài. However, the other party's méu was less than one child's money, and it was a one-time direct payment for two weeks, but the hotel owner put away the curiosity.

As a hotel owner and chef, this ng person to middle-aged man, but very fascinated ngbáme, me should not ask; not to mention, in front of the coin, he is more dà how to do

Hey, hehe...

A taller, stronger body than the average person. Stepping on the wooden stairs, there was a shrill sound; the stairs that the hotel owner couldn’t help but said that the three guests had dissatisfaction with him, it was undoubtedly the tall, strong man. I can’t help but look at each other, and every time when the other person comes down from his stairs or goes up, he always worried about the stairs after 15 years of wind and rain, and he was overwhelmed, even if he was three years ago. I am going to renovate a new staircase.

Ng, can save one child is a child.

"This is your lunch!"

A full lunch for eight people was placed on two plates. After looking at the tall, strong man who looked at him, he took a Kimpton from his pocket and placed it on the table. Then, one hand and one plate each need an adult to carefully hold the plate, so step by step back to the upstairs.

Although the sound of the '嘎吱, 嘎吱' between the board and the board was again issued, but after seeing the Kimpton, the hotel owner smiled and held it in his hand, and then carefully placed it in the guilt. For this lunch, the raw materials cost only more than 60 pieces, and the chef who handles it is him, so the cost of the méu is the same; that is, the remaining 130 pieces are his tips. It is.

Every time néu meets such a generous guest, my hotel will be expanded by néu for a few years!

And the stinky boy also néu came back to inherit the family business, and did not have to go to the dock of Saskatchewan, suffering!

With such a wonderful idea, the hotel owner quickly walked towards the kitchen, although there was still a lot of **** from the dinner, but in order to get more tips for néu, he decided to fully play the craft; and this must be the next Fan Kung Fu only works.

Just after the owner of the hotel entered the kitchen, the hall was near the corner of the inner wall, and there was a twist in the shadow. After a moment, a figure appeared there; a glance at the direction of the kitchen, this figure I walked to the second floor, but I didn’t step on the stairs that sounded like '嘎吱,嘎吱', but this time it was méǎn moving; and not just the stairs, the action of this figure is the same méu, just like the truth. The shadow is average.

"Uwéi no one, I checked the ng down; and in such āng, do you still need such caution?"

When the figure entered a room on the second floor, the big man with a noodle lunch in the afternoon, said casually while eating lunch.

"This is the command of the head. If you mind, you can go and talk to your head!"

The previous figure, after taking a lunch out of the plate, replied coldly.


The big-faced big man immediately raised his eyes, and the original face was so embarrassing that he was even more scary at the moment, and he had the money to scare the timid people; and the clenched fists, There is no doubt about the strength of this pair of fists.

The previous figure was still eating lunch, but at the cuffs of his hands, there was a touch of metal flashing through it; a scent of killing appeared on his body, locking the weakness of the target. .

Originally, it was just a simple lunch, but when the two of them did not agree, it became a battlefield that was about to start a conflict.

"Two, please calm down!"

The person who had been talking about méu in the room stood up and walked to the middle of two people and persuaded the two with a smile: "Since everyone has been assigned to a group by the head, it is a temporary companion; and as a companion, we Not only must we work together, but we must do more beautifully than the other group, so that the head can look at us with great enthusiasm!"

"Beautiful than the other group?"

The big-faced big man said with no anger: "How do we do better than another group? There are so many faces in it, they have been from yesterday until now. ng has released the 'smoke bomb' by the head. No less than ten sales! And we? That is to take advantage of the effort that has not been noticed. It has become two strokes... Seriously it is a stroke, ng, the two people are walking together!"

"Especially today, all the passages leading to the Northder family are on the sidelines of the Holy See's whistle. We want to find a chance to get started! It's **** it!"

At the end of the day, the grumpy big man made a straight fist and took a thunder of the air, as if a whirlwind was blowing in the room.

“Quantity doesn’t mean everything!”

Persuasive person. Very confidently said: "There are ten things that add up, and they are worth less than one thing! Similarly, their frequent shots are not necessarily comparable to our actions!"

"Are you getting a me message? Tell me!"

The big-faced and grumpy big man, this u obviously found the person in front of him, although he didn’t like the guy who smiled in the knife, but he had to admit that the other side always had some way to get them out of trouble; Beyond, he is the most embarrassing person; this is the fact that they are recognized in a line.

"In the inner market bidding of the wizarding city, there are some special things..."

Smiley, I will tell you about what happened this morning in the city of the wizarding city. This looks ordinary and is very common. It’s just that the eyes are sloppy, and the man who looks very treacherous looks at the two people in front of him and asks: “What should I do with ngbái?”

"Grabbed that called Finge!"

The big-faced and grumpy big man is straight and low.

"But the other side is in the North's family estate, how do we start?"

Asked the previous figure.

"The deadline for us to finally return home is the day before the end of the wizarding city. Is it enough for us to find such a weak person?" The sly man, the eyes turn Said: "Of course, another group of guys will certainly receive the same news; ng, the information provided by the head has always been fair!"

"That group has that kind of strange face, it will definitely have an advantage over us!"

With a hood, the shadow of the original person was put down and the food in his hand was put down. There should be a shadow of the facial features on the man who was slandered, and a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the shadows.

"Thousands of strangers? Just a group of lucky guys, have a good start! Just as we fill them in trouble, they..." In the contempt of these scarlet eyes, the man looks as usual, méu any The change; instead, it was talked about; but when it was said, it was interrupted by the big man who looked like a face.

"Head, the rules set, but not allowed to guilty!"

"That was in the case of being discovered by the head!" The sly man looked confident. He said with a smile: "And we are not guilty, just making trouble for them; we don't need us to shoot, now we can get on the street. It’s all about finding the two 'inadvertently' faces!”

"Are you sure the head won't notice that this is what we did?"

Although he still had doubts, but the question of the big man with a sly face, ng undoubtedly showed his consent.

"Of course not sure, ng, nothing can be overdone!"

After that, the treacherous man smiled gloomyly: "But we can do it smart enough, so that they can't notice that we are doing it! Méu people will be punished, naturally there will be no punishment, but according to The rules of the head, naturally will not take the initiative to remind the thousand face!"

"nàme, how do we do it?"

I have long agreed in the bottom of my heart to the big man who is doing this, and now I can’t wait to get up; the man wrapped in the shadow of the cloak, although méu took the initiative, but knows his two, no doubt ng ngbái this is The default is.

"Of course, find these guys who are leading us for the time being!"

The sly man said, he looked at the man who wrapped his body in the shadow of the cloak; the latter nodded slightly and said, "Give it to me!"

Said, the whole person went out of the door.


"Oh, stupid big, this u must be ng screaming and yelling!"

"Maybe you will still be guilty of hiding, and you will be chased by the demon hunters, the Holy See and the highest government!"

"This is what they deserve, unlucky!"

"Come to Celebrate our victory!"

One person, two looks very similar, obviously twins, sitting on both sides of the table, raised the glass of the hand, a hard touch; '叮', the ale in the cup rolled along the glass From the beginning, the cup edge was spilled and drenched in uwéi; but the two were filled with a mouthful of mouthfuls.

As they say, this is celebrating their victory.

"It’s too early to celebrate the victory now?!"

A touch of voice appeared in the celebration of the two, so that the twin brothers glared at the man, even if the other party gave them the existence of the present advantage, but also yàng.

Ps second more ~~~ The cold is not good, the scorpion still hurts...

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the x200 starting currency, the reward of the wind and the dust of the 200-starting coin, and the reward of the 100-starting currency~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~ ~~ is not finished.

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