Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 85: Behind the scenes

() The shadow with Ye Qi crossed the ancient street unique to Landingburg and stopped in front of an open-air cafe. The shadow and Ye Qi were one after the other, about six or seven yards away, straight. Walking into the alley next to the café, this is the location in the center of Langburg, even in such a small alley, it is full of shops.レ.♠思♥路♣客レ

"This is the place we have agreed!"

When there is about 20 yards away from the target location, the shadow does not trace the one of the shops, half-headed and said that there is a shop selling books and vinyl records, and in the shop. In the window, a newly-selling hand-cranked phonograph is placed there, attracting the attention of pedestrians; especially when a black film is placed in it, the beautiful singing is not far from the alley. People are coming in.

"Where is the thousand-faced monster coming to the appointment?"

Ye Qi nodded. Then, the whole person moved to the crowd without notice. At the same time, the sound was accurately introduced into the shadow of the ear. If you look at the appearance, Ye Qi is completely a record in the phonograph. The pedestrians attracted are average. ..

“As long as I dine in the former outdoor cafe and leave the corresponding whispers!”

The shadow obviously does not understand the vocal aspects. The beautiful singing and rhythmic cooperation make him feel the shadow of the irritating killer. He prefers to sit in a quiet place to meditate or exercise martial arts. Even reading is fine, but any sound appears. Whether it is noise or music. This is the same for a shadow that likes to be quiet. It only makes him upset.

"So, Mr. Thousand Faces, I really like the food in the cafe before! Let's go, we go there separately, and then hope that the Mr. Thousands of Quebes can arrive on time!" Qi said that the shadow first left, but already felt that his irritated shadow got the instructions of Ye Qi. Immediately turned and walked toward the alley.

Ye Qi was quietly standing in the same place. After the broadcast of this vinyl record was completed, he learned the people around him. He took a long breath and said something about music. Ye Qi is no better than ordinary people. Many, he can only feel very good or not good at all. As for the art and the author's intentions, it has nothing to do with him; however, this does not prevent Ye Qi from following the people who really understand it. .

Several people including Ye Qi in front of the window, after a long breath, looked at each other and smiled. Then, some turned and left. And some went directly to the store. This is a good-hearted greeting, and Ye Qi, who was in the middle of the period, walked into the store under the friendly gaze of these few people.

However, he was not prepared to pay for the vinyl record as the few guesses, but then took the opportunity to look at the entire store. The entire store started from the middle, and the awe-inspiring division was divided into left and right sides. A variety of books, one full of vinyl records and several phonographs sold at a price; very clean and tidy, coupled with such a clear layout, the entire store gives a comfortable feeling; at the very least, There aren’t a few posters or an exaggerated banner to catch the eye.

"What do you need, Mr.?"

The employees of the store obviously noticed that the man who had entered the store and began to look around for a while was still well dressed, calm and calm, although the beard did not go through the care of the heart, but there is a mature man. The true charm; coupled with the friendly performance of the other party before the window and the shop's several regular customers, immediately let the employee put a 'real art knowing' label on Ye Qi.

After all, the few people outside the window are not only the regular customers of the shop, but also the famous musicians and singers and performers in Randenburg; those who can make these people show goodwill are naturally only those who truly understand art. Not some so-called followers.

"The previous record, give me one!"

Ye Qi said slowly that he looked at the store for a long while. If he came out empty-handed, it would obviously cause unnecessary trouble. Whether it is generous or embarrassing, in the eyes of such employees, it is memorable.

"Eighty-five, sir!"

The employee’s hands and feet took out the previously played album and handed it to Ye Qi’s hand; Ye Qi took out 90 pieces and handed it to the other party, and plotted a gesture that was not needed in such a shop, five dollars. Tips, neither will appear more, nor appear less, belong to just the kind.

“Thank you for your patronage!”

The employee’s face with a kind smile, he sent Ye Qi out of the door.

I will choose such a place to prove that the Mr. Thousand Faces knows a certain art and has a certain artistic accomplishment.

Out of the store, watching a few customers enter behind, Ye Qi silently thought that as a hidden choice, here the location, or the flow of passengers are unqualified; and leave this One point, then it is undoubtedly starting from its own hobbies or habits; plus some descriptions of the shadows for the thousand faces, the other side is undoubtedly like reading and singing, musical instruments.

However, if you are cautious, the place where you agreed to meet has already been ‘developed’, so the exploration before the meeting will be meticulous!

And this kind of meticulous exploration, one person's words, can't be completed at all; it will inevitably require some people...

Ye Qi, who had this idea, immediately turned and walked out of the alley, and went straight to the open-air cafe because there were still a few hours from the noon meal, so there were not many people in the entire open-air cafe. They are some tourists from other places and some business owners who have assets that can be leisurely.

However, among this group of people, Ye Qi found two strange tourists, although they were dressed as tourists, but the eyes of the two did not have the excitement and joy of traveling, even if they looked around, but the slightly Serious expression. It is more like a secret agent than a tourist. And even the secret agent. It is also the most unqualified one.


After Ye Qi gave such an evaluation, after picking up an empty table, he straightened a chair and sat down.

"What do you need?"

The waiter came up and asked.

"Give me a muffin and a cup of pure coffee!"

Ye Qi gave himself a menu according to the recipe of ‘Finger’.

"Okay, sir!"

The waiter left, and Ye Qi’s gaze again looked at the two obvious “tourists” around him, and he remembered it in his heart; More attention is to distinguish the true stalker of the other party; if you only use these two people, the other party is really too bold, it is simply taking your life as a play.

This is the bait!

Ye Qi is very clear about the positioning of these two too obvious tourists, and he is definitely not a bait, but the real stalker puts the newly bought record on the table, the Ye Qi with a cup of coffee, and then the coffee cup. The occlusion of the mouth, a smile appeared.

A squatting squat on the street opposite the café, as well as a violinist who is not far from the piazza, entered the scope of his visit because there were no tall buildings in Langburg. As a result, there are not many locations in the entire cafe and alleys that are in the eye, except for a limited number of locations in the cafe itself. Only the opposite position of the squatter and the seller.

Among them, the position of Mr. Qi is undoubtedly better; however, the kind of drunken appearance, the fluctuation of the same information that has been reacted from within, it is difficult for Ye Qi to believe that the other is a stalker; The one who took the violin, but rarely looked at the money in front of him, and the eyes of the buskers who watched the cafes and alleys from time to time, may undoubtedly be much higher.

But even if you are connected to this amateur stalker, plus the two completely unqualified guys, will the thousand faces be reassured?

Putting down the coffee, I picked up the muffin's Ye Qi and asked myself; and the answer is undoubtedly a certain must have a professional person around; but, no doubt the existence of this profession is not so easy to be discovered; at the very least, After Ye Qi’s muffins were eaten halfway, they did not find the other’s trace.

At this time, sitting on the right hand side of Ye Qi, not far from the shadow of the three tables, has already got up and checked out; there is no gaze with Ye Qi or any gesture, the shadow turned and entered the next alley again. I started waiting for the appearance of the thousand-faced monster. This is the agreement between him and Ye Qi. Just leave a secret number and tell the thousand-faced monster when to meet at the agreed place, and then go there and wait for the arrival of the thousand-faced monster.

The rest of the nature is to be handed over to Ye Qi!

While the shadow figure almost just turned into the alley, the busker who was playing the violin on the opposite side ran over, looked at the menu on the table, and compared the remaining food shadow with the thousand-faced secret number, completely The price of food is, of course, the simplest part of the time; if you add something else, you need a professional password book as the basis.

"You guy, it’s messing up again!"

The waiter who came to gesture the tableware, and the busker who looked at the menu, couldn’t help but screamed that the other party was not doing this for the first time, and this time it undoubtedly touched the waiter’s bottom line; very You're welcome, the waiter rolled up his sleeve and drove the busker in front of him; however, it was obvious that the busker did not fully record everything he needed, and he stood still in the same place.


The act of the seller is naturally a provocation for the angered waiter. He slams a punch and throws a punch at the other side; when the fist arrives in front, the busker has A little reaction, instinctive want to dodge; but lack of systematic training and corresponding actual combat; as a common person, the busker can not easily escape this punch as he imagined.


In the muffled sound, the busker who was smashed in the shoulders stepped back and forth several times. Then, frowning because of the pain, looking at the waiter in front of him, the face was obviously red because of anger; The busker was undoubtedly a person who obeyed the agreement. He sneered at the waiter in front of him, then ran back to his booth and packed up his own things and quickly left.

"Inexplicable guy! Still a coward!"

After the punch. The waiter thought that a heads-up frame could not be avoided. But the other party has retired. This made the newly prepared waiter snoring and snoring; and this small conflict naturally attracted the interest of the people present, especially the tourists who were doing good things, and asked the waiter loudly; Although Qi has also joined it, it has always locked the fluctuations of the seller.

When the other party was about to exceed the range of one hundred yards at the moment, Ye Qi went to the waiter who was still in the spit and introduced the former seller, and chose to leave the outdoor cafe and chase in the direction of the busker. Ye Qi's tracking and searching skills are not very good; however, under the premise of being, if Ye Qi knows the fluctuations in advance. So within the scope, Ye Qi is undoubtedly a top tracking player.

In the normal state, the limit is a range of one hundred yards, and Ye Qi is basically a distance of eighty to ninety yards as the tracking distance; at such a distance, do not say that it is an ordinary busker. Even the best hunters can't find it. After all, most people's best line of sight is always limited to 40 yards. Once this range is exceeded, it will be difficult because of the line of sight. Pursuit; even if it is trained to exist. It will only be within this range, and then increase by about ten yards.

of course. If it is some famous sharpshooter or clairvoyant, this range can be increased, but it will not exceed the range of 60 yards; once it exceeds this range, it needs considerable strength as a support; however, Even with such vision, it is not so easy to find the tracking Ye Qi, the radius of a hundred yards is enough to make Ye Qi find a safe and not a scary tracking method.

In fact, such a method to deal with an ordinary busker is simply too big!

After the busker turned into a hotel, the other party did not find Ye Qi’s existence. The other party apparently entered a room and had a conversation with someone who had already waited in the room. Wait until this When the busker came out again, the previous sè hurried face was replaced by the happy face. Looking at the waist of the other side, it is not difficult to know that the other party has a satisfactory harvest.

About five minutes after the busker left, one dressed like a foreigner, but the man with good health and strong body appeared in Ye Qi’s line of sight, and the other’s fluctuations told Ye Qi that he was the one who contacted the busker. And the other party's reaction to the fluctuations of ordinary people, coupled with the other party's behavior, it undoubtedly illustrates the origin of the other's identity: the dark mercenary.

The unique fluctuations in the body with magical props are enough to make Ye Qi distinguish it carefully.

The dark mercenary apparently had a mature route ahead of the buskers and a means of preventing it from being tracked, switching two cars in a row, and repeatedly entering the pedestrian streets of most of Randing, the dark mercenary. Only on a more accurate route, the destination of the other side is close to the outskirts of Langburg, not far from the old gates of the remnant of Randenburg, the stop is standing, standing Waiting in front of a house on the side of the road, quietly waiting.

Ye Qi also followed the patient patiently waiting for the appearance of the thousand-faced monster; however, as time passed, Ye Qi’s brow was involuntarily wrinkled and given the secret code according to the shadow. The time they agreed was noon. Twelve o'clock, and at this moment, it is less than half an hour from this time. Even if the thousand-faced monster starts from here, it is impossible to get it at the agreed time.

Was discovered!

This is Ye Qi’s most direct thought at the moment, and in the next moment he saw that the dark mercenary he had followed was suddenly returning to his original path, which proved his speculation; there was almost no hesitation. Ye Qi went to the shop that had been the earliest.

When he walked into the store, the shop employee who asked him before immediately walked up.

"Welcome to your visit again!"

The employee owed a little smile with a professional Straight out a vinyl record and handed it to the front: "This is what your friend left for you." And he paid enough money to rent a trial room for you, where you can listen to the record, according to your friend, this is a long-awaited record!"

After nodding, Ye Qi followed the employee and walked to the inner hall of the store. With the introduction of the enthusiastic employee, Ye Qi went straight into one of the audition rooms, which will strengthen the soundproofed door. After shutting down, Ye Qi immediately placed the vinyl record on the phonograph in the room.

"Mr. Finger, the first time I talked to you, in this way! I am embarrassed..."

With a hint of apology that could not tell the truth, as the vinyl record turned, it came out from the phonograph.

PS second more ~~~

Thanks for the reward of the starting point of the 1176, the reward of the x400 starting currency, the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal wandering, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100, the reward of the speed of the Sac 100 starting point ~~~ decadent Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~ (To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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