Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 5 Chapter 13: Search

Drift knows why she has become a district minister from the elite team of the Secret Service. "Ye Qi pointed her finger at the golden girl; then she looked at the other person with a malicious look: "Maybe I can let you go to prison?" Of course not as a prison guard, prisoners are right for you; a prison full of foundations. Presumably they will welcome you such a handsome and tall guy! ”

The other party was immediately scared by Ye Qi’s malicious eyes, and he looked back at Ye Qi with a pale face. There was no such thing as a policeman and Ye Qi who often defended the dark creatures. Compared with the demon hunter, even if it is not Longwei, the other party can not resist the suffocation that Ye Qi deliberately reveals; not to mention the other side is also frightened by the previous Ye Qi. Therefore, the more unsatisfactory the performance; as for the police around the surrounding nets, they naturally retreat a few steps like their peers, and their foreheads sweat slightly.

"Ye Qi!" The golden girl’s dissatisfaction was drunk from the Secret Service’s elite team to the logistics area of ​​the Bay Area. She has been regarded as a major shame in her life; now she sees Ye Qi’s so bright and honest. Come out, but also deliberately distorted the facts; suddenly, her heart has always been known for her calmness is not angered; but the Golden Girl did not do it on the spot, just sneer at Ye Qi: "Deliberately distorted the facts, scam opponents, it really is you Always style!"

"It’s always been a cold-eyed view. Isn’t it the rule of the fishermen? Isn’t it the code you follow?” Ye Qi’s resentment is only for the secret service of the highest government. When dealing with the events of dark creatures, the truth is always in the first place. And the source of the scourge is the second; therefore, the "late" step, they often appear when the demon hunters and dark creatures fight to lose both. "Shun" helps the demon hunters to eliminate hidden dangers; although the final mission is still completed by the demon hunters, but for the Secret Service to solve this first cover, the demon hunter will naturally not agree; Ye Qi looks at the gold in front of The girl, whispered in a low voice: "And you are not doing very well now? It is estimated that you will return to the elite team soon?"

"Sit on the profit of the fisherman? What are you talking about?" The golden girl faced Ye Qi’s smile, just a look of awkwardness: "What do you mean?"

What do you mean?

The sneer of Ye Qi’s mouth brought a trace of impreciseness to find him and the white robe. If the golden girl didn’t know anything about life, he would never believe it; let alone he and the other. The similar relationship between hatred and the principle of the special service department, the other party does not stare at him to blame; however, the other party's denial of the way, but he could not help but produce a trace of disdain.

"Want to ask, find him! He was with me at the time!" He glanced at the white robe standing beside him, not wanting to entangle with the other side, Ye Qi straight turned and walked toward the previous room. When you step into the door, don't forget to remind the white robe to sacrifice: "Let's hurry!"

"Miss Felice is not angry. The anger will only bring you regret!" The white robe greeted the smiling eyes and stared at the door that Ye Qi entered, the golden girl with endless anger, whispered Apparently speaking, it is not the first time that the two sides meet as the Golden Girl of the Bay Area Secret Service. Naturally, they must contact the local hunting talents and the main personnel of the Holy See, but only a white robes lower than the bishop’s identity. Of course, it is also the main concern of the Golden Girl; under the gesture of the white robe. The golden girl and the other side walked aside and listened carefully to each other’s retelling,

The sun rose up early, but an autumn rain that came in late last night made the port of Sassu still enveloped in the thick morning fog; but the fog did not affect the port of Saskatcheon. Passion for people to work. The trucks lined up from the dock and screamed from time to time. Let Saskatchewan be filled with the excitement that Yaki has never seen before.

"The snakes were the water snakes produced here in Saskatchewan yesterday; and the venom that Miss Bethsie sent someone to extract from the bishops was a venom of pythons; the scope of python activities in Saskatchewan There are only one or two places." A white robe in a casual dress walked beside Ye Qi and whispered; but when it came to the dead bishop, the tone was sad: "It’s a pity that the bishop is so unreasoned. of"

"Does your Holy See not say that you will enter the Kingdom of God if you die? If you are so sad, you should be happy for the premature bishop!" Ye Qi interrupted the sadness of the white robe and reminded him again. The purpose: "And we are looking for the vampire yesterday, not listening to what you taught the bishop!"

Last night, when the white robe sacrificed the snake to the Yezide, the water snake near Saskatchewan, Ye Qi was ready to go immediately; but the test of the death of the bishop’s body delayed the middle of the night and made him brighter. There is no gain, but at least the scope has been reduced again. As for the white robe sacrifice, when Ye Qi came out, he said that he could lead the way for Ye Qi, at least those places full of poisonous snakes. The locals in Si Kong are not willing to go. And if there is no familiar person to lead the way, Ye Qi will inevitably delay the time again.

After thinking Ye Qi agreed to the white robe sacrifice, of course, which is conditional. For example, if anything is heard by him, the white robe is only responsible for leading the way; he does not want to let the other side escape the knife because of the wrong idea of ​​the white robe.

"Yes, the bishop went to the kingdom of God, I should be happy!" The simple white robe sacrifice did not hear the ridicule in Ye Qi's words, but he nodded happily; then he was facing a car in front. Pointing out: "We are going to a hilly area outside the suburbs of Saskatchewan, which is not close, and it would be better to have a car to travel!"

Looking at the white robe, I was happy to walk into the car dealership. Ye Qi could not help but turn a blind eye and walked in behind.

In the white robe sacrifice, he took the initiative to bear the car rental fee. The owner of the car dealer opened a good-performing sword. Although it was not modified like the Yeqi wild horse-drawn carriages, it was enough to go to the general wilderness.

Ye Qi drove, and the white robe greeted the road. Flying fast to the hilly area pointed by the white robe: while in a car not far away, watching the galloping, carefully followed up, than the weekend, looking at others to go out to play, really envious To die, especially when someone is showing off in front of the amount of waste, "Despise to show off the party", once again, thanks to the sky, the clouds, the wind, the moon, the fascist, the fish that lived in the house, and the tears of the wind and tears. There is also a monthly ticket thrown to decadence.

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