Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 90: Ambition

“Why do you have to struggle?”

The shadow pointed to the dark mercenaries who died with an unbelievable expression in the ground, and snorted: "I don't want to die like them? I certainly have to struggle! And even if it's a dead eye, I don't die in a guy like you. Hands - Sha Fox!"

"A guy like me?"

The sand fox asked the shadow, and then, when the shadow had not been answered, the whole person disappeared from the place -


With a slamming sound, a very standard whip leg was aimed at the shadow's head; at the moment the sand fox disappeared, the shadow acted, and the silver thread in his hand was like a spider. In general, the whole body is covered up and down in all directions; however, in the moment before the formation of this 'cobweb', the fox's calf shin has come to the head of the shadow.


I couldn't give up the silver line in my hand, the shadows of the arms raised, and made a very standard triangle defense; however, such a defense is not enough for Shake's whip legs - After a muffled sound, the shadow of the whole person was like a football that was kicked, and spurred backwards until it hit the wall of the manor, and it stopped.

Like a painting, the shadow hangs on the wall for a few seconds before falling to the ground.


A piece of blood fell out of the ground with the shadow, and straight out of the mouth; originally because of the pale face of the sun for a long time, at this time more and more pale, almost no difference with white paper.

"Take a guy like me. What can you do?"

The sand fox walked slowly toward the shadow and walked and said: "And. You are such a killer-born guy, what qualifications do you have for me? However, your cooperation with the Mole is good, can take my It’s also worthy of praise for the plan to destroy half!"

Although it seems to be praise, but the thick killing of Sha Fox's face is a sign of the real thought of the middle-aged man. He glanced at the young master of the Devalo family who was still shocked. Slowly said: "I originally thought that my plan was perfect after I joined Varan. It is a pity..."

“The murder of the sorcerer’s city, the heirs of a family hunter, came forward and revealed the insidious plan of the entire sand fox. Such a thing would feel infinitely beautiful if you listen to it; whether it is for those who yearn for peace. It’s still a wonderful thing for the heir; especially since the heir has just made a big mistake before. This change is enough to cover up with the heart, even if anyone suspects it will minimize this suspicion. And with this heir's excellent completion of the family's mission, all doubts will become irrelevant with the arrival of the crystal mine!"

"And as long as I am safe and secure to play the role of this heir, then after more than a decade, everything will be inherited by me; whether it is the Devaro family or the heritage of Sha Fox; unfortunately, now only plans I have to change it in half, but fortunately their body has the value to use! Of course, this includes you!"

Said. Sha Fox looked down at the people and bodies including the shadows.

"you you……"

The blue fox looks at the sand fox in front of him - even if the stupid person hears this, he understands what the other party has paid attention to; not to mention the heirs of the Dwarro family are not stupid. Even at some point it is quite smart; however, it is only sometimes.

Varan, who didn’t say a word for a long time, turned and ran; while he ran and opened his mouth, he wanted to yell out; but he hadn’t waited for his words to shout, a touch of metal shining bright silver His throat passed, and a **** straight stroke passed.


The force of the forehead, with the body of Varan rolling forward a circle, was completely silent; and on the face of the young man, there was a deep regret - no doubt, for the previous Of course, Vanilla, who is blinded by interests and does not see the true face of the other, has a reason to regret.

However, there is no regret in the world!

"I originally wanted to let you live for a while!"

Sha Fox looked at the body of Varan and said so.

"Sha Fox, are you too small to look at the family of the Demon Hunter? Do you think that you can really pretend to be the waste of the previous one without being discovered?" The shadow relies on the waist and the double The strength of the leg, moving your body, and letting the body lying on the ground turn over - such a simple movement, doing it at the moment, is exceptionally difficult; when the body moves, the arms are fierce The pain, and the back of the impact of the manor wall will also be followed by a burst of pain.

The arms were broken and the organs were shocked...

Almost at the time of the pain in two places, the shadow inferred the situation of his own injury - for a killer, judging the condition of the enemy's injury is basically the same as judging the condition of his injury; after all, Most of the killer mentors are not a good educator. They are more accustomed to the alternative way of saying things. How to judge whether a person's arm is really broken, then break your arm and let yourself It shows the difference between true and false.

Although it is cruel, it has to be said that such 'teaching' has a very significant effect. As long as it is not dead, it will become a qualified killer.

There is also the power of a battle!

The overturned shadow slightly twisted the waist, and after sensing the legs, there was no serious problem. Immediately, the heart was certain; then, the gaze looked at the sand fox standing in front of him - there was not much in the **** eyes. The emotional color, except for the calm, almost no other touching existence, and the sand fox is obviously not satisfied with this performance, he lifted his foot and gently kicked the broken arm of the shadow.


The snoring sound that suppressed the pain followed, and looked at the shadow that was distorted by the pain. Sha Hu replied with a chuckle: "These things don't have to worry about you! Of course, since I have such a plan, it is natural because I have such a grasp! However, you naturally can't see it, as me. You have only such a value in the 'performance'!"

"Do you think your plan will succeed?"

Because of the pain, with a shadow of sweat on his face, he grinned at the sand fox.

“Why didn’t I succeed? If you want to delay the time, it’s ridiculous to do so!”

Sha Fox smiled disdainfully; however, the next moment with the shadow, his small but somewhat stiff.

"The Mole has nothing to do with me. The Thousand Faces is my collaborator; and. Your plan, the Thousand Faces has long been guessed; therefore, he has come with a group of demon hunters; and, The difference between us is less than ten minutes..."

"Ten minutes?! This is impossible! How could he guess my plan! My plan..."

Shahu's face was gloomy; only, but before it was finished, it was inserted into it by a sudden sound.

"Your plan has been planned since 20 years ago. How can I guess everything about a little guy under 30? Right? Powell?" The thousand-faced monster, reaching out to open the door of the manor, walked in slowly, looking at the sand fox in front of him.

The original shady sand fox. When I heard the title, the whole person was a glimpse. He looked at the thousand faces in front of him with amazement and shouted: "How do you know my real name?"

"Do you know your real name is difficult?"

Thousands of strangers said as they stretched out their right hand and squinted at their cheeks for a moment, and immediately the man who was full of scholarly temperament disappeared. A man with a thick eyebrow and a wide forehead, full of a wild, mature man, appeared in front of him; Pointing at his face, he asked the sand fox: "How? Look at it? Powell!"

"You, you are... impossible, they are all killed! How could there be future generations!"

Sha Fox shook his head in surprise, apparently a little unbelievable.

"Yes, they are killed by you! But they do have offspring!" Thousands of strange faces looked coldly at the sand fox in front of him, with cold eyes in endless sarcasm: "And, not just my descendants. There are also a large number of treasures that exist; only they have not had time to tell you, they have been killed by you!"

"Including my parents, the original Shahu has a total of 17 people. The 18th person you joined this time will be killed by you the day before you will be recognized as a full member! So, this is yours. Reserve, naturally, you won’t know the real secret of Sha Fox! Even if you are now the so-called 'Shahu', counterfeit goods!"

"However, I have to admit your ingenuity; after spending nearly twenty years, I finally found the clue of the treasure; and used this as a bargaining chip to start your long-planned plan. But, Powell, don't you think that you always play other people, but you don't dare to say your name? Is it a sad thing?"

"Oh! Sad? The dead people are the most sad!"

After a cold cry, Powell’s imposter-like existence appeared in front of the thousand-faced monster, grabbing the other’s throat and smashing the other side, watching the thousand-faced monster quickly turn red, but still the face With a smiling expression, Powell said coldly: "Do you think that with a group of hunters, will you win? My plan will not be broken because of your little shards..."


Powell’s words were not finished. He screamed at the palm of his hand and squirmed a burst of blue smoke. He also made a sizzling sound similar to the scallops placed in a hot flat roll.

"Ah! What is this?"

With a scream, Powell holding his arm back, screaming at the thousand faces.

"Some toxins that destroy the easy-to-container pharmacy left by my parents are harmless to ordinary people, but they are highly toxic to those who use my parents' remedies!"

Thousands of face expressions calmly explained: "After getting some of the resources left by the original Sha Fox, your strength has already advanced by leaps and bounds; I am naturally not your opponent; but fortunately, you are an insatiable person, even I started to study the witch diary left by my parents; unfortunately, you are not a wizard, and the view of the wizard is too shallow. Do you think you got a wizard diary. Do you get the wizard?"

"You who are not understanding the wizard are always just a layman!"

"Go to death!"

Powell who took a bottle of syrup from his arms. Pour all the potions on the injured palm, and then the palm of the hand is a pair of thousands of faces. At once, the silvery light filled with metal texture flashes into the air again, facing the thousand face Cut off the throat.

However, unlike the previous achievements, this time the silvery light filled with metal texture is condensed in the hands of the thousand faces, and then. The light gradually dissipated, and a scimitar with a seemingly ordinary appearance but a simple texture was exposed in front of everyone.


Thousands of strangers gently waved the machete in his hand, and immediately the machete gave a pleasing vibrato, reaching out and gently traversing the back of the machete, and a thousand nostalgic eyes brought a touch of nostalgia . Then, faintly said: "This is my mother's weapon, now it is the original return to the original! And the [Dimensional bag] on your body can also be returned to the original owner!"

"Small nephew, do you think you won?"

The original sand fox, now Powell, gently pinched the injured palm and felt that the tingling sensation disappeared after most of it. Not to say with a smirk.

"Of course, I have a helping hand!" Thousands of grotesque nodded very calmly, then turned and said: "Hello, please ask for your help? Except my parents' relics. All Everything is yours; including Powell is just knowing the clues of the crystal mine and the wealth of a whole kingdom!"

"Finger? That upstart? You yell at me?!"

Powell was a glimpse when the thousand faces were just opening, and then. When I heard the name of the thousand-faced monster, I couldn’t help but laugh loudly. For the name of Finge, Powell was no stranger to the head of the sand fox; even, it once made him shake the original plan for a moment. People; however, Powell did not have any impression of this person's wealth of good luck and luck.

The laughter gradually stopped, and Powell looked at the thousand-faced monster, grabbing the claws with one hand and straight toward the thousand faces.

"You give me to die!"

Although there is no sharp claw of the beast, anyone who dares to look down on this claw with one hand will be brought into the abyss **** - this is his ability: bone strengthening; even the hardest metal is compared with his bones, It is nothing but up and down; and under the support of the bones, it is such a claw, even the hardest stone in the dead desert will be caught and crushed by him.


When a palm of a hand had just swung out of Powell's claws, he stopped in front of him, and there was no fancy match with the claws blessed by the skeletal strengthening ability. Then, there was a crack in the crisp bones. Then there is Powell's scream.

"How is it possible? You broke out this household..."


The loud slap in the face, all of Powell's next words were blocked back; and Powell's whole person was like a gyro, and after a few turns, he fell to the ground.

"This is the purpose you brought me!"

Ye Qi glanced at the ground because he slapped him in the face, and fell into a semi-conscious Powell, turned his head and looked at the face of the face.

"Yes, Lord Finge!"

Thousands of faces are respectful and respectful to Ye Qi’s courtesy, and the shadow lying on the ground halfway is also struggling. He is slightly sacred to Ye Qixian, and then stands aside with a smile... as a prisoner of the other party. The shadow has long been prepared for the worst plan after meeting the other side; only then, until now, he discovered that his worst-case plan is not enough, and it is still too far.

Don't say that the arms are now broken and the organs are hurt; even if the body is in good condition, in the face of this person who only needs to slap in the face of Sha Fox, he is not an opponent at all - whether this sand fox is fake or not, but its strength It is true, it is real; otherwise, he will not find a way to deal with assassination in three years.

"So you thought about the ending you might face?"

Ye Qi looked at the thousand faces in front of him and asked.

"Of course I thought about it, but this is the best way now!"

Thousands of strange faces in the wild eyes, a little helpless, he looked at the sand fox that fell to the ground, slowly said: "I have to do this; otherwise, when his plan is implemented, then I will It’s no longer possible to go to revenge; although the plan seems crazy, but with sufficient preparation, the success rate is quite high!"


After a low-spoken self-speaking sentence, Ye Qi put his gaze on the heirs of the already deceased Dwaro family, and suddenly turned a thought into his mind—although, in the moment when this thought appeared, Ye Qi I also felt very absurd, but after thinking about it carefully, I felt that the feasibility was quite high; after all, the plan had an original version that seemed to him to have a considerable success rate.

"what's your name?"

Silence for a Ye Qi suddenly asked.

"Rod, Rhodes. Sha Fox!"

After a thousand face quirks, I replied.

"So, Rhodes, I have a proposal! If you promise, I think I can put you and the shadow!"

Ye Qi suddenly laughed and said.

PS first more ~~~ timing ~~~

Really hot! ! !

Decadence feels that I am quickly peeled off by heat~~~ and the most unbearable thing is that on such a hot day, the decadent shoulders are actually blown! The arms can't be lifted, the code words have to put the keyboard on the legs...


Orz (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read.)

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