Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 92: Under the

According to Ye Qi, in the Xia Lin District, there are three elites of the highest government, and the two regiments that guard the Dude and the brown are even more elite in the elite, except for the conventional configuration. There are their own chariot corps and special operations brigade; once the former is set up, it is a torrent of steel made up of shells. Except for the presence of the sun or the sun, the face is completely dead.

The latter is entirely composed of a group of people like his bartenders, ranging in size from fifty to three hundred; however, it is certain that the highest government's mystery 'chariot' does This team for skill is absolutely not tolerable by anyone, especially when they cooperate with each other. Ye Qi has witnessed the mutual cooperation between the soldiers. It is definitely a scene of 1+1>2, and it is in line with the remnants. These existences naturally have the same characteristics.

"The defending of Dude... is that the corps known as the Lion?"

After a little indulging, Ye Qi asked Jacob for proof.

"Yes, that is the Lions!"

Jacob nodded, then, with a hand, made a helpless expression: "Our Chief of Staff, Moritz, this is a big ticket!"

Apparently, like Ye Qi’s previous conjecture, Jacob had the same idea; his fingers tapped on the armrests of the sofa, and Ye Qi paused a little and then curiously asked Jacob: “Moretti has this. Right? I remember that he has been in a semi-retired state, although there is a title of chief of staff in the combat drill room, but that should be a false title? And. Morrison’s caution. The adventure is coming!"

The last time in Dud in the Xia Lin District, I met with the other party several times. Let Ye Qi have a certain impression on this unrelenting wounded, even Morrison, who has left a rather rooted disease; and in these impressions, leaving the two sides’ positions, the other’s fairness, care and caution gave him a glimpse. Therefore, Ye Qi does not think that such a person will take such a big risk to do something that simply cannot achieve the goal of 'de-rooting'.

It is true that the Lions’ Legion is extremely powerful and has had countless brilliance. However, it is impossible to eliminate the dark mercenaries who came to participate in the witch secret market at one time. Not to mention that there are many real good players in these dark mercenaries, and only the wizards will not see such things happening. The highest government's army is moving outside of time or scope, but in essence, this is only a hole in the final Armistice Agreement, and it still violates the agreement itself.

In the character that Moretti has always shown, there is no such thing as a 'fairness' that is not lost. What's more, even if it is to be done, it will not be done like this. 'Reckless' 'rough' with Ye Qi The masters of the wizards who led the team knew about this happening. Then these masters of wizards will never be willing to give up; and, at that time, some rumors will come out. For the prestige that the highest government was not high, it is undoubtedly a blow.

In this way, there is nothing wrong with it, and Mortiere will not understand it. Therefore, Ye Qi’s words are full of doubts.

"Moretti is certainly not a person, but with the help of one or two members, it is enough!" Jacob shook his head and then slowly said: "According to the news we got It is said that the next presidential election will begin. There are always one or two unwilling parliamentarians who want to be active and gain more capital and glory for themselves!"

"Politics? This is the range that I don't want to touch the most! I can only wish Morriet good luck, and don't be black-belled for those who are old-fashioned giants!" Ye Qi gave a slight glimpse and immediately smiled.

"Do not worry, Moretti is also a smart guy, naturally will have his plans!"

After temporarily ending this topic with such words, Jacob looked at Ye Qi and smiled and said: "And, compared with Moretti, the two young people who have been following you are the ones that you need more headaches. Ah! You know, they both feel deeply dissatisfied with the bait in the name of both of them!"

"Uncle Jacob, don't you explain it to me?"

Ye Qi looked at Jacob's eyes with doubts.

"Explain, but the effect is not great! Obviously, this is still handed over to you personally!"

Jacob shrugged his shoulders and was helpless.

"Okay, okay! It’s a real headache!"

Ye Qi couldn't help but lick his own temple, and smiled a bit. For the young people of Xiao Daoge and Kesol, Ye Qi is quite well aware; although Xiao Daoge seems to be a casual, laughing look, but the bottom of his heart has One temper, completely in harmony with the scorpion; the latter, the young man from the Qianguma area, the temper is like a scorpion; the two young people, the reason why they can become friends, this kind of temper, That is naturally indispensable.

In fact, Ye Qi still underestimated the degree of reluctance of the two. On the evening of the same day, Ye Qi returned to the partial hall of the Northed family, their temporary residence; and after pushing the door, the demon hunter The enthusiastic dark mercenaries, the two young men who talked and laughed, immediately snorted and passed their heads.


The weak hunter and the enthusiastic dark mercenary greeted the latter, especially the latter. After a few days of cultivation, this time he was finally able to get out of the wheelchair and stand up and stand freely by his own strength; I want to return to the peak state, but it still takes some time. Although the magical emperor left the potion magical, but the enthusiastic dark mercenary left too much blood, although the wound recovered, but passed away The blood is also enough to make it weak for days.

I am here to give you!

After the enthusiastic dark mercenary smiled and rushed Ye Qibi to draw a bit, he pulled the weak demon hunter out of the room. When the latter passed by Ye Qi, he also made a fist at Ye Qi, indicating that Ye Qi was cheering; Ye Qi was a bitter smile, and saw two young people who turned their bodies to their backs. His bitter smile is deeper again.

but. Compared with Ye Qi, this is a little trouble for a little thing. At this moment, Moretti is a pair of eyebrows, and looks at the urgent letter from Dud.

"What! A group of people don't know the so-called idiot!"

After watching it for a long while, Moritie threw the official letter on the table and smashed it. After receiving this order, Moretti’s heart was full of resentment, but half of the military origin He still knows what the military's vocation is; therefore, he immediately adjusted his mentality. Into the intensive arrangements, scheduling; however, with the subsequent orders came one after another, even with the character of Moretti, can not help but violent and angry.

What is the dark mercenary who wants to leave the city as much as possible?

What is the initiative to take the initiative?

Shit! It’s a group of **** that is filled with big dung in your head!


The anger at the bottom of the heart caused Moritz to slam the table in front of the hammer, standing in front of him, and then swiftly circled around the table in front of him, until the anger was completely suppressed, and then he sat down again. Straight to the old man who was sitting on the other side of the table.

The old man's hair and beard are all white, but even so. After sitting down, the body is also straight like a pine tree. The whole person took a stern, unsmiling momentum, and the military uniform on his body showed the identity of the old man, and the golden lion badge at the neckline and the military rank on the shoulder indicated the identity of the old man. Head of the Lions Army.

The old army leader was not affected by the anger of Moretti. He picked up the letter and looked up and down carefully. Then, he calmly asked Mo Lie, "What do you think?"

"What do I think?"

After Moretti raised a sentence, there was no sneer in the slightest concealment: "If we really do what we said above, then we will wait for a full-scale war! Not only these dark mercenaries, but also wizards, Even the demon hunters will join in; and the Holy See, who has been watching the Holy See, will not mind revealing who is the Lorraine hegemon!"

For the old army leader, Moretti is a respect from the bottom of his heart. After all, he was out of the Lions; therefore, knowing the integrity of the old leader, Moretti would not It is hidden because of this integrity, Moretti has always believed that the highest government is promising; all the top management, not all of them are attacked and corrupted by bureaucracy, become stupid and unbearable.

"Diddes has news coming?"

The head of the old army did not answer the question that had been subordinated, but asked again.

"Diddes has already heard the news before, let us stand still, he went to the speaker to discuss!"

Moretti replied respectfully.

"Consultation? It seems that that person is also acquiescence!"

Slightly sighed, as the head of the Lions Legion’s army in this position for 40 years, although not involved in the political struggles of intrigue, but absolutely has considerable political sensitivity; Just as at this moment, the old man understood the real thought of the speaker. If he opposed such an order, after Deides started, the speaker should have to amend the order; but now, no accurate information has been transmitted. The news, obviously, the real thoughts of the speaker and the contents of the official letter are almost the same.

"You mean the speaker is also an adult..."

Moretti has widened his eyes. Although he can't believe the appearance, he hates the bureaucrats in the upper government. But for some people, Moretti is a heartfelt respect. The leader of the old army is one. Dedicus, who guards the entire highest government, is one, and the remaining one is the current speaker of the highest government.

It is really hard to believe that the deliberate speaker of the General Assembly would agree that such absurdity would almost be an order to pull the entire highest government into the quagmire; even at this moment, Moritz’s heart could not help. It is secretly speculated whether there has been a big turmoil within the highest government, and whether the speaker of the parliament has been coerced or controlled by anything.

However, the next moment, he shook his head secretly; there was a big man in Deides, the highest government was the wall of the iron wall, the pride of this persistence that could not be broken, but it lasted for less than two seconds. Moritz’s heart has risen a sigh of relief; because. he knows. This is indeed the acquiescence of his respected speaker.

"People always want to be able to go further at the peak, and he is no exception!"

The head of the old army looked at Morrison, who was in front of him with a sigh of relief. Then, his eyes were again placed in the last signed position on the official letter. He said faintly: "He is already seventy years old. According to the regulations of the highest government, he It’s impossible to re-elect the position of the speaker; then before he leaves, he must want to complete something that is enough to make him proud, proud, and even dead without regrets!"

"However, this will be used by the villains!"

Retracting the gaze on the last signed position on the letter, the old army leader tapped the table gently, and after the crisp sound regained the attention of Moretti, his voice said smoothly: "Our existence It is to protect the highest government and guard Lorient; Mortier, do you understand?"

"Yes, the head of the army!"

After the instinctive Moretti was upright, the erected lord of the old army leader in front of him was honored as a return to the recruits. The head of the army, who was still younger at the time, was looking at the troops.

"Start deployment according to our original operational plan!"

The commander of the old army issued a meticulous order; and when his former sergeant spoke of guarding the highest government and guarding Lorante, he had already guessed the Mortieri that the old army leader would do. There was no accident; just after paying a military ceremony again, he turned and ran out of the tent and began to convey the order down.

"It's really a bunch of greedy, very **** guys!"

After there was no one in the tent, the old army leader’s gaze once again looked at the last signature of the official letter. The whole person sat there, as if it were a real lion, not angry at all; at this moment, this The head lion has its own anger. Under the urging of anger, the power is almost impossible to look at, especially those who are guilty of sorrows and sorrows.


Xia Lin District, Dude.

On the top floor of a building, two middle-aged men are looking down on the bottom, overlooking the bottom because of the height and distance, and they have been reduced to a mung bean big point. The crowds are constantly flowing, with high contempt and pride on their faces.

"You said that the old lion, is it now violently ready to choose someone?"

Among the two middle-aged men, they were tall and tall, and the smiling person who had a hooked nose asked the person next to him.

"I have been in the past twenty years, I have never seen the old lion angry! I don't know if it is a good temper? Or because it is too old, it will not be angry!" With a touch of laughter, this figure is slightly Fat, not tall, even the voice of a bald middle-aged man is full of gloating: "I was angry last time because his son defies the military order? However, this old lion is really embarrassing, his own son. I even said that the guns would be shot!"

"Oh, we all say that we are hazy, no humanity; compared with this old lion, we can be worse than just a little bit!"

The eagle-hooked man shook his head with admiration and took the words of the person beside him. He continued: "If we all have the heart of the old lion, have we reached this level of today?" ”

"Of course, that must be of course!"

The middle-aged man with a chunky bald head, nodded and laughed.

"How are those people talking?"

After a little laugh, the chubby bald middle-aged man asked the person next to him.

"Everything is in place. As soon as the time comes, we can watch the show!"

The middle-aged man with a hooked nose replied with a smile, and turned to the wine cabinet. He took out two cups, each filled with the finest red wine, and handed it to a partner in front of him. He raised his hand. The wine glass, smiled: "Come on, let us wish you all the best, we plan everything goes well!"

"all the best!"

The chunky bald middle-aged man raised his glass with the same smile.


The two wine glasses gently touched together and made a crisp sound. The red wine in the cup rolled up and down with this collision, just like boiling blood.


"Hi, Mr. Finger, don't you really leave with us?"

Xiao Doug looked at Ye Qi in front of him, and the young man in the Qianmuma area did not speak, but the expectations in his eyes showed the most direct thoughts of his heart; and the two young people, at this moment, also looked at it. Not the same as yesterday’s sly look at Ye Qi.

"In Randy Fort, I still have some things to deal with; about to return to Dude after the end of the wizarding city!" Ye Qi, standing next to the car, smiled and explained to the two young people: "It is also a week." Time, when I go to Dude, we can meet again!"

"Herman, Tony, do you have to wait until the wizard is over?"

The small Doug’s gaze was placed on the other two passers-by.

"Of course, the witch secret market is a very difficult opportunity for people like us to collect!"

"And, we have already discussed with Weston Masters and joined the Wizards in the next week!"

"In exchange for some small things, in exchange for our next phase of travel!"

"So, we can't go to Dude to see you and Kosor in the short term!"

The weak hunter and the enthusiastic dark mercenary looked at each other after a look at one person said,

"Do you have a new destination?"

"Of course, it will be a great trip!"

Enthusiastic dark mercenaries said this way; the two young people who felt unhappy because of their differences, felt more and more unhappy.

"You are also on your own journey!" Patted two young shoulders. After both of them got on the bus, Ye Qi smiled and continued: "So, don't envy others! Not to mention the completion of the demon After the training of the person, a journey long enough to make you vomit will appear in front of you!"

"I have never been expecting vomiting as I am now!"

Xiao Dao shrugged and laughed with his friends; and Ye Qi and the two people next to him smiled and waved their arms at the two young people and sent a blessing.

"Bon Voyage!"

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ (to be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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