Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 94: Unexpected invitation

The counterattack that the young special envoy of the Dwaro family was waiting for did not come. The nail in his eyes at this time seemed to have not heard his provocation before, turned straight and went to the table; then, just like this The beginning of the breakfast, elegant, as a general norm taught by the etiquette.

"Waste, can you only swallow it now?"

The young envoy obviously did not want to end the dialogue between the two sides, went straight to the table and whispered; and his eyes were even stunned to see the young envoy in front of Varan. I will believe that in just less than two weeks, the guy who is self-respecting in front of him will become really vain. Moreover, even those who are vain will have anger.

This is disguise, a fool who is deceiving around, in order to consolidate the camouflage that now gains its prestige and status!

Thinking of this, the young envoy, the more rude words are: "How can you have such good luck with waste like you? It really makes me puzzled! I thought your parents, when... ”


The tomato juice that was served with the bacon barbecue was so smashed on the face of the young special envoy with the saucer itself. The tomato juice and glass **** flowed down the cheeks, making the other's original appearance and decent clothes become It was a mess; now, the instinctive young envoy reached out and pointed to Varan and shouted: "You..."

"Sorry, the hand slipped!"

The Varan side dining knife cut the bacon barbecue into small pieces, and said it without any care; it seems to be really unintentional, and this tone. It is like being in a crowded street. I accidentally stepped on someone else's foot and said it afterwards. After the Varan dining fork forked the bacon barbecue, the pair found that the ketchup in the dish was gone, and shouted at the moment.

"Shadow, give me another tomato juice!"

"Yes, young master!"

Holding a new dish of tomato juice out of the shadow of the shadow, straight through the young special envoy, but did not even look at each other, the dish with tomato juice was placed on the table. I turned back to the shadows again; and Varan seemed to be completely attracted to the food, smiling, and very happy to start eating.

For a long period of time, the entire room was left with only the use of knives and forks and the sighs from time to time. If it wasn’t for the sincerity of the previous voice, I’m afraid this even Devalo The young envoys of the family will think that they do not exist.

"You are deliberate! Everything today, I will truthfully sue the patriarch!"

With anger, the young envoy, ready to turn away from his task assigned by the family, has been completed, and his goal has been achieved. Although not so good, it is enough to make this guy drink a pot in front of him; and this is just the beginning. Since it is already an enemy, then he will definitely increase his efforts to completely kill the other party, no matter what method.

"and many more!"

At the moment when the young envoy turned around, there was a voice from Varan behind him; immediately, the young special envoy who had just turned around and looked like a wolf, couldn’t help but look up, with a touch of smug, he turned After crossing the body, squinting at Varan who put down the knife and fork, he said: "What? Now want to apologize? Is it a bit late?"

"Apologize? What am I doing wrong, need to apologize?"

Varan’s appearance is unknown.


The young envoy’s anger was once again in his heart. He glared at the valan in front of him. If he didn’t understand it at this time, it’s the other party’s words, then the education of the Dwarro family is real. It is too worrying.

"I just want to remind you of a good intention!"

Varan took over the other party's words and said very straightforwardly; then, looking at the other person's angry look, he couldn't help but smile, and picked up the forks and knives on both sides, while cutting the bacon barbecue, slowly said. "I have moved away from my original position. Although I was not used to it at the beginning, when I got used to it, I saw something that was not yang; because my eyes at the moment are clearer than I originally saw!"

"This feeling is very good, I don't want to be destroyed by others! So, I want to remind you again; if you stretch out your claws at will to disturb my current life, then I don't mind knocking it off!"


The blade of the knife came to the plate and made a crisp sound, and the cut bacon barbecue leaped from the plate, just like a palm that was smashed; The young special envoy trembled involuntarily, and when he saw a fork that was exactly the best to insert the bacon roast, it followed another tremor.















"You should be glad that this is the wizarding city, and no one is allowed to do it! Otherwise, I will never allow you to get out of this room!"

This is the last sentence that the young Devalo family envoy heard in the room. When he returned to God again, he appeared outside the door of the room, it seems that the door behind him, the young The special envoy of the Dwaro family can not help but bite the teeth

Do you think that your wēé can make me afraid?

I have the whole family behind me!

With such words, the young special envoy of the Devalo family hurriedly left the estate of the Northstead family, boarded his carriage and left quickly; however, it was covered with tomato juice and glass slag. Faces, hair and clothes, really can't tell the wolverines, plus the quick departure, it gives people a feeling of being embarrassed and fleeing.

Especially when the young special envoy entered the estate of the Northder family, he did not choose to cover up. Therefore, many people know that the people of the Devaro family are coming; therefore, countless eyes are placed on this pride. The young envoy, who was no one in sight, entered the room of Varan no matter how arrogant he was. How was it that he was thrown into a tomato juice and fled. They were all seen by those who deliberately noticed.

And in the crowd. I don’t know who was the first to laugh, and then a large laughter came together, making the Dewaro family’s fast-moving team, two points faster, and that’s the case. Laughter is a bit higher again.

"Good little guy, it means a little jīè!"

Father Fletcher stood in front of his own hall and looked at the scene. He shook his head and smiled as the current patriarch of the Northder family. With rich experience and sharp eyes, Father Fletcher can naturally distinguish what is acting and what is the truth; and when the young special envoy of the Devaro family left, it was anger, humiliation, and a little bit of fear. The shape of the chest is enough to make Father Fletcher guess what happened in the previous room.

After all, as Father Fletcher, who is also a family or a family patriarch, it is too much to understand the nature of the family; although the Northder family has converged because of the previous patriarch, I don’t know much. But for other families, there are not such good patriarchs. That kind of decaying atmosphere, but it will always be circulated.

"The guy who is gloating, are you not ready to help this little guy?"

The master of the wizard, Steinden, stood beside his good friend and looked at his friend’s appearance. He couldn’t help but shook his head. The young man named Waran who could help solve the troubles of the wizard’s secret market was the wizard. Steinden, who led the team to lead the team, is naturally grateful, especially after the young man showed enough good quality, this gratitude is naturally transformed into appreciation, and such appreciation is obviously It is enough to make this wizard master worry about the future of Varan.

"My help? This little guy is absolutely not needed! Can make such a thing, he obviously has already arranged it!" Father Fletcher said with confidence to his friend: "I am sure just The little boy who left will eventually be unable to eat and go!"

"Well, after all, family affairs, you are an expert!"

Master Steinden was very convinced of Father Fletcher's words. After nodding his head, he immediately said another thing: "My proposal, have you handed it over..."

The moment before the name was made, Master Steinden passed away very vaguely.

"I have already asked Lord Jacob, and he said that it will be conveyed as soon as possible!"

For Master Standen, who wants to say something, Father Fletcher is undoubtedly well-informed, and he replied at the moment.

"Don't worry, after all, after the wizard's road is opened, these little guys have to adapt, the old guys we lead can leave! Are you sure you don't go together?" Steinden's eyes looked at the blessing Father Letcher, the latter immediately smiled: "I want to go, but the Northall family is still too weak! If I leave for a long time, I am afraid..."


Master Steinden nodded helplessly. Although he wanted to go with his friends again, he also understood that his friends were telling the truth; without enough protection, the Northder family was a mouth-watering big cake. Everyone wants to take a bite.

"However, is there no talent worthy of training among your descendants?"

Steinden asked for concern.

"There are several, Regus, Remus brothers, as well as Gail and Locke; and in the youngest generation, there are only two singers and Linda!" Father Che is immediately stunned: "The singer strength is good, but the mind is completely out of the whole family. I have completely treated myself as a hunter, whether it is acting style or thinking, I am facing him. That teacher is infinitely close! As for Linda..."

When I mentioned this granddaughter, Fletcher’s father had another bitter bitterness on his face.

"She has awakened the sacred pattern of the Northder family. According to the family rules, she is the patriarch of the next generation. At the time, Gael also arranged this, but when Gael left the family and the former wizarding road served as the guardian, Linda no longer accepts such an arrangement; she moved to the city of Langburg with her mother and bought a small building opposite the devil, even if it was held in the Northall family. She has not come back!"

"It seems that you and my responsibilities are very heavy! All need to continue to work hard!"

After listening to the introduction of old friends, Master Steinden could not help but think of the status quo of the wizard's fort, and immediately raised his head with a smile, and looked at the distant sky with his old friends, silent.


“Good job!”

Ye Qi walked out of the shadow, followed by the same shadow that came out of the shadow, and he said to Rod Shake in front of him.

"Thank you for your compliment!"

Rhodes didn't have the temperament of dressing up Valan before. He looked very humble and went to Ye Qi's face. Because of the contract, the young people in front of him already knew the true identity of Ye Qi, plus the relationship of the contract. For Ye Qi's attitude, it is very natural to put it in the position of the servant.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ (to be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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