Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 96: chat

The most recent chapter of the Reborn Demon Hunter 5200 ()

The unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area is naturally quite attractive to Ye Qi. After all, according to the information he obtained, there are a considerable number of complete relics there; if not, the degree of danger reached an order. Ye Qi has already traveled to the point where people can't guard it. In the face of sudden danger, Ye Qi is sure to solve it, but when he uses [nameless skills] to absorb and transform the power of faith, he basically belongs to Undefended state, although there is a strange wolf as the last line of defense, but for the cautious Ye Qi, this state is enough for him to explore the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area and new scruples.

Originally, Ye Qi’s plan was to complete the trip to Dude, and then bring the wizard’s tower of the wizard’s tower back to 'Landingburg, and then find a proper way to deal with his use of [nameless skills]. The powerless state of the power of faith absorption and transformation; and in this state of powerlessness, it is naturally better to find one or two reliable helpers - although it is only a short-lived contact, but for Steinden Master, Ye Qi can still be assured; everything that the other party shows is what the elderly should have.

Therefore, if you explore with the other party, Ye Qi will not refuse; of course, the necessary countermeasures still need to find - after all, although there is the existence of Master Steinden, but Ye Qi does not dare to guarantee the wizard The master can cope with all the crises; his friend Ted’s phrase, even if it’s a strong day, you need luck there! ‘Yeqi is remembered in the heart.

Moreover, there is still a question of time; if Master Steinden immediately leaves, even if Ye Qi wants to go again, he can only regret to miss this opportunity - whether it is the previous commitment to the allies, or to this The vigilance of the secret opportunities of the various dark mercenaries in the Dudu, had to make Ye Qi make such a choice; the chameleon mentioned at that time, the Holy See was involved, Ye Qi will not forget.

With the participation of the Holy See, Ye Qizhen can't think of any good things happening, and if possible, subvert the supreme government. This group of gods can also be made, especially the new president of the highest government is about to be elected, all of which Ye Qicai can not believe will be a beautiful coincidence.

"I will travel to Dude a week later!"

Ye Qi said very directly.

"Is it because of the secret gathering of the dark mercenary organization?"

When the old wizard and Father Fletcher listened to Ye Qi, they knew what Ye Qi was for; especially the latter. It’s even more vocal: “You are going to take a look at your little lover first. Then, look for your little lover to find revenge for you. Come on, I’m very supportive of you! Kicking off the slut’s **** of the restless guy!"

"I am with Bernard. Taylor has nothing, and..."

Ye Qi’s explanation has not been finished. Father Fletcher slammed Ye Qi’s shoulders hard and revealed a smile that was old and disrespectful. “Reassured, I am also coming over, I know, understand!”

What do you know?

Ye Qi’s belly glanced at Father Fletcher. Then, I looked at the old wizard.

"The time we went to the unexplored area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, the fastest and two months later, all the boys and girls can start in Lorraine's!" The old wizard said with a smile. There is a rough time: "As for the specific departure time, it is the second day after the harvest festival; after the harvest festival, it is a real day for travel!"

Harvest Festival: This is a festival to celebrate the harvest, but also indicates the arrival of autumn. People who work **** the land celebrate this year's bumper harvest. At the same time, I also pray for a good harvest every year. After the holiday, it is the best time to travel. Merchants, messengers, pilgrims, and other people who want to travel will start the next day – obstructing the road in the mud. The rain started before it became cold snow; although the level of the road had improved considerably after entering the free age, the weather of ice and snow did not change, except for the Chunlin District and the Xialin District and the three restricted areas. The rest of Llorante will get cold in the six weeks to eight weeks after the Harvest Festival, like the winter forest. It will be directly into the rhythm of the snow-covered mountains in the weeks before the harvest festival.

Therefore, people with travel plans will complete them within six to eight weeks after the harvest festival; otherwise, even the perfect travel plan will become chilly when the cold is inflicted.

The old wizards chose this day, apparently following the tradition - in the wizarding tradition, when the star of the sky began to rise above the moon, that is the best time to start.

"The second day of the Harvest Festival? Good days!"

Ye Qi nodded - although he did not have the so-called tradition of the wizard, but in such ample time, it is obviously enough for him to deal with the things in front of him, not to miss the opportunity to explore the unexplored area of ​​the marsh area.

"Of course it's a good day. If I can, I want to go with you too! Unfortunately..." Father Fletcher looked helpless, and Ye Qi, who knows what the father wants to say, is smiling. I picked up the fruit tea in front of me and didn't have any idea of ​​talking.

However, for Father Fletcher, such a 'nobody cares' situation can not make him feel embarrassed, but after a slight smile, the father of Fletcher continued to say: "The singer has already Going back, for my uncle, this kid is now treating me as an enemy, Linda is almost the same; and the two of them are the best heirs of our generation of Nosted family! So..."

“I am not a qualified teacher, but I know that any study starts with interest; if you have interest, you will like it, and once you like it, you will have amazing progress!” Did not wait for Foley After the old man finished speaking, Ye Qi said one step ahead: "I will not order my students, and will not force him to do something that he does not like!"

"This is not an order or a force, but a teaching! A step-by-step instruction!"

Father Fletcher nodded first, then immediately reaffirmed that during this period, the old man’s face was as usual, his mouth was up and smiling, and apparently there was no such thing as being rejected by Ye Qizhi; The 'misleading' of Ye Qi's discourse.

"I can't do this kind of teaching; after all, I have already said it. I am not a qualified teacher!"

Ye Qi said with the same smile - he was expected to respond to Father Fletcher's reaction, so he also arranged for himself after the road.

"Hey, don't you have the heart to watch the decline of the Northder family?"

Father Fletcher, who sighed softly. There was a trace of grief at the moment at the moment.

"With your old body. If you don't have any accidents, it will not be a problem to live for another fifty or sixty years. In such a time, the Northder family will definitely have a better heir, and. Regus, Ray. Moss is also on the verge of breaking through? Once the opportunity is given, the Northder family will return to the past, and there is no problem!"

For the grief on Father Fletcher's face, Ye Qi could not see whether it was true or not, but for the other party's words. Ye Qike will not fully believe that the strongman of the Japanese glory has reached the limit of human beings. In this limit, life is included, especially those who have found the 'self-path'. Its longevity is enough for ordinary people to look up; just like the tower master of the Moon Tower, when it was at the beginning of the Free Age, it was already active on Lorant, and now it is still healthy.

Remove the change from the moonlight level to the daylight level because of its own ability. Naturally, it is indispensable; and the father of Fletcher in front of the world is naturally much smaller than the tower of the moonlight night, but its strength is the position between the high-level and the peak of the day. With such strength, as long as there is no serious injury, it will not be a problem at all for a few decades. If there is another small breakthrough in strength, then the span of this time will undoubtedly be strengthened again.

Therefore, Ye Qi will not worry about the decline of the so-called Northder family - a family will rise because of a good heir, but will never fall because of the loss of a good heir; because. In each family, there are too many heirs to be backed up; perhaps they are not good enough. I can't lead my family to a new level, but as a defender, it's definitely enough.

Just like the Northder family at this time, Gail. Northder is definitely an excellent patriarch. Even if he is blinded, he allows the Northder family to achieve a breakthrough in some aspects that the family did not dare to think about; After Northder became a past tense, Regus and Remus were undoubtedly the ones who defended the city and belonged to the reserve. Although from now on, the Northder family is made by the father of Fletcher. For the patriarch, but most of the time, there are Regus, Remus, the brothers to do everything.

In particular, Regus, the incumbent leader of the current Norther family, is undoubtedly more valued by Father Fletcher; after all, the identity of the leader of the Remus Sea God would be very embarrassing if he was the patriarch - although The Sid family also has a history of patriarchal charge, but this does not mean such a history, but it still needs to be put on today; this is completely inconsistent with the development of a family, and a strategizing patriarch is far more than a rushing rush. The patriarch is more worthy of training.

Therefore, Ye Qi has the confidence that Regus, the incumbent leader of the current Northder family, is the patriarch of the next Northed family, and how the Nosted family will emerge without the age of the other. What about the phenomenon? What's more, with the shackles of Fletcher's old leaf, how can he not arrange for the Northstead family in advance if there is no suitable path for the heirs?

You know, the former patriarch Gail. Northerke is still guarding the path of the wizard - although his male disciple is very naughty and rebellious, but he is very obedient to his parents, not to mention the other's sister, it is simply a need Now the girls have to learn good children.

The father of Fletcher in front of him will temporarily give up Gail. Northder came to him, nothing more than because the original Father Fletcher returned to the Northder family, some unpleasant experiences on both sides - this unhappiness is undoubtedly long ago, Gail. After the signing of the agreement between North and the Holy See, it was buried; it would make the father of Fletcher mad at home, even if it was a temporary expedient, but it was enough to prove what was the situation at the time. A mess.

"And, Father Fletcher, are you really not suitable for the people you brought back this time? Anyone needs to be experienced. The original grammar is like this. The same is true for these young people. Under the same conditions, As long as the training is appropriate, no one will be worse than anyone else; I believe that you have this ability!"

In the end, Ye Qi not only showed his position again, but also completely blocked the words of Fletcher, the old man, if he was entangled in such a thing. Ye Qi is not able to guarantee that he will retreat from the whole body - with the embarrassment of Fletcher's old leaf. If possible, the other party will never mind finding an opportunity to train him to train some of the best young people in the Northder family.

even. Ye Qi suspected that the other party had such a purpose from the beginning; it was only because it was hidden under the pretentious excuses. Once the grandiose excuses were broken by him, then this hidden purpose would naturally appear and he would Set in it.

"Don't you really help me?"

Father Fletcher was blocked after all the words. Instead of giving up immediately, he used his identity as an elder to start requesting Ye Qi.

"If you can help me clear all the troubles, I don't mind helping you!" Ye Qi couldn't help but flipped a blank eye and said a part of the truth: "I am now in a good position with the Holy See." The director of the Inquisition wants to take me back to the firearm! After all, as far as I know, he seems to have only one disciple!"

"You killed the guy's disciple?"

This time it was not just Fletcher's father, even the old wizard was not surprised.

"Well, an accidental accident!"

Ye Qi spread his hands. Shrugging, it is like saying that the tea has forgotten the little things like sugar.

"Sure enough, it is a disciple of Juggernaut!"

Father Fletcher and the old wizard met with each other and sighed at the same time; at this moment, a footstep was heard clearly in the distance - the other party apparently intended to remind the people here to talk; otherwise. It is basically impossible to make such footsteps with the soft land here.

"Regus, what?"

Father Fletcher asked, straight.

"The Lions' ambush against the dark mercenary organization. The first part has ended, being the dark mercenary of the pathfinder. Most of the deaths, a small part of being captured and fleeing!" wearing a Northder family The unique Regis, who looks like a military uniform, said straight after seeing the people present.

For the old wizard, Regus naturally knows his relationship with his uncle, knowing that such things do not need to be concealed; while the person sitting next to him has a hood, obscuring the proper appearance, but after he approaches The decisive momentum that was deliberately released, but also made him understand the identity of the other side - their allies of the Northder family: the dragon of Shaker.

"Someone rushed out of the encirclement?"

Father Fletcher asked.

"According to the news we got, there is basically no!"

Regus answered the truth truthfully according to the news he received; and such an answer made Father Fletcher laugh at the moment, and after the laughter was abrupt, the father continued to say: "The old lion really It’s still so hot! It’s the character who shot his son!”

"Not only is it hot, stubborn is still as usual!"

There is a sigh in the voice of the old wizard. Obviously, there is no anger in the practice of the Supreme Master for the scorn of the Supreme Government. Instead, there is a bit of unclear concern.

"Do you know the head of the lion regiment's army?"

Ye Qi looked at the old wizard - apart from such an explanation, he really didn't know what else could explain the situation in front of him; and, Ye Qi guessed that the old wizard in front of him and the head of the lion corps had quite a deep Relationship; and as Ye Qi guessed, after hearing the question of Ye Qi, the old wizard nodded straight.

"Like Fletcher, the old lion is also one of my few friends who are still alive!"

"I don't dare to compare with the old lion. It is estimated that we are all dead. He has to live well!"

Undoubtedly, the words of Father Fletcher revealed a bit of resentment and ridicule.

"As a soldier, he naturally has the duties of a soldier. He could not help you at the beginning, but also because of his duties!"

The old wizard smiled and persuaded his friends; but Father Fletcher was discouraged and did not answer; but gloating: "But this time I have to look at this old lion What will happen? Is it still obeying the duties of his own military personnel to carry out the black pot for others? Or just climb up and shake your own prestige, let those guys cry and scream!"

"Floyd Father, are you not optimistic about the commander of the Lions?"

Under the guise of the old wizard's help, Ye Qi asked.

"Of course, not optimistic!"

Father Fletcher answered with great certainty, and then continued: "Everyone can see that this time the encirclement of the dark mercenary is completely a mud pit. Whoever goes in will have to sink to the bottom and climb and climb!" The legion stationed in the Xia Lin District, but there are three, all elite! But, who is here again? Not the stubborn old lion, who really thinks of himself as a savior?"

"Know that the fastest death is the savior!"

Ps first more timed rebirth of the demon hunter

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