Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 102: invite

"The thought of breaking the sorrow, the hand of the abyss, the sorrow, and the nest of horror, these guys are really unwilling to be lonely; if you take the shadow of the darkness, the Taff Brothers invites, it is really lively!" The invitation and the following payment, the old man could not help but chuckle.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Unlike the thought of breaking and the hand of the abyss, the nest of horror is a killer organization, which is horrifying to harvest human life; and the shadow of the darkness and the Brotherhood of the Taff, the former is also a killer organization. The latter is an organization known for stealing and assassination.

But the difference is that the horror nest is to train the killer and cultivate the killer, and the shadow of the darkness is to absorb the lone traveler in the dark world into the organization, as for the Taff Brothers?

Although they also have the reputation of assassination, but compared to their stealing skills, it is not worth mentioning.

And these five organizations, which are also recognized in the dark world as being able to enter the top ten of the dark mercenary organization, except for the already-delisted Shahu, although the strength is very strong, but it has never reached everyone. Recognized to the point, there are always some places that are criticized. ..

It is like a sand fox, just guarding the two areas of the dry forest and the yellow sand. Its influence will not reach the top ten of the dark mercenary organization. The important point is that apart from the corresponding strength, it is Every region of Llorante has its own point of contact and is able to accept commissions as quickly as possible.

Of course, except for the situation of sand fox, there is also the top ten in the hard-air mercenary organization in the hard hit, which is only the top ten in the literal sense, regardless of before and after. Is juxtaposed; therefore. Its strength is naturally comparable; and this has become an important judgment. Those dark mercenary organizations that are considered to be in the top ten but have doubts are simply because they have not experienced such a 'baptism'.

For example, the blood of the rise in the last ten years is because there is no similar experience, but it has a very brilliant result. Only some people think that it is into the top ten, but some people think that it is not qualified.

The laughter of the old man naturally has a reason. Broken thoughts and the hands of the abyss have always had hatred, the horror of the nest and the shadow of the darkness is like a fire, although the Taff Brothers and several strengths have no hatred, but in the face of a group of thieves, all people will not give That is to say, these five dark mercenary organizations are completely hostile camps. Although they seem to be able to live in peace, when the real interests are placed in front of them, then the battle is naturally revenge. New hatred and old hate count together, for the dark mercenary. That is a rare opportunity.

As for the Shadow of the Dark and the Brotherhood of the Taff, did not appear on the list of invitations?

Ye Qi can guarantee that in such a secret gathering, not only the shadow of the darkness, but also the Taff Brothers will come to Dud, even the remaining few organizations in the dark mercenary organization that are not workers. The sharks that appear to smell the **** smell, the swarming of them, all with greed; unable to get food, they swallow the surrounding companions until they are full.

"Uncle Raul, this secret gathering of the dark mercenary organization, are you going to participate?"

After changing to the old man's side, after sweeping the contents of the invitation, he asked if there was no indication, but Ye Qi heard the words of the sè dragon, and he knew that the sè dragon did not want his elders. Going to participate in this secret gathering; as for the reason? I did not agree with this old man to change the plan of the dragon just now.

The concern between family members is always so fortunate that no matter whether it is a sè dragon or the old man is a candid person, they will choose to communicate, unlike other people, obviously because of good intentions, but always Misunderstandings are repeatedly connected; in the end, even family members will become strangers.

"Of course, I don't want to be stared at by a group of irrelevant guys!"

The old man nodded and replied. Then, the voice said with a slight annoyance: "Hicker, if I let him see him again, I must teach him well; I have caused such a big trouble!"

"Well, don't say this! Little Taylor, tell me, did you really find a way to avoid the Holy See?"

The old man turned back to the topic before he was undisturbed.

"Well, I found it in an unintentional experiment, it was an unexpected discovery!"

Changed sè dragon very simple to explain the experiment that he can succeed: "That was accidentally discovered when I was disguised into a church and looking for an item; although the process was a little thrilling, the result was quite good; Especially after I got the item, I took part in an unknown transaction."

"This kind of action is too risky. I have not reminded you not to enter the organization bases under the Holy See, the Demon Hunter and the highest zhèngfǔ." The old man's instinctive board has a face, and then he is changing. In the look of smile, the face that just got up, the next moment is loose, and it is normal. The old man said helplessly: "I don't want to see you hurt, or, if there is such a thing in the future, you must Be careful and cautious; understand?"

The old man did not make strict orders to change the contact of the sè dragon again. Obviously, he also understood that this was an unrealistic thing; therefore, he turned to advise.

When the voice fell, the old man seemed to think of something. He turned and pointed to Ye Qidao: "If anything, you can let him go! As an ally, you must be good at and not good at it. You should concentrate on the collection of news. , organize, and then give it to him and let him go!"

"I think so, so this time I will invite Ye to Shake!"

In the look of Ye Qiluo's mistake, the sè dragon squinted at Ye Qi's smile.

"very good!"

The old man was undoubtedly very satisfied with the answer; his satisfaction was enough to make his smile on Ye Qi.

And such a smile did not disappear until Ye Qi’s dinner left; even, when he left the house. The old man still invites Ye Qi to come back next time; he is only a party. Ye Qi, who knows the result of all the reasons. Looking at the smile of the old man, it is really difficult for him to have any feeling of joy, even with a slight awkwardness as if someone had said a treat, and then suddenly told you that there was no money at the checkout.

"Is Uncle Raul's enthusiasm surprised you?"

After sitting in the car and driving the car, she smiled and asked since the beginning of noon that the real smile on the face of the sè dragon has not been reduced. Correspondingly, the smiles on Ye Qi’s face are all so bitter; even at this moment, there is no exception. With a bitter smile, Ye Qi shook his head and said: “This kind of enthusiasm is not as good as when I first entered the door. The coldness makes me feel comfortable!"

"Don't you understand the feelings of an elderly person who cares about the younger generation?"

Change sè dragon and continue to smile and ask.

"Of course I can understand, but I changed my name to me, especially when I think that I was thanked because I was behind the other's younger generation. I am...not prepared; yes, I am not prepared!" odd. Discretionary use of a fairly appropriate word.

"Don't worry, I will make you ready!"

I changed the sè dragon pun, and said something, then, without any response to Ye Qi, she said again: "I can arrange up to five people to enter the interior of the Holy See, you have the right person. ?"


After Ye Qi heard this number, a slight frown is not too much for a large organization like the Holy See. It is even strict in terms of strictness. However, contrary to the first thought, there are five in total. Well, and from this digital Ye Qi, it is not a simple matter to disguise the power of faith; if it is simple, it will not only make five so few.

"Five people are not many. If you want to play the most important role, you must put it in a fairly critical position! Are you sure your camouflage can be effective?" Ye Qi once again asked if he believed to change The ability, but in such a thing, Ye Qi's caution will not be reduced.

"My disguise can be assured, as long as you don't expose yourself on the spot, even if you face your biggest enemy, the director of the Inquisition is less than 30% found!" Ye Qi affirmed such confidence, apparently from many experiments before the change of sè dragon to the old man, what is the search for items, Ye Qi did not know, that unknown transaction, Ye Qi is only guessing, but What is the way to change the sè dragon, but Ye Qi is sure.

The disguise of appearance and the power of disguise of faith entered and proved to be, as it was, she was very successful; at the very least, the occurrence of the unknown transaction was enough to illustrate some facts.

"If you face the probability that the head of the Inquisition can be seen less than 30%, it will be enough to hold some important positions... What is the position of the main sacrifice in each region?" Ye Qi said his opinion: "If It is the responsibility of the high priest who is responsible for the entire region. It is likely to be transferred to the Shenglin area. This does not have any benefit for us. Instead, it will increase the risk of exposure. It is better to choose a regional deputy or a The deputy of the city is our goal!"

"Is there a suitable goal?"

This change of questioning sè dragon apparently agreed with Ye Qi’s statement, and Ye Qi immediately entered the state of thinking and began to think about where is the right target.

Chūn forest area and Xia Lin area can't!

The first to be ruled out by Ye Qi is the chūn forest area and the Xia Lin area; the former is the Xiake near the head of the demon hunter, and the latter is the highest base of the zhèngfǔ. The power of the Holy See in these two areas is not large. It can be said that it is only a superficial work; of course, it does not rule out that the Holy See is a clear-cut road in these two areas, and it is a special means in the dark.

However, in any case, the two regions are unsuitable for the former and have no value. The latter is too dangerous for exposure; it is completely wasteful to use limited people there.

Qiulin District, Qiangyu District, Hailin District and Huangsha District!

What was then ruled out was the Qiulin District, which was completely occupied by various families, and the former forbidden courts of the three forbidden places of Lorante. Although there were people, they were hidden in the dark, which made it impossible to start; the latter. Ye Qi can be sure that the Holy See has not sent any staff. Even if it is sent. It’s just a superficial article.

Then the remaining choices are: Donglin District, Tallinn District, Dry Forest Area, Wulin District, Bay Area...

Thinking about the rest of the area, Ye Qi thought about it for a while and then set the Bay Area out of this shortlist. After all, there is a more competent presence of Lehman as an ally, and the other's ability is enough to help him, without having to join other People; after all, not everything is as good as possible.

“Winter forest area, Tallinn district, dry forest area, Wulin area and Caohai area can be used as our target!”

Ye Qi finally gave his own answer, and the car sè dragon heard a slight surprise after hearing these areas. The front is basically not much different from what she expected, but the last one made her wonder that the Bay Area is obviously better than the Caohai District.

“Why don’t you choose the Bay Area? Is it your place? Isn’t it better to have better control?”

I have a doubtful change, and I asked straight.

"The Bay Area is not only mine, but also the Northder family, and a large group of dark mercenaries; the former controls the port of Sas, the latter is in France, and I am only in Langburg; and still Sharing with the Northder family..." Yec said that she had prepared for the fact that for Lehman, an ally inside the Holy See, Ye Qi did not intend to tell anyone in a short time.

Although it is also his ally. However, Lehman's sensitive identity is destined to introduce the two sides. According to Lehman's own words, the fewer people know him. The more secure he is, the more Ye Qishen thinks about it.

"The Northder family doesn't need to think about it for you now?"

When I heard Ye Qi mention the Northder family, I changed the sè dragon instinct to think of a female xìng heir in the family. Immediately, my mind was attracted, and she tried to calm her emotions as much as possible. Said.

"The Northder family is my ally. Just like you are my ally, I don't want to control the thoughts of a region. I don't have that kind of power. If I can get along with each other, I am very happy..."


Ye Qi’s words have not been finished yet, and the vehicle is a sudden brake; if Ye Qi does not have the qualities of an ordinary person, this time will definitely be used to bring it to the window.

"get off!"

I haven't waited until Ye Qi asked why, and the sè dragon said coldly on the driver's seat.

"Don't forget the information I gave you about Finger, except for the uncle who visits you every year, the two rarely meet each other; and after leaving Uncle Raul, they will be separated!" The dragon continued.

Although it is completely correct to change the sè dragon, and the information about Finger in his mind is also written like this, but Ye Qi always feels that it is not because of these

"Is it because I said something wrong?"

Standing outside the window, Ye Qi asked.

"After that, I will contact you!"

After Ye Qi waited for an answer like sè dragon, the engine of the car rang again, and the fast disappeared into the night, leaving Ye Qi standing in the same place, shrugged helplessly.

What a wonderful night!

Ye Qi looked up and looked at the night sky lit by the lights, shook his head slightly, and continued to move forward. The place where Raul lived is actually close to the edge of Dude. Therefore, even the highest capital of zhèngfǔ is also Not to be a car; not to mention a building like a hotel. Unlike the tourist cities of Shak and Langburg, basically the houses of local residents can be used as hotels. If you want to find a hotel in Dude, the most Good still have to enter the urban area of ​​Dude.

And like this kind of edge, even away from the suburbs, there is no similar existence.

Ye Qi, who took a few steps forward, had a slight footstep in him, several undulations approached very quickly, and these fluctuations were very familiar, all of which he had discovered outside Raul's room.

Is this ready to catch me and threaten Raul?

Ye Qi could not help but feel helpless about the behavior of these fast-moving people behind him; obviously, they did not find the key points they deserved; not only the wrong person but also the wrong target.

Ye Qi, who turned these thoughts to her heart, went to The footsteps did not stop, and they still kept moving forward at a speed that was not too slow. After less than a minute, the clearer steps were heard behind them. Undoubtedly, these people did not deliberately hide their own ideology; after all, in their view, bringing an 'ordinary person' back, there is no need for such a big deal.

"Our head, there are some things I want to talk to you!"

Among the three people chased behind him, the person who was obviously the leader, said to Ye Qi.

"This night, I don't want to meet anyone, I just want to find a hotel for a while, take a break!"

Ye Qi answered very simply and this is the most real idea of ​​his moment.

However, it is very clear that the three men who followed him didn’t understand Ye Qi’s thoughts and did not understand Ye Qi’s goodwill. After they glanced at each other, they immediately dispersed and left Ye Qi’s group and started. Step by step, since the other party is not willing to cooperate, then they need to 'let' the other side to cooperate. After all, in the face of an ordinary person, they really do not need to give the other person a mercy, isn't it?

PS first ~~~ Timing ~~~(To be continued.)

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