The first time he went to school, he was very surprised.

Half an hour later, Karen Parker returned to the Kintek building as usual, and returned to his job after passing a series of strict door cards that required voice and iris verification.

It was a very novel experience for Lin Shi to disguise himself as someone else for the first time.

At this time, he was flipping through the memories in the memory storage node while controlling the body's movements as if he was playing a game and operating a character.

"Fortunately, I suddenly thought of swallowing Karen to sneak into Jintek. Otherwise, with the strict security measures of this building, I am afraid that I will not be able to meet Elizabeth peacefully if I just let Karen lead the way."

While walking towards the room where Elizabeth was imprisoned in Karen's memory, Lin Shi thought with relief.

In fact, he has another backup plan, which is to strengthen the stealth a few more times, and maybe he can sneak in here.

Thinking of this, Lin Shi called up his skill panel,

and found the stealth skill obtained in the novice world in a large number of skill options.

[Hide] (can be strengthened): D-level skill, this strengthening consumes stamina: 100 points.

[Strengthen successfully, obtain C-level skill, invisible]

[Invisibility] (can be strengthened): C-level skill

[Use conditions]: consume 20 mana points per minute after opening.

[Skill effect]: Eliminate your own body from the human visible spectrum, reduce the sound made when moving to a certain extent, and ignore some C-level detection skills.

[Skill Evaluation]: This can no longer be described as a skill, this is magic! (Continuing to strengthen requires 800 points of physical strength)

After thinking for a moment, Lin Shi decided to postpone the strengthening. Although he can now automatically restore nearly 500 points of physical strength every hour,

But he is about to meet Elizabeth, and he may have to fight again, so it is better to retain some physical strength.

However, just as he was thinking this, a voice suddenly came from the invisible headset in his ear,

"Dr. Karen Parker, there is another person claiming to be your friend at the company gate who wants to see you for something."

Huh? Someone is looking for Karen? ?

Lin Shi was stunned for a moment, then responded,

"Okay, I'll go right over."

A moment later, at the gate, looking at the man who called himself Mr. Li, Lin Shi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, fortunately he was quick and got there first,

Yes, the man who called himself Mr. Li was one of the other two lone wolves,

He was obviously also a person who had some understanding of the original plot,

Like Lin Shi, his first target was Alex Mercer's girlfriend, Karen.

"Ms. Parker, this is not a convenient place to talk, you see..."

The lone wolf was wearing a well-fitting suit, a high-end tie, and a shiny slicked-back hair with a lot of hairspray on his head, which showed that this person was probably originally a high-end elite.

Anyway, the main quest is still early, and several optional quests also need time to develop, so let's see what this person is going to do, and see if he can make a fortune.

Lin Shi smiled slightly and nodded,

So, in the strange eyes of the guard, Dr. Karen took another man out again.

Not long after, it was still the same coffee shop, but this time, Lin Shi's Karen looked more relaxed than Mr. Li.

"Ms. Parker, I have a piece of news about your life, I wonder if you are interested."

Mr. Li looked confident and slowly stirred the coffee on the table,

"Oh? Do you think I will blindly believe a stranger who suddenly claimed to be my friend and came to my door and said such a sentence?"

Take a sip of the coffee in the cup, Lin Shi frowned slightly, he didn't expect this thing to be so bitter.

Seeing that Lin Shi did not take the bait, Mr. Li dropped a bombshell just like Lin Shi did to Karen before,

"What if I say that the Black Watch top brass already knows that you are researching the Red Light Virus?"

After saying that, Mr. Li confidently picked up the coffee and gulped down a big gulp,

"Oh, then what?"

"Puff~cough cough cough, damn, what kind of coffee is so bitter."

Mr. Li was a little uneasy,

"Ms. Parker, what do you mean by then? If Black Watch knows about this, do you know the consequences?"

"Although I don't know who you are and how you know such a secret, but since you already know about the Red Light Virus, you should also

You should know its source. "

Lin Shi smiled calmly and looked at him playfully,

"If you know its source, then you should also know that without the nods of those people in Black Watch, how could we have the opportunity to study this thing?"

Ah this...

After hearing Lin Shi's words, Mr. Li suddenly realized that it seemed to be the case,

But, didn't the original plot say that because Jin Taike's research on the red light virus leaked, Black Watch...

Yes, it hasn't been leaked yet, so Black Watch didn't interfere, and he intervened in the plot too early.

Thinking of this, Mr. Li looked annoyed, and was ready to take advantage of the plot before it started, but he didn't expect to come too early.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be reluctant to leave, Lin Shi hurriedly said,

"But since you came to me, you must have some purpose, what? Are you going to leave without saying anything?"

How can you let him go so easily when you haven't cheated the benefits yet.

"Hmm? "

Lin Shi's initiative made Mr. Li stunned for a moment,

Is this really a plot character? Why does he take the initiative to give people tasks?

"Well... it's like this, I came to you, hoping that we can cooperate. I can provide you with some unique research samples, and what I need is the red light virus you are studying, or its variant, the black light virus. "


Lin Shi raised his eyebrows,

"Is your purpose actually this? Although, I don't know how you know so many things, but you have to understand that the two things you mentioned are not cheap. "

Hearing this, Mr. Li put two reagents on the table with a confident look,

"Here are two extremely rare potions. The red one can repair certain injuries of the human body in a short time, and the blue one can restore the spirit. You can simply understand it as the red and blue bottles in the game, how about it?"

Looking at the lowest-level red and blue potion on the table, which he had met once before, Lin Shi's contempt on his face was almost overflowing.

"That's it? "

"No, this is the same red and blue bottle with the recovery function as in the game? This is a potion worth five million...dollars, aren't you tempted?"

Mr. Li was a little surprised and asked again unconfidently,

while Lin Shi was about to get up and leave,

"If you can only take out this kind of garbage, then I can only say with regret that the deal between us is cancelled. "

What a joke. You dare to use such a junky item worth only 500 reincarnation points to cheat people.

What Lin Shi didn't know was that this was only the second world. Similarly, it was a very easy world for other players.

Low difficulty means that the players here are basically all novices.

Not everyone is like Lin Shi, who has a chosen start and can get 10,000 or 20,000 reincarnation points in one game.

Seeing that the side quest seemed to be leaving him soon, Mr. Li suddenly became anxious.

There was a flash of struggle in his eyes, and then he gritted his teeth, took out something from his arms, and slammed it heavily on the table.

"This, this thing, you will definitely be satisfied. "

Turning his head to look at what the other party had put on the table, Lin Shi's eyes flashed with surprise.

It was a yellow talisman paper full of talismans.

[Protective Talisman] (can be strengthened)

[Quality]: D-level

[Type]: Consumable item

[Effect]: Ignite the talisman paper to form a layer of spiritual power protection on the body surface, which can reduce any type of attack and disappear after taking 2000 points of damage.

[Rating]: 39

[Introduction]: This is a protective talisman given to his apprentice by the Maoshan Taoist Yimei. Although it is not very exquisitely made, the defensive effect is good.

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