The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Stepping on the mud, he destroyed buildings one after another, and smashed the heads of the hairy corpses with a steel whip.

Although he was only in the giant strength realm, he was at the third level like the hairy corpse.

But the Qinglong fruit that had been developed to a certain extent, coupled with the powerful bloodline factor, made his strength far beyond the third level!

The hairy corpses could not stop his steps, and the sound of the battle soon attracted the attention of stronger people.

It was a team of soldiers covered with mud armor.

In the mud armor, there was a faintly visible bone blade.

These soldiers were all fourth-level martial corpses!

The martial corpse jumped up, and the bone blade chopped down. The whistling wind told him how fierce this knife was.


The thunder, fire and wind blades were wrapped around the steel whip, and he fought hard to repel the warrior corpse.

He whipped it head-on and was about to kill it, but another warrior corpse soldier attacked.

He had no choice but to give up killing it and fight this warrior corpse instead.

The fourth-level warrior corpse still looked immature in front of him. The steel whip wrapped with wind, fire, thunder and lightning and armed color could smash a gap in the bone blade of the warrior corpse with full swing.

The warrior corpse roared continuously, and the air around him seemed to be stained with a touch of red.

That was an ominous emission. So many warrior corpses gathered together at the same time, and the ominous blending made his head swell with the impact.

He used all his strength to operate the domineering energy in his body, and stirred up his tendons, bones, qi and blood to resist the ominous erosion.

He bit the broken jade token in his left hand in his mouth. He had no pockets, so he could only do this.


After repelling one warrior corpse, he quickly stabbed the chest of another warrior corpse with a finger gun.

The joint attack of more than a dozen Wushi forced him to deal with it with all his strength.

Moreover, these guys were fearless and each of their moves was a move to die together, which made him a little hesitant.

[King Kong·Dysphorus]!

With a strong swing, he knocked the three Wushi in front of him away. He swung his dragon tail and hit the ankle of a Wushi on the left. The Wushi instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The five claws of his left hand pointed out at the same time, avoiding the bone blade of the Wushi and hitting its arm, instantly shattering the bone armor wrapped on its arm.


Instantly came behind this Wushi, avoiding the attacks of the other Wushi, the dragon tail rolled up his body, and the flame cloud appeared under his feet, flying into the sky!

The Wushi roared angrily, turned around and opened his mouth to bite him.

Pulling the left hand claw from its arm, grabbing its throat, and twisting it back hard, although it can't be twisted, it can limit its attack.

The steel whip in his right hand fell at the same time, hitting his skull!

But the arms of the warrior corpse were still there, and the bone knives on his arms slashed at his body.

"Iron block!"

The body straightened instantly, and at the same time, the armed color hardened, and he endured the blow.

The outermost dragon scales on the chest broke, and inside was an iron block covered with armed color.


There was a dull sound in his chest, and he felt the blood in his body churning.

Fortunately, he finally blocked the blow.

While his old strength was gone, the steel whip in his hand continued to fall, and below, the warrior corpses jumped up. The improvement in strength also greatly improved their jumping ability.

But they still couldn't reach the height of Yanyun.

Roaring continuously, they could only helplessly watch their companions in the sky being ravaged by the dragon man.

There was a thick layer of bones outside the skulls of these warrior corpses, covering their heads like helmets.

The bone helmet was extremely hard, and even a fourth-level human warrior would need a lot of effort to destroy it.

But after Ao Xin smashed it more than a dozen times in a row, the bone helmet was smashed.

Next, it was a headshot!

Seeing his body thrown from the air, he looked at these roaring martial corpses and sneered, thinking that surrounding him would work?

He swooped down from the air on the flame cloud, and when he was about to land, the flame cloud disappeared. He slammed a martial corpse with a whip in both hands from the air.

This martial corpse did not dodge, and met the enemy with a bone blade, while other martial corpses rushed from all directions.

However, Ao Xin did not fight this martial corpse head-on. The moment he landed, he used a shaving to move to the side of the last martial corpse.

"Come here!"

He used the same routine, the dragon tail wrapped around the body of this martial corpse, the flame cloud appeared under his feet, and instantly returned to the sky.

Only the unwilling roars of the martial corpses on the ground were left.

Next, the same steps were followed, smashing the head of the warrior corpse bit by bit, and throwing him down, repeating the process over and over again.

"Why hasn't he come yet? It shouldn't be here?"

He said in this rogue way

Kill the martial corpses while paying attention to the surrounding environment.

This place is different from reality. He can't fight zombies without scruples.

Once his physical strength is exhausted, he has no place to rest!

Moreover, to organize this group of zombies into such a scale, there must be a zombie with spiritual intelligence as the leader.

That is, the spiritual corpse!

But the spiritual corpse may not be able to do this step when it first awakens its spiritual intelligence, so there may be stronger zombies.

Six-star ghost corpse!

Ghost corpses are zombies with higher spiritual intelligence, and higher spiritual intelligence allows them to no longer rely solely on instinct to infect organisms.

Instead, they begin to have their own thoughts and learn to cultivate themselves.

That's right, ghost corpses no longer rely solely on devouring zombie viruses to evolve, but can catalyze the evolution of zombie viruses by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon!

If the spiritual corpse is still like a five or six-year-old child, whose self-awareness has just been born, then the ghost corpse is an adult who has experienced many years of social hardships, and its spiritual intelligence is no different from that of normal humans!

Ghost corpses will gather their own kind and form forces just like humans. They will collect corpses of their own kind and human corpses for use at any time.

They will even raise living creatures in captivity!

Just like humans herd sheep, they raise humans in captivity so that there will be a constant supply of living creatures for them to infect, cultivate and devour.

"If it is a five-star spirit corpse, I still have a chance to kill it, but if it is a six-star ghost corpse, I will be in danger."

Ao Xin slowly killed these martial corpses.

He deliberately slowed down the speed to keep his physical strength sufficient.

At the same time, Yanyun moved away, looking for a way out.


After leaving another martial corpse, he entered the God-given space to take a look. Fortunately, like the normal secret realm, the zombies killed here still counted as points.

Although he is not short of points now...

It would be great if these martial corpses could be taken out.

This is a good nutrient for crystal people and crystal beasts, which can accelerate their growth.

It was a pity that he did not have the ability to store space. If he had brought Ao Chen here, he would not have wasted these good materials.

After this battle, he gradually adapted to the dark environment here.

The deep-sea vision provided by the silver mark on the back of his hand seemed to have some effect on the darkness.

He flew in the air and could barely see the surrounding structures.

"This kind of structure?"

With a thought in his mind, a roar of thunder struck out, illuminating a wider sky.

In the distance, a towering building startled him.

"Sure enough!"

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