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The whole room is a huge transparent cage made of high-strength transparent material.

A girl with an orange ponytail wearing a black tights is sitting quietly with her hands on her knees, doing an experiment in a glass cover. On the bed,

Lin Shi's footsteps seemed to startle her.

She raised her head from her knees and looked at Lin Shi.

She said, "Waiting time... Wait, you..."

Exquisite A trace of doubt appeared on his face, and then he closed his eyes and carefully sensed for a while, and his doubts became even greater.

According to the original plot, with Elizabeth's strength, how could she be simply imprisoned here by a few pieces of glass and studied by others?

Everything It was all just her plan.

She had the memories of tens of thousands of residents in Hope Town integrated into her body. With her wisdom, she understood everything after coming into contact with Blackwatch.

The subsequent cooperation was just her way of paralyzing Blackwatch.

And When Jin Taike applied to Blackwatch to use her for experiments, she had already calculated everything.

It's just that it's obvious.

Lin Shi, the perfect prototype of the Black Light Virus, made her mistakenly believe that her plan had succeeded and it was time to go out and pick fruits.

However, the Black Light Virus processed by the reincarnation space was somewhat different from the one here, and Lin Shi himself was The situation of the reincarnationists,

This made her very confused. The person who came was both the prototype and not the prototype of this world.

"Who are you? You are not Moser, he is not mature yet. Forget it, since something like you appears , then let's start early."

Before Lin Shi opened his mouth to ask anything, the other party answered a few words as if asking himself,

Then he went straight to the door of the glass house, raised his hand and gently pressed it on the fireproof On the high-strength transparent plexiglass where the arrow exploded,

a red light flashed,


The entire glass door shattered,

Then Elizabeth walked slowly to Lin Shi like a proud queen, looking up at Lin Ten,

Raised his right hand and snapped his fingers,


Instantly, a large amount of red smoke suddenly appeared in the air, and howling sounds were heard throughout the building.

[A player triggered the plot in advance, causing the virus to break out in advance, Main quest started]

[Main quest]: Choose one of the three forces, Elizabeth Green, Alex Mercer, and Blackwatch, to join.

[Quest time limit]: three days [Subsequent quests will be activated after joining a force] On Lin Shi's panel, more content flashed separately,

[Being corroded by the red light virus! ]

[Being corroded by the red light virus! ]

[Found that the mother virus can be swallowed, do you want to swallow it? 】

[Devouring in progress...]

Obviously, Elizabeth had already spread the red light virus to the entire Jintek building, and even to a larger area.

And her words just now also revealed a message,

that is, she knew that Mo Moser will become the prototype, and it is even possible that Moser has been controlled by her without knowing it.

Then there is a series of escapes with the virus, and finally there is no hope of escape. The virus is released in a place with huge flow of people like the station All these actions were controlled by Elizabeth.

Thinking of this, Lin Shi suddenly understood why in the original plot,

Merser's personality was so different before and after he became the prototype,

Merser showed He looked like if he couldn't let me live, then we should all die together.

After becoming Brother A, Mercer always looked like a passionate young man, running around and stopping the Black Watch, who he considered to be a villain. Various action plans.

Standing in front of Lin Shi, Elizabeth sniffed carefully, but still couldn't figure it out, so she simply didn't want to continue exploring.

She raised her hand and pressed it on Lin Shi's chest, preparing to push away Mercer like in the original plot. He tried to fly him, but found himself pressed against a wall.

Until this moment, Lin Shi grinned and slowly said,

"Ms. Elizabeth Green, you seem to have made a mistake."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand. He grabbed Elizabeth's slender arm tightly and slowly raised it up.

"That means I am the one in control of the situation now."

Because Elizabeth herself is only a woman about 1.5 meters tall, she is now facing a man who is 1.5 meters tall. Lin Shi, who is only 80cm tall, is already taller than Elizabeth.

As Lin Shi raised his hand, he naturally raised Elizabeth

Bai raised it up,

Without waiting for her to say anything, Lin Shi turned around and threw it hard,

With a loud "bang!", she had smashed into the heavy door of the detention room, leaving a deep dent.

"Is this the perfect host of the Red Light Virus? It seems to be unexpectedly weak. I was originally worried about how to devour it if you were too strong, but now there is no problem."

Elizabeth struggled out of the dent with difficulty, covering her chest, looking at Lin Shi who was approaching slowly with fear, her eyes full of shock and surprise.

The prototype in front of her was so powerful. Although she was at her weakest at this time because she had cooperated with Black Watch and Jintek to conduct countless research,

But she was the origin of all light viruses and the perfect host of the Red Light Virus.

No matter how weak she was, it was easy to tear a tank or a helicopter with her bare hands.

Just from the throw of Lin Shi just now, she could judge that in terms of strength and combat,

Lin Shi completely crushed her at this time!

Thinking of this, Elizabeth immediately wanted to retreat, and began to look around for possible escape routes.

"What? Didn't you look like a queen just now? Now you want to escape?"

Seeing Elizabeth's intention to escape, Lin Shi was not ready to continue teasing her.

He stomped his right foot on the ground, leaving a deep footprint, and rushed towards the other party like an arrow.

So far, Lin Shi, who had been strengthened several times, started his first formal battle.

A punch hit Elizabeth's face, and the opponent quickly bent down, her short but powerful thighs suddenly tensed, and jumped to the side.

Lin Shi, who had been on guard against her escape, would never let her succeed.

At the same time as the punch was thrown, his right leg also kicked sideways like a whip.

Seeing this, Elizabeth had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​escaping. She used both hands to support Lin Shi's kicking leg, and the whole person was like a spring.

The strong thigh chopped down, and the whole person chopped towards Lin Shi's head in the air in a split posture.

Lin Shi slightly turned sideways, dodged the chop, bent his arm into an elbow, and hit Elizabeth's waist hard, who was in mid-air and unable to dodge,

knocked her out and slammed heavily on the ground in the glass house, smashing the dissection bed into pieces.

Just as he was about to rush forward to control her while she was dizzy, the door of the detention room behind him suddenly,

"Bang!", flew out and hit Lin Shi,

Lin Shi dodged the heavy iron door and turned his head to look at the door,

He saw Mercer standing at the door panting in a bloodstained white coat,

"What happened... Huh, huh, what happened? Parker, are you okay?"

At this time, Mercer's body was constantly crawling with red and black tentacles, and his two glasses were emitting scarlet light,

Obviously, under Elizabeth's control, at this time, Mercer had skipped the death transformation process in the original plot and directly became the prototype of the blacklight virus.

Thinking of this, Lin Shi suddenly turned back to look at Elizabeth, but the other party had already taken advantage of Lin Shi's daze and came to the wall.

Seeing Lin Shi looking over, Elizabeth said viciously,

"Next time we meet, I will definitely eat you!"

After saying that, she pressed her hands on the wall, and a red light flashed. The entire wall suddenly blew out a big hole as if it had suffered an explosion.

Bending her legs slightly, she flew out of the hole with a whoosh and disappeared into the vast night.


Lin Shi sighed slightly. If the optional tasks were really that easy to do, the task rewards would not be so much.

Just run away. Wait until the other party grows up a little more and then devour it. The evolution points given should be more.

"Parker, Parker, what's wrong with me? I feel so weird, can you help me?"

At this time, Mercer, under Elizabeth's forced ripening, had been unconscious due to the red light virus and black light virus in his body.

The whole person's appearance was slowly changing towards the appearance of a super hunter.

Hearing Mercer's voice, Lin Shi came back to his senses. Although the main meal was gone, there was still a midnight snack here, right?

Clenching his fists and moving his shoulders, Lin Shi grinned and slowly walked towards Mercer in the chaos.

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