The huge impact made Wu Shi stagger back, and Qing Long followed closely behind.


Instantly came to the side of Wu Shi, and chopped Wu Shi's facial bones with a whip.

The bone defense covering the face was also defeated, and another whip hit Wu Shi's neck.


The cervical vertebrae cracked, but it still didn't break directly. This is the physical strength of Wu Shi.

After several consecutive attacks, Ao Xin had extremely rich experience in fighting Wu Shi.

He is now very close to the fourth-level Shenzu realm, and has a domineering genius. Even if he doesn't fight, his domineering is growing.


The raging Wu Shi had his cervical vertebra completely broken, and his head rolled down in front of the Rat King in front of the cave entrance.

It was completely stunned.

It led a group of rats and had seen many surviving humans.

But even if these humans had a natural advantage in size, they were no match for him.

It even thought that rats were the destined race of Blue Star.

But today, this dragon man completely overturned its cognition.

The Wu Shi, who was so powerful that he could easily kill him in seconds, was killed so easily.

After killing the Wu Shi, the dragon man slowly turned his head, and his pupils with endless majesty stared straight at him.

"I know you have intelligence, surrender to me, or die!"

Ao Xin spoke calmly, and the domineering color spread around.

He didn't know how to control the direction of the domineering color, so he could only attack indiscriminately.

Those weakest rats who had not yet reached the first level were directly stunned.

Even some rats that had already hidden in the cave were stunned by him.

The first-level rats were already the fierce generals under the command of the rat king, but under the pressure of the domineering color, fear made their bodies tremble.

Even the rat king felt full of fear and dared not move.

Ao Xin did not force it too much. The rat king was already at the entrance of the cave and could go back at any time. After it felt scared, it would be difficult to catch it next time.

The domineering color was fully released, and suddenly he felt a cool feeling on the back of his hand. He looked down and saw that the silver mark was emitting a faint light.

When the faint light appeared, he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, raised his head, and looked at the Mingtang.

"It seems that there is something there that is attracting me."

"No, it's not attracting me, but attracting this mark."

I have to go to the Mingtang later, but now I still have to find a way to subdue these rats.

In order to increase his deterrence, Ao Xin wrapped lightning around his body, and there was also flames on his body.

A gust of wind blew up, rolling up the ruins destroyed by the martial corpse on the ground.

Thunder, fire, and strong wind became his background. At this moment, he was like a god in the eyes of the Rat King!

"Evil beast! Don't surrender!"

Suddenly, a loud shout sounded like thunder in the ears of these rats.

No, there was really thunder, which completely smashed the surrounding ruins into slag!

Although he couldn't understand what the rats said, the rats could understand human words after they opened their spiritual intelligence.

After this shout, many rats were frightened to pee, and the Rat King felt that his heart almost stopped beating.

"Squeak, squeak!"

It lowered its head and didn't dare to look at Ao Xin.

Even, it didn't dare to retreat back to the cave.

It was really that Ao Xin gave him too much deterrence.

Ao Xin knew that the intimidation was almost enough, and it was time to give some sweet dates, so he slowed down his voice:

"Come before me and kowtow to me, which is a sign of your submission."

"Follow me, you will get a 95% discount on the purchase of God-given goods."

The rats have learned to use the God-given space, and they naturally know what this discount means.

Countless rats looked at the Rat King with expectant looks in their eyes.

Although they are rats with spiritual intelligence, they are still animals at the root.

They follow the law of the jungle, and the strong are respected.

This strong man is not only so strong that they have no courage to resist, but also can give them benefits that they cannot refuse.


The Rat King also felt the will of the rats. Although he is powerful, he cannot forcibly violate the will of all rats.

After hesitating for a while, it carefully moved forward a step.

As an animal, he is more sensitive to murderous intent and evil thoughts than humans. He realized that the big guy really had no intention of killing him, so he cautiously crawled forward a few steps.

Come to think of it, the big guy could cause thunder to strike down with his gestures. If he wanted to kill him, a thunderbolt would be enough!

Slowly crawling in front of Ao Xin, he lowered his head and knocked his forehead on the ground, making a heavy knocking sound.


This rat king was quite honest and kowtowed very hard.

Ao Xin then smiled, and after the rat king kowtowed three times, he said:

"That's enough, bring your rats to kowtow to me three times, and you will be my subordinates from now on!"


The rat king turned around and shouted, and all the rats under his command crawled out.

Even those rats that had been stunned by the domineering color were dragged out by their companions holding their fur.

"Squeak! Squeak!"


The rats that were still awake slapped the unconscious rats hard, and after waking them up, there was another round of squeaks, which conveyed their submission to Ao Xin.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The stunned rats dared not resist even more, and followed the rat king to crawl and kowtow to Ao Xin again.

If there were people around at this moment, they would be able to see a large group of rats the size of house cats lying in front of a dragon man near the Mingtang, kowtowing in unison.

This scene was quite shocking.

However, the appearance of the rats made the survivors stay away from the Mingtang even further.

Although the rats did not attack humans for the time being, who would dare to bet?

Moreover, the gathering of the rats also attracted a large number of zombies, so they naturally did not dare to stay here.

The rats hid underground, and the zombies could not do anything to them, but the human survivors hiding in the buildings would suffer.

"Okay, get up."

Ao Xin carried the steel whip on his shoulders, and there were not many twists and turns in subduing the rats.

However, the gap in strength between him and the Rat King was much greater than that between Luo Qingyan and the Rat King in his previous life.

This forced the ambitious Rat King to surrender to him.

The Rat King then raised his head and gently rubbed his calf with his head to show his loyalty.

"Come with me to the Mingtang first."

He gave an order, and the vast army of rats followed him into the Mingtang.

He wanted to see what the thing that caused the silver mark on the back of his hand to flash was.

With this group of rats, perhaps some things would be easier to do.

They were near the Mingtang and soon walked into it.

This palace, also known as the [Wanxiang Palace], is not an ancient relic, but a later reconstruction.

But even so, the Mingtang is still an extremely important landscape in the capital.

Entering the Mingtang, some of the pillars of this building were broken and some places had collapsed.

The once magnificent building is now in ruins.

It looks like the damage is even more serious than the Dragon Pavilion.

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