The main task is to destroy the base, and the main task is to destroy the base.

In a military base in the eastern part of Manhattan,

Countless soldiers are gathering in a wide square, and all the heavily armed tanks are parked at the gate.

The main task requires the destruction of the lowest level of military bases, and naturally there are level one and level three.

It is mainly divided according to the size of the area and the military configuration in the base.

The first level is the highest, covering an area as large as several football fields, with an independent square and a large number of tanks and helicopters.

In the original plot, Black Watch soldiers once gathered in a military base in southern Manhattan, and sent several ground-to-air coordinated forces with virus detection drones to round up Mercer.

That base is the highest level of the first level base.

The second is a slightly smaller second-level base, which is only the size of a football field.

There are only a few tanks parked in this base, and a few helicopters hovering in the air.

In the original plot, Moser had sneaked in many times to devour officers and fought with hunters at first, and obtained the claws skill, all of which were second-level.

The lowest level third-level base is basically only as big as a building.

The infected nests in the plot are all transformed from third-level bases.

At this moment, Lin Shi was quietly standing outside this second-level base, on a rooftop not far away, carefully looking at the specific structure of this base.

After observing for a while, Lin Shi activated the wind step, and leaped to an alley outside the base.

Then he jumped up on the spot, stepped lightly on the outer wall of the base, and he had already arrived inside the base wall.

Unlike Moser, who needed to find a soldier to devour when he sneaked in,

Lin Shi, who activated the wind step, would not notice even if he danced in front of the soldiers at this moment.

However, whether or not to notice is one thing, to enter the base building, you still need the key of the officer outside.

Quietly walked behind the officer who was obviously dressed differently from others, and took advantage of the moment when the vision of others was blocked,

He covered his mouth with one hand and hugged the other's chest with the other hand,


The red and black flesh was swallowed instantly, and the next moment, Officer Lin Shi successfully took up his post.

According to the officer's memory, Lin Shi entered the base building with ease,

It was called a building, but it was actually like a huge warehouse. There were no other buildings inside, only a few huge oil tanks, storing fuel for tanks and airplanes,

And the guns and ammunition neatly placed against the wall, and several tanks parked inside the base.

Nodding to the soldiers who looked over, Lin Shi walked down the stairs slowly,

He was in, but he had no idea how to destroy it. The field was the size of a football field, with so many weapons,

How to destroy it?

Lin Shi calmly picked up a standard rifle from the gun rack nearby and tried to put it into his backpack, but failed.

The words [Ownership of this item has not yet been obtained] flashed red in the gun description.

He put the gun back in his hand as if nothing had happened.

It makes sense. If you can put anything into your backpack, then you can make a fortune by entering any technological world.

The mission world will naturally not leave such an obvious loophole.

As for why the kitchen knives and hammers found in the novice world can be used, it probably has something to do with their value and whether you own them.

After a quick glance, when he saw the row of tanks parked there for maintenance, Lin Shi's eyes lit up and an idea came to his mind.

Looking careless but actually very purposeful, he walked around and quietly came to the vicinity of a tank driver.

While paying attention to the driver's position and the sight of other people, he walked around for more than half an hour. Finally, in a corner where no one could see,


A slight sound of flesh and blood shaking sounded, and the driver walked out of the corner, but the officer had disappeared.

Wearing a helmet specially designed for drivers, Lin Shi's mouth corners slightly raised.

How to quickly destroy a large military base? Of course, pull out the Italian gun... Driving a tank is faster.

Urging several pilots who were maintaining the tank to finish their work quickly, Lin Shiyi turned over and entered the tank.

After a while, the tank slowly drove away from the workbench and drove towards the exit of the base.

However, what no one noticed was that the muzzle of the tank, intentionally or unintentionally

Towards the direction where the rocket launcher ammunition was piled up,

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

Just when no one expected it, the tank body shook, and a shell was fired at the piled ammunition,

The next second, the shell exploded and caused the ammunition to explode. The explosion that was enough to shake the entire base was suppressed inside the building,

The extremely high temperature instantly turned the nearby ground into molten steel, and the soldiers who were close to it vaporized on the spot without a groan.

Even the soldiers who were farthest away were directly shocked by the huge shock wave generated by the explosion without any defense, spitting blood and falling to the ground.

It's not over yet,

Although the tank itself was also shaken by the shock wave, the thick armor and Lin Shi's own strong physical fitness allowed the tank to continue to operate.

The muzzle turned and aimed at the fuel tank on the side,

Lin Shi took a deep breath, and after a layer of dragon scales appeared on the surface of his body, he resolutely pressed the launch button.

Boom! ! !

This time, it was an even stronger explosion than the previous one. Tens of cubic meters of military fuel were detonated by the tank shells.

A small mushroom cloud was instantly blown up on the spot. The walls of the base barely held up for a moment, and then exploded outwards under the action of the internal air pressure and shock waves. The ceiling also flew high.

Fresh air rushed in quickly.

Boom! ! ! Boom! ! !

Lin Shi, who was inside the tank, felt like he was sitting in a drum washing machine. The whole tank was blown away by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

The inside of the tank was also instantly heated to an extremely high temperature by the high temperature.

After a while, when the outside was almost calm, Lin Shi kicked open the tank's exit, which had already melted a little, and half of his half-cooked body poked out from inside.

Looking at the ruins of the explosion that affected at least several blocks, Lin Shi laughed crazily, ignoring the scorching air.

"Hahahaha!! Hahahahaha! So cool!! So fucking crazy."

He then leaped out of the car, took two steps at a time, and ran towards the Central Park in his memory with the Wind Step.

He remembered that there was an artificial lake there. What's more, if he didn't leave, what would happen if the people from Black Watch found him?

A moment later, in the Central Park, somewhere in the water.

Lin Shi, who had almost finished cooling down, floated comfortably in the water,

Checking the system prompts just now,

Except for the large number of kill prompts without rewards, there was only one prompt with rewards,

[You have destroyed a military base (level 2)]

[Current task progress]: 1/3

[Task rewards have accumulated 1,000 reincarnation points]

Just like killing those level 1 zombies in the novice world, when the system determines that Lin Shi's strength has far exceeded the enemy's level, it will not give rewards.

The same is true for this explosion. Although the entire base was detonated by Lin Shi, it stands to reason that those Black Watch soldiers should be counted as Lin Shi's kills,

However, considering the environment and the gap in strength between the two sides, and the fact that those explosives do not strictly belong to Lin Shi, the system also chose not to give rewards,

Otherwise, if a player brings some powerful explosives to a world of some large-scale medieval war in the future, wouldn't he be able to score at will?

However, Lin Shi only dared to do this once.

Just now, even though he was inside the tank and protected by layers of thick armor outside, he was still seriously injured by the shock wave and the subsequent high temperature.

His physical strength almost dropped to 20% at one point.

That is, he, a monster at the first level, could withstand such a wave of operations.

If it were any other normal player, he would have been roasted pigs in the tank.

But now that we know the general structure of the military base, the rest is easy to deal with.

The difficulty is actually just how to sneak in. For Lin Shi, who can swallow camouflage and wind step invisibility, this is no difficulty.

After lying in the lake for a while, Lin Shi found a deserted place and quietly went ashore. If the military base only had these,

then he could exceed the task in one day.

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