The first time, the last one to be beaten was in the middle of a huge explosion.

Boom! ! !

A huge flower-like flesh mass broke through the ground, and broken cement fragments flew everywhere. Even Lin Shi had to hide aside temporarily to avoid the fragments that were as fast as artillery shells.

After it stood completely on the ground, Lin Shi quickly rushed to the stem of the flower.

The stem was composed of three thick flesh pillars and a bone pillar similar to the spine, which was used to support the flower weighing dozens of tons.

"It's you again!!! I want you to die!!!"

A vague roar came from the center of the flower, full of anger and resentment.

Obviously, Elizabeth recognized the guy who had forced her back in the Kintek Building.

Facing a powerful enemy, Lin Shi was too lazy to talk nonsense. After avoiding several whipping tentacles, he quickly ran to the stem.


Raising his right claw, the energy was running, and the claw blade that was more than one meter long quickly drew dozens of cold lights on the flesh pillar.

In the splashing blood, the expected pillar fracture did not occur.

Although a large area of ​​horrible wounds appeared on the nearly three-meter-thick flesh pillar, it still could not shake its foundation.

"It really has no effect."

Although there is no health bar like in the game, this horrible diameter also directly shows its toughness with its volume.

Although under this flower, in the blind spot of the tentacles, Elizabeth immediately sent more than a dozen energy balls emitting green light to fly towards Lin Shi. Lin Shi, who knew the details of these energy balls, turned around and dodged to the side, throwing the cars and corpses along the way behind him while running. The energy balls that tracked Lin Shi not only blew up these obstacles, but also successfully drove them away. In the distance, under Elizabeth's call, waves of infected people, as if endless, madly attacked the defense line of Black Watch. The number of casualties of Black Watch suddenly increased sharply. Even with the continuous support of air strikes, those ordinary soldiers still couldn't withstand this number of enemies. "Notify all ground troops to open the passage to the inside of the encirclement and increase the intensity of the attack, but don't block the enemy's actions." Seeing that the number of casualties was really out of control, Randall had to order a change of strategy. After receiving the order, the ground troops who had been holding out to prevent the infected from entering the encirclement immediately retreated to both sides of the street.

While the guns in their hands roared continuously, the road leading to the inside was opened.

As expected, most of the infected stopped fighting with them and went straight to Elizabeth.

The pressure on their side was reduced, and Lin Shike had a headache.

There was no good way to effectively attack the flesh and blood flower, and now there were so many infected people who were in the way.

There was no choice but to rush to the stems during another wave of attacks by Elizabeth.

The energy around him was agitated.


[Thousands of tentacles·Final strike]!!

Countless tentacles penetrated everything around, and most of the infected who were originally densely guarding Elizabeth were also cleared out by this.

What surprised Lin Shi was that two flesh and blood pillars were exploded from the inside by the biological energy injected into them when the tentacles were recovered.

This made his eyes suddenly brighten. It seems that this flesh and blood pillar belongs to the type with high health but low internal defense.

Suddenly without the support of two flesh and blood pillars, the huge flesh and blood flower was unable to support itself for a while and began to shake randomly. Elizabeth, who was in the center of the flower, also let out a shrill roar.

"Damn it!! I'm going to kill you!! Ah!!!"

As she roared, suddenly, a strong suction force appeared from her roots, sucking everything around her in her direction.

Lin Shi's pupils shrank slightly. Not good!!!

He hurriedly turned his feet into dragon claws, stepped deeply into the ground, and ran away with difficulty. He also picked up an infected person flying in the air and absorbed it, and restored his status.

Before he ran out of 20 meters, everything around him lost its color and turned into black and white.

Lin Shi widened his eyes and ran with energy.

[Dragon Wing]!!!

The flesh and blood behind him quickly transformed into a pair of wings like a pterosaur, flapping vigorously, and his legs kicked the ground fiercely, finally escaping the restraint of the suction and rushing away.

The next moment, a terrifying repulsion

The force, accompanied by the overwhelming biological energy, erupted from Elizabeth's rhizome.

The infected people and a large amount of debris that were originally tightly accumulated at the rhizome by the suction force were suddenly impacted by the completely opposite powerful force, and were immediately squeezed into fragments, and then shattered into ashes by the continuous shock waves.

As the shock wave spread outward, the high-rise buildings on the side also turned into ruins as if they had been hit by the shock wave of a nuclear bomb.

Tanks weighing several tons or more than ten tons also spun and flew away like pieces of paper.

As for the people within the range of the shock wave, let alone people, all living things, including super soldiers and hunter leaders, were all turned into scattered limbs and then turned into ashes, and were completely annihilated under the shock wave.

At this time, Lin Shi, who had already fled forward nearly 200 meters, took the time to look back, and his eyes were shocked and full of relief.

Although it was known that Elizabeth's ultimate move would be terrifying, this power was obviously beyond the original plot in the game.

A completely horizontal open space with Elizabeth as the radius and a radius of 100 meters was formed.

In this circle, everything was gone.

The magician team was almost killed or injured by such a wave of ultimate moves that far exceeded the original plot. Only Goatee and two other timid team members were left hiding in the distance.

The others, including the two lone wolves and Scorpion Tail, had now become part of the flying dust.

"This... Is this still the difficulty of the novice mission? Whose novice mission has such a fierce boss? System!! I don't want to play the system anymore!!!"

"Dead, all dead... There are only three of us left in the first-level members of the magician team, all dead, hahahaha! All dead!!"

The two surviving team members fell into a state of madness. Only the goatee, who was regarded as a think tank, could barely keep calm at this moment, but the fear in his eyes and the trembling body also showed that he was not much better.

Just when everyone was afraid of the power of Elizabeth's ultimate move, the flesh and blood flower regenerated and changed.

As the flesh and blood surged, the two flesh and blood pillars that had just been blown off by Lin Shi quickly regenerated, and the whole flower returned to its complete state again.

"This is troublesome..."

Lin Shi, who was flapping his wings in the air and hovering two hundred meters away, muttered.

With his current means, he really couldn't do anything to Elizabeth.

Super-speed regeneration, summoning minions, energy balls, and skills similar to Tendou Pain's Shinra Tensei,

Leave Lin Shi somewhat helpless.

Randall, listening to the report just submitted by his subordinates,

Just now, with Elizabeth's roar, the infected area, which was originally only about 30%, spread rapidly,

Many of the original safe areas also rushed out of the sewers with countless infected people, turning the place into a living hell.

The infected area quickly spread to as much as 80% of Manhattan Island.

After listening to his subordinates' reports, Randall fell silent.

Looking at the casualty report in his hand and the twisting bloody flowers on the screen, he took a deep breath.

"Notify all troops to retreat and evacuate to the Reagan."

McMullen and Cross, who were standing by, changed their faces when they heard this.

"General, is this... irreparable?"

Captain Cross asked with some difficulty.

He knew what this order meant, but this was not a remote town like Hope Town.

This was the center of the world, Manhattan!

"General, my plan will soon..."

General Randall punched McMullen in the face, interrupting him,

"What the hell is your plan! Don't mention it to me again! Your shitty plan! Don't mention it again!"

Randall pointed at McMullen's face and said word by word,

It was because of his damn plan that all the super soldiers of the Black Watch were basically wiped out, and only 30% of the ordinary soldiers were left.

He didn't want to hear a word about the plan, not a single word!

The highest order was issued, and the remaining Black Watch troops responded immediately, quickly assembled, and retreated to the distance.

Lin Shi also noticed the change, and his face changed slightly,

Could it be that Randall couldn't help but start to nuke Manhattan?

Looking at the bloody flowers that began to shake again, and the large number of infected people rushing in from afar, Lin Shi scratched his head and rummaged through his backpack for a while.

Since there is no means, then create one. Since Elizabeth has no martial ethics, then don't blame me for using some shameless tactics.

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