The sound of a swan song was a joke.

After hearing this, everyone except Lin Shi was stunned.

What? Do you two know each other?

Before anyone could ask, Bufa stamped her feet in frustration and pointed at Lin Shi,

"It's you!! You made me embarrassed in the market!! And you stole"

When she said this, she got stuck. Her little face turned red, whether because of the high temperature or because of embarrassment.

With so many people watching, she was too embarrassed to say the word "dragon whip". She became even more angry and stomped hard on the rock that was slowly sinking under her feet.

"Oh~~Aren't you the girl who snatched the Tyrannosaurus whip from me in the market? What a coincidence, we meet here."

Lin Shi said that sentence very cooperatively.

As soon as the word "dragon whip" came out, Bufa suddenly felt that the whole world was quieter than ever before.

Everyone widened their eyes, looked at Bufa, and said in unison


Of course, as Bufa's best friend, Liz knew that the other party should buy it back to make potions, so she still looked normal.

However, feeling the increasingly piercing gazes from the crowd, Bufa felt the blood rushing straight to his brain.

He closed his eyes and shouted,

"I just bought it to make medicine, I'm not..."

Feeling the increasingly strange gazes from the crowd, Bufa's eyes went dark, and he suddenly lost his mind. He raised the 1.8-meter-long staff in his hand and rushed towards Lin Shi.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! I'll fight you!!!!"

The crowd behind him suddenly shouted in their hearts,

"Fuck! Awesome!"

Lin Shi Seeing this girl who was obviously a nanny actually picked up a magic wand and ran over to fight with him, he shook his head speechlessly.

After slightly sidestepping the opponent's unskilled vertical chop, he lifted it from the back of the neck, turned around, and kicked Buffa's butt with a powerful volley.

Buffa cried and screamed like a meteor, covering his butt and flying away.

After clapping his hands and dealing with this funny guy, Lin Shi hooked his finger at Liz, signaling the other party to attack, and took a defensive posture.

Until then, the group of people being chased turned their eyes away from Buffa and came to their senses.

So this guy is a player? Damn! When did the first level have such a powerful and perverted person? I have never heard of it before!

After Liz came back to her senses from Buffa, she realized how powerful the person in front of her was.

After adding seven or eight buffs to herself, she rushed towards Lin Shi with a yellow-green light and waving the cross.

Looking at the thick layer of buffs on the opponent, Lin Shi decided to stabilize his hand first.

After taking a step back to avoid the opponent's big blow, he stepped forward and punched the opponent in the face.

I thought that the opponent would dodge even if he didn't block, and then I could start the follow-up combo.

But I didn't expect that Liz actually ignored Lin Shi's fist. The cross pulled and turned on the ground, and the branches on both sides of the cross hit Lin Shi's head first.

Seeing this, Lin Shi could only withdraw his attack, and kicked the opponent's calf while dodging the cross.

Seeing this, Liz exerted force on her wrist, and the front end of the cross hit the ground. She then grasped the handle tightly, did a front flip, and continued to hit Lin Shi's head with the cross in an arc in the air.

She was obviously a good fighter.

It must be said that this change of tactics can be said to be the use of the cross to perfection.

With the characteristics of the cross being heavy at the front and light at the back, she only used some force on her wrist to dodge Lin Shi's attack while blocking the blind spot for Lin Shi to escape.

Because she quickly rotated in the air for a circle, the cross hit down straight, and the branches on both sides blocked the space for dodging left and right.

The length of the cross can completely prevent the opponent from dodging forward or backward.

This forced Lin Shi to activate the dragon scales, put his hands on his head, and take the hit head-on.

Boom! ! !

The rock that was sinking under his feet suddenly sank deeply into the magma.

Lise above had already used the force of Lin Shi's counterattack to spin in the air again, and fell to a safe area on the side by inertia.

Lin Shi's reaction was not slow either. At the moment when the rock under his feet sank, he first unloaded all the force.

He stepped under his feet, causing the rock to explode fiercely in the magma like a cannonball.

Then he jumped up and jumped onto the ceiling, standing there in an inverted posture.

He looked at his own stamina. The opponent's attack was not as fierce as he had imagined. Lin Shi only lost about 100 points of stamina.

For an ordinary first-level player with 300 or 400 HP, the attack that would kill him after a few hits only scratched Lin Shi.

Only then did Lin Shi breathe a sigh of relief. Originally, seeing so many layers of buffs on the opponent, he thought that the attack power and defense power would be strengthened to such a terrible degree.

If someone knew Lin Shi's thoughts, they would definitely scold him loudly,

"Do you think everyone is as perverted as you!!!"

Isn't it terrible enough for a meat tank to kill a player of the same level in a few hits?

Liz, who was expecting to take advantage of Lin Shi's scramble to find a foothold, saw that Lin Shi was standing on the ceiling.

How can we fight? The opponent has ignored the terrain.

Looking around, the characteristic of the battle royale is that the safe area of ​​the map will become smaller and smaller as time goes by.

At this time, the footholds around are gradually decreasing, and the system marks the location of the last safe zone on the map.

Seeing the concerns in Liz's eyes, Lin Shi also understood what the other party was worried about, and immediately waved his hand and said,

"If you think I took advantage of the terrain, then go to the center of the map, which is only about 200 meters away."

Huh? ? ?

Originally, there were more than 50 people lying or sitting around, but now there are only more than 30 people left because of the change in the terrain.

Hearing this, they all widened their eyes,

What the hell? Is this what the monster who kills people without blinking, even eats people, and even laughs after eating people would say?

Liz also looked alert. Although the safe area under her feet was getting smaller and smaller, she had no intention of moving to the central area.

Helplessly, Lin Shi had to take the lead and run towards the center on the ceiling.

Until he walked away, everyone believed that Lin Shi was telling the truth.

That monster was so easy to talk to?

At the moment, they didn't care about anything else and got up and rushed to the central area not far away.

The central safe zone of the map is not like other places, where only gravel is soaked in lava.

It is a small square about 30 meters long and wide. Various patterns are carved on the ground of the square.

As the lava slowly rises, the patterns will gradually be filled with lava until the entire square is submerged in the lava.

Of course, judging from the speed of the lava, it will take several hours to reach that state.

When Liz and the others arrived, Lin Shi had already jumped down from the ceiling and stood in the middle of the square.

Without any extra nonsense, Liz stepped forward again. With a height of 1.9 meters and a cross of 1.7 meters, she rushed towards Lin Shi like a mountain.

This time, Lin Shi did not choose to dodge, but kicked the falling cross to the left with his right leg, and turned around at the same time, stabbing Liz's waist with his left elbow.

Seeing this, Liz moved her feet slightly, retreated a step to avoid the elbow, and pulled the handle of the cross with her right hand back violently.

The side branch of the cross immediately hit Lin Shi's lower back.

However, Lin Shi could not let her have her way. Since it is said that an inch longer is an inch stronger, then the opponent's long and large heavy weapon must suffer in close combat.

Naturally, he was unwilling to distance himself from Liz.

He moved his feet and followed Liz's retreating momentum to stick to her again, hitting her hips with a knee, and at the same time, his right hand hit Liz's ribs in the shape of a phoenix eye cone.

Anyone with a little common sense knows that the crotch and ribs, regardless of gender, will produce unbearable pain once hit.

Seeing that Lin Shi was actually pushing towards her crotch, Liz's face changed. While retreating again, she blocked the attack under her ribs with her left hand, but she had no chance to fight back for a while.

This retreat was a retreat into Lin Shi's offensive rhythm.

Advancing straight punches, collapsing punches, close-fitting inch punches, one move after another, one after another, although Liz tried her best to block, but she still couldn't avoid getting hit once or twice.

Although with the blessing of various buffs on her body, she didn't lose too much physical strength.

But Lin Shi hit the most painful place with every move, which made Liz cry out in pain.

A discerning person can see that if Liz doesn't seek some flexibility at this time, it will be a matter of time before she loses.

Obviously, Liz herself knows this truth.

If she takes it hard again

After kicking Lin Shiyi in the crotch, he roared,

A violent wave of air accompanied by energy fluctuations shook Lin Shi, who was frantically attacking Liz, away.

Taking advantage of this gap, Liz quickly stuck the cross on the ground in front of her, took out the Bible and began to pray,

Lin Shi rushed forward and punched Liz in the face,

The cross stuck in the ground by Liz suddenly burst into light, forming a spherical protective shield to protect Liz,

This punch hit the protective shield, and only splashed a layer of ripples, and then there was no movement.

Seeing that the opponent would probably need to charge for a while to use the big move, Lin Shi simply stopped attacking,

After randomly picking a lucky audience member from the audience seat as a blood bag, he took out a cigarette from his backpack, pressed it on the ground for two seconds, lit it, held it in his mouth, and smoked it comfortably.

To be honest, the fight just now seemed fierce, but he actually only used 30% of his strength at most.

The dragon scales, dragon claws, and dragon wings were not used later. To go deeper, his wind steps and thousands of tentacles were also useless. No matter what the opponent had, he was confident that he could cover the bottom.

He just wanted to see the gap between his current combat power and this kind of celebrity player, and to find his own shortcomings.

The onlookers around said that they were no longer surprised by Lin Shi's cannibalistic behavior, and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to struggle.

It doesn't matter how many places he ranks now. This battle is destined to be used as a topic of conversation. It will be a battle between strong men for days and nights. It is really a big loss if you miss a second.

Seeing that Lin Shi was actually committing a crime in front of her, and that he was using such a brutal method to devour living people, Liz's voice of prayer also began to change slowly, becoming solemn and deep, and gradually even seemed to have aroused some resonance, as if a group of people were chanting together, "Almighty Lord, please listen to my call, I pray for your protection, let your power fill me, and defeat the evil in front of me. We call your name and look forward to your salvation, Amen." As the last word fell, holy light suddenly appeared above Liz's head. The light seemed to have a tangible substance, starting from Liz's head and gradually spreading all over her body. Her eyes were full of firm belief, and her whole body was emitting dazzling white light. The holy light finally gathered behind her, faintly forming an almost completely transparent wing shape. At this time, Liz, who had turned snow-white from her hair to her toes, even there, slowly spoke with an emphasis like many people speaking together, "In the name of the angel, I will punish the sin in front of me, and the angel is coming!"

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