The more you fight, the more you will lose.

[One for a Hundred] (can be enhanced)

[Type]: Fighting title

[Effect]: After equipping this title, when fighting with players, for every five more enemy players, the damage you receive will be reduced by 1% and the damage you take will be increased by 2%, with a maximum of 10 layers.

[Unique title feature]: When someone breaks your kill record in the Battle Royale mode, the title will be transferred.

[Introduction]: This is the basis for being a battlefield killer. So, can you withstand this power? (Strengthening requires 3000 points of physical strength)

Looking at the attributes of this title, Lin Shi nodded with satisfaction. It's not bad. In group battles, it can provide up to 10% damage reduction and 20% attack bonus.

Don't underestimate this little bonus. In group battles, the most terrifying thing is the focus fire and the enemy's healers.

Damage reduction can greatly increase the ability to survive under the focus fire attack, and with the bloodline characteristic that Lin Shi can recover by grabbing a blood bag at will, as long as he is not killed instantly at one time, he can rely on the blood bag and have unlimited endurance.

Attack bonus can increase output damage, so that some special personnel of the opponent can be targeted, such as healers who provide buffs and recovery effects.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Shi turned around and left the arena.

Originally, he was going to hone his combat experience in the arena and fight a few more games.

But he didn't expect to meet Liz, who was like a wooden man, in the first game. Not only did he fully master the skills of continuous attack,

but he also found out his biggest shortcoming. Before finding a relatively powerful single attack skill, Lin Shi decided not to come to the arena again for the time being.

Just as he was walking towards the trading market, on the other side,

Lise appeared on a sofa in the corner of the arena, still standing there in a daze.

Buffa, who had long since quit the arena because the environment was too hot, was drinking a glass of ice juice.

Seeing Lise like this, he couldn't help but wave his hand in front of her eyes, but there was no reaction.

He immediately said with some concern,

"Sister Lise, what's wrong with you? Were you defeated by that monster? Were you abused? Why are you standing here without saying anything? Were you beaten stupid? This shouldn't happen. The damage in the arena won't affect the outside world."

As he said that, he stretched out his white and tender little hand to touch Lise's forehead.

Lise came to her senses and slapped her away, snatched the glass of ice juice, and drank it all.

The next second,

Puff! ! !

"What did you order?"

Lise looked at the sticky green unknown liquid in the cup in her hand, which looked like snot, and her whole face shrank tightly.

I didn't notice it when I first took a sip, but by the time my taste buds reacted, a bitter taste that went straight to my soul had already infected my whole body.

Even after I spit it out, my mouth was still bitter beyond words.

"Ah? You mean this? I ordered this iced slime. Although it's a bit bitter, it can effectively and quickly remove the heat."

Buffa's sea-blue eyes were filled with smiles.

She had been pretending to drink a drink for more than ten minutes, just for this moment.

"You girl! How dare you plot against me! Get your death!"

Lise pounced on Buffa and pressed her hard on her great shore, clenching her fists and twisting them hard on her head.

The original smile was immediately replaced by tears, and Bufa begged for mercy with tears in his eyes,

"Wow!! Sister Liz, I was wrong, woo woo woo, I was wrong."

After playing for a while, Bufa asked curiously,

"Sister Liz, how was the result of your battle with that monster? Judging from the way you just came out, you lost?"

Hearing this, Liz showed a strange look on her face, and a blush appeared on her face,

like aftertaste, and like intoxication,

"Yes, I lost, but I was willing to lose to that man. What a powerful man."

Buffalo looked at Liz with a strange expression. This woman, there is something wrong.

"You still have 8 buffs I gave you. Although the strongest one has not been added yet, with your own buffs and your transformation, how can you still be defeated by him?"

"Yes, even I am so powerful, I was ruthlessly crushed and defeated by him. Oh, he is so powerful, so, fascinating."

At this time, Liz's eyes were flashing with red hearts, and she was touching her

Her face seemed to be filled with a pink aura.

Seeing her crazy look, Buffa helplessly covered his forehead. This woman was actually obsessed with defeating her enemies. There was no hope, absolutely no hope.

"No, I want to find out who he is. Only such a strong man can be worthy of me."

At this time, not only Liz wanted to find Lin Shi, but Bufa also wanted to find that hateful guy and take revenge.

But fortunately, before they started to ask, many exclamations came from the side.

"Fuck, am I seeing right? The kill record of the battle royale mode just now was refreshed to 72? Is there really such a perverted person?"

"Fuck, let me see, it's true, this guy is too perverted, one person killed one-third of the people, who is he?"

"Long Aotian? I haven't heard of him, is he a newly rising boss?"

"Such an awesome new boss, those large adventure groups are probably going to fight for it, no, I have to sell this first-hand information quickly, if I can't sell it for money, I can sell it for a favor."

After a group of noisy voices, a group of players stood there and began to contact various famous large adventure groups by email.

Liz and Bufa also learned Lin Shi's ID name, Long Aotian, a name that sounds very childish.

"Long Aotian... What a domineering name, he is worthy of being the man who can defeat my Liz, oh~~ I really love you more and more, Aotian."

"Long Aotian, right? Damn guy, I'll send him an email to scold him!!!"

On one side is Liz, who exudes a pink aura and looks like a fangirl, and on the other side is Bufa, who exudes a red aura and clicks in the void with an angry face.

[Ding! You have new emails! ]

[Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! ]

Lin Shi, who was watching the trading market, was stunned by the sudden bombardment of information. What's going on?

Looking at the dozen or so emails that suddenly appeared in the information column, and they were still increasing, Lin Shi quickly set up the unfamiliar information blocking function.

I randomly clicked on one of them and took a look.

"Hello, Mr. Long Aotian. We are the Sea King Adventure Team. We heard about your amazing performance in the arena and are very impressed by your combat power. We specially sent you an invitation letter to join the team. If you can pass the test of our adventure team, then we can become a family."


Lin Shi raised his eyebrows. It seems that his performance in the battle royale has been made public. That's not surprising.

After all, it would be strange if someone who can hit 72 kills didn't have an adventure team.

However, although the words in this invitation email seem very polite, the last sentence still reveals a trace of contempt and arrogance.

What a joke. Would I, Lin, be willing to be inferior to others? That would be too sorry for my bug-level talent.

He shook his head and deleted the emails in the mailbox in batches. Suddenly, he noticed a name, Buffa.

Hmm? That girl also sent me an email?

Curious, he clicked on Bufa's email, took a closer look, and burst out laughing.

I don't know how much Bufa hates Lin Shi. There are at least 400 shielding symbols in the nearly 500-word email.

Is he sending me an email to scold me? Block me!

After dealing with the email, Lin Shi continued to look for the skills he wanted.

But, to be honest, it's hard to find any high-quality products in these street stalls. After browsing for a long time, the highest-level skill scroll he saw was just a D-level fireball.

Although it was a single-target attack, it was obviously not suitable for him.

What he wanted to find was a skill that could be used for close combat or long-range attack, and the skill power was linked to the attribute, and had growth potential.

As if seeing Lin Shi's distress, a man in a black robe suddenly squeezed in front of him,

"Sir, you seem to have some troubles with shopping? I wonder if our Black Wing Chamber of Commerce can help you?"

"Why? Don't you like oatmeal?"

Looking at the mysterious face of the other party, wearing a black suit, Lin Shi suddenly thought of those scalpers selling discs near the train station.

"Well... If this is what you are worried about, we can help you get it."

The black-robed merchant was stunned for a moment, and then replied politely.

Obviously, his professional quality is quite strong.

Chamber of Commerce? If the price is right, it would be very convenient.

Thinking of this, Lin Shi also very happily stated his needs,

"I need a skill book, no level limit, but it must be a powerful single attack, can be close or far, and has growth potential. You

Is there any?"

Hearing Lin Shi's request, the black-robed merchant immediately stretched out his hand and pointed in the air, as if he was checking something.

After a moment, he replied,

"According to your needs, our Chamber of Commerce currently has 465 skills that meet your requirements. Because your requirements are relatively loose, many of them with some side effects are also included in them."


Lin Shi's eyes lit up. The other party had such power. It seems that the power of this Chamber of Commerce is not small.

"Then, can you show me the list and general information?"

"Of course, no problem, sir, I will send you the corresponding list right away. I haven't asked for your name yet?"

"Long Aotian."

The black-robed merchant was stunned for a moment, and then laughed randomly,

"I didn't expect it to be Mr. Long Aotian. I have heard of him for a long time. Since it is Mr. Long Aotian's request, then I will make the decision on my own for this transaction and give you a 20% discount. "

Lin Shi also received the other party's email. The other party sent it in the name of the Chamber of Commerce, so Lin Shi didn't know the other party's name.

While dealing with a few words, he carefully checked the list.

To be honest, there are indeed a lot of good things here, and there are even A-level and S-level skills. It's just that the price is in units of 100,000. Even as a new rich man, he can't afford it.

After flipping through it for a while, suddenly, a name caught his attention. After clicking on it and looking at the detailed information, he immediately decided that it was it.

After removing all the information lists, Lin Shi stated his needs.

"What is the price of this D-level Qigong wave?"

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