The two of them were very close.

Is this Liz's intention to team up with me?

Lin Shi touched his chin with one hand, thinking,

Although teaming up with two nurses is indeed very attractive for a lone player,

But he has always been alone, and with his current strength, he does not need teammates, they will only slow down his development speed.

What's more, when he thought of Liz's perverted look and the funny scene of the little loli waving her staff and rushing towards him,

He couldn't help but doubt, are these two people really reliable?

But the attributes of the scroll made him very jealous. If he could form a team alone, wouldn't it be another powerful team skill?

Even if it is not strong, I can use reinforcement to make it stronger.

Thinking of this, Lin Shi thought about the language and replied,

"Do you sell this scroll?"

At the same time, he asked the reincarnation space whether a single-person team could be formed.

"Single-person teams and single-person adventure groups are allowed to exist, but both teams and adventure groups may be assigned to team combat tasks when they enter the mission world later. For a single person, the task difficulty is extremely high. Please consider it carefully."

In other words, it is feasible!

Soon, another email came from the other side,

"No, we are inviting you to form a team."

"Let's discuss it. I like this scroll. You can propose any conditions."

"Don't you want to form a team if you buy it? We are two nurses, and other adventure groups are scrambling for it. You are not happy?"

The tone is obviously Bufa's.

"No, I like to act alone, so what price should I pay to get this scroll?"

"Don't even think about it! If you don't agree to form a team, we can use it by ourselves!"


Lin Shi scratched his head. Didn't he just steal her dragon whip and then make her embarrassed in public in the battle royale? Why did he target him so much?

After sighing twice, Lin Shi stopped replying.

Since the other party is unwilling to sell, he will find someone who is willing to sell.

Thinking of this, he took out the black and gold wing card, infused a little energy into it, and an address emerged from it.

After his beachwear turned into a set of regular clothes, Lin Shi rushed to the address.

When he arrived at the place, a man in a black robe was already waiting there.

"See you again, Mr. Long, I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you this time?"

Lin Shi thought about it, showed the screenshot to the other party, and asked,

"I want to buy a similar team scroll, can you get it?"

"Team scroll? This thing is not only rare, but also expensive."

Lin Shi looked at his savings. There was more than 20,000 yuan left. Buying a team scroll should be, maybe, probably, enough, right?

Before Lin Shi could ask, the man in black robe had already taken out three scrolls from his backpack.

"There are several kinds of team scrolls. The one Mr. Long showed has a skill and the captain has an extra bonus. It is a more advanced one. I have three scrolls of different levels here. Mr. Long can choose according to his needs."

So that's the case. Lin Shi thought that all team scrolls would have that kind of bonus.

After carefully looking at the three scrolls the other party took out,

The lowest level one only has the basic function of establishing a team, and after the team is established, the starting level of the team is very low, generally ranging from F to D level,

The price is about one or two thousand.

The second one is the one that adds an extra team skill on the basis of establishing a team.

The team skill level provided also ranges from low to high,

but the starting level of the established team is much higher, from D to B level.

The price is between five thousand and ten thousand.

Finally, there is a scroll similar to the one shown by Liz, which not only comes with a team skill, but also has an additional bonus for the captain.

The price is between 10,000 and 100,000.

Among all team scrolls, it is very rare to have a B-level or higher team skill like Liz's,

at least worth 50,000 or more.

Fortunately, for Lin Shi, the low level of the team skill does not matter, and the additional bonus is optional.

So after considering for a while, he chose a medium scroll worth 7,000, which can extract a D-level team skill, and the level after the team is created is C-level.

If it weren't for the fact that the physical strength required for strengthening was as high as 2000 points, Lin Shi would have wanted to strengthen it as well.

After saying goodbye to the black-robed man, Lin Shi rushed to the Adventurer's Guild, which is the place to register a team or adventure group.

There were many players sitting in groups of three or two inside, not only the first-level players, but also high-level players with a strong aura.

Some came here to rest, and some came here to exchange their information.

The truly valuable information never appeared on the market outside, but was traded and circulated among various teams in this Adventurer's Guild.

Coming to a place similar to a bank counter window, Lin Shi handed over the team scroll in his hand.

Perhaps in order to create more employment opportunities for workers, the entire hall is basically a manual service window. Lin Shi was greeted by a petite and cute girl with tiger teeth.

"Please confirm the team name. After confirming that it is correct, you can draw team skills after paying 1000 points."

Team name?

Lin Shi said without hesitation,

"Lone Wolf."

"The Lone Wolf team has been successfully registered. Please come here to draw your team skills."

As she spoke, the tiger-toothed girl led him to a machine that looked like a slot machine, then walked forward, and after a similar identity confirmation, she debugged something.

Seeing this scene, Lin Shi suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and moved his fingers slightly, pretending to be surprised and said,

"Oh, who dropped this point card on the ground?"

The tiger-toothed girl turned her head in confusion and saw Lin Shi pointing at her feet with a surprised look on his face,

"Sister, you have so much money? How can it fall out casually? Pick it up and put it away. This is because I met you, and I returned the money. If you met someone else, your point card would really be lost."

As he spoke, Lin Shi picked up the point card with a face value of 3,000 points naturally, slapped it on the tiger-toothed girl's hand, and repeatedly reminded her to keep it carefully with a serious face.

"Hey... this, this isn't..."

Tiger Teeth Girl held the point card in her hand with a confused look on her face. What's going on?

"No, this is what you dropped. It's all at your feet. How could it be someone else's? Hurry up and keep it. For you workers, this should be a considerable amount of money, right? Don't lose it again."

Until then, she slowly reacted. She was only entangled for a moment, but when she saw the number 3,000, she couldn't help but feel dizzy.

She put the point card away and went forward to debug the slot machine again.

After a while, Tiger Teeth Girl turned her head and said to Lin Shi,

"The team skill extraction device has been debugged, you can start to draw."

After that, she walked away, muttering,

"You can operate it yourself. This is very simple. I heard that a large adventure group is competing for a few nurses. I have to go over to see the excitement."

Nodding with a smile, Lin Shi went forward to pull down the lever, and the screen suddenly began to flash various skill names.

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