"Distant cousin?" Xuandu looked up and down at Lin Shi in confusion. He didn't look like him. Forget it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt to ask first. "Then you wait here for a while. I'll ask her." "Oh, by the way, can you please tell me a message. Just say, has the king been selected?" With Xuandu's strength and status, he naturally couldn't get any information about the One-Eyed King. Hearing this, he just felt a little puzzled, but nodded. Looking at Xuandu going away, Lin Shi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one.

Since he was the last team to enter this world, he didn't know how far behind he was compared to other teams.

Instead of slowly planning, he decided to just go straight to the goal.

Since he was stronger than all the other teams, he would use his strength to defeat ten teams without planning or planning.

The main task required him to join a faction. Since he had contacted the Bronze Tree Organization first, he was too lazy to look for the V Organization and the Clown Organization.

What's more, compared to the Bronze Tree Organization with a simple purpose, the V Organization led by the Hexiu Family and the Clown Organization led by the Priest were too complicated.

It was difficult to find them, let alone join them.

Before he finished smoking a cigarette, Xuandu came back with a complicated look, motioned Lin Shi to follow him, and turned to lead the way.

He just curiously asked Ate what the phrase "bring" meant, but the other party was silent for a long time before asking him to come and take this person.

Is he really her cousin?

Thinking of this, Xuandu looked back suspiciously at Lin Shi who followed him calmly.

However, with his simple second-year brain, he would not dwell on such an insignificant matter for too long.

A moment later, somewhere in the abandoned building, Lin Shi saw the girl who was wrapped in bandages but had two magical holes in her eyes.

After Fangcun Ate motioned Xuandu to leave, he looked up and stared at Lin Shi, and only spoke after Xuandu walked away,

"Who are you? Why do you know about Wang?"

Feeling the threat emanating from the other party, Lin Shi pretended to be relaxed and smiled,


"Don't tell me? It seems that we have to fight first."

Fangcun Ate looked at Lin Shi's face full of provocation, and slowly spoke,

At the same time, the bandages on his body began to spread, and a deep red Colored energy emerged from her body, then attached to the surface of her body and solidified.

In the blink of an eye, she had transformed into a one-eyed owl more than two meters tall. She waved the giant thorn-shaped kagune on her right hand.

Countless kagune turned into missiles and shot at Lin Shi.

Seeing that the opponent had already started, Lin Shi smiled slightly and suddenly jumped to the right front, dodging the kagune missiles while approaching the one-eyed owl.

She raised her foot and kicked forward. Ate quickly protected the giant thorn in his left hand.

Bang! ! !

A loud noise spread throughout the abandoned building. All the members of the Bronze Tree who heard the noise looked in the direction of the two people.

Xuan Du's face also changed.

"No! Could it be that guy just now! Damn it!"

He hurried to the position of the two people.

After receiving Lin Shi's kick, the huge one-eyed owl was kicked back two or three meters, and his legs scratched two deep dents on the floor.

"This guy..."

Fangcun Eite suddenly felt bad. The opponent's strength was obviously well prepared, but he still waved his right arm with a giant thorn to meet Lin Shi's punch.

A feather unfolded from behind, turned into a missile and shot towards Lin Shi's head.

After retracting his fist and dodging the missile sideways, Lin Shi was about to continue attacking, but found that the dodged missile turned in the air and attacked him again.

He could only helplessly turn his right hand into a dragon claw, grab the missile and quickly press it to the ground.

At the moment the missile exploded, followed by the force of the impact, the whole person came to Fangcun Eite's head like an arrow from a bow.

He raised his right leg high and chopped it down hard. Fangcun Eite quickly crossed his hands with the giant thorns to block his head.

Bang! ! Bang! !

Although she blocked it in time, she was still hit through the floor by Lin Shi's terrifying force and fell heavily on the ground below.

The members of the Bronze Tree who were running over were stunned when they saw this scene.

The members of the Tianming team hiding among them showed horror in their eyes.


What the hell is this monster! How can it defeat the One-Eyed Owl?"

"Captain, how about we give up the Bronze Tree and go to CCG? This guy, is he supposed to be in the first-order world?"

"Don't even think about it. Not to mention that you may have been wanted by CCG for a long time, and there is no way to get away with it. I'm afraid that the two teams that entered first have already turned that place into a base camp. If you go there now, aren't you courting death?"

The captain of the Tianming team still managed to stay calm. After thinking for a while, he said,

"It's not clear what camp this big guy belongs to yet. Don't act rashly for the time being. If he joins the Bronze Tree, then he's one of us."

"Ah, yes, yes, I hope the big guy is here to join the Bronze Tree. "

Just as they were discussing, Kaneki Ken, Ayato, Tadara and other core members of the Bronze Tree arrived.

Seeing the two fighting fiercely, they all came forward to help.

Here, Lin Shizheng forced Fangcun Et back with a punch. Seeing everyone surrounding him, he didn't care. He just smiled and moved his shoulders.

"The core members of the Bronze Tree are all here today? In that case, you all come together! "

After saying that, dragon scales appeared all over his body, and the dragon claws on his hands turned into a blade more than one meter long, and he rushed towards everyone first.

His first target was the little angel Kaneki. As the son of the world in this world, if there was a chance to kill him, Lin Shi naturally didn't want to let him go.

Beat him half to death and then let him burn the power of luck to become stronger?

That's what the stupid villain in the original plot would do. He prefers to kill with one blow.

He slashed directly at Kaneki Ken's neck. The opponent leaned back in panic to avoid the knife, but he didn't avoid the sweep of Lin Shi's leg that followed.


The whole person turned into a cannonball He smashed hard on the load-bearing pillar beside him, and his whole body was imprinted on it, and he was completely unable to deal with Lin Shi's attack.

Lin Shi was about to go forward to finish off the enemy, but a piece of Yuhe flew over, but it was Fangcun Et who came to his senses and attacked.

She naturally would not watch the candidate for the king that she was optimistic about being killed like this.

Others also reacted one after another. Xuandu hurriedly stepped forward and used the speed of Yuhe to pick Kaneki off the wall and took him away from the battlefield.

A bunch of scales, Yuhe, and tails smashed towards Lin Shi.

Violent smoke and dust rose, and a black shadow burst out from it, running straight to the back of Xuandu who was running away.

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