The two of them were so close that they could not stand each other.

A strand of black and red flesh broke away from Lin Shi's palm and entered Erfu's head.

Erfu's eyes fluctuated for a while and lost their spirit. After a moment, they returned to normal.

The kagune that wrapped around him loosened and released him.

At this time, Erfu no longer had the hostility just now. Instead, he knelt on one knee and said to Lin Shi,

"Zongtai greets the master."

He Xiujiuduo Zongtai is his real name, but out of disgust for the Zong family, he has long abandoned this real name and called himself Zongtai, or Erfu.

Lin Shi closed his eyes and felt this wonderful experience. It was a very novel experience to use this flesh and blood puppet for the first time.

He could clearly feel Erfu's thoughts and ideas, and could also see his vision. As long as he had a thought, he could remotely disintegrate his body and turn it into a black light virus.

The difference from direct assimilation is that the memory and energy were not immediately devoured.

Although Erfu had become his flesh and blood puppet, he still retained his consciousness and all his memories.

It was just that Lin Shi had become the center of his world, and everything about him would be based on Lin Shi.

That's right, making He Xiu Erfu into a flesh and blood puppet was the main purpose of his trip.

Rather than leaving the promotion of the plot to the characters in the plot, it would be more reassuring to hold it in one's own hands.

"Tell me in detail, what is your plan for the He Xiu family now?"

"Yes, Master, I have already controlled more than 95% of the combat power of the V organization, as well as all the defense maps of the Zong family, including the daily schedules of He Xiu Changji and others."

"If you start in the next two days, how confident are you that you can completely eliminate the He Xiu family?"

This is the issue that Lin Shi is most concerned about.

"If we launch it now, there is a 60% chance of annihilating the Hexiu family."

Lin Shi frowned slightly, expressing some dissatisfaction with this probability,

"Why is there only this little confidence?"

Hexiu Nifu knelt on the ground, lowered his head, and replied,

"My master, Hexiu Changji still has a group of human private soldiers equipped with a large number of modern military heavy weapons. If we rely on ghouls alone to fight, there is a high probability that we will be repelled."


This is something Lin Shi did not expect. Although the Hexiu family is the absolute ruler who controls the two worlds of humans and ghouls in the anime.

However, modern military forces have never been portrayed.

The original explanation is that this is intentional by the Hexiu family, so that the investigators and humans will suffer more casualties in the battle with ghouls.

On the one hand, it is easier to control, and on the other hand, it can also provide a lot of food for the entire Hexiu family.

It seems that this old guy does not let others use it on the surface, and he is afraid that he has saved a lot of it himself.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Shi understood that although ghouls are powerful, they are only powerful in their individual aspects.

As strong as Yoshimura Eto is, if you ask her to fight head-on with a group of fully armed and heavily armed 100-man troops, she will probably be blown to pieces in a minute.

No matter how strong the kagune is, it can't stop rockets.

"So, you still need an opportunity for CCG to come out in full force, right?"

Erfu nodded and said,

"Yes, Master, as long as that private army leaves the main family's residence, I can lead people to uproot the entire Hexiu family."

Holding one hand to his chest and holding his chin with the other, Lin Shi only thought for ten seconds and made a new plan.

He immediately arranged,

"I will provide this opportunity. The time will be the night after tomorrow. I will inform you directly of the specific time of action. You should let your people prepare in the next two days."

"Yes! Master!"

"I'm leaving first. You wait for half an hour before leaving. Oh, by the way, do you know where the real body of the priest is?"

Erfu shook his head and said,

"I don't know either. The cooperation between me and Donato is not deep. Every time they meet, the other party appears as a clone and does not reveal the location of the real body."


Lin Shi tsks lightly. He is not afraid of this guy in a head-on battle. He is afraid that when his plan is in progress, the other party will jump out and do something weird.

Waving his hand at Erfu, Lin Shi slowly walked out of the backyard of the church.

Due to the effect of the simple barrier he set up, even if a terrible battle broke out in the backyard, the residents praying in the front hall were not affected at all.

Standing at the door of the church, he closed his eyes and felt it carefully. After not noticing the feeling of being observed, Lin

Shi waved and hailed a taxi.

After dealing with He Xiu Erfu, there were still some things to deal with at Qingtongshu.

An hour later, Lin Shi came to the abandoned building in District 7, but did not see Fangcun Aite. After asking, he learned that the other party left in a hurry after bringing the store manager back and has not returned yet.

"This guy, is it because of the deep father-daughter love that he can't bear to see his father suffer?"

Lin Shi muttered to himself, and under the leadership of Duo Duoliang, he came to the place where the store manager was imprisoned.

It can't be said that he was imprisoned. In order to prevent the store manager from causing trouble after waking up, they had to inject the store manager with anesthetics that could stun more than a dozen elephants every day.

At this time, Fangcun Gongshan was lying quietly on a simple but clean and tidy bed, sleeping with his eyes closed.

Looking at the bed, Lin Shi understood that Aite seemed to want to kill his cheap father on the surface, but in fact he still couldn't let go of the father-daughter love.

After signaling Duo Duoliang to leave, Lin Shi walked slowly to the bed, and just as he was about to raise his hand to assimilate, he stopped.

This old guy...

Yoshimura Gongshan, who was lying on the bed, moved his eyelids slightly, opened his eyes, looked at Lin Shi, and said,

"Sure enough, are you still planning something behind the scenes? What do you want to do?"

With the store manager's body that had long been transformed into a Hezhe, those anesthetics had no effect on him.

After cooperating for so long, he just wanted to see who the person behind the scenes was and what he wanted to do.

Seeing that the store manager woke up, Lin Shi was not in a hurry. He simply found a chair to sit down, took out a cigarette and signaled, and when he saw the other party shook his head, he lit one himself.

"Old man, I just want to ask you, do you want to end this chaotic world?"

Hearing this, Fangcun Gongshan was silent, as if he was recalling something, and said after a long time,

"End this world, just by you?"

"Yes, just by me!"

Lin Shi answered decisively and confidently.

The store manager who came from the V organization has experienced too much. As a former cleaner,

He knows very well that the Hexiu family behind CCG and the V organization are powerful.

He has seen too many such whimsical young people.

Shaking his head,

"You don't know..."

"No, I know! Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it!"

Lin Shi interrupted him, leaned over and told him his plan,

Fangcun Gongshan's eyes showed surprise and astonishment, and then he was relieved.

After narrowing his eyes again, the gray-haired old man nodded slightly at Lin Shi and said, "It seems that you may really succeed. If I can provide any help, then go ahead." Seeing this, Lin Shi did not hesitate and waved his hand to press on Fangcun Gongshan's forehead.

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