Before he could ask, his mouth was again speechless, just like before outside the factory.

He reached out and touched it, and found that his mouth was gone!!! His lips had grown together, and he couldn't speak.

The panicked Lin Shi had no time to react before he was pressed on the table by the two agents behind him.

In his extremely terrified whimper, the metal worm squirmed and drilled into his body from his belly button.

He struggled wildly in extreme fear.

The next moment, Lin Shi suddenly woke up from the bed.

But he couldn't remember the reason for waking up.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare, dear?"

Lilith beside him was awakened by his movement, humming lazily, and hugged Lin Shi's waist in the quilt.

Lin Shi sat on the bed in shock, and leaned back for a long time.

What happened to him? Wasn't he taken away by those policemen yesterday? Why did he suddenly come to the bed?

"Lilith, what day is it today?"

"Well~~~ Monday, although it's Monday, you don't have to get up so early, you have already received the 5 million reward from the police, from today on, we are rich people, you don't have to work so hard."

When Lilith said this, her mind suddenly became active, and she lost all sleepiness. In addition, it was just after seven in the morning, and Xiaolin Shi was standing at attention.

She smiled quietly and slid down in the quilt.

Lin Shi, who was thinking carefully about how yesterday went, suddenly looked startled, and then realized what happened.

He couldn't help but exclaimed "Oh~~~",

It seems that he did get a five million bonus? Forget it, never mind, business is more important!

An hour later, Lin Shi, who was refreshed, drove to the company as usual.

He had checked his bank card and found that there was indeed an extra five million.

This made him feel that even the clouds in the sky seemed to have become more beautiful.

He smiled and greeted the security guard downstairs, who said directly,

"Congratulations, Lin, you actually got the five million reward."

Huh? How did he...

Before Lin Shi could come to his senses, all the colleagues he met along the way, whether he knew them or not, congratulated him.

It was not until he returned to his workstation and asked his neighbor that he understood.

Just yesterday, the police held a press conference, at which the director of the city police department personally handed over the five million bounty to Lin Shi.

And this news was broadcast several times on TV yesterday, as if they were afraid that others would not know.

Is there... such a thing?

Lin Shi's eyes were full of confusion, until he glanced at the jade Buddha on the table, his mind suddenly became dazed,

Some scattered pictures flashed in his mind, but, unlike the video on his colleague's phone,

In those pictures, those agents seemed to have put a worm in their stomachs?

Sudden start, Lin Shi hurriedly lifted his shirt, and when he saw that his stomach was safe and sound, he was relieved.


It seems that those are all illusions. Pick up the jade Buddha casually.

Lin Shi carefully looked at the jade Buddha that had been placed on the table since who knows when.

Only then did he discover that there was a large area of ​​densely packed small characters engraved on the base of the jade Buddha.

As Lin Shi subconsciously studied the content of the small characters above, a Buddhist scripture inexplicably appeared in his mind.

"When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva practiced deep Prajna Paramita, he saw that the five aggregates were empty and overcame all suffering. Shariputra, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and so are perception, thought, action, and consciousness..."

As a large number of scriptures appeared in Lin Shi's mind, a different memory slowly emerged.

In that memory, he was the reincarnation Lin Shi, who was endowed with the power of the law of thunder and could devour other creatures at will.

That memory came to a halt after entering the so-called "Matrix" world to carry out a mission.

Subconsciously, Lin Shi began to chant the sutra in his mind.

Colleagues who had come to congratulate him looked at him strangely.

What's wrong with this guy? Why is he saying something incomprehensible here?

Over and over again, as he chanted the Bodhi Heart Sutra more and more,

In his mind

The memories in his mind became clearer and clearer.

Until the bald supervisor called 911 and a group of doctors and nurses came to surround him, Lin Shi's eyes suddenly opened,

The sharp eyes were completely different from that employee Lin.

Looking around at the people around him, Lin Shi cursed in his heart,

Damn it, he guessed it right, this world plays such a trick right from the start.

His face changed slightly, and he asked the people around him in confusion,

"What are you doing?"

"Lin, are you really okay? I mean, here."

The colleague at the next workstation pointed to his head, obviously very worried about his mental state.

Lin Shi showed an expression of sudden enlightenment and explained,

"I'm sorry, I made you misunderstand. This is the tradition of my hometown. After receiving a lot of blessings from others, you need to chant scriptures, pray for others, and return the cause and effect. I'm sorry that I interrupted before I finished chanting. In our hometown, it is a very bad thing and caused everyone's misunderstanding. I apologize to everyone here."

As he said, Lin Shi bowed slightly to the people around him, and at the same time smiled apologetically at the medical staff who were about to gather around.

He walked forward, took out the only few hundred yuan he had from his pocket, and stuffed it into the pocket of the leader.

The faces of the group of people were not so ugly.

After turning his head to warn the bald man, he hurried downstairs.

After a long while, the storm slowly subsided.

Sitting at his workstation, Lin Shi looked at the computer in front of him and rubbed his temples.

Just now he tried it. Except for a few mental abilities and some weak reactions, all other abilities could not be used.

In other words, he is definitely in the matrix now, but I don't know if his real body is in the mechanical city at this time.

Thinking back to what happened in the past two days, Lin Shi's face became more and more ugly.

Unconsciously, he seemed to have been arranged by the matrix and became the opposite of Neo and others.

Not only did he report the location of others, but he also caused one of them to die and be arrested.

The feud here is considered to be a big one.

With this, how can I complete the main task and gain their trust? It's good if I'm not killed by them.

And Lilith...

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