The driver was walking towards the car, but the car was still moving.

Lin Shi, who hurried to the car, seemed to have some feelings, but he did not look back, but quickened his pace.

After paying the gas fee, he drove away quickly.

The only difference was that he originally planned to take the main road, but he turned the steering wheel and decided to take a detour from a country road.

"Lin, why do you want to go this way? Isn't the main road faster?"

Although he was driving an SUV, the country road was still very bumpy, and Lilith asked in confusion.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, Lin Shi said calmly,

"It's not safe to take the main road."

As soon as these words came out, Lilith's expression suddenly became very nervous. She looked back from time to time, but she saw nothing.

It seemed that Lin Shi's decision to take the small road had some effect. Until the next morning, Lin Shi, who had been driving for more than ten hours in a row,

did not encounter any accidents when he rested in a small town.

In a restaurant, Lin Shi, who was eating steak in big mouthfuls, kept some energy while eating and looked around.

With the support of Bodhicitta, not sleeping for a night did not have any effect.

"Dear, do you think someone will really come to hunt us? It's been a day, and nothing..."

While eating a hamburger, Lilith asked Lin Shi,

Before she finished speaking, Lin Shi suddenly stood up and dragged her to the side and rolled out.


An off-road vehicle suddenly smashed the French window facing the street and ran straight over the place where they had just sat.

Standing up from the ground in a panic, without paying attention to the scratches on his body caused by glass fragments, Lin Shiyi grabbed Lilith and ran towards the back door of the restaurant.

Before he came in to eat, he had already observed the escape route in advance and made several backup plans.

After knocking down several passers-by and employees along the way, Lin Shi successfully rushed out of the back door of the restaurant.

He quickly scanned the surroundings and saw that the person had come to the road. After stopping the passing car, he quickly pulled the driver out.

Before the other party cursed and started to act, a stack of banknotes hit the other party's face, holding back the subsequent reaction.

After Lilith got in the car, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the town.

Although the person came much later than he expected, Lin Shi definitely didn't dare to go back to drive his own car.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, a black SUV was catching up with him.

Damn it, it's so close!

Lin Shi cursed inwardly while stepping on the accelerator.

However, under normal circumstances, the world in the matrix must also obey the laws of physics.

The sedan carrying three people was obviously slower than the SUV behind it, even if Lin Shi wanted to step his foot into the gas tank at this time.


The two people in the car suddenly leaned back, and the car behind them was already hitting the rear of their car.

Trying to control the steering wheel, Lin Shi calmly thought about countermeasures.

If the person coming is from Morpheus's side, then it is very likely that he came here to seek revenge privately. With Morpheus's pattern, the other party would not take the lead in doing such a thing.

If it is private, it proves that there are not many people, one to two is better. If there is no gun, Lin Shi is confident that he can still knock down two ordinary people.

But what if it is an agent?

That's right!

If Lin Shi had not woken up, according to the original script, he should have continued to work in that company, or went on a trip with his wife.

But that was a normal trip, not a hasty escape like now.

Lin Shi's action made him look like a big problem in the eyes of the agents, even if there was nothing wrong originally.

In this case, people would naturally be sent to chase him.

Thinking of this, Lin Shi glanced at the car with the corner of his eye, and then grabbed a fist-sized stone ornament on the center console with his right hand.

Seizing an opportunity, he stepped on the brakes, and his car instantly came to a position slightly behind the black SUV.

From the window that was opened in advance, he smashed the ornament against the side glass of the car with his right hand.


Unfortunately, he was just an ordinary person at this time, and with one hand holding the steering wheel, the power of a single-handed throw was not enough to break the car glass.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to have noticed Lin Shi's attack intention and took the initiative to lower the window.

A white-haired man drove the car from the side.

He raised his middle finger to Lin Shi, then rolled up the window, and the car suddenly crashed towards Lin Shi.

How could Lin Shi not be prepared for such a clichéd method? He braked early and simply stopped the car.

The SUV stopped immediately when Lin Shi saw that he had stopped the car. The white-haired man walked out slowly from the car.

Seeing that the other party only had a small pistol on his waist, Lin Shi was relieved.

Fortunately, among many options, this option is the simplest one.

Although he was carrying a gun, the other party came alone, which made it easy.

Looking at the other party's appearance, if he remembered correctly, in the original book, he seemed to be called Sweiqi, a guy who was a man in the matrix and a woman outside the matrix.

In terms of combat power, it was nothing, a supporting role who died quickly.

Sweiqi pulled out the pistol from behind, pointed it at Lin Shi, slowly walked to his car, and motioned him to get out.

Lin Shi also cooperated very well, raised his hands, opened the car door and got out.

Before he could stand firmly, the other party kicked Lin Shi behind his left knee, forcing him to kneel on one knee.

"Kneel down, you idiot! What, do you feel comfortable with the five million? Huh?"


Another kick hit Lin Shi's body, kicking him to the ground,

"Do you know? It was because of your report that we lost two companions, two!! Fuck!"

Looking at Lin Shi who slowly stood up, Siweiqi walked forward, cursing, and raised her hand to hit Lin Shi with the butt of the gun.

Lin Shi was a short body, dodging the other party's hit, and stretched out his hands to grab his gun,

Twisting his body, the other party felt pain in his wrist and let go of the gun,


A precise kick hit the numbness of Siweiqi's leg. When the opponent couldn't help but bend his legs and kneel on one knee,

Lin Shi was holding the gun in one hand and pressing the opponent's right arm with the other hand, pinning the opponent to the ground in a grappling posture, unable to get up.


Siweiqi was terrified. How could this ordinary person's fighting skills be better than his who had input judo and taekwondo information?

After giving Lilith in the car a reassuring look, Lin Shi pointed the gun at Siweiqi's head and said,

"What happened before was a misunderstanding, but it is reasonable for an ordinary person to report a criminal who has a bounty, right? Of course, it is also reasonable for you to avenge your companion."

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