The old man was so angry that he was lying on the table.

His pupils shrank slightly, but Lin Shi showed a puzzled expression on his face.

"Old man, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand you?"

The next moment, the white old man's expression returned to normal.

"Hello, Mike, I'm Smith Joe, you can just call me Joe."

After a few words with Joe, Lin Shi returned to the recliner and lay down, and Lilith also greeted him.

While hugging Lilith, he touched his stomach.

It seems that the most urgent thing is to find a way to get rid of the worm in his stomach.

The other party's words were obviously said by the agent, warning him not to run around anymore.

Since the other party was able to find his door, the worm in his stomach could not be separated from the cause.

In the next few days, Lin Shi basically spent all his time contemplating Bodhicitta except for eating, drinking, defecating, urinating and sleeping normally.

The light projected from his mind gradually illuminated most of his body.

And he also successfully gained a strange perspective.

When the light enveloped his eyes, everything around him became countless lines in his eyes.

He could even see some dense lines forming a wriggling worm shape within his body lines.

Although it is still a long way from seeing through the matrix code, it is enough to see through the reality of the world.

For example, he once sat on his bed and saw the old man next door. The lines of his body suddenly increased several times and became extremely complicated, and returned to normal after a while.

There is no doubt that it must be an agent monitoring the surroundings to see if there are people from Morpheus coming to find him.

"There is no suffering, no accumulation, no extinction, no path, no wisdom, and no gain. Because there is nothing to gain, the bodhisattva, relying on the prajnaparamita, has no worries in his heart. Because there are no worries, there is no fear, and he is far away from upside-down dreams, and finally reaches nirvana..."

As Lin Shi continued to recite, the golden light belonging to the bodhi mind finally enveloped his entire body.

At the moment when it was completely enveloped, a picture flashed in Lin Shi's mind.

Countless lines were inserted into the body, and there were various robots running and coming outside the huge glass cover.

This picture flashed by, as if in a trance, and then returned to normal.

At the same time, in an unknown mechanical city, countless squid robots were flying everywhere.

Compared to the humans outside the city who seemed to be planted like crops, there was no trace of organic matter in the mechanical city.

In the center of the city, there is a tall tower-shaped building. Inside the building are extremely complex lines and a huge culture dish with a diameter of 100 meters.

Just now, the only figure in the petri dish had his eyelids slightly moved, opened a crack, and then closed again.

Lin Shi came back to his senses with a complicated look in his eyes.

The fleeting scene just now was definitely not an illusion.

He had finally made some progress in the Bodhi Heart Sutra, and that scene was most likely his situation in the real world.

But why was it different from the red-glowing petri dish in the original book?

In such a large area, even if it was just a flash, Lin Shi could sense that, judging from the swimming black shadows outside, he was at least dozens of meters away from the edge of the transparent glass.

Why was this? Was it a special treatment for the reincarnators? Or was it just for them, or for him?

Now that the golden light emitted by the Bodhi Heart completely enveloped him, from Lin Shi's perspective, the world had become a little unstable.

From time to time, everything within his field of vision would flash back and forth between lines and real objects.

According to the "power of my thinking" in the original plot, as long as you firmly believe that this world is fake, you can interfere with the matrix world to a certain extent.

In the original book, Trinity has demonstrated this several times, and the same is true for Neo's ability to be a superman in the matrix world.

Thinking of this, Lin Shi looked at the cup on the coffee table in front of him. After opening the bodhi mind perspective, the cup suddenly turned into a lot of lines in Lin Shi's eyes.

After hinting countless times in his mind that the cup could fly, the cup finally fell over with a click in Lin Shi's expectant eyes.

The first time is a success, and after the first success, Lin Shi can quickly control the cup's rapid flight through the belief of "I believe".

This scene was naturally seen by Lilith.

After hearing Lin Shi tell her that this world is actually fake,

Lilith looked at Lin Shi with a strange look. Although she had seen his superpowers, this statement was too absurd.

For ordinary people, it might be difficult to obtain corresponding abilities by faith.

But for people like Lin Shi who already had special abilities but were now disabled, it was a piece of cake.

The first thing he did after becoming proficient in using his abilities was to take out the worm in his stomach.

He crushed the worm casually, and Lin Shi smiled at the residue on his hand.

According to the original book, he is now a savior seed.

Calculating the time, in the original book, Neo and the others went to rescue Morpheus just a few days after he was captured.

If he could help, then maybe the relationship between the two sides could be saved.

Lin Shi scratched his head first, and then sighed heavily.

It was so frustrating, so frustrating, damn Hongjun, didn't he just agree to join the gang, why did he have to do this to him?

If it weren't for the requirement of gaining Neo's trust in this main quest, Lin Shi would be fully confident that he could destroy all the machine armies on Earth single-handedly after leaving the Matrix world.

After all, he controls the law of thunder, and electromagnetic pulses can be created at will.

Raising his hand to stop Lilith from asking, Lin Shi said directly,

"You stay at home for the next few days. I'll go out to do something. Just wait for me to come back."

As he spoke, he put on his coat, found a pair of sunglasses and put them on, walked into the yard, nodded to her,

His mind moved slightly, and his figure gradually became transparent.

The next second,

Bang! ! !

In the violent sonic boom, Lin Shi hid his figure, smashed one cloud after another, and flew quickly towards New York.

This is the magical "power of my thinking". Treat the matrix as your own dream, and your brain believes that you can do it, then you can do it.

Trinity jumped dozens of meters, and Morpheus jumped over the rooftop. They all followed the same principle.

They quickly arrived in New York, and after circling the sky over the city several times, they determined the building where the agents were stinging the law.

Then they landed on the building opposite, silently waiting for the arrival of the protagonists.

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