The gunshots outside the building were heard, but the gunfire was still there.

Listening to the whistling gunshots outside, Morpheus looked troubled. The number of guards in the building was far beyond his estimation.

Sweetie was tearing off a corner of her clothes and bandaging Cypher.

"Tank, we need weapons support."

Touching the headset, Morpheus decided to ask Tank for help.

"Wait a minute, the weapon code is being delivered. Okay, look behind you."

In the headset, the sound of Tank tapping the keyboard quickly sounded.

As the few people turned around, a pile of guns appeared out of thin air one meter high in the air and fell on the stairs behind them.

After quickly distributing the weapons, Neo tore open a flash bomb and threw it out,

Then he took the lead and rolled out, while the two submachine guns in his hands shot towards the direction where the special police had stood before.

The others were about to rush out, and they saw Neo roll again and roll back in a mess.

"Damn it, they changed their position and surrounded this side."

With the blessing of the code, the shooting of the special police outside did not have a gap for reloading.

A large number of bullets tightly blocked the only entrance.

Amid the dense gunfire, Smith's voice came faintly,

"Give up resistance, how can the prey that jumps into the trap fight the hunter who is prepared in advance?"

Just when several people were at a loss, a voice suddenly sounded,

"You seem to be in trouble."

Several people subconsciously pointed their guns in the direction of the corridor, where Lin Shi, who had just cleared the miscellaneous soldiers, just lit a cigarette leisurely and took a puff of it comfortably.

Then he looked at the cigarette in his hand with some surprise and exclaimed,

"This fake cigarette tastes pretty good. What a magical place."

Waving his hand to signal several people to put away their guns, Morpheus walked forward and looked at Lin Shi,

"Who are you? What is your purpose?"

He asked the question just now again.

"I am an ordinary person passing by, coming here to make up for what I did before."

"You mean, reporting Neo?"

Lin Shi nodded, and pointed at Neo with the hand holding the cigarette,

"I was a little short of money before, and I happened to see this wanted criminal at night, so I provided information, but then that guy came to me for revenge, so this can be considered a clean break."

As he said, he pointed at Sweiki with white hair,

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads to look at him, and after seeing him nod, they looked at Lin Shi again.

Morpheus remained unmoved and continued to look at Lin Shi.

Lin Shi also knew that something that was delivered to the door must be worthless, so he didn't force it. He calmly walked through the crowd, looked at the bullets whizzing outside the door, turned his head and looked at them,

"Since you are so vigilant, I will only help you this time. After this, we are even, OK?"

After saying that, he walked out of the corridor empty-handed without waiting for them to respond.

In the eyes of the people,

A large number of bullets stopped in the air, and as the special police continued to shoot, the bullets even formed a metal wall made of bullets in the air.

Lin Shi, with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth, looked at Smith who was gradually covered by bullets not far away and said, "Mr. Smith, I came here to talk to you about something, such as the matter of you putting worms in my stomach." As Lin Shi's thoughts moved slightly, the bullets in the air changed direction one after another,

Swish, swish, swish~~~~

The dense gunfire stopped suddenly, and only three agents were left standing in the same place with extremely strange double shadow postures.

"What is this??"

Smith, who had returned to his original state, took off his sunglasses and looked at Lin Shi with a puzzled look.

In his sight, the code that made up Lin Shi turned into a strange golden symbol.

He had never seen such a code before.

He was not the only one shocked, but also the protagonist group that slowly walked in behind Lin Shi.

Morpheus was even more suspicious. Could it be that the savior he was really looking for was Lin Shi instead of Neo?

In Lin Shi's sight, the lines of these agents were also different from those of others.

They were darker and denser, and could even easily cut off other lines.

This also made it extremely difficult for Lin Shi to control them, and the efficiency was not as good as direct physical destruction.

Except for Smith who was standing there in shock, the other two agents had already rushed up and punched Lin Shi in a very primitive way.

Looking at the two fists

, Lin Shi shook his head in disappointment,

With a speed that left an afterimage, he took a horse stance on the spot, and punched the two agents with his fists in a posture of going straight to the dragon's head,

Although they had begun to tremble their bodies, trying to enter the almost invincible double image state, they were still hit by Lin Shi's punch.

They flew back more than ten meters and fell to the ground.

Smith, who was about to rush forward, stopped and looked at Lin Shi carefully,

Lin Shi waved to Morpheus and others, pointing to the man tied to a chair not far away,

"I will deal with them, you go and save them."

Neo looked at him, then at the two agents who were beaten out, and took the lead to rush towards the man.

Just as Smith was about to stop him, Lin Shi raised his hand and waved, and the scattered bullets on the ground turned into several metal belts, which tied the three agents tightly.

Smith stared at Lin Shi with his eyes wide open, as if he wanted to say something, but his mouth was blocked by metal.

Lin Shi walked forward slowly, looking at Smith who was struggling constantly.

Although he could partially change the rules around him at this time, he couldn't really kill the agent.

So the most he could do was this.

After struggling for a few times, Smith's eyes turned and his body turned into an ordinary SWAT.

At the same time, the other two agents tied on the ground also changed synchronously.

Lin Shi frowned, turned his head to look at the entrance of the stairs behind him, raised his hand to turn part of the metal into two bolts to lock the door.

After doing this, he turned his head to look at Neo and the others. At this time, they had untied Eba, who was tied to the chair, and helped him walk over here.

"Don't go this way. The agents have moved away. They will most likely come from that side. Go this way."

He raised his hand and waved again. The huge French window glass quickly deformed and turned into a long slide under his control, leading to the rooftop diagonally opposite.

The few people looked at each other, and then looked at Morpheus. After seeing Morpheus nodded, they sat on the slide one after another.

Morpheus walked at the end and looked at Lin Shi.

"Thank you."

Lin Shi waved his hand and said,

"I have said that this time I made up for my previous behavior. This matter is over. We are clear. There is no need to thank me."

He knew that the more he showed his attitude of not wanting to have anything to do with them at this time, the greater the chance that Morpheus would find him later.

Morpheus did not insist on Lin Shi's answer. He just nodded to Lin Shi and sat on the slide.

After seeing that Morpheus had also successfully reached the safe area, Lin Shisan left the slide, turned around, and looked at the staircase that suddenly disappeared behind him. He jumped back and left the building. His body turned transparent and flew away with a violent sonic boom.

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