After hearing this, Morpheus and Trinity looked at each other and shouted that it was not good.

While running upstairs quickly, they explained to Neo what the appearance of déjà vu meant.

At the same time, Morpheus notified the mouse who stayed upstairs in the headset to check whether the building had changed.

The mouse who was guarding the phone heard the news and hurriedly turned to the window and opened the curtains to see that

The glass window that was originally facing the street had turned into a solid brick wall.

Feeling bad, he hurriedly explained the situation to Morpheus and others in the headset, and at the same time took out a box of guns and ammunition from under the bed next to him and began to arm himself.

Before he could turn around, he was shot dead by the SWAT officers who broke into the room behind him.

The subsequent events were just like in the original book. Morpheus chose to sacrifice himself to save Neo and was caught by the agents.

Cypher also deliberately separated from the others. After exiting the matrix in advance, he first killed Doser and injured Tank by sneak attack.

Then, while narrating his dissatisfaction, he unplugged the connection wires from the back of Sweiki and Aba's heads,

causing the two to die directly in the matrix world.

Just as he was about to unplug Trinity's connection wire, the seriously injured Tank struggled to get up and shot him dead.

At this point, only Trinity and Neo were left in the protagonist group.

After confirming that Morpheus had been caught by the agents, the two struggled for a while. At this moment, unplugging his connection wire might be the best result for him.

Otherwise, no one knows what kind of torture those agents will use to find a way to get the information in his mind.

In particular, each captain has the password of the Zion host. Once the agents have it, the squid army will be able to directly attack Zion City without any obstacles.

Just when Trinity was about to remove the tube with a sad face, Neo suddenly called her.

After some debate, the two decided to enter the Matrix world to save Morpheus.

Just as the two armed themselves in the private server arsenal, Trinity suddenly remembered something.

Looking up at Lin Shi, she said,

"Maybe, we can go to him for help."

Neo wore sunglasses and frowned slightly.

"Are you sure he will help us?"

Trinity took a long breath and walked towards the entrance of the Matrix world.

"I don't know, but with his help, things will be easier, won't they?"


Lin Shi, who was floating in his room with his legs crossed and silently contemplating the Bodhi Heart Sutra, suddenly opened his eyes.

The golden light from his heart leaked out of his eyes, illuminating the whole room.

It seems that after the changes similar to the revival of spiritual energy in the Matrix world, the practice of the Bodhi Heart Sutra has become smoother.

It originally took several days to cover his body with golden light, but now in less than a day, he can spread the golden light to more than ten meters around him.

After his experiment, he could change everything in the golden light according to his own ideas.

He even imagined a micro-nuclear bomb, but then dispersed it.

In this regard, Lin Shi also roughly understood that in this strange matrix world, it seems that the upper limit of personal ability depends on the strength of imagination and belief.

People like Lin Shi who can already skillfully use belief and imagination can make micro-nuclear bombs.

If it were an ordinary person, he would at most make a firecracker.

Feeling the line figure with golden light suddenly appearing in a room two hundred meters away, Lin Shi showed a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, and then disappeared.

The figure flashed and came to the living room and sat on the sofa.

Lilith was eating snacks and watching a show in her own room at this time. For now, she can't play any substantial role.

After a while,

Ding Dong~~~Ding Dong~~~

The doorbell outside the villa rang,

Lin Shi got up, opened the door, looked at Neo and Trinity standing outside the yard, snapped his fingers, and the door of the villa slowly opened.

Then he turned back to the room, pointed his finger, and the refrigerator opened. A bottle of fat house happy water floated out, along with three iced glasses.

He motioned the two people who came in to sit down, and two glasses of Coke also floated in front of them.

Half leaning on the soft sofa, Lin Shi smiled and looked at

The two said,

"What do you want to do here?"

Neo and the other man first looked at the cup of Coke that fell in front of them, and then looked at each other, and then Trinity said,

"Morpheus was caught by the agents, and we hope you can help us rescue him."

Take a sip of Coke, Lin Shi looked at Trinity, and said word by word,


Trinity fell into silence. Indeed, the other party had no reason to help her.

Neo on the side grabbed her hand and squeezed it, and then said,

"I believe you have also noticed that this world is a false world. If you can help us rescue Morpheus, we can help you get rid of the matrix."

Hearing this, Lin Shi smiled, raised his hand, and a fireball appeared in his hand, which instantly grew to more than one meter. The high temperature heat wave almost scorched Neo's hair,

but the surrounding furniture and sofas were not affected at all.


With a snap of his fingers, the huge fireball turned into an iceball again.

Neo's hair, which had just been scorched, was covered with frost again.

With another wave of his hand, the iceball disappeared.

Lin Shi looked at Neo and said,

"Why should I get rid of this world? Look, I'm here like a god. Give me a reason to get rid of it."

This time, even Neo fell silent.

Unlike Morpheus, they were not familiar with the theory of salvation responsibility.

Not to mention that if they really wanted to bring out that theory, Lin Shi would not buy it. After all, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility is the most rogue moral kidnapping in the universe.


Looking at the two people's somewhat dim eyes, Lin Shi said with a smile on his face,

"It's not that I can't help, but I want you to help me find my real body in the real world and help me wake up."

Looking at the two people's eyes brightening up and about to agree, Lin Shi stretched out his finger,

"Don't rush to agree, let me make it clear first, the location of my real body may not be easy to locate."

He didn't believe that the huge culture dish would be as easy to find as other ordinary people who were planted like rice.

Hearing this, the two looked at each other. They had never seen such a person who was in the matrix world but had already known the outside world.

After a moment of silence, Neo looked at Lin Shi seriously and said,

"Okay, as long as you help us rescue Morpheus, we will do our best to find your body and help you wake up."

"Okay! Then, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Lin Shi smiled and picked up the Coke in his hand and handed it out.

The Coke in the hands of the three people clinked together, like a swearing-in wine.

Looking at the two people who were about to get up and go out, Lin Shi called them to stop them.

"Before you go to save him, it's better for you to learn some skills first."

After a snap of his fingers, the three of them were instantly teleported to the beach on the coast.

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