At the same time, what frightened him was that, except for the law of thunder, the heart net, and the skills belonging to the skill tree, all other abilities seemed to be non-existent. A large amount of electric light appeared out of thin air, along the pipes inserted into his body, along the transparent liquid around him, and instantly spread to the surroundings. Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle~~~ The transparent liquid was heated to boiling by the high temperature generated by the electric current. Outside the glass wall, a large number of machines stopped running with black smoke as the electric sparks spread. All this happened within one second after Lin Shi woke up. In the second second, Lin Shi manipulated his brain, which had grown so big for unknown reasons, into electric light, and followed various media to the outside of the culture dish, and transformed with energy to restore his original appearance.

In the third second, an invisible wave was brewing in Lin Shi's palm. It was an electronic pulse, which was a kind of manipulation of electrical energy.

A large number of squid robots came out from nowhere, and the originally empty mechanical city was instantly filled with those robots.

In the fourth second, Lin Shi, who was angry and had accumulated power, squeezed his hand, and when countless squid robots rushed up to surround him, the electronic pulse also broke out.

But the next moment, Lin Shi, who was turning into an electric current and leaving here with the electronic pulse, suddenly showed a look of astonishment on his face, and then closed his eyes and fell from the air hundreds of meters away.

Countless squid robots, in a self-sacrificing way, suppressed the super strong electronic pulse within a range of 500 meters.

Then, with the operation of a large number of robots, the petri dish, including all the nearby equipment that had just been destroyed by Lin Shi, was quickly replaced.

Lin Shi, who was falling to the ground, was also rolled up by an invisible tentacle and stuffed into the petri dish again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A large number of cables stretched out from all directions, quickly stripping Lin Shi's flesh and blood, leaving only a brain.

Due to the change in volume, the wires inserted into the brain this time also became extremely thin.

Everything around quickly returned to calm.

In the matrix world, Morpheus and others only saw Lin Shi disappear directly on the spot without relying on communication equipment after swallowing the extreme version capsule in one gulp.

Several people looked at each other, and when they were hesitating whether to leave, the ground suddenly shook violently.


After several people quickly ran out of the house, they found that it was not just an earthquake.

The whole world was a scene of doomsday.

Endless lightning streaked across the sky, and meteorites fell from the sky. Within the visible range, all spaces were distorted, the ground cracked, and green codes were exposed underneath.

"What is this? The matrix world is about to collapse? No! We have to leave here quickly!"

Looking at the scene in front of them, although they didn't know what was wrong with the matrix, they understood that it was not a wise choice to stay in such a dangerous environment.

Just as they were about to leave, all the strange phenomena flashed and disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, Lin Shi's painful roar came from the house.


When several people hurried into the house again, they saw Lin Shi slumped on the sofa, with a complex expression on his face that no one had ever seen before.

Angry, unwilling, confused, puzzled.

It seemed that after taking the capsule just now, he saw something unacceptable.

"Lin, how are you? Are you..."

"Please give me more of that capsule."

Lin Shi said hoarsely, then took out a cigarette and lit it.

The situation was much more complicated than he had imagined. Even after taking the enhanced capsule, his consciousness could only recover for less than four seconds before he was pulled away again.

Thinking of the squid robots that covered the whole place in the mechanical city just now, Lin Shi looked thoughtful. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

According to Tank's instructions, Morpheus took out another sealed can of meat from the refrigerator.

After opening it, the can was filled with those red and black capsules.

Lin Shi took the capsule and looked at Morpheus and said,

"Now, let's talk about how to cooperate."

Hearing this, they sat back on the sofa. Morpheus thought for a moment and asked,

"Just now, what happened after you took the capsule? The matrix world almost collapsed."

Then he turned to Lin

Shi described the doomsday scene just now.

He rubbed his temples with a headache. He had some guesses about the situation just now, but he had to continue collecting information to know which situation it was.

After describing the environment he was in after waking up to a few people, Neo and others were stunned.

Trapped alone in the center of the mechanical city, with only the brain and countless squid robots left.

None of these three things can be thought of by normal people.

After discussing for a long time, they didn't come up with anything. In the end, Lin Shi waved his hand, indicating that he could consider these things by himself.

"The matrix world has undergone such a big change. In order to facilitate actions in the matrix world, we need your help."

Morpheus looked at Lin Shi and said,

Although Trinity and Neo also awakened very powerful abilities under Lin Shi's guidance,

But the evolution of those agents will only be stronger than them, and as far as he knows, Lin Shi is the only one who can suppress the agents head-on.

Hearing Morpheus's request, Lin Shi smiled,

"Speaking of which, I forgot one thing. Let me introduce you to a new partner."

Pah pah pah~

Lin Shi stretched out his hand and clapped,

A figure slowly came in from the yard and opened the door again,

The next second, Neo and the other two quickly retreated, Morpheus took out the pistol from his waist, and Trinity and Neo had fireballs in their hands, one facing the newcomer and the other facing Lin Shi.

"Hello, I'm glad to work with you."

Smith smiled, walked to the sofa where no one was sitting, raised his hand to conjure up a cigar, lit it, and smoked it without paying attention to others.

Lin Shi raised his hand and pressed it lightly, signaling them to relax and not to be too stressed. He explained, "Relax, Mr. Smith is now out of the control of the matrix and is in the same group with us." Neo and the others looked at Lin Shi, then at Smith who was smoking a cigar. Seeing that they were looking at him, Smith spread his hands indifferently and shrugged. "With his help, I think your actions in the matrix world should be much smoother, but at the same time, I also promised him to help him leave the matrix world. I originally thought that I could do it by myself, but..." At this point, Lin Shi sighed helplessly, "You have also seen that even the maximum dose of pulse can only keep me awake for a few seconds, so I think I can only rely on you for this." Under Lin Shi's mediation, although the few people put down their superficial vigilance, their tense expressions showed that this matter could not be accepted in a short time. With Smith's participation, everyone discussed the specific content of the cooperation for a while, and then Murphys took the two away.

However, before leaving, Lin Shi's lips moved slightly, and a voice appeared in Murphys' mind.

He looked back at Lin Shiyi, nodded, and then they left.

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