The old man was very happy.

"Master... Master... Master, Master..."


Lin Shi, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, opened his eyes, and the faint murmur faded away instantly.

But he seemed to know something, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Compared with the original work, with the help of Smith, Neo and his friends found the locksmith much easier.

Neo also got what he wanted and met the matrix architect at the source.

The image of the architect was that of an elderly white man with a beard.

He didn't seem surprised at Neo's arrival.

"Why am I here?"

Instead of asking what Smith had said before, Neo asked this question first.

"Your life is the sum of the remainders of all the unbalanced equations in matrix programming. Although you are an anomaly, coming here is also the inevitable result of your coming here."


"Yes, inevitable. You are the inevitable result of an abnormal event. Although I tried my best, I still couldn't eliminate this anomaly from the harmony that should be mathematically precise. Fortunately, it is not completely uncontrollable, which is why you must come here."

The architect spread his hands, indicating that whether you believe it or not, this is the fact.

"You are answering a question that is not relevant to the question. I am asking why it is me."

"Hehe, you are a good savior. You understand things much faster than others."


Neo's face showed doubt and hesitation. Could it be...

Seeing Neo's confusion, the architect generously answered,

"When I designed the matrix, I liked to use anomalies like you to calculate the iterative updates of the matrix. Once the world of the matrix has anomalies like you, it means that the matrix has evolved into a new version."

"And the version you are in now is already the sixth generation of the matrix."

Although Smith had already told him this in advance, Neo's face still became very ugly after being confirmed by the architect.

Anyone who knows that everything has been arranged for him since birth will not look very good.

"Then, is there something wrong with the matrix recently? Everything outside seems to be messed up."

Neo did not continue to dwell on this issue, and chose to change the subject.

Hearing this question, the architect's face showed rare worry and helplessness.

"As you can see, I am only the creator of the matrix at the consciousness level. The existence of the matrix requires some real-world materials as its foundation. The reason why the matrix has undergone these changes is that there is a problem with its foundation."

"Foundation? Isn't its foundation a computer?"

A hint of amusement flashed across the architect's face.

"You may not believe it, but the foundation of the matrix is ​​a human brain, or the thinking core of a humanoid creature."

"Human brain?! What kind of human can withstand this level of calculation? Your joke is not funny at all."

Neo naturally didn't believe it, but the architect didn't want to explain anything, just spread his hands, still the kind of believe it or not.

"The last question is, Zion City, with your strength, you can completely destroy Zion City, why does it still exist?"

"In words you can understand, it is a concentration camp for redundant data. In the process of matrix calculation, it is inevitable to produce some redundant data, and some people who are not willing to live according to the arrangement of the matrix."

The architect pointed at Neo,

"In order to facilitate their processing, they found a place to gather them, and, in the end, a savior will appear and lead them on the road of moths to fire, and you will eventually use your own program to feed back to the matrix and help the matrix world restart."

"What if I choose to refuse?"

Feed back to the matrix with yourself? ? Neo did not comment on this.

"Reject? As the biggest anomaly in the Matrix world, if you don't do this, the entire Matrix system will collapse because it cannot handle the anomaly in you. In that case, all people connected to the Matrix will die."

"Of course, if you choose to cooperate, you can still rebuild Zion with 23 people."

Looking at Neo with a gloomy face, the architect didn't care about his thoughts at all. Everything was under his control.

"What do the humans in the Matrix world have to do with me? Are you so sure that I will sacrifice myself to save them?



The architect snapped his fingers, and Trinity appeared on the TVs around him. She was being chased by two agents.

Although they both had superpowers, it was obvious that Trinity was no match for the two agents and was in danger.

"In order to prevent the situation you mentioned, we designed anomalies like you and deliberately strengthened the bond between the savior and humans, such as your Trinity."

"How about it? Make a choice? Go to the door on the left, then you will take the 23 people you chose to rebuild Zion on the ruins after it was destroyed. Go to the right, and you can save Trinity, but at the same time, humans will be completely destroyed because of the collapse of the matrix world. "

Sitting leisurely on the chair, the architect was confident that Neo would definitely choose the left side to save humanity.

But Neo stood there and thought for only a few seconds, watching the screens around Trinity being chased by two agents and having no way out, and walked to the right without hesitation.

Before opening the door, he paused and asked,

"What's wrong with that Michael? Why is he so proficient in using those super powers?"

The architect did not answer this question,

After waiting for a few seconds and seeing that the architect had no intention of answering, Neo opened the door and flew out quickly,

Behind him, the architect looked at the open door and said meaningfully,

"Why do you think the matrix world is iterating like this? "

After saying that, the door slammed shut.

Just as the architect was about to continue adjusting the code, part of the screens around him suddenly went out.

Although it was only a few tenths of a second later, it lit up again, but the architect showed a look of surprise and confusion on his face.


In an instant, a large number of code interfaces appeared out of thin air, covering the architect's surroundings.

He carefully checked all the codes, but could not find the reason why the screens went out.

This was something that would never have happened in the past. In other words, as the source of the matrix world, something had begun to escape the control of him, the father of the matrix.

At the same time, the real world, a world completely made up of In a hidden laboratory in a city made of machines and wires,

In a two-meter-diameter tall petri dish, the naked Lin Shi was floating inside.

From time to time, his body surface emitted a strong golden light, and countless real-time data were transmitted to the supercomputer next to it through various lines.

Some humanoid robots, like researchers in the human world, walked back and forth in the laboratory, studying the data.

In a perspective that no detector could detect, a shapeless, jelly-like thing was slowly wrapping Lin Shi's whole body and gradually exploring an invisible space.

Its instinct told it that there was the food it needed most.

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