The old man was very angry, but he was very worried.

"Based on the questions I asked and your answers, my body is very likely to be very important to you, or to the matrix, and if I wake up, it is very likely to bring some bad results to you."

Lin Shi, who was originally suspicious, looked at the attitude of the prophet towards him, and many of his previous guesses were confirmed.

Especially, after he was forced to wake up for a while, the matrix world looked like the end of the world.

And, while he was recovering his own abilities, the entire matrix world evolved into the era of superpowers.

Originally, he was just a little suspicious, thinking that the system might have deliberately changed it to increase the difficulty of the copy.

But her unique single-person super-large cultivation pool, and the prophet who seemed to be on the side of humans, but actually just guided the savior to the inevitable result according to a fixed process,

She actually said that she didn't know her situation, which was ridiculous.

She herself was a program created specifically to observe humans, and it was not an exaggeration to say that she was the mother of the matrix.

If she lied about this matter, there would be only one result,

That is, once she told herself the truth, it would be very likely to be detrimental to the matrix. After all, she and the architect were born for the matrix.

If there is a problem with the matrix, they will all be finished.

After thinking this through, Lin Shi smiled, stood up, bowed slightly to the prophet, and turned to walk out.

"Wait! You, what are you going to do?"

The prophet, who has always been calm, showed his uncalm side for the first time in front of the young man in front of him.

"Then you don't need to worry about it. After all, we are not in the same camp, right? What's more, you seem to be trying to persuade my teammates to deal with me?"

Without a pause, Lin Shi walked out of the room.

He was careful and noticed that the eyes of Neo and the other two were more or less complicated.

In this way, Lin Shi could get more information.

For example, some of his decisions would affect the interests of Neo's camp, that is, the interests of mankind.

Lin Shi could not think of any other results except the matrix itself that could affect the interests of both the matrix and humans at the same time.

I became the matrix itself? Haha.

Lin Shi shook his head and smiled, feeling helpless and speechless.

This mission world is really big. Is this a threat from the boss level?

On the way back, Lin Shi originally followed them silently, but now the three of them walked silently behind Lin Shi, letting him walk in front.

Along the way, no one spoke until they entered an elevator, and Lin Shi took the initiative to speak and broke the silence.

"It seems that the prophet said something bad about me to you? You are not really going to turn against me just because of her words, right?"

His words immediately made the atmosphere in the entire elevator tense.

Neo didn't know how to answer this question, and finally Morpheus smiled and made a smooth talk,

"How could that be, the prophet just said..."

"Just said that I might destroy the matrix world? Do you think this is possible? I'm not crazy, who would destroy the world if they have nothing to do?"

With a playful and teasing smile, Lin Shi turned his head and looked at Morpheus.

If you want to say who trusts the prophet the most here, there is no one else except him. If the prophet says something unfavorable to him, then the first person to believe it is definitely this guy who stood up to make peace.

"Uh, this..."

Morpheus was about to explain, and the elevator arrived with a ding.

But because Lin Shi was standing in the direction of the door and had no intention of leaving, no one got off for a while.

Neo, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up,

"The prophet said that your body is the cornerstone of the matrix. Once you wake up, the matrix world will be destroyed, and all humans connected to the matrix will die."

"Oh~~~ So that's the case. It seems to be pretty much what I guessed. But, Neo, have you thought about a few questions carefully?"

Lin Shi touched his chin. He didn't feel surprised about this result. Instead, he reminded Neo.

"First, the prophet, she is a program, a program belonging to the matrix. Does she really want to help you? Or is she really helping humans?"

"Second, now, it is the matrix that wants to destroy Zion,

It is the Matrix that threatens you with the lives of all mankind. Shouldn't it be your first enemy?"

"The third and last one, facing the enemy, you didn't even think of fighting our common enemy with me first, but instead wanted to break up with your allies because of an unknown existence in the camp. I don't understand your brain circuits, or have your brains been fooled by the prophet?"

Lin Shi stood at the door with his back to them. After saying these words, he raised his foot and walked out the door.

"Perhaps, from the beginning, you were not a good ally. Perhaps, I can go to the Matrix and ask for the answer. "

The three of them watched Lin Shi's back slowly walk away. The elevator closed the door again and started running.

Obviously, Tank was also on guard against Lin Shi. He gave the interface that had just been separated from the prophet's hut to Lin Shi himself and chose to find another interface.

After leaving the matrix, Neo and the others sat there, speechless for a long time.

Neo obviously didn't know what to do with this complicated situation.

Lin Shi's words did play a certain role. He suddenly woke up. It seemed that he had believed in the prophet too much under the influence of Morpheus.

That program seemed to give every time The opportunities he chose were actually guided along the established path according to his personality.

Neo didn't believe that a program would think about humanity.

Zion City entered the final countdown, and the Matrix World was about to collapse due to the lack of the savior's feedback. Now there was another one, the Matrix World would disappear after Lin Shi's body woke up.

Thinking of such a complicated situation, Neo sometimes even wanted to give up directly, and it was the same with Trinity finding a place to live in seclusion.

"I think we may have chosen the worst answer, but Neo, you need to cheer up, the people of Zion City still need you."

After a while, Morpheus said, his ship had been destroyed, and he had bet everything on Neo. If Neo also gave up, he would become a complete joke.

"Maybe, we can talk to the Matrix. It faces the same threat as us, that is, Lin's awakening. We can use this as a condition, and we will help it prevent Lin's awakening, but it must ensure the safety of Zion. "

After thinking for a long time, Neo said hesitantly that this was the only chance he had found after considering all the circumstances.

However, this was bound to make him bear the guilt of betraying his allies.

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