The moment Fang Yupei stopped writing, it was destined that Fang Pingping's rest of his life would be the sad ending of the life of a disabled person.

Fang Yuqing saw Fang Yupei's hand trembling while holding the pen. At this moment, she also let go of the feast of the other party Yu Pei. Fang Yuqing walked to Fang Yupei's side and pressed Fang Yupei firmly into her arms.

"Don't be afraid, uncle's life is more important than anything else."

Hearing this, I felt the warmth passed from Fang Yuqing. Fang Yupei, who had been holding a sigh of breath before, finally couldn't help but hid in her arms and started crying loudly.

Fang Yupei's cry made everyone uneasy.

Qiao Jiusheng tilted his head and looked at Fang Yusheng. In the corridors of the hospital late at night, the lights are bright, his face is hidden under the lights, his profile is clear, his eyebrows look like paintings, beautiful and handsome, he looks amazing at first glance, and then he looks desolate.

Whoever sees his face will not associate him with the words cruel and cruel.

Qiao Jiusheng stood up suddenly, she said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

There were very few people in the toilets of the hospital late at night.

Fang Yusheng felt uneasy, so he stood up and said, "I'll accompany you."

No one noticed that it was wrong.

The two entered the bathroom one after the other, Qiao Jiusheng walked directly into the women's bathroom. As soon as she entered, she quickly scanned the toilet. All toilets are open and there is no one inside.

She retracted her gaze, but did not raise her leg to walk into the toilet, but looked in front of her and asked, "Where have you been tonight."

After a moment of silence, footsteps came in from outside the door.

Fang Yusheng walked into the women's bathroom with a calm expression and no panic.

Qiao Jiusheng turned her head and looked up at Fang Yusheng's face. She asked him, "Is that you?"

Fang Yusheng's lips moved, without answering. He didn't want to lie to her, but he didn't want her to know how ruthless he was.

Seeing that he was silent, did not admit, but also did not deny, Qiao Jiusheng knew that he was right. "The one who hired the killer to kill me was really him?" Qiao Jiusheng's voice was so low that no one else could hear him.

Fang Yusheng hummed softly.

Qiao Jiusheng said, "I see."

Fang Average will end up in this end, it is definitely the result of Fang Yusheng's single-handed control.

Time goes back to a few hours ago.

After Fang Ping came home from get off work, he ate dinner with Liu Yu and watched TV with her for a while.

The TV content is very boring. The two people stared at the group of young and beautiful young people on the TV, performing all kinds of incredible stories. Their focus is not on TV.

"Today Yu Qing's wedding is really lively." Liu Yu said with emotion.

Fang Jing gave a faint hum.

Without hearing Liu Yu continue to speak, Fang Pingping said, "Jiang Wei's child is a nice person. If Yu Qing can marry him, life will not be sad."

"No." Liu Yu's words contained a faint sarcasm.

Fang Ping heard it out and asked her, "Why are you in a bad mood?"

Liu Yu pulled a face.

Since Fang Yukang's imprisonment, the number of times Liu Yu entered and exited the beauty salon has drastically reduced. The beautiful and charming cheeks of his youth and middle age have finally grown wrinkles that he should have at his age.

When she stretched a face, the eye lines and nose lines were very obvious.

Liu Yu smiled sarcastically. She said, "How wonderful, that kid who used to be so self-loving can marry a wishful man, we Yu Pei..." Liu Yu's expression became distorted, she said, "Because of Yu Kang, In the future, whose children dare to marry us Yu Pei?"

The elder brother is a **** and murderer, who dares to marry a sister who rapes a murderer?

Liu Yu felt uncomfortable when he thought of his two children.

Sorrow came from it, Liu Yu began to wipe tears again.

In this half a year, tears burst into tears as he talked, which is Liu Yu's normal life. Seeing her crying again, Fang Ping felt upset, and Yu Sheng's resentment deepened.

Liu Yu cried for a while, and said, "Fang Yusheng is the one who killed a thousand knives! He is really cruel, so cruel to us Yu Kang, this is not fair." Fang Yuqing got married this time, and Fang Yusheng has always been married. Following the busy schedule, his attitude towards Xu Pingfei's two children is quite different from his attitude towards the two children of their family.

Liu Yu scolded Fang Yusheng, "This is a dead blind man. When he is blind, he refuses to live. If his eyes are not blind, he is even more guilty! Bah! I want to see how good his three children will be in the future!"

"Sooner or later he will be punished for such a poisonous drug! Even if he is not punished, his children and his women will be punished." The woman got up fiercely, and even God was frightened. Liu Yu was short of breath and became speechless.

Hearing what she said, Fang Ping's expression sank, and he roared, "Shut up! Do you know that these words you just said were transmitted to Fang Yusheng's ears, will there be any consequences?"

Liu Yu was silent.

She glanced at the servant's room, her face distorted, "If he knows, then there is a ghost!"

Fang hummed evenly.

He took a sip of green tea, thought of something, his eyes turned slightly, and then asked Liu Yu, "Where is Yu Pei?"

Liu Yu thought for a while, and said, "It's probably finished going out with friends again."

Before Fang Yukang's accident, Fang Yupei always stayed in nightclubs, and it was normal not to return at night. In the past few months, she has been very obedient and obedient, but both Liu Yu and Fang Ping Peng think that Fang Yupei has only temporarily changed for the better. Sooner or later, she will still be exposed and return to the same way.

Fang Yupei did not come back all night, and the couple were not very worried.

Liu Yu found the cell phone and called Fang Yupei, but Fang Yupei did not answer.

She sent another text message to Fang Yupei, asking when she would be back.

Fang Yupei still did not answer.

Liu Yu muttered, "This girl doesn't know where she went crazy again. She doesn't answer calls or text messages. It's always uncomfortable." Looking up at the clock, it was already ten thirty, and Liu Yu felt a little bit. Sleepy.

"Go to sleep?" she asked Fang Jiefang.

Fang Ping shook his head and said, "You go to bed first, I still have business to deal with."

"Oh, then rest earlier."

The two went upstairs together, Liu Yu went back to the room to sleep, Fang Pingping went into the study. When people are quiet in the middle of the night, it is easy for people to calm down and work more efficiently.

Fang Pingping reads the file while editing the content of the email.

He pressed his finger on the keyboard and was about to confirm, when a video request suddenly appeared on the computer screen. The person who initiated the video request did not have a name, and the video was not initiated from QQ or WeChat.

Realizing that this might be a virus, Fang Jing had to close the page subconsciously.

He clicked on the close button, but the video request didn't end, but it was automatically connected.

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