Hearing this, Fang Pingping finally raised his eyelids and glanced at his lover.

"What's the matter?" Liu Yu was baffled by Fang Ping's glance, and some of her scalp was tingling.

Fang Jinping finally spoke.

He said, "It's me who found someone to shoot Qiao Jiusheng."

Liu Yuxing's eyes widened.

Her expression changed several times, and she was not stupid. Associating Fang Ping's injury with Qiao Jiusheng's injury, it was not difficult to guess the identity of the murderer. Liu Yu covered her mouth, her red eyes scolded Fang Ping, "You have nothing to provoke that evil spirit to do!"

"Don't you always want him to die? Call him vicious and curse his wife to disperse?"

Liu Yu was even more annoyed when she heard this, she said, "I just said it so casually! I blame him, if it wasn't for Fang Yusheng's little beast to catch Yu Kang back, we Yu Kang would have long been Fleeing abroad! I really cursed him not to die, but I knew in my heart that Yu Kang couldn't blame Fang Yusheng for that incident. It was Yu Kang himself who had harmed people."

It was not Fang Yusheng who sent Fang Yukang to jail, but the law.

Because Fang Yukang had no king in his eyes, he killed an underage girl in such a cruel way. Fang Yukang actually deserved the crime.

As a mother, Liu Yu naturally hopes that her child will be free forever. But as a person, Liu Yu knew better that her child was the guilty person. Comparing heart to heart, if she is the victim's parent, she definitely hopes that the murderer can be brought to justice.

Liu Yu resented Fang Yusheng, but because Fang Yusheng broke Fang Yukang's escape route.

She would scold and curse him in private, but she would not really retaliate against Fang Yusheng. Because Fang Yusheng was not wrong, his only fault was that he didn't help them to abuse him.

Liu Yu was shocked and speechless.

She looked at Fang Ping’s empty right leg underneath the trousers, and felt a pain in her heart. She burst into tears and cried and said, "Why are you so stupid! Lao Fang, you are so stupid..."

Fang's eyes are also a little red.

Now, what's the point of the past mistakes?

Fang Yupei didn't come to receive Fang Ping's discharge. She cleaned up the room at home. Fang Ping was like this, she couldn't go up and down the stairs anymore. Fang Yupei and the helpers cleaned up a guest room downstairs, and will make a square bedroom in the future.

Fang Pingping returned home and found that Liu Yu had lifted his luggage to the guest room on the first floor. His eyes trembled, and he didn't say anything in the end. Fang Yupei moved a few potted plants into the house and pushed a wheelchair into the room.

Fang Ping quietly watched her and the servants go in and out. He hung his head and stared at his empty trouser tube, his hands tightly pinched.

Who would have thought that he was so beautiful for half a lifetime!

Fang Ping's injury has not yet healed, and Liu Yu did not dare to sleep with him, for fear of encountering his injuries. There is a 1.8-meter bed in the room, so there is no room for a second bed.

In desperation, Liu Yu lived in Fang Ping's next room during this time.

In the evening, Fang Yupei personally cooked the food. Fang average rarely eats Fang Yupei's dishes, so he ate more when he was happy. I haven't eaten so much in a long time, and in the middle of the night, Fang Pingping actually had the intention of having a bow.

This feces came fiercely, Fang Jun struggled to sit up, he rang the bell, and waited for Liu Yu to come and help him to the toilet. Liu Yu ran around the hospital at home some time ago and did not rest well.

After Fang Jang went home today, Liu Yu's tense spirit relaxed, and he felt extra tired, so he slept relatively heavily.

Fang Jinping rang the bell again, and Liu Yu dumbly heard the bell. She wanted to open her eyelids, but she was too tired. Liu Yu opened his eyes and stared at the room for a few seconds, but soon fell asleep again.

After a while, Liu Yu suddenly woke up.

"Did the bell ring just now?"

Liu Yu couldn't tell what happened before, whether it was a dream or a real thing. She lifted the quilt and got out of the bed. As soon as she put on her slippers, she heard a sound in the next room.

Liu Yu's expression tightened and ran to the next room quickly.

"Lao Fang..." Liu Yu was taken aback when he saw Fang Ping, who fell to the ground and tried to stand up while holding on to his bedside table, and exclaimed, "Lao Fang! Why did you get up!"

Liu Yu hurriedly ran over and helped Fang Pingyang from the ground.

Fang Pingping said, "Where's the cane? Where's the cane!"

Liu Yu found Fang Ping's walking stick under the bed.

She handed the crutches to Fang Pingping, who was leaning on the bedside table and standing on the crutches with a very sad expression on his face. "Why are you here now!" Fang Pingping cursed Liu Yu with a faceless expression.

Liu Yu quickly explained, "This period of time is really too sleepy. I just heard the ringtone and thought it was an illusion..." Before finishing speaking, Liu Yu seemed to smell a scent, her nose frowned and asked the side. On average, "Lao Fang, do you smell a bad smell?"

Fang averaged a stiff face.

Liu Yu saw his expression embarrassing, she thought of something, her eyes moved to Fang Ping’s crotch...

After half an hour.

After taking a shower, Fang averaged sitting on the bed, putting on clean clothes, and said nothing. Liu Yu knotted the garbage bag containing his pajamas and underwear and threw it into the house frame at the door.

When she returned home, she was about to open Fang Ping's door, but she heard Fang Ping crying.

The cry of the middle-aged man was hoarse and desperate, breaking Liu Yu's heart.

Liu Yu leaned against the wall and bit her lip and cried silently. She slid down against the wall.

The couple, one crying outside the house and the other crying inside the house, each had their own sadness.

The little princess is three months old this day, and she wants to take photos for a hundred days. It happened to be Sunday, and the brothers Fang Zicheng didn't need to study, so Fang Yusheng took them to the photo studio.

There is a commercial shopping street near the Longgangwan community. In the middle of the street, there is a children’s photography studio called "Please Announce the Lord". Fang Taoran's 100-day photos were taken here.

Qiao Jiusheng booked an art photo package for Fang Taoran, which can take five consecutive years, three sets of clothes per year, and a photo album every year, with 20 photos at the bottom of the album.

This package is more cost-effective, and the photos taken by the photography studio are indeed very good, so Qiao Jiusheng chose this one.

They made an appointment to take pictures at four o'clock this afternoon, but when they arrived, they were told to wait more than an hour. Because the baby who was photographed in the front has been crying and refusing to cooperate, it took some more time.

Qiao Jiusheng had no objection with Fang Yusheng, and there was nothing wrong today, so they held Fang Taoran and watched the other babies to take pictures.

The little guys who are only three months old are very cute. Some boys have been chosen by their parents in skirts, and they are not cute. Fang Zicheng and Fang Zikai are not interested in these little kids, they just want to watch their sister take pictures.

Feeling bored, Fang Zikai invited Fang Zicheng to play in the children's playground in the opposite mall.

If in normal times, Fang Zicheng would not be interested in places like children's playground, but it was really boring to see others taking pictures, Fang Zicheng agreed.

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