The search workload was heavy, and Fang Zicheng's whereabouts could not be found for a while.

Qiao Jiusheng's heart became more and more disturbed.

Mother and son connected, she always felt that Fang Zicheng had something wrong.

Qiao Jiusheng grabbed Fang Yusheng's hand, her whole body was cold. She gritted her teeth and told Fang Yusheng word by word, "I can feel that the child is in pain now." Qiao Jiusheng squeezed her heart, and she felt uncomfortable. Straight to tears.

"Yu Sheng, the iron egg is hurt, and the iron egg hurts." Qiao Jiusheng cried and hammered her chest. She murmured in pain, "Yu Sheng, he hurts, and I hurt."

Fang Yusheng's heart is like a knife.

He pressed Qiao Jiusheng into his arms and said nothing.

In the night, a black car drove out of the downtown area of ​​Binjiang City towards the Binjiang City Garbage Terminal.

In the trunk of the car, there is a large pure black garbage bag, which swayed from side to side as the body bumps. Fang Zicheng was put in the bag, and what he saw was darkness.

He pressed his abdomen, his fingers were moist, it was blood.

Fang Zicheng couldn't remember how he lost consciousness, he only remembered that he woke up with pain. When he woke up, he was already packed in this black garbage bag, his chest hurt, and he reached out and touched a blood hole.

No. 199 kept talking in Fang Zicheng’s mind. It said, “Hold on, you wait for your parents and them to save you, don’t die!” No. 199 did not tell Fang Zicheng. Once he died, it Will also disappear.

Fang Zicheng's consciousness gradually blurred.

He is in pain. Although he suffers from Affective Disorder, it does not mean that he does not know what pain is. He knows pain, but he doesn't know what sadness is and what despair is.

He clutched the painful wound, and he didn't even have the strength to beg for mercy.

Fang Zicheng didn't want to die.

But he knew very well that no one would come to save him.

Mom and Dad must be looking for him too. When they find him, he is probably dead.

When the car was bumping and Fang Zicheng's consciousness was about to dissipate completely, a picture gradually emerged in his mind. It was a cartoon, and it showed two adults leading two children.

That was Fang Zicheng's previous painting, which he painted on the beach in the middle of the riverside river.

The name of that picture is called--


Fang Zicheng groaned suddenly.

No. 199 asked worriedly, "Brother Cheng Cheng, can you still hold on?" It wondered, if Fang Zicheng can’t hold on, it will have to equate the life force it has collected over the past few decades. Give him some.

Fang Zicheng said softly, "You call me by my name." Only by listening to his own name can Fang Zicheng feel like he is needed by others.

No. 199 kept calling his name.

Sometimes it calls him Brother Cheng Cheng, sometimes it calls him Fang Tiedan, and sometimes it calls him Fang Zicheng.

The car stopped suddenly.

Fang Zicheng heard someone approaching, and immediately afterwards, the trunk door was opened.

Fang Zicheng held his breath and pretended to be dead.

The garbage bag on his body was opened. Fang Zicheng closed his eyes and couldn't feel the light. He guessed it was night. Someone put his hand under his nose and touched it to confirm that he was not breathing. Then he said to his companion, "You are dead. Throw it in the trash."

"There is so much **** here. When someone finds out, it will be tomorrow."


The two lifted Fang Zicheng and threw him into the garbage like a garbage dump.

Father Lu and Lu Yinxi chased the car and ran into the suburbs. There were too many forks in the road and they got separated.

It's dark all around, it's weird.

Father Lu proposed to go back, and Lu Yinxi also wanted to go back.

She thought, maybe she had heard it wrong.

Lu Yinxi was about to leave. Just when he was picked up by Lu's father in the car, Lu Yinxi heard the faint cry for help again——

"help me…"

Lu Yinxi's eyes widened.

"Did you hear that, Dad!"

Dad Lu asked in astonishment, "What?"

Lu Yinxi said, "Fang Zicheng is asking me to save him!" After that, Lu Yinxi was about to run under the car. Dad Lu was taken aback, turned off the fire and ran after her. "Yinxi, there is only a garbage dump in front of you, don't go!"

Lu Yinxi said, "He is right in front, Dad, I heard his voice. He is very painful and uncomfortable. He needs us!"

When the two people were arguing, they saw the car lights shooting in the direction where they were.

Father Lu reacted quickly and quickly pulled Lu Yinxi into his arms. The two fell to the ground together. After the car drove past, Father Lu pulled Lu Yinxi to his feet.

Lu Yinxi said, "It's the car!" It was the black car that passed them in the city before.

Father Lu's eyes sank.

He also realized something was wrong.

In the middle of the night, this car ran to the garbage dump, obviously doing bad things. Father Lu still didn't think that the car was the car with Fang Zicheng hidden. After all, this possibility was too low, and it was a bit too unimaginable.

Lu Yinxi was still begging him, "Dad, you come with me to find it, okay, Fang Zicheng needs us, really, his voice is getting smaller and smaller!" Lu Yinxi felt that Fang Zicheng was about to die.

Father Lu gritted his teeth and nodded.

The father and daughter trot to the garbage dump. Father Lu turned on the light and the lights swept across the dump. There is a boundless garbage pile in front of them, where should they find it?

Father Lu didn't think they would find Fang Zicheng in the garbage.

Lu Yinxi stood by the garbage dump, listening attentively.

"help me…"

"Who can help me."

"Dad, mom."

"Xiao Kai..."

The voice became weaker and weaker, showing that the master's vitality was getting weaker and weaker.

Lu Yinxi walked into the garbage dump, ignoring the shouts of his father behind him. Father Lu couldn't stand it, he stomped his foot and chased after Lu Yinxi. Lu Yinxi shouted at the garbage dump, "Fang Zicheng, where are you!"

"Fang Zicheng, I'm Lu Lu, where are you, tell me, I'll save you!"

It's dying...

Fang Zicheng knew he was going to die because he could no longer feel the pain, and his brain was very slow to respond. He heard No. 199 calling his name, and he called in his heart over and over again, praying for someone to come and save himself.

Suddenly, No. 199 shouted sharply, "Someone is coming! It's that little girl!"

Fang Zicheng's consciousness became clearer again, "What, what?"

No. 199 said, "That little girl named Lu Lu is here! She is here to look for you."

how come…

"Fang Zicheng, where are you!"

This time, Fang Zicheng also heard Lu Yinxi's voice.

"Tell me, where are you! You speak, why don't you speak anymore!"

Fang Zicheng could not speak.

Number 199 said, "She seems to be able to hear your voice..." Number 199 chuckled and said excitedly, "Brother Cheng Cheng, she can hear your voice!"

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