Qi Bufan said suddenly, "Perhaps, that choice will eventually make me lose my only child and become a lonely person."

Hearing this, Fang Yusheng’s lips curled up, and he said, “Anyway, there are so many rooms in my house, the big deal, you can come and be with us when you are old.”

When Qi Bufan heard this, his smile narrowed.

He suddenly remembered the day when he first met Fang Yusheng. At that time, he was working on the construction site, basking in the sun every day, and earned more than two hundred yuan with hard work.

It was hot in the summer and was paid that day. He went to the supermarket to buy ice cream and cold beer with a few colleagues on the construction site.

After checking out, I came out with my things, and just walked to the entrance of the supermarket, I saw a handsome man wearing sunglasses, crossing the road with a cane. He walked towards them head-on, looking really good.

Qi Bufan was never a person who loves beauty, but when he saw Fang Yusheng for the first time, he stared at Fang Yusheng's face for ten seconds.

How could there be such a beautiful face in this world!

For the first time, Qi Bufan felt that he was a little ugly. Compared with Fang Yusheng, the faces of these people were a little shameful.

A young worker in the same dormitory with him said, "God is fair. We are poor and live a hard life, but we are in good health. Look at that buddy. How good looks and how well dressed is on his cane. It's still inlaid with gems, but it's a pity that he is blind."

Qi Bufan stared at the handsome gentleman who made all the men want to return to their mother's womb to reshape his appearance, and did not agree with his colleagues.

By coincidence, just as Fang Yusheng was crossing the road, a large truck hit a motorcycle that was parked at the corner of the road illegally while turning. The motorcycle was hit and the driver was thrown away, but the motorcycle flew towards the good-looking blind man.

The moment the car accident happened, there was a violent collision and people shouting. The young blind man stood in place and did not dare to walk around for a while.


Qi Bufan didn't think much about it, grabbing Fang Yusheng's arm, carrying him on his shoulders, carrying him on a volley, and passing by the falling motorcycle.


The motorcycle fell to the ground, the mirror was broken, and the front of the car was tilted.

Qi Bufan fell on the ground with Fang Yusheng, Fang Yusheng licked his feet, and Qi Bufan's expression was also a little serious. Fang Yusheng thanked him, his voice sounded particularly moving, like a spring rain in March, moistening things silently.

Qi Bufan thought at that time: This must be a very expensive man.

The noble son is indeed noble son, but he is a cruel noble son.

Qi Bufan sent Fang Yusheng to the hospital for orthopedics, and the two got acquainted. Afterwards, Qi Bufan returned to the construction site and worked for five or six days. He was suddenly found by a driver named Lao Jiang who was driving for the rich.

Old Jiang came to him to ask him to be an assistant to their boss. This assistant has a lot of work and requires a lot of his personal abilities. In the words of old ginger, it is an all-round talent who can cook, drive, speak English and fight, and sometimes grow vegetables.

Qi Bufan still understands the previous requirements, but what the **** is this knowing how to grow vegetables?

The salary offered by the other party is extremely high, how high is it? Qi Bufan worked on the construction site for a year, probably only worth working as an assistant for that person for a month.

Qi Bufan wanted to raise his daughter to take care of his mother, so he took the job without hesitation.

Later, he met the legendary rich employer, Fang Yusheng.

Employers are really rich and really picky. Qi Bufan grew up so old and had never seen a rich man as stingy as his employer.

In his first month as an assistant to Fang Yusheng, he did most of the things he did in the Fang's small courtyard, using a **** to loosen the soil, plant beans, weed the yard...

Qi Bufan's memory floated back from that distant past.

He looked at Fang Yusheng's face that hadn't grown old, and he was full of emotion in his heart.

Their husband's appearance is that he can fool people. The first time he saw Fang Yusheng, Qi Bufan thought that Mr. Fang was a banal immortal and he did not eat fireworks. If you are familiar with it, you know that this person is full of faults and shortcomings, stingy, narcissistic, arrogant, and pretending to be forced...

For so many years, Fang Yusheng has not been struck by lightning, it is really the credit of that face.

"Why, don't you think I and A Sheng are not qualified to be old playmates for you?" Fang Yusheng saw that Qi Bufan hadn't spoken for a while, thinking he was unhappy.

Qi Bufan said hurriedly, "I didn't think that." He gave a rare big smile. Fang Yusheng was taken aback. "So you can laugh too." He muttered, "It looks pretty good when you laugh. , Smile more in the future."

Hearing this, Qi Bufan quickly put away his smile.

Qi Bufan said, "I'm just thinking that it's a good fate to meet your husband." To others, Fang Yusheng is a scourge, but for Qi Bufan, Fang Yusheng is his reinvention benefactor.

Fang Yusheng felt a little embarrassed when Qi Bufan said this.

"Okay, let's stop talking, listen to how you feel **** in gay." Fang Yusheng strode down the mountain, Qi Bufan looked at his back and wondered, what is **** in gay? ?

On the day Fang Zicheng moved from the ICU ward to the general ward, Lisa brought her sister and Fang Zikai. Fang Zicheng lay on the bed, watching Fang Zikai crying miserably, a little helpless.

"Don't cry." He said to Fang Zikai, listening to Fang Zikai's crying, he was a little upset, and felt the wound hurt more.

It's okay for him not to speak, and Fang Zikai feels even more sad when he speaks.

Fang Zikai suddenly ran over and lay on the bed, hugging Fang Zicheng's head and crying bitterly. "Wow! Brother! Wow!" In the ward, the cry of the kid was resounding.

Fang Zicheng, who was held in this way by his younger brother for the first time, froze and became a little fool.

He wanted to say that Fang Zikai's cry was so noisy.

Fang Zikai's nose and tears were all on his brother's cheek, which was slimy and disgusting. Fang Zicheng looked at Qiao Jiusheng and the others silently, giving them a look, hoping they could get rid of Fang Zikai's little crying bag.

Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Yusheng both selectively ignored them.

Fang Zikai cried and howled, "I'm sorry! Brother, I shouldn't have left you to play alone that day! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Fang Zikai really blamed himself. Like Lu Yinxi, Fang Zikai has been blaming himself these days, and he also believes that Fang Zicheng's disappearance is his cause.

"If I stay with you, you won't be kidnapped, you won't..." Fang Zikai heard his grandmother talk about his brother's injuries, knowing that his brother was almost dead this time, his heart was tense and he didn't dare to say anything else.

Fang Zicheng whispered, "Shut up."

Where is Fang Zikai willing to shut up.

He rubbed his head against his brother’s cheek, his movements were full of attachment and excitement, "If you don’t shut up or shut up, I’m going to talk to you. Brother, you don’t know if you didn’t find you that night, I slept in the room alone How lonely..."

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