Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1031: I'll be struck by lightning

Fang Yusheng cursed something. He was about to sit up, but Chi Guangguang quickly turned over and pressed him under him. Fang Yusheng's hands were pressed between him and his thin chest, and he couldn't help it for a while.

Furthermore, Fang Yusheng's physical fitness is not as sluggish as he is.

Chi Boguang has lived in prison for more than 30 years, and every piece of flesh on his body is full of power. Fang Yusheng is not his opponent at all. "What are you doing!" Fang Yu was so angry that his voice was full of anger.

Chi Boguang stared at Fang Yusheng below him affectionately, and murmured, "Lisa, why have you changed your appearance? You are still wearing glasses." He took a strand of Fang Yusheng's brown and placed it in front of his nose. , Sucked, and asked, "Lisa, why did you even change the shampoo?"

Fang Lisa Yusheng looked at the slowness of the drunken confession with a speechless face, and hurriedly said to Lisa and Qiao Jiusheng who were standing and watching the excitement, "Get him away!"

Qiao Jiusheng and Lisa were busy watching the show, but they didn't see any movement.

Chi Boguang suddenly slapped Fang Yusheng's crotch, and Fang Yusheng was shot stiff. He said slowly, "You are not behaved, it's okay, no trouble, let me kiss, and I will let you go."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and bit on Fang Yusheng's face.

Fang Yusheng couldn't bear it, punching Chi Wan's face with a punch.

"Damn, you admitted the wrong person, my mother is there!" Fang Yu's face was pale with anger, and his voice was trembling.

This incident frightened Qiao Jiusheng and Lisa who were watching the excitement.

"Yu Sheng!" The two ran up at the same time and took Chi Boguang away from Fang Yusheng. Fang Yusheng climbed out of the bed and planned to beat Chi Boguang when he lifted his fist. Qiao Jiusheng quickly reminded him loudly, "You can't fight, you can't fight, that's your father!"

Fang Yusheng's fists were in the air.

He was so angry that he was going to explode.

After reciting "I will be struck by lightning" twice in a row, Fang Yusheng suppressed the irritability in his heart that wanted to beat people.

He wiped his face, and said angrily, "I can't drink enough, and the wine is not good, can you drink less? It scared me to death, and almost was forced." God knows when I was too late to kiss that bite. , Fang Yusheng got goose bumps all over his body.

too frightening.

This was supposed to be a serious moment, but after hearing Fang Yusheng's words, Qiao Jiusheng really couldn't feel sympathy for him, and even let out a chuckle. Her smile successfully attracted Fang Yusheng's stare.

Qiao Jiusheng quickly put away his smile, turned around and said to Lisa, "Mom, you take care of Dad, we are back to the room."

Lisa also had an expression of uncontrollable laughter. She took her son's angry look into her eyes and snickered in her heart. "Okay, go ahead."


Qiao Jiusheng pulled Fang Yusheng back to the room.

Qiao Jiusheng bought many expensive skin care products for Fang Yusheng. Fang Yu was lazy and rarely used skin care products. In the past, it was Qiao Jiusheng who cleaned himself up before giving him skin care.

But tonight, Fang Yusheng took the initiative to use facial cleanser and rubbed that handsome cheek for several minutes before he was willing to stop.

Qiao Jiusheng stood in the bathroom watching him rub his face.

"Okay, it's your father, are you like this?"

Fang Yusheng stopped and looked up at Qiao Jiusheng. He said, "You are so cruel, you were bullied by someone at your old tolerance point, and you can still laugh."

Qiao Jiusheng listened to Fang Yusheng’s adjective and pressed her under her body to bully...

Isn't this a description only for romance heroines?

Qiao Jiusheng smiled happily.

After Fang Yusheng finished washing his face, Qiao Jiusheng picked up the facial cleanser to wash himself. Fang Yusheng left the bathroom and sat on Qiao Jiusheng's dressing stool, playing with her delicate bottles.

At this time, Qiao Jiusheng's mobile phone on the bed rang.

Fang Yusheng found the phone and saw that it was Fang Yuqing's call, so he answered it without authorization.

"Qing Qing."

"Brother Yu Sheng?" Fang Yuqing asked him, "Where is A Sheng's sister-in-law?"

"I'm washing my face, I'll let it go, tell her." Fang Yusheng turned it on and took the phone to the bathroom. Qiao Jiusheng said, "Qingqing, you say, I will listen."

Fang Yuqing said, "Have you received the invitation letter from Paris Couture Week?"

Qiao Jiusheng said, "I have received a few."

Qiao Jiusheng is a VIP customer of several luxury clothing brands. The dresses for the banquet each year are tailor-made by them and Wei Xin. Qiao Jiusheng will naturally be invited like this kind of high-definition conference.

Fang Yuqing said, "I also received it. I plan to go and see, Sister A Sheng, shall we go together?" Fang Yuqing's own clothing studio is getting better and better, and she wants to see those big designers For our latest works, look for inspiration and improve yourself.

Qiao Jiusheng thought for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing important these days.

Her jade shop is open as usual, and her shop has recruited several jade carvers, all of whom are very good masters. They sit in the shop, and Qiao Jiusheng can stroll around.

"All right, I'll go with you."


After hanging up the phone, Qiao Jiusheng wiped her face dry, squeezed toothpaste onto the toothbrush, and before she started brushing her teeth, she said to Yu Sheng, "Your wife, I'm going to Paris to prodigal, you can take care of the kids at home."

Fang Yusheng's face stretched out.

"Take me with you."

"No, I want to go on a journey between women with Qingqing."

Fang Yusheng thought that there were children at home, and that Fang Zicheng's body was not completely healthy, so he should stay at home. And after they got married, Qiao Jiusheng had no chance to go out alone.

Since she wants to play, he should also give her a chance.

"All right." Fang Yusheng watched her brush her teeth and asked her, "Do you want money?"

Qiao Jiusheng vomited toothpaste and freed up a hand to pat Fang Yusheng's cheek. She said, "My sister has a big breast, but she has a lot of money." She said that she is not bad at all.

Fang Yusheng replied with a good narcissism.

Qiao Jiusheng will leave for Paris tomorrow afternoon. Thinking that there will be seven or eight days to see Qiao Jiusheng, Fang Yusheng is not happy when he thinks of not seeing each other for so many days.

Some reluctant, but also feel weird.

At night, he pestered Qiao Jiusheng to do all kinds of things, and Qiao Jiusheng was also very cooperative. Sometimes she was more experienced than Fang Yusheng. In bed matters, Fang Yusheng and Qiao Jiusheng are in great harmony, after all, one is Mensao and the other is Mingsao.

The next day, when he sent Qiao Jiusheng to the airport, Fang Yusheng's expression was calm and calm. But what it feels like in his heart, others don't know, but Jiang Wei definitely understands it.

Reluctantly sent Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Yuqing away, Fang Yusheng and Jiang Wei looked at each other, their expressions were very depressed.

Jiang Wei tried his best to make his smile look calmer. He said, "Qingqing wants to play, so I let her go."

Fang Yusheng nodded, and preached boldly, "No, this marriage also requires freedom and solitude."


The conversation between the two sounded awe-inspiring, but in fact it was insincere.

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