Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1036: Dress well (four more)

Like all actors, the attitude of the male protagonist in white seems to be very respectful. But Jiang Wei noticed that when others saw Mr. Ji, their eyes were awed, but the actor's eyes were very indifferent.

President Ji stretched out his hand and made a gesture of sitting down.

The big guy is the big guy, and it's extraordinary momentum to raise his hands and feet.

"Are you late?" she asked.

The sound was cold, like the sound of a hard object hitting cold steel.

Who dares to say that she is late? Even if you are late, you have to open your eyes and deny it. Lin Kun smiled very tolerantly and respectfully. He said, "No, no, just right."

Jiang Wei complained in his heart: You always open your eyes and talk nonsense.

Lin Kun pointed to the empty seat next to him, and said to President Ji, "Mr Ji, please sit down."

President Ji is not in a hurry to sit down. She glanced coldly in the box, then refused Lin Kun's invitation, pointed her finger in one direction, and said, "I'll sit there." She pointed to the position next to the short-haired actor.

But in that position, there was already a seated person, and she was still a young actress. Jiang Wei noticed the actress and found that the actress was a little familiar.

Thinking that this person is also an actor, Jiang Wei thought that he might have seen her on TV, so he didn't take it seriously.

The face of an actress who was named changed slightly, she was not stupid, and immediately stood up. The actress took the initiative to walk to Lin Kun and sit down. The previous position was empty.

Ji always walked to the place where the girl sat before.

Jiang Wei glanced at President Ji and the actor, and saw that the actor's performance was still calm.

The two people get along in a strange way.

When Lin Kun ordered, Jiang Wei occasionally glanced at Ji Zong. When his eyes passed over the two people for the third time, he noticed that Ji Zong suddenly stretched out her hands. She personally touched the actor’s shirt. The button above is closed.

Jiang Wei: "..."

This possessiveness is unique enough.

Jiang Youyi was observing President Ji directly, but he did not know that there was a woman on the table also observing him.

Because of the general presence that season, the atmosphere during the dinner has always been very serious. No one speaks a yellow voice, and there is no phenomenon in which a man eats tofu while eating, and a woman runs onto a man’s lap when she moves.

This made Jiang Wei feel relieved.

He doesn't like that kind of smoky meals, which is particularly boring and disgusting.

After dinner, as a second investor, Jiang Wei was fortunate to have the opportunity to talk a few words in the same season. Ji is always a person who doesn't talk much, but once he expresses an opinion on something, he usually uses sharp words and has a vicious vision.

After parting with President Ji, Jiang Wei went to check the information of this person and said on the Internet that she was not yet thirty years old. Jiang Wei guessed that the President Ji is about the same size as him.

Originally, Jiang Wei thought he was an individual talent, but only after he met Ji Zong did he know that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world.

After the dinner, Lin Kun personally sent Jiang Wei and Ji Zong to the door of the clubhouse.

At the door, the car boy drove their car over, and President Ji drove a very ordinary Audi, but no one underestimated her. This society is like this. The real big bosses travel, even if they drive a bicycle, it is also called low-key environmental protection. If you let the nouveau riche open a Porsche and Rolls-Royce, you will be scolded and forced to commit crimes.

The man with glasses was standing next to the body, and when Ji came out, he bent slightly.

President Ji said to Lin Kun, "Just send it here."

"Okay, Mr. Ji walks slowly."

When Mr. Ji walked towards the car, the man with glasses immediately bent over and opened the door of the back seat. President Ji sat in, with his hands around his chest and his back leaning on the chair, as if he was a little tired and sleeping on a slumber. The man with glasses was about to close the door, when President Ji suddenly looked sideways at Lin Kun and the others.

A confused expression appeared on Lin Kun's face. Jiang Wei's expression moved slightly. He heard Mr. Ji say, "Lu Cheng, are you still in the car?"

Very soft question, but there is courage that makes people unable to refute.

At this moment, the man in white who was standing behind Lin Kun walked out.

Only then did Jiang Wei realize that this man has a pair of particularly proud long legs. Not only is it long, the legs are also perfect, and he is quite tall, taller than him. If this man's face can sling half an entertainment circle, then his legs can sling the entire entertainment circle.

The man named Lu Cheng walked out and nodded to Lin Kun and Jiang. He said, "Director Lin, President Jiang, goodbye." He was obviously a little white face who was raised by the big money owner. When this man spoke, his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

Jiang Wei thought it was strange.

Why would such a real man accept such a thing as being nurtured?

"Mr. Jiang, I booked a box in KTV. I have time to enjoy a face. Do you want to go play together?" Lin Kun didn't know Jiang Wei's personality, and didn't know the depth of this person. The arrangement was very proper.

Everyone is very regular when eating in the clubhouse. When it comes to KTV, it is a monster or a devil, and it will appear as it is.

Jiang Wei refused.

"I won't go anymore, my lover said that I sing very badly, and I will add a block to you when I go." Besides, after drinking more wine tonight, his head is a bit heavy. He mentioned his lover, and Lin Kun immediately understood the personality of Mr. Jiang.

This is for the family.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Wei lifted his leg and walked towards the car. Just after taking a step, he suddenly staggered under his feet.

He was really drunk and tripped.

Seeing that Jiang Wei was about to fall, a woman suddenly rushed out from behind Lin Kun and held Jiang Wei in a hand. The speed of the action is staggering.

Jiang Wei was stunned.

He turned his head to look at the woman, and he felt that this face was a little familiar.

Where have you seen it?

It should not have been seen on TV.

But in life, has he ever seen such a woman?

Within a few seconds, Jiang Wei rummaged all the people he knew in his mind, but did not find any memory fragments about this person. "Thank you." He reached out and took away the woman's hand.

The woman said, "Mr. Jiang, I'll take you back."

This development is very interesting.

Jiang Wei knew in his heart that the woman really wanted to send him back to the room and then go to bed with him. Jiang Wei's eyes sank, his eyes narrowed, and the woman's eyes were scrutinized and cold.

Behind him, Lin Kun and other actors saw the performance of the female number three, and they were all taken aback. Knowing the deep meaning behind this woman's behavior, Lin Kun's face was a little ugly.

Mr. Jiang refused to participate in KTV, which means that he did not call on the set of unspoken rules.

It's really shameless that this woman leaned forward!

Not every director loves unspoken actresses, Lin Kun cannot see such a woman.

Jiang Wei stood straight, and said to Secretary Jiang, who was walking here, "Secretary Jiang, help me get into the car."

Secretary Jiang was originally walking quickly. Hearing these words, he naturally heard the suppressed annoyance in Jiang Wei's tone. I have stayed with Jiang Wei for a long time, and Secretary Jiang knows what he says.

Her brisk walk was changed to a quick trot.

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