"Jiang Wei, this bastard!"

Fang Yusheng gritted his teeth and uttered the words Jiang Wei. It was estimated that he could tear Jiang Wei directly alive.

Qiao Jiusheng calmed him down.

At this time, Qiao Jiusheng clicked to refresh, and he saw that there were new updates on the top few popular Weibo posts.

The Weibo news this time was released by an authoritative media person. He speculated that the actress should be a third-rate actress, who has appeared in the second female urban drama and her real name is Musa.

Then he broke out the identity of the actor of the "Youzhengmen", revealing that he is the vice president of the Yuzheng Group and the prince of the Yuzheng Group.

This person still knows a lot, and it also revealed the relationship between these two people who were classmates in high school.

After Qiao Jiusheng read this new revelation, his brows were seriously frowned into two wavy lines. Qiao Jiusheng said suspiciously, "It seems that this woman's name has been heard somewhere. From my point of view, this is all about weirdness. I think we have to verify the accuracy of the investigation before convicting Jiang Wei."

Fang Yusheng held the injustice for his sister and couldn't calm down at all.

How long has it been since then, Jiang Wei started messing around, and Fang Yusheng had the heart to kill Jiang Wei. "What are you investigating? There are videos to prove it." This is not a false rumor, it is a real hammer.

Qiao Jiusheng said, "When Fang Yukang's incident was exposed, everyone suspected you. You just convicted Jiang Wei in this way, don't you think it is sloppy?"

Upon hearing this, Fang Yusheng calmed down smoothly.

"That's what you said."


At the other end, Jiang Wei and Fang Yuqing were sitting in the car going home.

When Qiao Jiusheng got out of the car, Jiang Wei hugged Fang Yuqing's shoulders. Fang Yuqing was a little surprised, what's wrong? "

"You have to be optimistic about your husband, and you are not allowed to leave me alone in the future."

Fang Yuqing was surprised when she heard Jiang Wei's words. She turned to look at Jiang Wei and saw Jiang Wei's fearful look like a lingering fear.

Jiang Wei said, "I was planning to live in Yucheng last night, but I was drunk, and in the middle of the night, a woman with neurosis came and knocked on the door of my room. I opened the door, and she was so scared that she held Lao Tzu as a kiss. I kicked her to the ground."

Jiang Wei stared at the toe of his shoe, and the toe of the shoe kicked the woman's body.

He felt that the toes of his shoes had become dirty.

Fang Yuqing's expression changed abruptly after hearing this.

She stared at Jiang Wei, her eyes sharp and suspicious for a moment. When Jiang Wei noticed it, he raised his head. He was taken aback when he saw Fang Yuqing's suspicion and sharp gaze.

"You..." After guessing what Fang Yuqing was doubting, Jiang Wei was a little flustered, but also a little angry, "Do you doubt me?" Jiang Wei's tone fell cold.

He took the initiative to confess, she actually doubted him!

In her heart, what did she think of herself?

Fang Yuqing squeezed her hands.

She has been betrayed once, so when she hears Jiang Wei's words, she will subconsciously feel uneasy, and then will doubt whether Jiang Wei's words are true or false. When I fell in love with Hu Cheng back then, Hu Cheng did the same. He was with other women while fishing for her.

For a while, she couldn't tell whether Jiang Wei's words were true or false.

Jiang Wei was angry.

He lowered his head with dark clouds in his eyes. Jiang Wei forced his mouth to not speak. He was afraid that he could not help but say something nasty and slanderous to Fang Yuqing.

Fang Yuqing also realized that her reaction hurt Jiang Wei too much.

For a while, the inside of the car became extremely silent.

After a while, Jiang Wei heard Fang Yuqing explain in a very soft voice, "I know I should trust you. But Jiang Wei, I don't know if I should believe you. I...I'm afraid you will follow Hu It’s the same, the yin and the yang go against the yin, but I did it but told me that I hadn’t done it, making me believe you stupidly..."

"That way, the trust I have in you now will become a new joke."

Fang Yuqing knew that these words hurt Jiang Wei's heart, but that was what she thought in her heart, and she said it. Jiang Wei knew Fang Yuqing's true thoughts, but could understand her instead.

Jiang Wei felt sorry for this little fool.

I was really afraid of well rope after being bitten by a snake for ten years.

Jiang Wei sighed before saying, "You have to believe me, and I won't deceive you."

Fang Yuqing looked at Jiang Wei without speaking.

Jiang Wei said again, "The hotel has surveillance, I can call it out for you now." He looked very open.

Fang Yuqing finally felt at ease after hearing this.

"I'm sorry." She lowered her head, her eyes were misty, but she stubbornly did not let the tears flow down. "Sorry Jiang Wei, I don't believe you, I just..." I was just scared of being hurt.

Jiang Wei touched her head, "Fool!"

Fang Yuqing smiled embarrassedly, and asked him who that person was.

Jiang Wei said, "I don't know him, but I have seen it. Later I will call and ask the director to see who she is." Such a woman is annoying. He definitely won't allow this woman to appear in any movie he invested in. the film.

"it is good."

Fang Yuqing felt at ease when she got home.

She followed Jiang Wei into the house, keeping her hands on her stomach. When Jiang Wei was changing her shoes, he noticed her small movements and suddenly became nervous, "Do you have a stomachache?"

Fang Yuqing shook her head, "It doesn't hurt."

Jiang Wei put on the slippers and walked to the room with Fang Yuqing’s suitcases. He said as he walked, "Then what do you do with your stomach? I thought you had a stomachache. If you feel uncomfortable, you must To tell..."

Looking at Jiang Wei's back and listening to his babbling voice, Fang Yuqing moved on impulse and said to him, "Jiang Wei, we have a baby."

When Fang Yuqing called his name, Jiang Wei stopped speaking, so Jiang Wei heard Fang Yuqing's words very clearly.

Turning his back to Fang Yuqing, Jiang Wei suddenly blinked his eyelashes twice.

Somewhat shocked.

The chest seemed to be hit with a heavy hammer suddenly.

Jiang Wei turned around in disbelief, staring at the smile on Fang Yuqing's face, confirming that she was not lying, and then Jiang Wei moved his gaze to Fang Yuqing's abdomen. He took a deep breath, dropped his suitcase, and walked slowly to Fang Yuqing's.

Jiang Wei squatted down and gently touched Fang Yuqing's abdomen with the palm of his right hand.

"Here, there is a baby?"

Fang Yuqing hummed, her voice choked.

Jiang's eyes were a little hot the only time.

In fact, Jiang Wei is still very young, not 26 years old yet, but he really wants a child. Fang Yuqing didn't ask him to wear a condom every time he was ovulating. Jiang Wei had discovered this pattern long ago.

At the beginning, he still didn't understand the intention of Fang Yuqing's doing this, but after he figured it out, he also became worried. In the past six months, Fang Yuqing's stomach has been quiet, and Jiang Wei has to prepare for the possibility of being unable to give birth in this life.

As a result, the surprise came.

Fang Yuqing is pregnant.

Fang Yuqing lowered her head and saw Jiang Wei's fingertips trembling on her lower abdomen.

Suddenly, Fang Yuqing understood everything. "You always knew my concerns?" She was referring to her worry that she would not be able to get pregnant.

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