In the face of women's unbearable verbal abuse, Musa couldn't help but say no to it.

After realizing that the thing spilled on her body was sulfuric acid, a despair that made her breath suffocate, rushed over from all directions and surrounded her.

Musa paled with fright.

She came back to her senses, and hurriedly took off her clothes, regardless of whether the occasion was right, the door was closed, and there was no one outside. Musa even took off her underwear.

When she was about to ***, a male voice roared behind them, "What are you doing!"

Huang Ge's wife heard the sound and quickly looked back. Seeing Hu Cheng standing behind him with an angry face, Huang Ge's wife laughed sarcastically. She met Hu Cheng and knew that Hu Cheng was Musa's boyfriend.

Seeing Hu Chenglai, the woman laughed at him, "Why, this **** wears you a green hat, and you still want to face her?" The man is cheap! They are not rare to treat you as a treasure. Those who cuckold you, coax you, are regarded as treasures in their hands.

It's all cheap!

Hu Cheng calmly said to the woman, "Go out, or I will call the police right away!"

Hearing the word alarm, the woman's crazy face finally gave a hint of clarity. She took a deep look at Hu Cheng and gave him a sentence, "I advise you, stay away from this woman, she is not a good thing."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the glass bottle on the ground and fled like a wind under her feet.

Having punished the little bitch, she must go back and punish the old bitch.

When Huang Ge's wife left, Hu Cheng glanced at the glass bottle on the floor, then looked up at Musa who had already taken off all his clothes and ran towards the bathroom in a panic. Hu Cheng was worried about Musa's situation in his heart. He followed into the house, not forgetting to lock the door, and then walked to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Musa turned the faucet to the maximum and rushed wildly at his body.

She rushed to the body and cried, with fear in her crying.

"Will I be disfigured!"

"I don't want to be disfigured!"

"I think my skin is so hot!"

"Hu Cheng, I don't want to disfigure, I'm an actor, how can I disfigure..."

She was speaking incoherently, and her state was about to collapse.

Standing at the door of the bathroom, Hu Cheng noticed that the skin on Musa's neck and back was a little red. I don’t wear much in summer. Although the concentrated sulfuric acid is not much, it is very powerful.

Fortunately, Musa reacted quickly, took off his clothes in time, and washed his body with a lot of water. She will not die, nor will she be disabled, but her back and neck will be disfigured.

Hu Cheng stared at her, feeling a little uncomfortable.

In just one or two days, they actually came to this field.

"Don't worry, I'll call the hospital right now." Musa's hand was played loosely. But Hu Cheng couldn't help her die.

Hu Cheng hit the 120 ambulance and saw that Musa was still washing his body. He leaned against the door frame and asked her, "Did you ever think about me when you slept with that man?" He always heard Musa in his ears before. Speaking of the agent, she said that the agent was disgusting and had a lot of ringworm on her body.

He also said that even if she died, she would not have **** with a man like her agent.

As a result, she crawled onto his bed before she died.

How ridiculous.

Musa ignored Hu Cheng.

She just kept crying, crying as she said, "I'm an actor, how can I disfigure my face, how will I wear skirts and filming in the future!"

She turned a blind eye to his question.

She has always been like this, she is always the only one in her eyes.

Staring at Musa, Hu Cheng gave up the desire to continue asking her.

Once, his counterpart Yu Qing said a lot of rhetoric, and Fang Yuqing believed it. Musa has also spoken bluffs to him over the years, and he also believed it. Hu Cheng calmed his eyes and thought, this is all retribution.

After a while, the ambulance came downstairs.

Musa seemed to be crazy, washing his body with water all the time, Hu Cheng said that the ambulance was coming, and Musa seemed to have not heard. Hu Cheng frowned, took a bath towel, wrapped Musa's body, and carried her straight downstairs.

The paparazzi who had found Musa's address for a long time came to her house early in the morning and squatted to guard, trying to stop Musa the first moment he walked out of the door, so as to interview her.

The reporter squatting downstairs saw Hu Cheng carrying a woman wrapped in a bath towel downstairs and recognized her as the woman involved in the incident. The paparazzi quickly took a few photos.

Although I don't know what happened, the few photos in their hands are enough for them to make up some **** stories.

The news that Musa was pouring sulfuric acid by his agent's wife sent him a hot search on Weibo by a large number of netizens at around nine o'clock in the morning.

Fang Yuqing naturally saw the news.

She raised her eyebrows, clicked on Hot Search, and looked at it in detail.

After reading it, Fang Yuqing wanted to give the agent's original partner a thumbs up. This woman was really on the road and did everything she wanted to do to Musa but hadn't done it all the time.

I just don't know if Musa has been disfigured.

If Musa's proud face was disfigured, she would probably kill herself. Suicide, like she did it back then, stupid, only knowing that she committed suicide.

Jiang Wei's class group in high school has been very lively these days.

The monitor reopened a group and pulled in all the other classmates besides Jiang Wei and his good friends, as well as Musa and the class teacher. There was a lot of discussion in the group, and they all thought that Musa was too stupid to come up with such a loss.

Jiang Wei didn't know that after graduating from high school, he and Musa had once again become topical figures in the class.

Only this time, he became a poor boy who was almost raped by Musa among his classmates? Jiang Wei got off work very early today. He returned home and found that Fang Yuqing hadn't come to greet him. He was quite puzzled.

After changing his shoes, Jiang Wei walked around the entrance and saw Fang Yuqing lying on the sofa, holding his mobile phone to scan Weibo.

"Play less with your phone!" Jiang Wei snatched the phone from Fang Yuqing.

Fang Yuqing didn't take it back, but didn't **** it back.

On the tea table, there are washed fruits. They are all relatively sour fruits. The only thing that is still sweet is the strawberry. Fang Yuqing picked herself a plum fruit and handed it to Jiang the only one.

Jiang Wei took a bite. The sourness was so strong that his teeth were weak and his brows wrinkled. He looked at Fang Yuqing in admiration, but Fang Yuqing felt that the taste was so good that he ate a few in one breath.

Jiang Wei was dumbfounded, and felt his teeth were sour.

"Not sour?"

Fang Yuqing nodded vigorously and said, "It's sour."

"Have something sweet."

"Just want to eat sour."

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