Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1052: Good brothers pit each other (four more)

Just a few days after Fang Zicheng and Fang Zikai started school, Zhuang Long suddenly called.

Fang Yu was going to the toilet for a while, and they were not allowed to bring mobile phones in the toilet. With a toilet, they would stay in the toilet for a long time. His mobile phone was on the sofa, and Qiao Jiusheng was playing with Fang Taoran. When she heard the phone ring, she picked up the phone and saw that it was Zhuang Long.

"Yu Sheng, Zhuang Long called."

Fang Yusheng said, "You can pick it up for me."

"it is good."

Qiao Jiusheng answered the phone.

Thinking that it was Fang Yusheng who answered the phone, Zhuang Long said excitedly on the other end, "Chicken, I'm a father, hahaha, Ali has a daughter, who is six kilograms or so, so cute!"

"I have posted pictures of my daughters in the OK group, you can take a look."

Qiao Jiusheng found the opportunity to speak, "It's me, congratulations, Zhuang Long." Qiao Jiusheng is really happy for Zhuang Long.

Hearing Qiao Jiusheng's voice, Zhuang Long hurriedly put away his slanderous look and became more stable. "A Sheng, our family is born."

"Well, I know, I gave birth to a daughter, you said just now."

"Hey..." Zhuang Long smirked over there, really, very stupid.

Qiao Jiusheng could not imagine the smirk of Zhuang Long. Since he recovered from mental illness, his whole person has become mature and stable. In more than a year, Zhuang Long has never been so excited.

It is conceivable that the addition of a young daughter is indeed a happy event for him.

"Fang Yusheng has something to do right now, I will tell him about it."

"it is good!"

After Zhuang Long took the initiative to hang up, Qiao Jiusheng walked to the door of the toilet. She knocked on the toilet door and said to Fang Yusheng, "Xiao Li gave birth to a daughter, who is six catties and two, Zhuang Long is so happy."

Fang Yusheng said, "Wait."

Soon there was the sound of toilet pumping.

The door opened, Fang Yusheng wiped his hands and walked out. After losing the tissue, Fang Yusheng subconsciously shook Qiao Jiusheng's hand. Qiao Jiusheng took a step back in a conditioned reflex, with a disgusting expression on his face, "The person who just went to the toilet should stay away from me."

Fang Yusheng smiled stiffly.

"Do you dislike me?" His tone was dangerous.

Qiao Jiusheng was not afraid of him, and replied, "Yeah, I hate you, can you give me a bite?"

"It's impossible to nibble." Fang Yusheng laughed weirdly, and then said, "You can consider it with your own mouth."


Qiao Jiusheng turned around and left.

Fang Yusheng followed, and he said, "That guy is pleased with his daughter. His daughter must have a 100-day banquet on the day of the 100th day. We have to go there. We have to figure out what gift to give his daughter. Better."

Qiao Jiusheng said, "The girl's gift is very easy to give. There are not many other items in my house, but more jewelry." She plans to give jewelry.

Fang Yusheng was silent for a moment before saying, "Is your family rich."

When Qiao Jiusheng heard this, he wanted to curse.

What makes her family rich?

They have no money?

"Then what are you going to give away?"

Fang Yusheng snorted coldly and said, "Don't you just get a set of clothes?" The stingy person is reluctant to give expensive gifts to others. Fang Yusheng buckled himself, let alone others.

Qiao Jiusheng really believed Fang Yusheng's words.

As a result, Fang Yusheng decided to fly to Germany in person the next day. Qiao Jiusheng asked him what he was going to do, but he mysteriously refused to say that, in that way, Qiao Jiusheng couldn't help wondering whether he had raised a little lover in Germany behind his back.

Three months later, Qiao Jiusheng finally knew what Fang Yusheng did when he went to Germany.

He actually ordered two Maybachs, the colors he specified, one yellow and one red. On the door handle of the sports car, there is the words "Bautiful—Sherry".

Zhuang Long's daughter, named Sherry.

The day before the Hundred Days Banquet, Fang Yusheng arrived in the United States with Qiao Jiusheng and his youngest daughter Fang Taoran. On the day of the 100-day banquet, the three appeared together. The car Fang Yusheng gave to Little Sherry was sent to Zhuang Long's house by the staff in the early morning.

When Zhuang Long saw the gift, his eyes were bent with a smile.

He patted Fang Yusheng's shoulder vigorously, and he smiled and said, "Chick, you are finally generous to me for a while." He was moved a little, Fang Tie's **** plucked his hair, and Zhuang Long was still moved. .

"You are my good brother!" He decided to be a good brother with Fang Yusheng for a minute.

Fang Yusheng frowned when he was photographed. "Keep it down, my heart is still dripping blood." Spending money is dripping blood from his heart.

Zhuang Long's smile faded in an instant.

"The gift has been given, and it is not allowed to take it back!" Zhuang Long hurriedly let the car into the garage.

Qiao Jiusheng stared into his pocket.

Zhuang Longchong Qiao Jiusheng smiled gentlemanly, his face changing quickly, comparable to turning a book. Zhuang Long hugged Qiao Jiusheng for a while before holding their little daughter amused.

"Of course, when we first met, I was your godfather."

As soon as Zhuang Long finished speaking, Fang Yusheng sarcastically said, "Who said that! I don't admit it."

Zhuang Long replied, "Cheng Cheng and Kai Kai both recognize me as godfathers, why don't they recognize me?" He laughed playfully, and said with deep meaning, "I shouldn’t agree with someone who was born with the same father and mother. A godfather? Could it be..."

Could it be that this child is not yours?

Of course this was a joke, Fang Yusheng and Qiao Jiusheng also understood Zhuang Long's joke. Qiao Jiusheng was not angry either, it was up to Fang Yusheng how to deal with it. Fang Yusheng glared at Zhuang Long before saying, "Godfather is so easy to recognize? When we first met, there was no meeting ceremony?"

Zhuang Long smiled stiffly. "You really love money like life."

Having said that, Zhuang Long still took out a gemstone necklace from his pocket. Zhuang Long put the necklace in Fang Taoran's hand, and he said, "Yes, take it, this thing in your hand is the favorite ring of a princess in the royal family of R."

Zhuang Long never lied.

He said it was worn by a certain princess, and that is absolutely true.

Qiao Jiusheng's face changed slightly. This gift is too expensive, even if the thing itself is not expensive, its art collection value is too expensive. Qiao Jiusheng just wanted to refuse, but Fang Yusheng said to Tao Ran, "Of course, hurry up and call godfather."

In the face of absolute benefits, Fang Yusheng is willing to let Fang Taoran call Zhuang Long any name other than mom and dad. If Fang Taoran can understand human words at this moment, she will show expressions, she will definitely roll her eyelids and give her father a blank eye.

Zhuang Long was also shocked by Fang Yusheng's shamelessness with no lower limit.

He was stunned, and then said, "You can be really good chicks, sell girls for glory."

"Idioms are not what you use."

"You know what I mean."

Seeing these two bad friends getting more and more outrageous, Qiao Jiusheng said quickly, "Okay, Zhuang Long, you go greet other guests, I will go to see Sherry with Yu Sheng."

"it is good."

Today there are a lot of guests, all of them have faces and faces, and Zhuang Long is naturally very busy. Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Yusheng found Xiaoli. She has recovered successfully after giving birth, and she has lost weight into a bolt of lightning, but her chest and **** are still very warped.

Qiao Jiusheng stared at Xiaoli's protruding figure, tweeted, and said to his heart: If I were a man, I would have been soaking in Xiaoli.

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