The expression of promise stagnated.

He felt so tight that he couldn't say a word anymore.

Qiao Jiusheng was also very moved when he heard Ji Yinbing's words. She was so envious of her promise that he was really fateful and could be loved by the woman Ji Yinbing.

When she envied her promise, she also envied herself.

Ji Yinbing tried his best for his promise, and Fang Yusheng was a lucky man to break his own life. Qiao Jiusheng suddenly said to Yu Sheng, "Yu Sheng, in a while, I will give you a gift."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Temporarily confidential."

Qiao Jiusheng smiled mysteriously, the more she was like this, the more curious Fang Yusheng was. "Then when can I receive your gift?"

Qiao Jiusheng said, "Next month."

"it is good."

After getting Xiaoli's consent, Ji Yinbing bent over to hug Sherry who had just woke up. Little Shirley was lying in Ji Yinbing's arms, fingers shuttled through Ji Yinbing's hair, occasionally making a sound in her mouth.

Upon seeing this, Xiaoli said, "She likes you."

Ji Yinbing also likes children very much.

She rubbed Shirley's cheek with her cheek. The baby's cheek was smooth and tender, really like an egg. The more I love children in my heart, the more lonely Ji Yinbing's smile becomes.

"Promise, do you want to hug?" Ji Yinbing hugged Little Shirley and asked the tall man beside him.

Shirley opened her light blue eyes and stared at the high-altitude Uncle Yan Nuo. Yan Nuo's expression was always cold, without a trace of vivid expression. But Little Shirley stared at him for a long while, but smiled with her mouth bent.

This laugh made Yan promise stunned.

What is she laughing at?

The promise was a little puzzled.

Ji Yinbing chuckled scornfully, and directly handed Little Shirley into Yan promise's arms. The promise froze, and his big palm dragged Shirley's ass, panicking. "This..." Yan promised to return the child.

Several adults took a few steps back tacitly at the same time.

There is no one around the promise.

Yan Nuo glared at them, and had to hug the little guy in his arms tightly, with a very serious expression.

Shirley's small head rubbed against Yan Nuo's neck, very happy, Yan Nuo had only been so affectionate with Ji Yinbing in this life, and for a while, she was so stiff that she did not dare to move.

Qiao Jiusheng and Ji Yinbing stared at this funny scene, and they all held back their laughter.

Zhuang Long came over at this moment.

He snatched his daughter from the promise and warned promise, "This is my daughter, don't take advantage of her."

Yan promised his neck and replied, "It is she who wants to stick to me."

The tone of promise was a bit wronged.

Zhuang Long snorted, "You pig's hoof, my daughter is willing to be close to you, you should feel honored, and dare to dislike it!" His eyes turned, and the jokes on his face faded instantly. , Turned into a steady and calm.

"Lunch first. Everyone is staying at my house tonight. I have a surprise for everyone to see." When talking about the word surprise, Zhuang Long seemed to look twice more at Yan promise and Ji Yinbing.

But everyone was staring at Yan Nuo and Shirley without paying attention.

I ate French food for lunch. After the meal, everyone else left, only Qiao Jiusheng and the others stayed here. Qiao Jiusheng accompanied Fang Taoran to take a nap, and Fang Yusheng, Yan Nuo and Zhuang Long, the three went to the private golf course under Xiaoli's name for an afternoon.

When Qiao Jiusheng woke up, Fang Yusheng and the others had not returned.

Xiaoli today agreed to go to school to pick Zhuang Qilin home. He is not at home now, and picks up the child.

In the huge manor, only Ji Yinbing is at home.

When Qiao Jiusheng found Ji Yinbing, Ji Yinbing was on a video call with Susanna. Qiao Jiusheng walked into the camera and was spotted by Susanna. Susanna asked her to come and play together.

"Where are you?" Qiao Jiusheng looked at the background behind Susanna, as if at the airport.

Susanna said, "I'm in America, I'll be with you in a little while."

Susanna will naturally attend the Hundred Days Banquet of Zhuang Long's baby girl.

"only you?"

Susanna turned the camera around, and a woman with long legs and thin waist appeared in her eyes. That was Wei Xin. She was still high-profile today. She wore a black slim-fitting suit, lined with a bright red shirt, her black hair tied high in a ponytail, and her aura was full.

On the other hand, Susanna wore a dark blue denim cropped trousers and a light blue silk short shirt in a low-key manner. These two people have completely different temperaments and different personalities, but they can get along well in life.

Between people, it's really wonderful.

"Oh, there are reporters, I'll hang up first."

Perhaps a reporter recognized Wei Xin, and Susanna hung up the video.

The screen of the mobile phone went black. Ji Yinbing put away the mobile phone and said to Qiao Jiusheng, "Wei Xin wears such a high-profile, it is difficult not to be noticed."

After listening to Ji Yinbing's comment on the dressing style of a bad friend, Qiao Jiusheng said, "She has such a personality, she likes to be high-profile, and she refuses to be mediocre." Wei Xin is proud, and she also has that capital.

"I used to imagine what kind of person Susanna would live with in the future. In my fantasy, her lover is most likely a gentleman. The reality gave me a blow. She found someone with an arrogant personality. Still a woman, really..."

Ji Yinbing shook his head and laughed. She still remembers the shock and surprise when she heard from Susanna that she was about to marry a woman. In those few days, Ji Yinbing felt that he was walking on stilts, one foot deep and one shallow foot, which was unreal.

"To be honest, I was particularly afraid when I learned that Wei Xin had chased Fang Yusheng's good friend."

Ji Yinbing showed a surprised look, "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that Wei Xin and Susanna will part ways. It will be difficult for me to be a man if I am caught between them."

"Then you worry too much, I think they are in a good relationship."

"Isn't it uncertain at that time."

"That's true."

Thinking of something, Ji Yinbing suddenly held the blue necklace around her neck and said to Qiao Jiusheng, "Thank you for the gift, it's beautiful." She really liked it and couldn't wait to put on the new necklace.

Qiao Jiusheng waved her hand, and she said, "I don't have much else in my house, just this one, it's a trivial matter."

"I remember Ann likes to collect walking sticks. He has a lot of gems walking sticks. Your family also has a lot of jewels and diamonds. The two of you are really proud."

"But Fang Yusheng is an iron cock, very stingy." Anyway, Fang Yusheng is not here, Qiao Jiusheng can complain about Fang Yusheng to his heart's content.

Ji Yinbing smiled happily.

"Ann is like this. Although he is stingy, he does treat us sincerely."

"Are you his friends."

Ji Yinbing hummed. Seeing Fang Taoran was playing the rattle, she took away the rattle from Fang Taoran's hand and amused Fang Taoran. "Ranran in your family looks more like you."

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