Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1057: The sadness of being a mother

Fang Yu suddenly lifted the air-conditioning quilt, covering himself and Qiao Jiusheng's body.

Fang Taoran said again and then laughed.

Qiao Jiusheng smiled while propping his forehead, and asked Fang Yusheng to coax Fang Taoran.

Fang Yusheng hid in the quilt and put on his clothes. Then he got out of bed and hugged Fang Taoran to sleep. Fang Taoran soon fell asleep again. Fang Yusheng put her down and put a thin blanket on her stomach before going back to bed.

Fang Yusheng glanced at Qiao Jiusheng, and Qiao Jiusheng also looked at him, both eyes were smiling.

"Sleep, laugh!" Fang Yusheng became angry, and fell asleep after falling out of bed.

Qiao Jiusheng also hid under the quilt, making a pig laugh.

This time, Fang Yusheng and the others did not stay in the United States for too long. There are two little guys in the family who count the time every day to show them videos. They seldom leave the children, and blame them for missing them.

Susanna plans to live in the United States for a period of time this time. She is obviously very interested in Godsend. She plans to accompany Ji Yinbing and wait for the birth of Godsend. Wei Xin had his own house in New York, so he took Susanna back to live in his house.

After staying at Zhuang Long's house for two more days, Fang Yusheng returned home with his wife and daughter.

After returning home, their pace of life remains the same.

Qiao Jiusheng started to work formally, got up on time every day and went to work in the store. Fang Yusheng has not picked up a new job recently, and learns how to cook with Lu's boss every evening.

For more than a month, Fang Yusheng's cooking skills improved by leaps and bounds, and his family members praised the delicious dishes he cooked.

This made Fang Yusheng's vanity the greatest satisfaction.

Such days continued until December. In the middle of the night, Fang Yusheng was awakened by the bombing news in the OK group. He opened his eyes in a daze, turned on his phone, entered the OK group, and saw that everyone except him and Qiao Jiusheng were online.

Everyone is saying congratulations to Yan promise and Ji Yinbing.

Could it be...

Fang Yusheng quickly flipped up the photos and saw that Yan Nuo had posted a photo two minutes ago. In the photo, a baby with reddish skin is wrapped in soft white cotton cloth. She looks very strong, and her eyes look a little blue.

It seems that Wu Tianci inherited her father's eyes.

Fang Yusheng shook up Qiao Jiusheng quickly.

"A Sheng, wake up, Godsend is born!"

Waking up by Fang Yusheng, Qiao Jiusheng was still a little confused, almost holding him on the head and beating him hard. After hearing Fang Yusheng's words clearly, Qiao Jiusheng was also sober. She shook her head and rubbed her eyes again before staring at Fang Yusheng's phone.

"My God, it's so cute."

Qiao Jiusheng zoomed in on the child's photo. She said, "This child looks like Bingbing."

"I feel like a promise."

"Obviously like Bingbing."

The two argued for a while, and when they looked at each other, they felt that each other was naive. They stopped arguing and congratulated Yan and Ji Yinbing in the group.

Zhuang Long spoke: [The child is very healthy and the organs in the body are well developed. This child is the same as a normally developed child. 】

Seeing what Zhuang Long said, everyone's doubts hidden in their hearts were completely dispelled.

Zhuang Long said: [It looks like I am going to be a godfather again. 】

Promise: [Hmm. 】

Ji Yinbing: [Thank you. 】

Zhuang Long made a show off expression.

Fang Yusheng asked Zhuang Long again: [When do you plan to announce the news? 】

Zhuang Long: [After a while, let's observe the situation of Godsend first. Tianci is the first child born through a surrogate womb. Even Zhuang Long can't guarantee that Tianci will grow up healthy and safe.

The existence of this child is a miracle, and Zhuang Long must ensure that she is healthy before publishing the research results. Once this technology is released, the existence of Godsend will definitely be known to some people. At that time, how to protect this child's life from beatings will not be an easy task.

Zhuang Long privately shared his concerns with Yan Nuo, and Yan Nuo said domineeringly, "Whoever dares to make a god-given idea, I will kill anyone."

Zhuang Long also gave a thumbs up to his promise.

The existence of God-given words can't be concealed. Externally, Yan promised that Godsend was the child born by him looking for a surrogate. Everyone believed this. After all, no one would have thought that there is a black technology such as a surrogate uterus.

Fang Yusheng and Qiao Jiusheng flew to the United States again in mid-December. This time, they also left Fang Taoran at home.

They saw Yan Tianci with their own eyes. The little guy can eat well during confinement. When Fang Yusheng and the others saw Yan Tianci, Yan Tianci could already drink 80ml of milk in one go.

The little guy is very strong, for example, Fang Tao Ran grew much stronger when he was a child.

In this regard, Ji Yinbing showed anxiety.

She said, "I'm very worried that Godsend is growing too strong. As you know, girls are too strong, but they don't look good." Ji Yinbing frowned and said, "Growing too strong, I can only lift weights in the future. Up."

Qiao Jiusheng: "..."

Is this mother's anxiety disorder?

"She's not very strong either. In a few months, the speed of God-given meat growth will stop. When the time comes, she will grow faster, then she won't be so fat."

Ji Yinbing asked hurriedly, "Really?"

"Really, I have been the mother of three children." Qiao Jiusheng said this with confidence.

But Ji Yinbing said, "Your family, Kaikai, is still very strong."

Qiao Jiusheng: "..."

It's really annoying to drink ice in season as a mother.

"We Fang Zikai is too greedy. He loves snacks. He now knows he loves beauty and is already losing weight."

Ji Yinbing really believed Qiao Jiusheng's words.

The first time I became a mother, both Ji Yinbing and Yan Nuo seemed overwhelmed. Ji Yinbing was originally a person who didn't talk much. This time Qiao Jiusheng came, and she actually had a lot to say with Qiao Jiusheng.

Qiao Jiusheng quietly listened to the embarrassing things that happened when Ji Yinbing told her to take care of Yan Tianshen.

Through Ji Yinbing's narration, Yan promise became extremely strange, he no longer looked like the man Qiao Jiusheng knew. He will be flustered by the cry of a baby, and will no longer be calm.

He became very timid and didn't dare to bathe his daughter, fearing that he would hurt his daughter's delicate skin if he tried hard. Because Yan Tianci eats milk powder, the temperature of the milk powder should not be too high, but it should not be too low. For this reason, Yan Nuo has trained himself into a human-shaped thermometer, and you can accurately feel the water temperature with just a touch...

Ji Yinbing told Qiao Jiusheng about such trivial things.

The once indifferent and serious man finally showed his weakness after having a daughter. He is also an individual, and he also has areas that he is not good at.

Ji Yinbing said with a dry mouth.

Before that, Qiao Jiusheng couldn't believe that Ji Yinbing also had such a moment of TB. Ji Yinbing took a sip of water, and then began to share with Qiao Jiusheng the experience of bringing children during this period of time. These were trivial things, but when Ji Yinbing talked about those things, the corners of his mouth were always smiling.

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