It was only two months later that Fang Zicheng and Fang Zikai were able to see Lu Yinxi.

They dared not show up in front of her, but dared to look far away, afraid to stimulate Lu Yinxi. Fang Yusheng led them to visit Lu Yinxi. It was the third day of the first lunar month. All Chinese people were still in a festive atmosphere for the New Year, but Lu Yinxi had a very sad year.

Lu Yinxi has been receiving psychotherapy for the past two months,

Fang Yusheng and the others sat in a tea room, looking at Lu Yinxi through the window. Lu Yinxi had just walked out of the building of a psychological consultation and treatment institution, and it was her grandmother who sent her to receive psychological treatment.

Lu Yinxi's grandma is seventy-five this year, and she shouldn't live long.

Her back was hunched, and she was wearing a dark red down jacket. The old bereaved, and the white-haired person gave away the black-haired person. The old man looked particularly haggard. Lu Yinxi didn't seem to be any different from before, still beautiful and cute, but he didn't seem to have the cheerful smile on his face.

She became very silent, always bowing her head when she walked, and her ignorant and innocent eyes seemed to be filled with sorrow.

The two grandsons holding hands, walked over from the opposite road, and walked to the side of Fang Yusheng and the others. Grandma Lu led Lu Yinxi and walked over the street in front of Fang Zicheng and them.

Lu Yinxi clearly saw Fang Zicheng and Fang Zikai, but when he saw them, Lu Yinxi's eyes did not fluctuate. She seemed to not know them at all.

Fang Zikai pushed Fang Yusheng's arm and asked him, "Dad, does Lu Yinxi even recognize us?"

"Yeah. I heard that she only recognizes her grandma now."

Lu Yinxi now lives with Grandma Lu and lives in Grandma Lu's house. Fearing that it would irritate Lu Yinxi, Grandma Lu did not dare to take Lu Yinxi back to the house where she once lived. Boss Lu's house is already going to be sold.

Because of the murder case, the house of Lu Yinxi's house was sold at a very low price, but no one bought it.

Before Boss Lu died, there was still a deposit in the bank, which was enough for Lu Yinxi to finish high school. As for the university... Fang Yusheng discussed with Qiao Jiusheng and planned to help Lu Yinxi as a sponsor anonymously when she grew up.

The cost of Lu Yinxi's psychotherapy was also born to Fang Yu. The psychologist who gave Lu Yinxi psychotherapy was Fang Zicheng’s former psychologist. The cost of the psychologist was very high. Fang Yusheng quietly paid all the money, and then asked the police to contact Lu Yinxi’s grandmother, saying that it’s the psychologist. The doctor is free.

Grandma Lu took Lu Yinxi to see a psychiatrist.

When Boss Lu had just passed away, Lu Yinxi dared not see anyone. She would tremble with fear when she walked in the crowd. When I see something red, I will scream in surprise.

After two months of psychological treatment, Lu Yinxi was already much better. At least when she was walking on the street, she would not yell for no reason. Although she was very resistant when she saw something red, she was able to control her not to run away.

Fang Zicheng stared at the little figure and saw her go further and further, and she never looked up at herself from beginning to end.

Fang Zicheng stared at the yogurt in his hand, pursing a small mouth, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Moose, don't be sad." Lu Yinxi heard a boy talking to himself.

Lu Yinxi suddenly took her grandma's hand.

Grandma Lu looked down at her granddaughter and asked her, "What's wrong, Yinxi?"

Lu Yinxi finally raised her head. She raised her thin but pretty face and asked her grandma, "Grandma, have you heard anyone talking to me?"

Grandma Lu shook her head and said, "No."

"But I heard someone talking to me." Lu Yinxi heard the voice again, like a child. He was still talking. He said, "Moose, live well."

Lu Yinxi was startled.

She turned her head back abruptly, looking for the speaker behind her, but there were so many passers-by behind her, but no one was talking to her, let alone a child.

Lu Yinxi felt strange, her sluggish eyes finally fluctuated.

"I want to live well," she said in her heart.

Grandma Lu tightened Lu Yinxi's hand, "Let's go, today we are going to uncle's house for dinner, don't let everyone wait for a long time." Grandma Lu's family has three children, two sons and a daughter. Boss Lu is the boss. They are going to the house of her second son. She also has a young daughter, who rarely comes back all the year round.

Grandma Lu knew that she could live in a few years, and she died later, Lu Yinxi must be raised by her children.

The youngest daughter rarely returns home when she is out of town. Only her second son is close. Grandma Lu plans to take Lu Yinxi to the second son's house for a few more trips. After she dies, Yinxi will live in the second son's house before she gets used to it.

Of course, these things are all Lu Yinxi's plans. Lu Yinxi is still young, so Grandma Lu doesn't intend to tell her.

In her lifetime, she will take good care of Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi's second uncle is called Lu Zizun, and Dad Lu and his generation are from his own character school. Lu Yinxi's father is Lu Zide, her second uncle is Lu Zizun, and her little aunt is Lu Ziai.

Grandpa Lu named the three children for self-esteem and self-love, which shows how much love and hope he gave to the children.

Lu Yinxi was taken to Second Uncle Lu's house by Grandma Lu.

The one who opened the door was Aunt Lu, whose name was Yan Juan.

"Mom, Yinxi, are you here?" Yan Juan was still wearing an apron. Seeing Grandma Lu and the others were coming, she hurriedly welcomed them into the house. After pouring a cup of hot water for Grandma Lu and Lu Yinxi, Yan Juan ran to cook.

After Grandma Lu sat down on the sofa, Lu Yinxi sat down next to him.

Lu Yinxi was very close to her grandmother, sitting there in a proper manner, without squinting his eyes or stretching out his hands. The four-year-old child, well-behaved and sensible, made Grandma Lu feel sour when she saw it.

Second Uncle Lu also has a daughter named Lu Jingjing, who is about the same age as Lu Yinxi and more than a month younger than her. Lu Jingjing sat on the floor playing puzzles, and when she saw Lu Yinxi came, she didn't play with her.

In Lu Jingjing's view, Lu Yinxi is a strange child. As soon as she approached Lu Yinxi, this guy stared at her with guard eyes. Lu Jingjing didn't like Lu Yinxi, but he didn't hate her either, just didn't want to play with her.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two granddaughters is average, and Grandma Lu does not force them to play together. She glanced around the room, did not see Lu Zizun, and asked Yan Juan in the kitchen, "Where are the old two?"

"There is no wine at home, he went to buy wine."

"I bought wine again. Has he been drinking frequently recently? Last time I heard your aunt said that the second child got drunk and got into a fight with you one night. Is there such a thing?"

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