Qiao Jiusheng didn't speak.

In the village in front, there was a sudden movement, there were police sirens, and police warnings came out of the horns.

Qiao Jiusheng walked to the door of the village with Fang Taoran in his arms, met with the policeman in charge of the operation, said a few words, and then walked into a room with Fang Taoran in his arms.

In the house, there were more than a dozen adults caught in handcuffs, and nearly twenty disabled children. Some of them have broken hands, some have broken feet, and the only one who is in good health is the boy who sang before.

How come there are so many disabled children?

Fang Taoran's eyes widened, staring at these disabled children. For a moment, she guessed something, her face pale.

When the police arrested the traffickers and took the disabled children to the police station for filing, Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Taoran returned to the hotel. Fang Taoran was silly, sitting on the side of the bed, losing the ability to speak.

Qiao Jiusheng squatted in front of her.

She looked up at her daughter's pale face. She held Fang Taoran's hand. In summer, Fang Taoran's hand was cold. Qiao Jiusheng held back the unbearable feeling in his heart, and Tao Ran said, "Of course, do you know that if you were taken away by a trafficker last time and we didn't find you, what would you end up doing?"

Fang Taoran rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Qiao Jiusheng told her, "If you are lucky, you will be sold as an adopted daughter by a stranger. Unlucky, you will be raised as a child bride. If you are more miserable, you will be interrupted by human traffickers and then be Forced to beg on the street."


Fang Taoran broke down and cried.

She was trembling all over, crying and said, "Stop mom, don't say it! I will never run away from home in the future, mom, I was wrong!"

Qiao Jiusheng grabbed Fang Taoran's hand and forced Fang Taoran to look at him.

Fang Taoran was forced to stare at Qiao Jiusheng's gaze.

"Ranran." Qiao Jiusheng stroked Fang Taoran's hair with a heartache, and put her forehead against Fang Taoran's forehead. She said, "Ranran, Dad beat you not because of anger, but because of pain."

"You don't know how uncomfortable Dad will be if you have an accident. Dad will be crazy."

"Of course, Dad loves you so much, how can you make Dad sad?"

After Qiao Jiusheng's enlightenment, Fang Taoran, who was full of resentment with Yu Sheng in his heart, instantly understood his father's painstaking efforts. She slammed into Qiao Jiusheng's arms and cried for a long time in her arms.

After crying, Fang Taoran made a request to Qiao Jiusheng, "Mom, I want to borrow your phone and call Dad."

Qiao Jiusheng agreed.

She turned on the phone, clicked on Fang Yusheng's phone number, and dialed it.

The phone was quickly connected, Fang Yusheng shouted at A Sheng on the other end, and then said, "A Sheng, why did you suddenly go to GZ City, and didn't tell me what to do, which made me worried. If it hadn’t been for Bufan to call and say you went to GZ City, I don’t know yet..."

"Dad." Fang Taoran called him softly.

The chattering man on the other end of the phone suddenly became silent.

Fang Yusheng did not speak, but did not hang up the phone either.

Fang Taoran thought of the words he had seen before, and remembered the tearful eyes when his father looked at him last time when he ran away from home and was taken home. She felt uncomfortable, and Fang Taoran cried out.

Fang Taoran suddenly burst into tears, still frightening Fang Yusheng.

Fang Yusheng couldn't really be cruel to his daughter.

He said softly, "What are you crying for?"

Dad's tone was very blunt, but Fang Taoran was still sour. While rubbing her eyes, she apologized to Fang Yusheng. "I'm sorry, Dad, I was wrong, I shouldn't run around, and I was almost abducted by a trafficker. I don't know how to make Dad worry and fear, so I should fight."

"Dad, I'm sorry, if you still refuse to forgive Ranran, then you will be back tomorrow, and you will continue to have a casual meal, okay?"

Without hearing Fang Yusheng's words, Fang Taoran thought that Fang Yusheng was still angry with him, so he said, "I'm serious, Dad, you beat Ranran's **** to bleed again, okay?"

Take the initiative to ask others to beat him, this is the first time Fang Taoran has done so in his life.

"...Hey!" Fang Yusheng sighed.

Fang Taoran pricked his ears, for fear of missing every word his father would say next. "Tell me what mom took you to do today."

Fang Taoran told Fang Yusheng what he saw and did today.

After listening to her, Fang Yusheng said, “Mom is also very worried about you. In those few days, your mother was always crying secretly. Fang Taoran, you should apologize to your mother too.”

"I apologized to her."

"You should also apologize to your grandparents and two brothers. They are also worried about you."

"I will call them immediately and apologize."


Fang Yusheng gave a hum, and then stopped talking.

Fang Taoran didn't know her heart, and asked Fang Yusheng again, "Then father, do you forgive me?"

Fang Yusheng felt awkward.

Forgive a four-year-old girl, why does it sound like he is naive?

"Forgive you."

"I love your father!" Fang Taoran excitedly kissed Fang Yusheng on the other end of the phone. Fang Yusheng laughed and scolded her as a ghost, "Give the phone to your mother."

"it is good."

Fang Yusheng spoke to Qiao Jiusheng for a while before ending the call.

The next day, when Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Taoran left the hotel with their small bags on their backs, they met the boy who sang last night at the entrance of the hotel. The boy wore some fairly clean clothes today. The clothes didn't fit well. They should belong to someone else.

His long, messy hair was cut short with scissors, and his body was washed. Qiao Jiusheng discovered that the young man looks very good, and the lines of his lips and nose are clear. His two black eyes are not suitable for his age. Some are deep and steady.

The twelve or thirteen-year-old boy stood at the door of the hotel, his eyes were firm and his body had a temperament of reluctance.

He is like a cypress tree, standing in the cold wind, growing against the wind.

Qiao Jiusheng noticed the boy and paused slightly. Instead of walking towards the boy, she turned and walked towards the taxi. Fang Taoran glanced at the boy, his lips moved a few times, but in the end he didn't speak, and followed Qiao Jiusheng to get into the car.

Seeing that Qiao Jiusheng had clearly found himself and recognized his identity, the boy pretended not to recognize him. He was a little empty in his heart, a little panic.

This woman is his only way to survive, and he must fight for something for himself.

The boy's hands squeezed and then released. He suddenly strode towards Qiao Jiusheng. "Madam." The boy's voice was clear, very different from the ferocious tone last night.

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