Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1076: If you can stay together

They went where they both wanted to go, and they didn't understand the languages ​​of some countries, so they went with a tour group. Everywhere they went, they would sit down at the local bus stop, dressed in a pair of couple outfits, sitting upright on the bench.

They put their hands on their thighs, looked straight ahead, and took a picture.

In one year and two months, the couple took more than 20,000 photos. Back in Binjiang City, Fang Yusheng made those photos into an album. On the front page of the album, he wrote the next sentence by himself——

If life can stand together forever, my forty-six years with her.

Forty-six years are the days when they can truly live together in this life. He reunited with her when he was 29 years old and obtained a marriage certificate. He would die when he was 75 years old, and he would accompany her through 46 years of this life.

Fang Yusheng put the photo album in the most conspicuous position of the collection room. Later, whenever they went to a brand new place, he would take a photo with the same pose and put it in the photo album.

Occasionally, they don't go anywhere for a year, so they wear couple clothes and take a photo at the bus station of Binjiang Station on Binjiang Avenue in Binjiang City.

Many years later, when they were buried together under the loess soil, they fell asleep forever. In the solo exhibition of the late jade carving master Qiao Jiusheng, this photo album appeared on the exhibition site as a special exhibit.

Those who come to the exhibition will smile knowingly after watching this set of albums. Like them, it should be love. A life that's just talked about, love seriously, and get old seriously.

How great!

During Qiao Jiusheng's global travel more than a year, many changes have taken place in the children. Fang Zikai completely dominates the school. Everyone has to shout ‘Brother Kai’ when he sees him.

What makes people feel incomprehensible is that Fang Zi Cheng Mingming is a very obedient and disciplined student. He has achieved excellent results in every exam, but the school children will still call him ‘Brother Cheng’ when they see him.

In front of him, everyone called him Brother Cheng, but secretly called him Brother Iron Egg.

In this regard, Fang Zicheng believes that it is all because of Fang Zikai's relationship.

That's right, they must call themselves Brother Cheng because they are Fang Zikai's eldest brother. It was definitely not the reason why he seemed too indifferent and scary.

In the kindergarten, the younger sister Fang Taoran also perfectly inherited the aggressive style of her little brother. She is like a copy of Gu Yiqiu, playing invincible all over the kindergarten.

Lisa is worried about the performance of these three grandchildren at school. If this continues, among the three children of the Fang family, will there be two overlords and one Gao Leng brother? Unlike Lisa, she only insists on fists as the boss, but why should we be reasonable for everything that can be solved with fists?

With the acquiescence of Chi Guang Guang, Fang Zikai and Fang Taoran went further and further on the road to dominance.

When Qiao Jiusheng and the others came back and found that the situation was a little serious, they couldn't change it. Fang Zikai is a boy, and it doesn't matter if he is a little bit skinny, but Fang Taoran's change makes Fang Yusheng unable to accept it.

My little princess, shouldn’t you be wearing a princess dress and betraying your dad’s cute little cute baby? How did you grow into a little queen wearing leather jeans and walking windy!

Fang Yusheng's heart was broken.

Every time I see Princess Jiang from Fang Yuqing's family, I express my admiration.

When Fang Zikai was in fourth grade, his boss Gu Yiqiu transferred to another school. Gu Yiqiu is the old daughter of Major General Gu. Major General Gu is at the age of retirement. Because Gu Yiqiu's mother is in poor health, he intends to take him abroad for treatment. This has been going on for several years.

There is another brother on Gu Yiqiu. His brother is already married and his son is one year older than Gu Yiqiu. Gu Yiqiu's father originally planned to entrust her to her brother to take care of her, but Gu Yiqiu's sister-in-law was a little concerned. She always couldn't accept this little sister who was born after she married into Gu's family.

It was taken out, others thought it was her daughter.

Gu Yiqiu also knew that her sister-in-law didn't like her, and she planned to live abroad with her parents for a few years.

Gu's father respected his daughter's own plan, so he went through the withdrawal procedures for her. On the day Gu Yiqiu left, she invited her most beloved little brother to a milk tea shop.

Fang Zikai entered the milk tea shop with his schoolbag on his back, and when he saw Gu Yiqiu, he waved at her and shouted, "Boss!"

The Xiangjiang Noble Academy has customized student uniforms. Each person has five sets of school uniforms, one set of sportswear, two sets of summer clothes, and two sets of winter clothes. One set of summer girls is trousers and another is short skirt.

Today Gu Yiqiu wore that summer dress with a short skirt.

She was writing a post-it note, and when she heard Fang Zikai's voice, she said to him, "Come here!"

Fang Zikai ran over.

Even if he has become a big brother in the school, Fang Zikai still respects her when he meets Gu Yiqiu, who has taken him to the world since he was a child. "Boss, what do you write?" Fang Zikai leaned over and saw Gu Yiqiu writing on the post-it—

Kai Kai, I will always be your boss, you have to listen to me for the rest of your life.

"Come, sign." Gu Yiqiu handed the pen to Fang Zikai and asked him to sign.

This is her most loyal little brother. She has to win over the little brother's heart before going abroad, but she can't let him be snatched away by others. Fang Zikai ate so many chocolates from Gu Yiqiu, and signed the name without thinking about it.

Gu Yiqiu signed his name again.

She took out her mobile phone and took a photo. She said, "I will post this to my QQ space. You can't go wrong."

"Are you still playing QQ?"

"Yeah. My mother applied to me before."


"I invite you to drink milk tea." Gu Yiqiu took out his small purse and said to Fang Zikai with pride, "What do you want to drink? Directly! I'll buy it for you!" The tone was extremely domineering, as if the domineering president was treating himself. Xiaojiao's wife said: Whatever you are interested in, just take it, and I will pay.

Fang Zikai ordered a cup of mandarin duck milk tea, and Gu Yiqiu ordered himself a cup of double skin milk.

After drinking the milk tea, Gu Yiqiu said, "I'm leaving now."

Fang Zikai immediately picked up his bag, stood up, and said to her, "Let's go, I'm going back too, see you tomorrow." He thought Gu Yiqiu was going home. Gu Yiqiu looked at Fang Zikai with an expression that hesitated to speak.

Fang Zikai noticed something was wrong.

"What's the matter?" He saw Gu Yiqiu motionless, thinking she was uncomfortable, "My legs are numb?"

Gu Yiqiu stood up suddenly and hugged Fang Zikai.

Fang Zikai was surprised.

Gu Yiqiu said, "I'm going abroad, Kai Kai, don't forget the boss. I'm going abroad to stay for a few years, and when I come back, I will continue to lead you to fight the world!" Common ideals.

Fang Zikai was completely shocked.

Go abroad...

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