Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1078: Grow in adversity

But the salary of Lu Zizhen can only support the survival of the family. Saving money is not easy. But three years ago, Yan Juan always had a pain in her lower abdomen. When she went to the hospital for a check-up, she found a tumor in her uterus.

When Yan Juan discovered a tumor in the uterus, the tumor was already very large. She underwent a uterine removal operation on the advice of a doctor. The operation cost 20,000 to 30,000, and part of it was reimbursed, but the only savings in the family were spent.

The savings were spent. It was not what made Yan Juan the most discouraged. What really made her feel uncomfortable was that after the operation, her secretions in her body decreased and her ** also decreased.

Whenever Lu Zizun wanted it, she would give it to him. But her body was dry, and Lu Zizun was not a person who loved his wife. Every intimacy made her feel painful. Lu Zizun saw that Yan Juan was forcing herself to accept him, and gradually, Lu Zizun stopped touching her.

Last year, the freight company where Lu Zizun worked was closed, and Lu Zizun lost his job again. The **** life of the husband and wife is not harmonious, and there is no work, and there is another daughter in the family who wants to study. Lu Zizun was anxious for a while, so he used alcohol to numb him day and night.

During the year, he kept looking for women outside, he spent money to find, he had **** with the women of his colleagues. He also gambled and drank, Yan Juan knew all of these, but she didn't dare to say a word.

After Lu Zizun finished cursing, he picked up his chopsticks and ate a few bites again.

The bathroom door suddenly opened, and Lu Zizun looked over after hearing the sound.

A young girl in a suit and pajamas came out. The girl is only fourteen years old, but she has a well-developed body. Under the loose pink pajamas, a pair of crisp **** are not too big, but they are beautiful.

She had just taken a shower and her pajamas were close to her body. When Lu Zizun looked back at her, he glanced over her **** and chest.

This girl is not Lu Jingjing, but Lu Yinxi.

Four years ago, Grandma Lu fell ill and died. Lu Yinxi moved into the second uncle's house. She knew that her second uncle's family was in a bad family situation, and the savings left by her parents were only enough for her to study and graduate from high school.

In the future, she will have to make money for the tuition and living expenses of university.

Lu Yinxi hasn't bought a piece of clothing in the past few years, so he spends a little money on school supplies, underwear, and physiological supplies throughout the year. The clothes Lu Yinxi wore were all that Lu Jingjing didn't need.

This dress was worn on my own daughter's body, and worn on my niece, but it has improved a few grades.

This niece is younger and more beautiful than her mother!

Lu Zizun's eyes lit up, and some vague thoughts flashed in his mind. He shook his head and dispelled those thoughts before asking Lu Yinxi, "Yinxi, where is your sister?"

The girl raised her head to look at Lu Zi-respect. She was fourteen years old. She was very good-looking. Her wet eyes were like elk, which made people feel itchy. The girl looked stunningly beautiful, Lu Zizun saw it, and there was always a cat's paw scratching in his heart.

Lu Yinxi said, "My sister and friends went out for an autumn tour." Seeing that Lu Zizun's cheeks were a little red, he asked Lu Zizun, "Second Uncle, are you drinking again?"

Lu Zizun's eyes sank, he ignored this question, and asked her, "Where's your aunt?"

For some reason, the look in the eyes of the second uncle made Lu Yinxi a little afraid.

She pointed to the master bedroom, and then said, "Auntie is a little uncomfortable. She seems to have a headache. She is sleeping." While cooking, Yan Juan kept saying that she had a headache. Lu Yinxi took the initiative to help Yan Juan after finishing her homework rice.

"Oh." Lu Zizun's expression seemed disappointed, and Lu Yinxi couldn't figure out what he was disappointed. Lu Zizun picked up his chopsticks again, ate a cold chopsticks pig liver, and said, "The pig liver is too old to bite. Your aunt's cooking is getting worse and worse."

The second uncle complained about her aunt's various discomforts all day long. Lu Yinxi listened a lot and got used to it.

My aunt is accustomed to this, what can she do if she doesn't understand it?

Under the fence, many times, Lu Yinxi was so accustomed to seeing it that he could only bear it.

She went back to the room and wiped her wet hair, then took a basin and rubbed today's clothes, hung them up, and went back to the room to read. The Lu family’s house is small, with three bedrooms and two halls. One master bedroom has the largest area, and Lu Jingjing’s room is second. You can put down a bed, a bedside table, and a wardrobe. Lu Yinxi’s room was a guest room, and could only put down a 1.2-meter bed and a small double-door wardrobe.

Lu Yinxi turned on the small table lamp beside the bed, opened the textbook to preview the content to be learned tomorrow, and after the preview, he took out the workbook to study the questions.

Lu Yinxi's grades are not top-notch. Today's students always have endless classes and interest classes after school. People with good grades are still working hard, and Lu Yinxi, who has no money for tutoring with poor grades, can only work harder.

The next morning, when Lu Yinxi got up, she saw Yan Juan cooking noodles. She helped wash a few greens and cooked them, and ate a bowl of noodles with a little shredded pork and greens, so she jogged to school. .

The school has a school bus, and an extra 800 yuan is charged for a semester. Luyinxi can save money.

Lu Yinxi went to a public school. Binjiang City is too big and has a large population. There are nearly 20 junior high schools in the urban area. The best public middle school is No. 1 Middle School, and the private school is Xiangjiang International College.

Lu Yinxi reads Luoyang Junior High School, which is the nearest to home.

Three years old in junior high school, each grade has eight classes, Lu Yinxi is in Class 6, and Lu Jingjing is in Class 5. When Lu Yinxi arrived at the gate of the school, he saw Lu Jingjing and some friends coming.

After the autumn tour ended yesterday, Lu Jingjing lived with her classmates, and today she did not change her school uniform.

Seeing Lu Yinxi, Lu Jingjing raised her hand to her and asked, "Where is my clothes?"


After Lu Yinxi handed the clothes he was holding to Lu Jingjing, he ran to the classroom quickly.

When Lu Jingjing's classmates saw Lu Yinxi running far away, they said to Lu Jingjing, "Does your sister run to school every morning?"

"Yeah." Although Lu Jingjing didn't like Lu Yinxi, she didn't hate it either. The main reason was that Lu Yinxi was too courageous when he was young, and the two of them couldn't play together. Her friend said, "Why doesn't she take the school bus?"

"The school bus charges 800 yuan per semester."

"Isn't she 800 yuan?" My friends have never seen such a poor one.

It was her sister, Lu Jingjing was still a little unhappy when she heard her friends say that about her sister. She put her smile away and said to her friend, "Don't talk about her like that. After her parents died, they didn't have much money left. Our family can't help her too much. She has to save some flowers."

Seeing that Lu Jingjing was about to get angry, his friends would just accept it.

Before class every day, Lu Yinxi and the others have 20 minutes of morning reading time for self-study, five days a week, three days Chinese, and two days English.

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