When Fangfang, the massage shop, died, she lay beside Lu Zizun, and Fangfang died after Lu Zizun did something like that to her.

The proprietor of the massage shop who didn't intend to trouble Lu Zizun, but now insists that Fangfang will die because Lu Zizun used some aphrodisiac and yang drugs when he was doing that kind of thing, which hurt Fangfang.

Lu Zizun is indisputable.

At the first instance, both Lu Jingjing and Yan Juan did not appear in court. The judge ruled that Fangfang’s death was a sudden death during sexual intercourse. In addition, the owner of the massage shop and other women in the shop said that Fangfang had begged to get around before his death. They all heard the movement. But Lu Zizun didn't stop.

Under the circumstances that Qianfu pointed out, Lu Zizun's speech also became clumsy. He only repeatedly denied that he had acted excessively towards Fangfang. However, the court ultimately found that Lu Zixue's negligence caused death, sentenced him to six years in prison, and had to pay Fangfang's old mother 50,000 yuan.

Lu Zizun went to jail by himself, but left his wife and daughter with a heavy debt of 50,000 yuan. Yan Juan was so stupefied that she almost vomited a mouthful of old blood. Lu Zizun went to prison. When Yan Juan went to see him, she pointed at him and yelled at him. It is better to call him a beast and call him no conscience.

On that day, Yan Juan put all the insults accumulated for half a lifetime on her husband.

Lu Jingjing has also grown up in a short time, she has become frugal, and she has not been so ostentatious in school. Lu Zizun couldn't hide those things at all. Gradually, someone in the school knew that Lu Jingjing's father had killed her because of whoring, and was arrested and sent to jail.

Lu Jingjing's face was dull, and she felt unable to lift her head when she walked. In the two years of the second and third year, Lu Jingjing's not-so-excellent grades have plummeted. Naturally, Lu Yinxi also heard about Lu Zi-respect. When she returned to her aunt's house, she told her about it.

Lu Ziai finished listening, but gave a faint hum.

Lu Ziai didn't seem to be touched by the fact that his brother went to jail. Lu Yinxi always couldn't understand her aunt. She felt that her aunt was a little affectionate. When she heard that her parents died, her aunt was also indifferent. When her grandma died, her aunt refused to even see her for the last time.

What is it that made Auntie completely break with the Lu family?

Winter vacation is coming soon, and those students in the class who don't like to study are also embracing the Buddha's feet temporarily, reducing their playing time every day and becoming more interested in learning.

In the morning, Lu Yinxi took the subway through the underground of Binjiang City to Luoyang Junior High School in Nancheng. She walked into the classroom and found that the atmosphere in the classroom today seemed a little different.

Lu Yinxi noticed that the few girls in front of him who loved students were not reading books, but were gathering together to discuss something.

Lu Yinxi walked to her seat, put down her schoolbag, and heard the girl in the yellow down jacket in front say, "It's so handsome, even if he comes on stage with a cane, he is still handsome!"

Which star is this discussing?

This morning’s morning reading class was English. Lu Yinxi took out English listening test papers and English textbooks, and she heard another girl say, “He also looks good when he plays the violin. Hey, he’s really handsome. I’m so handsome. I heard that their family is very rich, handsome, rich, and can play the violin. This is the hero of the novel."

A nymphomaniac came in, "If he is the protagonist of a novel, then I am willing to be the heroine of a novel."

"Fuck you, you will be a passerby. You don't even have a role as a green tea bitch."

With that said, the three girls began to push and shoved, all wanting to be the heroine.

Lu Yinxi listened for a while with his ears erected, and probably guessed who they were discussing.

They were talking about Fang Zikai, the senior who was in the third year of junior high at Beicheng Xiangjiang International College. I heard that this student is extremely dazzling, handsome, rich in family, talented, and good grades.

They lost to others in their mother's womb.

Lu Yinxi put away his mind and began to read in the morning.

On the morning when the final exams of the first semester of the second year of junior high school ended, Lu Yinxi handed in the test papers and planned to go to the subway station to take the car home. She had just walked to the school gate, and suddenly heard someone calling her name behind her——

"Lu Yinxi."

Lu Yinxi tightened the strap of the schoolbag on his back, looked back and saw Lu Jingjing behind him.

She noticed that Lu Jingjing was wearing a blue down jacket from last year.

This dress cost more than 600 yuan at the time. For Lu Zizun's family, Yan Juan was able to spend more than 600 yuan to buy a down jacket for Lu Jingjing, and she really spoiled her.

Lu Jingjing liked this dress very much at the time, and after wearing it for a while, it faded away. Before Lu Zizun's accident, Lu Yinxi discovered that Lu Jingjing had barely worn this dress, and she was still saying that she would buy a new one at that time.

Lu Zizun went to jail and threw 50,000 yuan in compensation to their mother and daughter. In addition to the money borrowed from various places to repay Lu Yinxi, Lu Jingjing's mother and daughter still owe 80,000 yuan.

In the past few years, Lu Jingjing could not afford hundreds of down jackets.

So she put on clothes that were outdated last year.

Lu Yinxi's expression didn't change, she called sister Jingjing, and fell silent again. Lu Yinxi is not a talkative person. Lu Jingjing took the initiative to find her, and Lu Yinxi didn't know what to say to her.

Lu Jingjing smiled far-fetched, and then asked her, "You live with your aunt now?"


Lu Jingjing asked again, "Aunt, how is she to you?" Lu Jingjing heard that their aunt is very cold-tempered.

Lu Yinxi's eyes became warm when he thought of Lu Zi'ai.

"Aunt is very good." Aunt was cold and warm, and Lu Yinxi cherished her aunt.

Looking carefully at Lu Yinxi's expression when he was speaking, he confirmed that Lu Yinxi was not lying, but telling a fact, and Lu Jingjing was really relieved. "That's good."

The two didn't seem to say anything to each other. Lu Yinxi couldn't bear the embarrassment, so he asked Lu Jingjing, "Sister Jingjing, you are looking for me, is there anything wrong?"

Lu Jingjing didn't rush to answer, but took off the schoolbag on her shoulder, she reached out and touched it, and finally found something. Lu Jingjing stretched out her hand in front of Lu Yinxi. She spread out her palm and said, "Return it to you. You have not come back since you left. I just remembered the other day that your things are still with me. ."

Lu Yinxi stared at the peach blossom hairpin in Lu Jingjing's palm.

She always remembered that she had a hairpin with Lu Jingjing, but Lu Jingjing never mentioned it, and Lu Yinxi was embarrassed to ask for it. The peach blossom hairpin is well-preserved and very beautiful, emitting a brilliant and dazzling brilliance in the warm winter sun.

Lu Yinxi reached out and took the hairpin.

Lu Jingjing said suddenly, "I went to Lindy's house that night. Lindy praised me for being beautiful and the hairpin on my head was beautiful." She was clearly talking about a happy thing, but her expression seemed to be crying.

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